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To improve recruitment and activation of natural killer (NK) cells to lyse tumor cells, we isolated a human anti-CD16A antibody with similar affinity for the CD16A 158F/V allotypes, but no binding to the CD16B isoform. Using CD16A-targeting Fv domains, we constructed a tetravalent bispecific CD30/CD16A tandem diabody (TandAb®) consisting solely of Fv domains. This TandAb has two binding sites for CD16A and two for CD30, the antigen identifying Hodgkin lymphoma cells. The binding and cytotoxicity of the TandAb were compared with antibodies with identical anti-CD30 domains: (1) a native IgG, (2) an IgG optimized for binding to Fc receptors, and (3) a bivalent bispecific CD30/CD16A diabody. Due to its CD16A-bivalency and reduced koff, the TandAb was retained longer on the surface of NK cells than the IgGs or the diabody. This contributed to the higher potency and efficacy of the TandAb relative to those of the other anti-CD30 antibodies. TandAb cytotoxicity was independent of the CD16A allotype, whereas the anti-CD30 IgGs were substantially less cytotoxic when NK cells with low affinity CD16A allotype were employed. TandAb activation of NK cells was strictly dependent on the presence of CD30+ target cells. Therefore, the CD30/CD16A TandAb may represent a promising therapeutic for the treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma; further, anti-CD16A TandAbs may function as potent immunotherapeutics that specifically recruit NK cells to destroy cancer cells.  相似文献   
The Nkuhlu large‐scale long‐term exclusion experiment in Kruger National Park was designed to study the long‐term effects of large herbivores on vegetation. One treatment excludes elephants, another excludes all herbivores larger than hares and another one comprises an open, control area. Vegetation monitoring was implemented in 2002 when a baseline survey was conducted prior to exclusion. Monitoring was repeated 5 years after exclusion. Data from the surveys were analysed to establish how structure and composition of woody vegetation had changed 5 years after herbivore exclusion. The analysis showed that neither plant assemblage nor mean vegetation height had changed significantly since exclusion. However, both species richness and density of woody plants increased 5 years after exclusion of all large herbivores, but not after the exclusion of elephants alone. One already common species, Dichrostachys cinerea, became more common after excluding all large herbivores compared with either no exclusion or elephant exclusion, possibly leading to competitive suppression of other species. Species other than D. cinerea tended to either increase or decrease in density, but the changes were insufficient to induce significant shifts in the overall assemblage of woody plants. The results indicate that after 5 years of exclusion, the combined assemblage of large herbivores, and not elephants alone, could induce changes in species richness and abundances of woody plants, but the effect was so far insufficient to induce measureable shifts in the assemblages of woody plants. It is possible that assemblages will change with time and increasing elephant numbers may amplify future changes.  相似文献   
Lynch syndrome is caused by germline mutations of DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes, most frequently MLH1 and MSH2. Recently, MMR-deficient crypt foci (MMR-DCF) have been identified as a novel lesion which occurs at high frequency in the intestinal mucosa from Lynch syndrome mutation carriers, but very rarely progress to cancer. To shed light on molecular alterations and clinical associations of MMR-DCF, we systematically searched the intestinal mucosa from Lynch syndrome patients for MMR-DCF by immunohistochemistry. The identified lesions were characterised for alterations in microsatellite-bearing genes with proven or suspected role in malignant transformation. We demonstrate that the prevalence of MMR-DCF (mean 0.84 MMR-DCF per 1 cm2 mucosa in the colorectum of Lynch syndrome patients) was significantly associated with patients’ age, but not with patients’ gender. No MMR-DCF were detectable in the mucosa of patients with sporadic MSI-H colorectal cancer (n = 12). Microsatellite instability of at least one tested marker was detected in 89% of the MMR-DCF examined, indicating an immediate onset of microsatellite instability after MMR gene inactivation. Coding microsatellite mutations were most frequent in the genes HT001 (ASTE1) with 33%, followed by AIM2 (17%) and BAX (10%). Though MMR deficiency alone appears to be insufficient for malignant transformation, it leads to measurable microsatellite instability even in single MMR-deficient crypts. Our data indicate for the first time that the frequency of MMR-DCF increases with patients’ age. Similar patterns of coding microsatellite instability in MMR-DCF and MMR-deficient cancers suggest that certain combinations of coding microsatellite mutations, including mutations of the HT001, AIM2 and BAX gene, may contribute to the progression of MMR-deficient lesions into MMR-deficient cancers.  相似文献   
Variance component (VC) approaches based on restricted maximum likelihood (REML) have been used as an attractive method for positioning of quantitative trait loci (QTL). Linkage disequilibrium (LD) information can be easily implemented in the covariance structure among QTL effects (e.g. genotype relationship matrix) and mapping resolution appears to be high. Because of the use of LD information, the covariance structure becomes much richer and denser compared to the use of linkage information alone. This makes an average information (AI) REML algorithm based on mixed model equations and sparse matrix techniques less useful. In addition, (near-) singularity problems often occur with high marker densities, which is common in fine-mapping, causing numerical problems in AIREML based on mixed model equations. The present study investigates the direct use of the variance covariance matrix of all observations in AIREML for LD mapping with a general complex pedigree. The method presented is more efficient than the usual approach based on mixed model equations and robust to numerical problems caused by near-singularity due to closely linked markers. It is also feasible to fit multiple QTL simultaneously in the proposed method whereas this would drastically increase computing time when using mixed model equation-based methods.  相似文献   
The interaction between membrane proteins and the surrounding membrane is becoming increasingly appreciated for its role in regulating protein function, protein localization, and membrane morphology. In particular, recent studies have suggested that membrane deformation is needed to stably accommodate proteins harboring charged amino acids in their transmembrane (TM) region, as it is energetically prohibitive to bury charge in the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. Unfortunately, current computational methods are poorly equipped for describing such deformations, as atomistic simulations are often too short to observe large-scale membrane reorganization and most continuum approaches assume a flat membrane. Previously, we developed a method that overcomes these shortcomings by using elasticity theory to characterize equilibrium membrane distortions in the presence of a TM protein, while using traditional continuum electrostatic and nonpolar energy models to determine the energy of the protein in the membrane. Here, we linked the elastostatics, electrostatics, and nonpolar numeric solvers to permit the calculation of energies for nontrivial membrane deformations. We then coupled this procedure to a robust search algorithm that identifies optimal membrane shapes for a TM protein of arbitrary chemical composition. This advance now permits us to explore a host of biological phenomena that were beyond the scope of our original method. We show that the energy required to embed charged residues in the membrane can be highly nonadditive, and our model provides a simple mechanical explanation for this nonadditivity. Our results also predict that isolated voltage sensor segments do not insert into rigid membranes, but membrane bending dramatically stabilizes these proteins in the bilayer despite their high charge content. Additionally, we use the model to explore hydrophobic mismatch with regard to nonpolar peptides and mechanosensitive channels. Our method is in quantitative agreement with molecular dynamics simulations at a tiny fraction of the computational cost.  相似文献   


When grown in three-dimensional (3D) cultures, epithelial cells typically form cystic organoids that recapitulate cardinal features of in vivo epithelial structures. Characterizing essential cell actions and their roles, which constitute the system's dynamic phenotype, is critical to gaining deeper insight into the cystogenesis phenomena.  相似文献   
In a simulation study, different designs were compared for efficiency of fine-mapping of QTL. The variance component method for fine-mapping of QTL was used to estimate QTL position and variance components. The design of many families with small size gave a higher mapping resolution than a design with few families of large size. However, the difference is small in half sib designs. The proportion of replicates with the QTL positioned within 3 cM of the true position is 0.71 in the best design, and 0.68 in the worst design applied to 128 animals with a phenotypic record and a QTL explaining 25% of the phenotypic variance. The design of two half sib families each of size 64 was further investigated for a hypothetical population with effective size of 1000 simulated for 6000 generations with a marker density of 0.25 cM and with marker mutation rate 4 × 10-4 per generation. In mapping using bi-allelic markers, 42~55% of replicated simulations could position QTL within 0.75 cM of the true position whereas this was higher for multi allelic markers (48~76%). The accuracy was lowest (48%) when mutation age was 100 generations and increased to 68% and 76% for mutation ages of 200 and 500 generations, respectively, after which it was about 70% for mutation ages of 1000 generations and older. When effective size was linearly decreasing in the last 50 generations, the accuracy was decreased (56 to 70%). We show that half sib designs that have often been used for linkage mapping can have sufficient information for fine-mapping of QTL. It is suggested that the same design with the same animals for linkage mapping should be used for fine-mapping so gene mapping can be cost effective in livestock populations.  相似文献   
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