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ERCC4 plays an essential role in the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway, which is involved in the removal of a wide variety of DNA lesions. To determine whether the ERCC4 tagging SNPs (tSNPs) are associated with risk of gastric cancer, we conducted a hospital-based case-control study of 350 cases and 468 cancer-free controls. In the logistic regression (LR) analysis, we found a significantly decreased risk of gastric cancer associated with the rs744154 GC/CC genotypes [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 0.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.42–0.75, false discovery rate (FDR) P = 0.003] compared with the wild-type GG genotype. Haplotype-based association study revealed that the CGC haplotype that containing the rs744154 C allele can decrease the risk of gastric cancer compared with the most common haplotype GGT (adjusted OR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.46–0.81). Using the multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) analysis, we identified that the SNP rs744154 and smoking status were the best two predictive factors for gastric cancer with a testing accuracy of 55.76% and a perfect cross-validation consistency (CVC) of 10 (P = 0.001). Furthermore, the smokers with the rs744154 GC/CC genotypes showed a decreased risk of gastric cancer (adjusted OR = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.35–0.85) compared with the smokers with the GG genotype using multivariate LR analysis. The above findings consistently suggested that genetic variants in the ERCC4 gene may play a protective role in the etiology of gastric cancer, even in the smokers.  相似文献   
Calcimycin is a rare divalent cation specific ionophore antibiotic that has many biochemical and pharmaceutical applications. We have recently cloned and sequenced the Streptomyces chartreusis calcimycin biosynthesis gene cluster as well as identified the genes required for the synthesis of the polyketide backbone of calcimycin. Additional modifying or decorating enzymes are required to convert the polyketide backbone into the biologically active calcimycin. Using targeted mutagenesis of Streptomyces we were able to show that calM from the calcimycin biosynthesis gene cluster is required for calcimycin production. Inactivating calM by PCR targeting, caused high level accumulation of N-demethyl calcimycin. CalM in the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine converted N-demethyl calcimycin to calcimycin in vitro. The enzyme was determined to have a kinetic parameter of Km 276 μM, kcat 1.26 min−1 and kcat/Km 76.2 M−1 s−1. These results proved that CalM is a N-methyltransferase that is required for calcimycin biosynthesis, and they set the stage for generating much desired novel calcimycin derivatives by rational genetic and chemical engineering.  相似文献   
For a novel potential commercial chiral pesticide, an independent study on the fate characteristics and residues of each stereoisomer is essential if the application rates for the pesticide and human exposure are to be reduced. The absorption and translocation behavior of a chiral insecticide, cycloxaprid, in plants treated by root immersion and blade smearing was studied using 14C‐labeling tracer techniques. With the root treatment, total absorption of (1R;8S)‐cycloxaprid (RS) (12.39%) was much greater than that of (1S;8R)‐cycloxaprid (SR) (3.31%) at 192 h after treatment (HAT). The mass concentrations ( RS / SR ) of cycloxaprid in the roots, cotyledons, leaf 1, leaf 2, and leaf 3 were 37.0/16.8, 8.3/2.8, 11.7/6.5, 5.1/4.8, and 8.0/4.7 mg kg‐1 (fresh weight), respectively, at 192 HAT at an initial concentration 1.6 mg kg‐1. With the foliar application treatment, no significant difference was observed between the total absorption of RS (3.11%) and SR (4.03%) at the end of the treatment. Both acropetal and basipetal transport of absorbed 14C occurred and more than 71.83% of absorbed RS and 82.42% of SR remained in the treated leaf. Stereoselective absorption was observed during root uptake but not during foliar absorption. Chirality 25:686–691, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Glycolytic enzymes (GEs) have been shown to exist in multienzyme complexes on the inner surface of the human erythrocyte membrane. Because no protein other than band 3 has been found to interact with GEs, and because several GEs do not bind band 3, we decided to identify the additional membrane proteins that serve as docking sites for GE on the membrane. For this purpose, a method known as “label transfer” that employs a photoactivatable trifunctional cross-linking reagent to deliver a biotin from a derivatized GE to its binding partner on the membrane was used. Mass spectrometry analysis of membrane proteins that were biotinylated following rebinding and photoactivation of labeled GAPDH, aldolase, lactate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase revealed not only the anticipated binding partner, band 3, but also the association of GEs with specific peptides in α- and β-spectrin, ankyrin, actin, p55, and protein 4.2. More importantly, the labeled GEs were also found to transfer biotin to other GEs in the complex, demonstrating for the first time that GEs also associate with each other in their membrane complexes. Surprisingly, a new GE binding site was repeatedly identified near the junction of the membrane-spanning and cytoplasmic domains of band 3, and this binding site was confirmed by direct binding studies. These results not only identify new components of the membrane-associated GE complexes but also provide molecular details on the specific peptides that form the interfacial contacts within each interaction.  相似文献   
Flavin-based electron bifurcation is a recently discovered mechanism of coupling endergonic to exergonic redox reactions in the cytoplasm of anaerobic bacteria and archaea. Among the five electron-bifurcating enzyme complexes characterized to date, one is a heteromeric ferredoxin- and NAD-dependent [FeFe]-hydrogenase. We report here a novel electron-bifurcating [FeFe]-hydrogenase that is NADP rather than NAD specific and forms a complex with a formate dehydrogenase. The complex was found in high concentrations (6% of the cytoplasmic proteins) in the acetogenic Clostridium autoethanogenum autotrophically grown on CO, which was fermented to acetate, ethanol, and 2,3-butanediol. The purified complex was composed of seven different subunits. As predicted from the sequence of the encoding clustered genes (fdhA/hytA-E) and from chemical analyses, the 78.8-kDa subunit (FdhA) is a selenocysteine- and tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase, the 65.5-kDa subunit (HytB) is an iron-sulfur flavin mononucleotide protein harboring the NADP binding site, the 51.4-kDa subunit (HytA) is the [FeFe]-hydrogenase proper, and the 18.1-kDa (HytC), 28.6-kDa (HytD), 19.9-kDa (HytE1), and 20.1-kDa (HytE2) subunits are iron-sulfur proteins. The complex catalyzed both the reversible coupled reduction of ferredoxin and NADP+ with H2 or formate and the reversible formation of H2 and CO2 from formate. We propose the complex to have two functions in vivo, namely, to normally catalyze CO2 reduction to formate with NADPH and reduced ferredoxin in the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway and to catalyze H2 formation from NADPH and reduced ferredoxin when these redox mediators get too reduced during unbalanced growth of C. autoethanogenum on CO (E0′ = −520 mV).  相似文献   
Previous evidence from post-mortem Alzheimer disease (AD) brains and drug (especially rapamycin)-oriented in vitro and in vivo models implicated an aberrant accumulation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) in tangle-bearing neurons in AD brains and its role in the formation of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau. Compelling evidence indicated that the sequential molecular events such as the synthesis and phosphorylation of tau can be regulated through p70 S6 kinase, the well characterized immediate downstream target of mTor. In the present study, we further identified that the active form of mTor per se accumulates in tangle-bearing neurons, particularly those at early stages in AD brains. By using mass spectrometry and Western blotting, we identified three phosphoepitopes of tau directly phosphorylated by mTor. We have developed a variety of stable cell lines with genetic modification of mTor activity using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells as background. In these cellular systems, we not only confirmed the tau phosphorylation sites found in vitro but also found that mTor mediates the synthesis and aggregation of tau, resulting in compromised microtubule stability. Changes of mTor activity cause fluctuation of the level of a battery of tau kinases such as protein kinase A, v-Akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog-1, glycogen synthase kinase 3β, cyclin-dependent kinase 5, and tau protein phosphatase 2A. These results implicate mTor in promoting an imbalance of tau homeostasis, a condition required for neurons to maintain physiological function.  相似文献   
Release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) drives contractile function of cardiac myocytes. Luminal Ca2+ regulation of SR Ca2+ release is fundamental not only in physiology but also in physiopathology because abnormal luminal Ca2+ regulation is known to lead to arrhythmias, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), and/or sudden cardiac arrest, as inferred from animal model studies. Luminal Ca2+ regulates ryanodine receptor (RyR)2-mediated SR Ca2+ release through mechanisms localized inside the SR; one of these involves luminal Ca2+ interacting with calsequestrin (CASQ), triadin, and/or junctin to regulate RyR2 function.CASQ2-RyR2 regulation was examined at the single RyR2 channel level. Single RyR2s were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers by the fusion of native SR vesicles isolated from either wild-type (WT), CASQ2 knockout (KO), or R33Q-CASQ2 knock-in (KI) mice. KO and KI mice have CPVT-like phenotypes. We show that CASQ2(WT) action on RyR2 function (either activation or inhibition) was strongly influenced by the presence of cytosolic MgATP. Function of the reconstituted CASQ2(WT)–RyR2 complex was unaffected by changes in luminal free [Ca2+] (from 0.1 to 1 mM). The inhibition exerted by CASQ2(WT) association with the RyR2 determined a reduction in cytosolic Ca2+ activation sensitivity. RyR2s from KO mice were significantly more sensitive to cytosolic Ca2+ activation and had significantly longer mean open times than RyR2s from WT mice. Sensitivity of RyR2s from KI mice was in between that of RyR2 channels from KO and WT mice. Enhanced cytosolic RyR2 Ca2+ sensitivity and longer RyR2 open times likely explain the CPVT-like phenotype of both KO and KI mice.  相似文献   
Physiological and molecular determinants of embryo implantation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embryo implantation involves the intimate interaction between an implantation-competent blastocyst and a receptive uterus, which occurs in a limited time period known as the window of implantation. Emerging evidence shows that defects originating during embryo implantation induce ripple effects with adverse consequences on later gestation events, highlighting the significance of this event for pregnancy success. Although a multitude of cellular events and molecular pathways involved in embryo–uterine crosstalk during implantation have been identified through gene expression studies and genetically engineered mouse models, a comprehensive understanding of the nature of embryo implantation is still missing. This review focuses on recent progress with particular attention to physiological and molecular determinants of blastocyst activation, uterine receptivity, blastocyst attachment and uterine decidualization. A better understanding of underlying mechanisms governing embryo implantation should generate new strategies to rectify implantation failure and improve pregnancy rates in women.  相似文献   
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