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High pressure liquid chromatography has been used to study the acid soluble nucleotide pool of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under different conditions of growth. ATP, ADP, AMP, NAD, GTP, UTP, UDP, CTP, CDP, and UDP-sugars plus UMP could be separated and were found in concentrations higher than 0.1 mumol per g yeast cell dry weight (= detection limit). During glucose-limited continuous culture the levels of individual nucleotides depended on the growth rate, which was most pronounced with pyrimidine (uridine, cytidine) nucleotides. The energy charge (E.C.) remained high (0.9) at all growth rates (0.07-0.3 h-1). During synchronized growth at a constant growth rate (0.11 h-1) almost all nucleotide levels and the E.C. remained at constant values with the only exception of UDP-sugars and UMP of which increased levels were found during the phase of budding. Under conditions of metabolic stress (addition of antimycin A, deoxyglucose plus iodoacetate) pronounced changes in the levels of purine (adenine and guanine) nucleotides and the E.C. were observed. All other nucleotides were less influenced by these conditions. Only under these conditions IMP accumulation was observed. The results strongly argue against the significance of purine nucleotide or E.C. measurements under viable conditions. In contrast, changes in the levels of pyrimidine nucleotides seem to be indicative of changes in the flux through the metabolic pathways where they act as coenzymes.  相似文献   
Summary Using a method of focal drug application it is demonstrated that high potassium concentration, lanthanum, and black widow spider venom accelerate spontaneous transmitter release inTorpedo electric tissue.This investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonderforschungsbereich 138). Thanks are due to Dr. R. Martin and the staff of the Stazione Zoologica, Naples, for supplyingTorpedo, and Dr. N. Frontali, Rome, for a gift of frozen black widow spiders.  相似文献   
Summary A male twin pair discordant in morphological characteristics and HL-A phenotype but concordant in trisomy 21 and the blood group markers is reported.The coincidental occurrence of two rare conditions (nondisjunction and dizygotic twinning) and a high probability of monozygosity (inferred from the blood group findings) gave rise to the question of whether the boys might represent intermediates between dizygotic and monzygotic twins. Postcleavage fertilization can be excluded as a circumstance leading to intermediates since the twins have different maternal HL-A haplotypes.
Zusammenfassung Ein männliches Zwillingspaar wird vorgestellt, das in einigen morphologischen Merkmalen und im HL-A-Phänotypus diskordant, hinsichtlich einer Trisomie 21 und der Blutgruppenmerkmale aber konkordant ist.Auf Grund des Zusammentreffens zweier seltener Ereignisse (nondisjunction und Zweieiigkeit), insbesondere aber auch wegen starker blutgruppenserologischer Hinweiswahrscheinlichkeiten für Eineiigkeit, wird die Frage gestellt, ob die Knaben möglicherweise eine intermediäre Position zwischen Eineiigkeit und Zweieiigkeit einnehmen. Von den Möglichkeiten, die zu einer solchen Zwischenstellung führen könnten, scheidet die einer Befruchtung des Eies erst nach der Furchung aus, da beide Zwillingspartner unterschiedliche mütterliche HI-A-Haplotypen aufweisen.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Summary A method has been developed which allows perfusion of the blood vessels in isolated pelvic skins ofB. bufo. The effect of various doses of vasotocin (AVT) on net water flux (inside medium 220 mOsM, outside medium 11 mOsM) and active sodium transport were compared in perfused and unperfused skins. The unstimulated water flux (Fig. 3) and the active sodium transport (Fig. 6) were unaffected by perfusion. The threshold for stimulation of water flux was between 0.01 and 0.1 nM vasotocin in perfused skins and between 0.1 and 1 nM in unperfused skins. The threshold for stimulation of active sodium transport was between 0.005 and 0.05 nM vasotocin in perfused skins and between 0.05 and 0.5 nM in unperfused skins. The maximal water flux through perfused skins, 4 l/cm2min, was obtained at 1 nM vasotocin. At 10 nM vasotocin the water flux was only 0.7 l/cm2min in unperfused skins. The maximal active sodium transport was approximately of the same magnitude in perfused and unperfused skins, at 0.5 mM and at 50 nM, respectively.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von autoradiographischen und elektrophoretischen Methoden wurde die Dottereinlagerung in den wachsenden Oocyten vonMusca domestica untersucht. Sie beginnt nach 30 min im Autoradiogramm sichtbar zu werden. Durch ihre Färbbarkeit und Markierung konnte die Dotterfraktion im Pherogramm von Ovar und Hämolymphe eines mittleren Wachstumsstadiums (Stadium 3) nachgewiesen werden. Nach Abschlu\ der Vitellogenese tritt sie in der Hämolymphe nicht mehr auf. Die Einlagerung der Dotterproteine wird durch Actinomycin gestört, dagegen läuft ihre Synthese nahezu unbeeinflu\t weiter. Die Transporthemmung kann als bisher unbekannter Nebeneffekt des Actinomycins gedeutet werden.
Synthesis of haemolymph proteine and the uptake of the yolk fraction in the oocyte during Actinomycin-treatment. (Studies onMusca domestica)
Summary By means of radioautographic and electrophoretic techniques yolk protein uptake in the growing oocytes ofMusca domestica was investigated. After 30 min yolk protein becomes visible in the radioautograms. By stainability and labeling the yolk fraction could be demonstrated in the pherogram of ovary and haemolymph in an intermediate developmental stage (stage 3). After the end of vitellogenesis it does not appear in the haemolymph. The yolk protein uptake is inhibited by Actinomycin, but the synthesis goes on nearly as normal. This inhibition can be interpretated as a new accessory effect of Actinomycin.
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