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Data on nest building behavior were collected from free ranging bonobos (Pan paniscus). Considering the physical features of both nests and trees used for nest construction, bonobos appeared to show various preferences: (1) Trees with small leaves were chosen more frequently than expected; (2) The majority of nests were constructed in trees of the middle forest layer (15 to 30 m) and at a mean height of 16 m; (3) nests built during the day were located higher than night nests and differed in the general mode of construction (number of trees involved). Comparing nests made by mature males and females it became apparent that females (4) built nests higher, (5) constructed day nests more frequently and (6) used them for a longer time than males. Comparison of data collected at different study sites indicates site-specific differences concerning selection of trees and location of nesting sites. Behavioral observations made clear that nests were not only used for rest but also for other activities like feeding, social grooming and play. Moreover, the study provided the first evidence that bonobos build nests also in order to avoid potential or imminent conflicts with other party members. Field observations indicate that these nests symbolize a taboo zone and show another facet of the social abilities of bonobos for the solution of intra group conflicts. It is suggested that this behavior derives from the spatial intolerance shown by females during the process of weaning.  相似文献   
Is Science chauvinistic? It is not, but scientists often are. How does chauvinism in Science manifest itself? Could it be that we are genetically programmed to reject those we see as “foreign”?  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   
Es wurde das Flavonoidmuster ruhender Samen und 8 bis 10 Tage alter Keimlinge von 18 Pflanzenarten unterschiedlicher taxonomischer Einheiten verglichen. Als allgemeines Ergebnis kann festgestellt werden: In den meisten Samen und in allen Keimlingen liegen neben Zimtsäuren (und Derivaten) Flavonoide, hauptsächlich Quercetin- und Kämpferolglykoside, in unterschiedlicher Anzahl und Menge vor. Das “Ruhemuster” unterscheidet sich allgemein von der Pigmentausstattung junger Keimlinge. Drei typische Gruppen von Pflanzen wurden gefunden, deren Pigmentgehalt und -muster während der Samenkeimung charakteristisch verändert wird.  相似文献   
A complex Sarcophaga bullata pupariation assay was used to evaluate the neurotropic effects of several drugs, venoms, and insecticides. The assay consists of tests for (1) immediate effects on the intact larva, (2) effects on ligated (ie, isolated from the central nervous system) larval abdomens, (3) morphogenetic effects on the puparium, and (4) effects on stereotyped pupariation behavior. The latter are monitored barographically by recording changes in hemocoelic pressure. Of 62 compounds screened, 18 showed morphogenetic activity at a threshold dose of 5 μg or less, 11 at a dose of 50 μg, four at a dose of 100 μg, and 29 showed no morphogenetic activity. From a comparison of the putative pharmacological actions of the tested compounds with their morphogenetic effects, certain generalizations can be made: Agents that paralyze neuromuscular systems at the peripheral level (eg, tetrodotoxin), or suppress or modify basic motor patterns centrally (eg, veratrine sulphate), cause retention of larval morphological characters in the puparium. Compounds that stimulate convulsive contractions of segmental musculature (mostly cholinergic drugs like eserine sulphate, nicotine, organophosphate insecticides) cause retention of larval segmentation on longitudinally contracted puparia. Five compounds (venom of the scorpion, Leirus quinquestriatus, pyrethrins, protoveratrine A, and kainic and quisqualic acids) stimulate musculature of the denervated abdomen. Barographic monitoring of changes in pupariation behavior appears to be a most sensitive and informative test. It reveals great differences in the ways in which compounds producing seemingly identical morphogenetic effects affect and modify behavior, thus making pharmacological classification more accurate.  相似文献   
A complex of the three (αεθ) core subunits and the β2 sliding clamp is responsible for DNA synthesis by Pol III, the Escherichia coli chromosomal DNA replicase. The 1.7 Å crystal structure of a complex between the PHP domain of α (polymerase) and the C-terminal segment of ε (proofreading exonuclease) subunits shows that ε is attached to α at a site far from the polymerase active site. Both α and ε contain clamp-binding motifs (CBMs) that interact simultaneously with β2 in the polymerization mode of DNA replication by Pol III. Strengthening of both CBMs enables isolation of stable αεθ:β2 complexes. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments with reconstituted αεθ:β2 demonstrate retention of high mobility of a segment of 22 residues in the linker that connects the exonuclease domain of ε with its α-binding segment. In spite of this, small-angle X-ray scattering data show that the isolated complex with strengthened CBMs has a compact, but still flexible, structure. Photo-crosslinking with p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine incorporated at different sites in the α-PHP domain confirm the conformational variability of the tether. Structural models of the αεθ:β2 replicase complex with primer-template DNA combine all available structural data.  相似文献   
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