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The relation between the size of a fly and the number of ovarioles in its ovary was investigated in Phormia regina and Sarcophaga bullata. Small flies of varying size were produced by taking larvae prematurely off the food. The smallest flies thus obtained were derived from larvae only 18 of the weight of a normal larva. The number of ovarioles in an ovary is directly proportional to the size of the fly and, in the extreme case, is about 15 the normal number in Sarcophaga and about 13 in Phormia. Larvae prematurely taken off the food, but fed again after starving for several days, grow to normal or almost normal size and develop ovaries with about the normal number of ovarioles. Small or re-fed Sarcophaga do not show any changes in the anatomy of individual ovarioles but in Phormia disorders in ovariole development and a consequent reduction of fertility are frequent. The number of ovarioles remains identical from the early pupal stage all through the development of the pharate fly and then through ovarian development in the adult fly: it is determined by the size of the larva when it was taken off the food. This shows that it is not lack of space in a small adult fly abdomen which determines the number nor the occurrence of degenerative processes during ovarian development.  相似文献   
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a modern genetic method which enables a genome-wide survey of chromosomal imbalances. For each chromosome region, one obtains the information whether there is a loss or gain of genetic material, or whether there is no change at that region. Usually it is not possible to evaluate all 46 chromosomes of a metaphase, therefore several (up to 20 or more) metaphases are analyzed per individual, and expressed as average. Mostly one does not study one individual alone but groups of 20-30 individuals. Therefore, large amounts of data quickly accumulate which must be put into a logical order. In this paper we present the application of a self-organizing map (Genecluster) as a tool for cluster analysis of data from pT2N0 prostate cancer cases studied by CGH. Self-organizing maps are artificial neural networks with the capability to form clusters on the basis of an unsupervised learning rule, i.e., in our examples it gets the CGH data as only information (no clinical data). We studied a group of 40 recent cases without follow-up, an older group of 20 cases with follow-up, and the data set obtained by pooling both groups. In all groups good clusterings were found in the sense that clinically similar cases were placed into the same clusters on the basis of the genetic information only. The data indicate that losses on chromosome arms 6q, 8p and 13q are all frequent in pT2N0 prostatic cancer, but the loss on 8p has probably the largest prognostic importance.  相似文献   
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are well-known to eat invertebrates, especially social insects, across Africa, but allopatric bonobos (P. paniscus) are not. Bonobo insectivory is sparsely documented and apparently sporadic. However, the availability to bonobos of social insect prey and raw materials with which to make tools to exploit them is unknown. Here, we test a set of hypotheses that relates to questions of presence, abundance, density, and distribution of taxa that Pan consume and of vegetation suitable for making extractive foraging tools. We worked at Lui Kotal, Democratic Republic of Congo, where unprovisioned bonobos live in intact forest, far from villages. We collected insect and fecal specimens, transected for prey and assessed raw materials, and monitored mounds of Macrotermes. All but 1 of the major taxa of relevant termites, ants, and (stinging) honey bees were present. The 3 main taxa of insects that chimpanzees elsewhere eat —Macrotermes (fungus-growing termites), Dorylus (Anomma; army or driver ants), and Apis (honey bees)— were abundant and widespread, and usually at densities exceeding those at well-known chimpanzee study-sites. Similarly, woody and nonwoody vegetation suitable for making fishing probes was common at mounds of Macrotermes. There is no obvious ecological reason why bonobos should not use elementary technology in extractive foraging, e.g., termite-fish, ant-fish, ant-dip, honey-dip, to obtain social insects.  相似文献   
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) primary leaves synthesize saponarin, a 2-fold glucosylated flavone (apigenin 6-C-glucosyl-7-O-glucoside), which is efficiently accumulated in vacuoles via a transport mechanism driven by the proton gradient. Vacuoles isolated from mesophyll protoplasts of the plant line anthocyanin-less310 (ant310), which contains a mutation in the chalcone isomerase (CHI) gene that largely inhibits flavonoid biosynthesis, exhibit strongly reduced transport activity for saponarin and its precursor isovitexin (apigenin 6-C-glucoside). Incubation of ant310 primary leaf segments or isolated mesophyll protoplasts with naringenin, the product of the CHI reaction, restores saponarin biosynthesis almost completely, up to levels of the wild-type Ca33787. During reconstitution, saponarin accumulates to more than 90% in the vacuole. The capacity to synthesize saponarin from naringenin is strongly reduced in ant310 miniprotoplasts containing no central vacuole. Leaf segments and protoplasts from ant310 treated with naringenin showed strong reactivation of saponarin or isovitexin uptake by vacuoles, while the activity of the UDP-glucose:isovitexin 7-O-glucosyltransferase was not changed by this treatment. Our results demonstrate that efficient vacuolar flavonoid transport is linked to intact flavonoid biosynthesis in barley. Intact flavonoid biosynthesis exerts control over the activity of the vacuolar flavonoid/H(+)-antiporter. Thus, the barley ant310 mutant represents a novel model system to study the interplay between flavonoid biosynthesis and the vacuolar storage mechanism.  相似文献   
Thyroid hormones (3,5,3′-triiodo-l-thyronine, T3; 3,5,3′,5′-l-tetraiodothyronine, T4; TH) play crucial roles in the growth and differentiation of the central nervous system. In this study, we investigated the actions of TH on proliferation, viability, cell morphology, in vitro phosphorylation of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and actin reorganization in C6 glioma cells. We first observe that long-term exposure to TH stimulates cell proliferation without induce cell death. We also demonstrate that after 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h treatment with TH, C6 cells and cortical astrocytes show a process-bearing shape. Furthermore, immunocytochemistry with anti-actin and anti-GFAP antibodies reveals that TH induces reorganization of actin and GFAP cytoskeleton. We also observe an increased in vitro 32P incorporation into GFAP recovered into the high-salt Triton insoluble cytoskeletal fraction after 3 and 24 h exposure to 5×10−8 and 10−6 M T3, and only after 24 h exposure to 10−9 M T4. These results show a T3 action on the phosphorylating system associated to GFAP and suggest a T3-independent effect of T4 on this cytoskeletal protein. In addition, C6 cells and astrocytes treated with lysophosphatidic acid, an upstream activator of the RhoA GTPase pathway, totally prevented the morphological alterations induced by TH, indicating that this effect could be mediated by the RhoA signaling pathway. Considering that IF network can be regulated by phosphorylation leading to reorganization of IF filamentous structure and that alterations of the microfilament organization may have important implications in glial functions, the effects of TH on glial cell cytoskeleton could be implicated in essential neural events such as brain development.  相似文献   
The τ subunit of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme interacts with the α subunit through its C-terminal Domain V, τC16. We show that the extreme C-terminal region of τC16 constitutes the site of interaction with α. The τC16 domain, but not a derivative of it with a C-terminal deletion of seven residues (τC16Δ7), forms an isolable complex with α. Surface plasmon resonance measurements were used to determine the dissociation constant (KD) of the α−τC16 complex to be ~260pM. Competition with immobilized τC16 by τC16 derivatives for binding to α gave values of KD of 7μM for the α−τC16Δ7 complex. Low-level expression of the genes encoding τC16 and τC167, but not τC16Δ11, is lethal to E. coli. Suppression of this lethal phenotype enabled selection of mutations in the 3′ end of the τC16 gene, that led to defects in α binding. The data suggest that the unstructured C-terminus of τ becomes folded into a helix–loop–helix in its complex with α. An N-terminally extended construct, τC24, was found to bind DNA in a salt-sensitive manner while no binding was observed for τC16, suggesting that the processivity switch of the replisome functionally involves Domain IV of τ.  相似文献   
Paramagnetic relaxation enhancements from unpaired electrons observed in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra present powerful long-range distance restraints. The most frequently used paramagnetic tags, however, are tethered to the protein via disulfide bonds, requiring proteins with single cysteine residues for covalent attachment. Here we present a straightforward strategy to tag proteins site-specifically with paramagnetic lanthanides without a tether and independent of cysteine residues. It relies on preferential binding of the complex between three dipicolinic acid molecules (DPA) and a lanthanide ion (Ln3+), [Ln(DPA)3]3−, to a pair of positively charged amino acids whose charges are not compensated by negatively charged residues nearby. This situation rarely occurs in wild-type proteins, allowing the creation of specific binding sites simply by introduction of positively charged residues that are positioned far from glutamate or aspartate residues. The concept is demonstrated with the hnRNPLL RRM1 domain. In addition, we show that histidine- and arginine-tags present binding sites for [Ln(DPA)3]3−.  相似文献   
Human leukocyte receptor IIIa (hFcγRIIIa) plays a prominent role in the elimination of tumor cells by antibody-based cancer therapies. In previous studies, a major impact of the presence of carbohydrates at Asn-162 on the binding between the receptor and the Fc part of wild type fucosylated or glycoengineered nonfucosylated antibodies has been shown. In this study, we performed a site directed carbohydrate analysis at hFcγRIIIa derived from human embryonic kidney (HEK) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, respectively. Using mass spectrometry (MS) and a multienzyme protein digest, we analyzed the proteolysis-generated glycopeptides in detail. We could show that hFcγRIIIa expressed by HEK cells was mostly bearing multifucosylated biantennary Asn162-glycans with a major fraction terminating with GalNAc residues replacing the more common Gal. We could demonstrate that the glycan antennae with terminal GalNAc could be sialylated as indicated by a novel reporter ion HexNAcHexNAcNeuAc(+) (m/z 698.28) using a source induced dissociation (SID) scan in the MS cycle. In contrast to the hFcγRIIIa Asn-162 glycosylation pattern from HEK cells, the CHO cells derived receptor contains bi- and triantennary galactosylated and highly sialylated carbohydrates. Our data suggest that the type of expression host system was a dominating factor for formation of distinct glycopatterns of hFcγRIIIa, while the protein sequence and the site of glycosylation remained unchanged for both types of cells. Using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) interaction analysis, we show that the cell type and site specific glycosylation pattern of hFcγRIIIa influences its binding behavior to immunoglobulin molecules.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In den Zellzentren von Schizophyten können außer Desoxyribonukleinsäure — die den kernäquivalenten Charakter der Organelle begründet — Ribonukleinsäure, Phosphate und Lipoide nachgewiesen werden. Das Vorhandensein dieser Stoffgruppen macht Beziehungen der Zellzentren zu den Mitochondrien höher organisierter Zellen wahrscheinlich. Desoxyribonukleinsäurekomplexe der Kernäquivalente und Phosphatkörper der Mitochondrienäquivalente haben — obwohl Komponenteneines Organells — eine gesonderte ontogenetische Entwicklung.Der gemeinsame Ursprung der phylogenetischen Entwicklung von Zellkern und Mitochondrien bzw. von diesen ableitbaren Zellorganellen (Plastiden) wird als möglich angesehen. Die Rolle dieser Organelle als Organisationszentren erscheint durch die aufgezeigten Zusammenhänge unter neuen Gesichtspunkten.Mit 2 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
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