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Different approaches to increasing carbon commitment to aromatic amino acid biosynthesis were compared in isogenic strains ofEscherichia coli. In a strain having a wild-type PEP: glucose phosphotransferase (PTS) system, inactivation of the genes encoding pyruvate kinase (pykA andpykF) resulted in a 3.4-fold increase in carbon flow to aromatic biosynthesis. In a strain already having increased carbon flow to aromatics by virtue of overexpression of thetktA gene (encoding transketolase), thepykA and/orpykF mutations had no effect. A PTS glucose+ mutant showed a 1.6-fold increase in carbon flow to aromatics compared to the PTS+ control strain. In the PTS glucose+ host background, overexpression oftktA caused a further 3.7-fold increase in carbon flow, while inactivation ofpykA andpykF caused a 5.8-fold increase. When all of the variables tested (PTS glucose+,pykA, pykF, and overexpressedtktA) were combined in a single strain, a 19.9-fold increase in carbon commitment to aromatic biosynthesis was achieved.  相似文献   
Flow microfluorometry (FMF) was used to investigate the presence of cytophilic Ig (IgE or IgG) and the proportion of Fc receptor (Fc epsilon R or Fc gamma R)-bearing eosinophils among eosinophils from 21 hypereosinophilic patients. In a large majority of the cases, it was possible to detect cytophilic IgE significantly associated with serum IgE levels. Moreover, when lung and blood eosinophils were compared, the proportion of occupied Fc epsilon R was significantly increased on lung eosinophils, whereas very few cells had cytophilic IgG. This work provides further evidence that cytophilic IgE is not restricted to cells with high affinity Fc epsilon R, but can also be detected on the cell populations with low affinity IgE receptors. These findings support the view that eosinophils can act as effector cells in immediate hypersensitivity reactions and in diseases associated with increased IgE production and hypereosinophilia.  相似文献   
The mechanism of endothelin-1 (ET-1)-induced nitric oxide (NO) production, MMP-1 production and MMP-13 production was investigated in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes. The cells were isolated from human articular cartilage obtained at surgery and were cultured in the absence or presence of ET-1 with or without inhibitors of protein kinase or LY83583 (an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase and of cGMP). MMP-1, MMP-13 and NO levels were then measured by ELISA and Griess reaction, respectively. Additionally, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and phosphorylated forms of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, p44/42, stress-activated protein kinase/Jun-N-terminal kinase and serine-threonine Akt kinase were determined by western blot. Results show that ET-1 greatly increased MMP-1 and MMP-13 production, iNOS expression and NO release. LY83583 decreased the production of both metalloproteases below basal levels, whereas the inhibitor of p38 kinase, SB202190, suppressed ET-1-stimulated production only. Similarly, the ET-1-induced NO production was partially suppressed by the p38 kinase inhibitor and was completely suppressed by the protein kinase A kinase inhibitor KT5720 and by LY83583, suggesting the involvement of these enzymes in relevant ET-1 signalling pathways. In human osteoarthritis chondrocytes, ET-1 controls the production of MMP-1 and MMP-13. ET-1 also induces NO release via iNOS induction. ET-1 and NO should thus become important target molecules for future therapies aimed at stopping cartilage destruction.  相似文献   
Expression of plasmid-encoded genes in bacteria is the most common strategy for the production of specific proteins in biotechnological processes. However, the synthesis of plasmid-encoded proteins and plasmid-DNA replication often places a metabolic load (metabolic burden) into the cell's biochemical capacities that usually reduces the growth rate of the producing culture (Glick BR. Biotechnol Adv 1995;13:247-261). This metabolic burden may be related to a limited capacity of the cell to supply the extra demand of building blocks and energy required to replicate plasmid DNA and express foreign multicopy genes. Some of these required blocks are intermediaries of the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway, e.g., ribose-5-phosphate, erythrose-4-phosphate. Due to the important impact of metabolic burden on biotechnological processes, several groups have worked on developing strategies to overcome this problem, like reduction of plasmid copy number (Seo JH, Bailey JE. Biotechnol Bioeng 1985;27:1668-1674; Jones KL, Kim S, Keasling JD. Metab Eng 2000;3:328-338), chromosomal insertion of the gene which product is desired, or changing the plasmid-coded antibiotic resistance gene (Hong Y, Pasternak JJ, Glick BR. Can J Microbiol 1995;41:624-628). However, few efforts have been attempted to overcome the reduction of growth rate due to protein over-expression, by modifying central metabolic pathways (Chou C-H, Bennett GN, San KY. Biotechnol Bioeng 1994;44:952-960). We constructed a high-copy number plasmid carrying the gene for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, zwf, under the control of an inducible trc promoter (pTRzwf04 plasmid). By transforming a wild-type strain and inducing with IPTG, it was possible to recover growth-rate from 0.46 h(-1) (uninduced) to 0.64 h(-1) (induced). The same transformation in an Escherichia coli zwf(-), allows a growth-rate recovery from 0.43 h(-1) (uninduced) to 0.62 h(-1) (induced). We also studied this effect as part of a laboratory-scale biotechnology process: production of a recombinant insulin peptide by co-transforming E. coli JM101 strain with pTRzwf07, a low-copy-number plasmid that carries the same inducible construction as pTRzwf04, and with the pTEXP-MMRPI vector that carries a TrpLE-proinsulin hybrid gene. In this system, production of TrpLE-proinsulin strongly reduces growth rate; however, overexpression of zwf gene recovers with a growth rate from 0.1 h(-1) in the TrpLE-proinsulin induced strain, to 0.37 h(-1) when both zwf and TrpLE-proinsulin genes were induced. In this paper, we show that the engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway by modulation of the zwf gene expression level partially overcomes the possible bottleneck for the supply of building blocks and reducing power synthesized through the PP pathway, that are required for plasmid replication and plasmid-encoded protein expression.  相似文献   


Olive phenols are widely consumed in the Mediterranean diet and can be detected in human plasma. Here, the capacity of olive phenols and plasma metabolites to inhibit lipid and protein oxidations is investigated in two plasma models.


The accumulation of lipid oxidation products issued from the oxidation of linoleic acid bound to human serum albumin (HSA) by AAPH-derived peroxyl radicals is evaluated in the presence and absence of phenolic antioxidants. Phenol binding to HSA is addressed by quenching of the Trp214 fluorescence and displacement of probes (quercetin, dansylsarcosine and dansylamide). Next, the esterase activity of HSA-bound butyrylcholine esterase (BChE) is used as a marker of protein oxidative degradation.


Hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein, caffeic and chlorogenic acids inhibit lipid peroxidation as well as HSA-bound BChE as efficiently as the potent flavonol quercetin. Hydroxycinnamic derivatives bind noncompetitively HSA subdomain IIA whereas no clear site could be identified for hydroxytyrosol derivatives.

General significance

In both models, olive phenols and their metabolites are much more efficient inhibitors of lipid and protein oxidations compared to vitamins C and E. Low postprandial concentrations of olive phenols may help to preserve the integrity of functional proteins and delay the appearance of toxic lipid oxidation products.  相似文献   


Shikimic acid (SA) is utilized in the synthesis of oseltamivir-phosphate, an anti-influenza drug. In this work, metabolic engineering approaches were employed to produce SA in Escherichia coli strains derived from an evolved strain (PB12) lacking the phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS-) but with capacity to grow on glucose. Derivatives of PB12 strain were constructed to determine the effects of inactivating aroK, aroL, pykF or pykA and the expression of plasmid-coded genes aroG fbr, tktA, aroB and aroE, on SA synthesis.  相似文献   
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