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Synucleins constitute a group of unique, evolutionarily conserved proteins that are expressed predominantly in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system. Although the normal cellular functions of synucleins are not clear, these proteins have been implicated in various neurodegenerative conditions in humans. We found that persyn, a recently characterized member of the synuclein family, is expressed not only in the nervous system but also in the stratum granulosum of the epidermis of neonatal and adult mice. This finding together with our recent observations that persyn influences neurofilament network integrity in sensory neurons raises the possibility that persyn in skin could be involved in modulation of the keratin network.  相似文献   
Light-harvesting pigment-protein complex of Photosystem II (LHCII) is the largest photosynthetic antenna complex of plants and the most abundant membrane protein in the biosphere. Plant fitness and productivity depend directly on a balance between excitations in the photosynthetic apparatus, generated by captured light quanta, and the rate of photochemical processes. Excess excitation energy leads to oxidative damage of the photosynthetic apparatus and entire organism and therefore the balance between the excitation density and photosynthesis requires precise and efficient regulation, operating also at the level of antenna complexes. We show that illumination of the isolated LHCII leads to isomerization of the protein-bound neoxanthin from conformation 9'-cis to 9',13- and 9',13'-dicis forms. At the same time light-driven excitation quenching is observed, manifested by a decrease in chlorophyll a fluorescence intensity and shortened fluorescence lifetimes. Both processes, the neoxanthin isomerization and the chlorophyll excitation quenching, are reversible in dim light. The results of the 77K florescence measurements of LHCII show that illumination is associated with appearance of the low-energy states, which can serve as energy traps in the pigment-protein complex subjected to excess excitation. Possible sequence of the molecular events is proposed, leading to a protective excess excitation energy quenching: neoxanthin photo-isomerization→formation of LHCII supramolecular structures which potentiate creation of energy traps→excitation quenching.  相似文献   
An arginase isolated from a capsulated Bacillus anthracis strain was highly purified and crystallized. The chemical and immunological characteristics of this enzyme re described. Some very important properties differ from those of another bacterial arginase, i.e. Staphylococcus aureus arginase, described in a previous paper (Soru et al. (2)). The two arginases have different crystallization forms, different molecular weight, Km, thermostability, Arrhenius activation energy. They have another N-terminal group and are immunologically strictly specific. These differences point to distinct proteins. The fact that two arginases of different origin are structurally non-identical suggests that they may be involved in different metabolic processes. Staphylococcal arginase was shown to participate in a complete ureogenetic cycle, for it also possesses the other enzymes of the cycle (Soru et al. (2)). Except arginase, no other enzyme of this cycle was identified in the capsulated B. anthracis strain. Arginase may be involved in another metabolic pathway, one that is important for the strain, such as the synthesis of glutamic acid, since the capsular material of the strain is a polymer gamma-linked polyglutamic acid, mainly configuration D (Ivanovic and Bruckner (20)). The fact that the N-terminal residue of B. anthracis arginase is a tetramer containing glutamic acid together with proline (in addition to alanine and glycine) suggests that arginase may participate as a regulatory enzyme in the synthesis of glutamic acid from proline via ornithine and arginine, respectively. This pathway is found in many bacteria. The proline oxidase system, which is supposed to catalyse the conversion of proline to glutamic acid, is under study now in Bacillus anthracis strains.  相似文献   
Despite weight loss recommendations to prevent cancer, cancer outcome studies after intentional weight loss are limited. Recently, reduced cancer mortality following bariatric surgery has been reported. This study tested whether reduced cancer mortality following gastric bypass was due to decreased incidence. Cancer incidence and mortality data through 2007 from the Utah Cancer Registry (UCR) were compared between 6,596 Utah patients who had gastric bypass (1984–2002) and 9,442 severely obese persons who had applied for Utah Driver's Licenses (1984–2002). Study outcomes included incidence, case‐fatality, and mortality for cancer by site and stage at diagnosis of all gastric bypass patients, compared to nonoperated severely obese controls. Follow‐up was over a 24‐year period (mean 12.5 years). Total cancer incidence was significantly lower in the surgical group compared to controls (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.76; confidence interval (CI) 95%, 0.65–0.89; P = 0.0006). Lower incidence in surgery patients vs. controls was primarily due to decreased incidence of cancer diagnosed at regional or distant stages. Cancer mortality was 46% lower in the surgery group compared to controls (HR = 0.54; CI 95%, 0.37–0.78; P = 0.001). Although the apparent protective effect of surgery on risk of developing cancer was limited to cancers likely known to be obesity related, the inverse association for mortality was seen for all cancers. Significant reduction in total cancer mortality in gastric bypass patients compared with severely obese controls was associated with decreased incidence, primarily among subjects with advanced cancers. These findings suggest gastric bypass results in lower cancer risk, presumably related to weight loss, supporting recommendations for reducing weight to lower cancer risk.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Durch die Wirkung von Na2SO4, NaCl, MgCl2, Na-Tartrat, Äthylalkohol, Na-Monojodacetat (nur auf Axolotl) und Floridzin auf Embryonen vonRana esculenta undAmblystoma tigrinum, wurden Mißbildungen der cyclopischen Reihe erzeugt (Embryonen mit konvergierenden Nasenlöchern, mit unpaarer Nasenhöhle, mit Augenkonvergenz, mit Cyclopie und mit Anophthalmus), welche mit den durch Behandlung mit LiCl erzeugten Mißbildungen vergleichbar sind.Ohne entsprechende Wirkung blieben: dl Glycerinaldehyd (sowohl in alter als auch in neuhergestellter Lösung), NaF, NH4F, Na-Monojodacetat (beim Frosch), Na-Citrat und KCN.Jener Abschnitt des Kohlehydratenstoffwechsels, der von NaF, Na-Monojodacetat und dl Glycerinaldehyd verhindert wird, ist deshalb nicht verantwortlich für die normale Bildung des Kopfes. Dabei ist zu bemerken daß die alten Lösungen von dl Glycerinaldehyd den besonderen Kohlehydratenstoffwechsel verhindern, dervon Needham und seinen Mit-arbeitern für den Embryo beschrieben wurde.Die geringe Fähigkeit des Floridzins, Mißbildungen der cyclopischen Reihe, zu erzeugen, führt ebenfalls zu dem Schluß, daß bei der Bestimmung der Cyclopie eine vom LiCl erzeugte Inhibition des Kohlehydratenstoffwechsels keine Rolle spielt.Die Wirkungsintensität der als Chloride gebrauchten Kationen stimmt vollständig mit der ReiheHofmeisters überein; dieselbe Übereinstimmung beobachtet man für die als Na-Salze gebrauchten Anionen. Man kann deshalb den Schluß ziehen, daß die erste Ursache der LiCl-Wirkung bei der Cyclopieerzeugung ein Niederschlag der Kolloiden ist, der die Zellen weniger beweglich macht, so daß Störungen bei der Unteranlagerung eintreten.Das Floridzin bestimmt eine Inhibition während der Entwicklung der Linse.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease, expresses a unique enzyme, the trans-sialidase (TcTS) involved in the transfer of sialic acid from host glycoconjugates to mucins of the parasite. The enzyme is shed to the medium and may affect the immune system of the host. We have previously described that lactose derivatives effectively inhibited the transfer of sialic acid to N-acetyllactosamine. Lactitol also prevented the apoptosis caused by the TcTS, although it is rapidly eliminated from the circulatory system. In this paper we report covalent conjugation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) with lactose, lactobionolactone and benzyl β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→6)-2-amino-2-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranoside (1) with the hope to improve the bioavailability, though retaining their inhibitory properties. Different conjugation methods have been used and the behavior of the PEGylated products in the TcTS reaction was studied.  相似文献   
In recent years the increase in frequency of fungal infections with Candida sp. was noticed. These infections are connected with ability of Candida sp. to form biofilm on surfaces of biomaterials used in medicine. Furthermore fungal infections make serious therapeutic problems because ofbiofilm resistance to antifungal agents actually. The aim of the study was to evaluate the susceptibility to antifungal agents of Candida sp. and their ability to form biofilm on different biomaterials. 50 strains of Candida sp. isolated from patients of University Hospital No. 1 of dr A. Jurasz in Bydgoszcz were examined. API Candida (bioMérieux) tests were used to identify Candida sp. strains. The susceptibility of the yeast strains to antifungal agents was evaluated by ATB FUNGUS 2 INT (bioMérieux) tests. The susceptibility of examined strains to voriconazole, posaconazole, caspofungin and anidulafungin was assessed by means ofEtests (AB BIODISK) method employing drug concentrations from 0,002 to 32 microg/ml. All analysed strains were susceptible to amphotericin B and caspofungin. Biofilm formation on different biomaterials (silicon, latex, polychloride vinyl, polypropylene, nylon) was measured after 72 hour incubation at 37 degrees C. All examined yeasts formed biofilm on all analysed biomaterials. The highest number of strains formed biofilm on surface of polychloride vinyl: 23 (92,0%) by C. albicans strains and 24 (96,0%) Candida non-albicans strains. The lowest number of the strains formed biofilm on the surface of nylon: 12 (48,0%) of C. albicans strains and 9 (36,0%) of Candida non-albicans strains. The studied strains resistant to azoles and anidulafungin display stronger ability to form biofilm on surfaces of all analysed biomaterials.  相似文献   
Summary Obvious protection of the catalytic activity of Esch. coli L-asparaginase by 2-macroglobulin (2M) was observed under conditions otherwise propitious to the dissociation of the tetrameric molecule into inactive subunits, i.e. very diluted enzyme solutions or the presence of either SDS or urea. The degree of protection depended on enzyme and 2M concentrations respectively, and on the preincubation time of the 2M-enzyme mixture prior to substrate addition. The formation of a catalytically active complex between 2M and L-asparaginase was confirmed by gel filtration on a Sephadex-G column and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The fact that the migration distance of the active complex corresponded to the migration of 2M and the absence in that case of a migration band corresponding to the intact molecule suggest that complexing of the enzyme with 2M prevented its dissociation into subunits and thus its inactivation. Addition of 2M to the already dissociated enzyme molecule did not restore its catalytic activity.Alpha2-macroglobulin was shown to have an inhibiting effect on the proteolytic activity of almost all proteases and no effect on their esterolytic activity. Furthermore, it prevents the inhibition of esterolytic activity by some natural compounds1–5. The effect of 2M on other types of catalytic activity has not been investigated enough to afford a generalization of the possible role of this macroglobulin in the control of enzyme activity in the body.This paper reports the results of an in vitro study of the effect of 2M on the catalytic activity of an important amidase, i.e. L-asparaginase (L-asparagine amidohydrolase, which in recent years has been used in the treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemia in children6,7.Abbreviations 2M 2-macroglobulin - E enzyme - SDS sodium dodecylsulfatePart of the results were reported at the 10th International Congress of Biochemistry, Hamburg 1976, Abst. p. 377.  相似文献   
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