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Increased force generation and smooth muscle remodeling follow the implantation of saphenous vein as an arterial bypass graft. Previously, we characterized and mapped 129 proteins in human saphenous vein medial smooth muscle using two-dimensional (2-D) PAGE and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Here, we focus on actin filament remodeling in response to simulated arterial flow. Human saphenous vein was exposed to simulated venous or arterial flow for 90 min in vitro, and the contractile medial smooth muscle was dissected out and subjected to 2-D gel electrophoresis using a non-linear immobilized pH 3-10 gradient in the first dimension. Proteins were analyzed quantitatively using PDQuest 2-D software. The actin polymerization inhibitor cytochalasin B (1 microm) prevented increases in force generation after 90 min of simulated arterial flow. At this time point, there were several consistent changes in actin filament-associated protein expression (seven paired vein samples). The heat shock protein HSP27, identified as a three-spot charge train, showed a 1.6-fold increase in abundance (p = 0.01), but with reduced representation of the phosphorylated Ser(82) and Ser(15)Ser(82) isoforms (p = 0.018). The abundance of actin-capping protein alpha2 subunit CapZ had decreased 3-fold, p = 0.04. A 19-kDa proteolytic fragment of actin increased 2-fold, p = 0.04. For the four-spot charge train of gelsolin, there was reduced representation of the more acidic isoforms, p = 0.022. The abundance of other proteins associated with actin filaments, including cofilin and destrin, remained unchanged after arterial flow. Actin filament remodeling with differential expression and/or post-translational modification of proteins involved in capping the barbed end of actin filaments, HSP27 and CapZ, is an early response of contractile saphenous vein smooth muscle cells to hemodynamic stress. The observed changes would favor the generation of contractile stress fibers.  相似文献   
The aims of this paper are to review previously published palaeovegetation and independent palaeoclimatic datasets together with new results we present from dynamic vegetation model simulations and modern pollen rain studies to: (i) determine the responses of Amazonian ecosystems to changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2 concentrations that occurred since the last glacial maximum (LGM), ca. 21 000 years ago; and (ii) use this long-term perspective to predict the likely vegetation responses to future climate change. Amazonia remained predominantly forested at the LGM, although the combination of reduced temperatures, precipitation and atmospheric CO2 concentrations resulted in forests structurally and floristically quite different from those of today. Cold-adapted Andean taxa mixed with rainforest taxa in central areas, while dry forest species and lianas probably became important in the more seasonal southern Amazon forests and savannahs expanded at forest-savannah ecotones. Net primary productivity (NPP) and canopy density were significantly lower than today. Evergreen rainforest distribution and NPP increased during the glacial-Holocene transition owing to ameliorating climatic and CO2 conditions. However, reduced precipitation in the Early-Mid-Holocene (ca. 8000-3600 years ago) caused widespread, frequent fires in seasonal southern Amazonia, causing increased abundance of drought-tolerant dry forest taxa and savannahs in ecotonal areas. Rainforests expanded once more in the Late Holocene owing to increased precipitation caused by greater austral summer insolation, although some of this forest expansion (e.g. in parts of the Bolivian Beni) is clearly caused by palaeo Indian landscape modification. The plant communities that existed during the Early-Mid-Holocene may provide insights into the kinds of vegetation response expected from similar increases in temperature and aridity predicted for the twenty-first century. We infer that ecotonal areas near the margins of the Amazon Basin are liable to be most sensitive to future environmental change and should therefore be targeted with conservation strategies that allow 'natural' species movements and plant community re-assortments to occur.  相似文献   
Gosling  E. M.  Wilson  I. F.  Andrews  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):21-25
Littorina tenebrosa is a small fragile-shelled periwinkle which lives on permanently submerged algae in coastal lagoons and non-tidal brackish pools. This periwinkle is a member of the rough periwinkle group which also comprises Littorina saxatilis, L. arcana, L. compressa and L. neglecta and is most closely related to L. saxatilis although its exact systematic status is in some doubt. Based on its unique ecology many believe L. tenebrosa to be a valid species. However, shell morphometric and allozyme analyses on Scottish and Swedish populations of L. tenebrosa and L. saxatilis have indicated that the two periwinkles are virtually identical. Preliminary results on five allozyme loci (AAT-1, GPI, PGM-1, PGM-2 and PNP) in samples of L. tenebrosa and L. saxatilis from Golam Head, Lettermullen, and other locations on the west coast of Ireland show L. tenebrosa to be genetically differentiated from L. saxatilis At Golam Head, where opportunities for gene flow occur between the two taxa, L. tenebrosa is as genetically differentiated from local L. saxatilis as it is from L. saxatilis from more geographically distant locations.  相似文献   
Emerging approaches to treat immune disorders target positive regulatory kinases downstream of antigen receptors with small molecule inhibitors. Here we provide evidence for an alternative approach in which inhibition of the negative regulatory inositol kinase Itpkb in mature T lymphocytes results in enhanced intracellular calcium levels following antigen receptor activation leading to T cell death. Using Itpkb conditional knockout mice and LMW Itpkb inhibitors these studies reveal that Itpkb through its product IP4 inhibits the Orai1/Stim1 calcium channel on lymphocytes. Pharmacological inhibition or genetic deletion of Itpkb results in elevated intracellular Ca2+ and induction of FasL and Bim resulting in T cell apoptosis. Deletion of Itpkb or treatment with Itpkb inhibitors blocks T-cell dependent antibody responses in vivo and prevents T cell driven arthritis in rats. These data identify Itpkb as an essential mediator of T cell activation and suggest Itpkb inhibition as a novel approach to treat autoimmune disease.  相似文献   
The high tropical Andes host one of the richest alpine floras of the world, with exceptionally high levels of endemism and turnover rates. Yet, little is known about the patterns and processes that structure altitudinal and latitudinal variation in plant community diversity. Herein we present the first continental‐scale comparative study of plant community diversity on summits of the tropical Andes. Data were obtained from 792 permanent vegetation plots (1 m2) within 50 summits, distributed along a 4200 km transect; summit elevations ranged between 3220 and 5498 m a.s.l. We analyzed the plant community data to assess: 1) differences in species abundance patterns in summits across the region, 2) the role of geographic distance in explaining floristic similarity and 3) the importance of altitudinal and latitudinal environmental gradients in explaining plant community composition and richness. On the basis of species abundance patterns, our summit communities were separated into two major groups: Puna and Páramo. Floristic similarity declined with increasing geographic distance between study‐sites, the correlation being stronger in the more insular Páramo than in the Puna (corresponding to higher species turnover rates within the Páramo). Ordination analysis (CCA) showed that precipitation, maximum temperature and rock cover were the strongest predictors of community similarity across all summits. Generalized linear model (GLM) quasi‐Poisson regression indicated that across all summits species richness increased with maximum air temperature and above‐ground necromass and decreased on summits where scree was the dominant substrate. Our results point to different environmental variables as key factors for explaining vertical and latitudinal species turnover and species richness patterns on high Andean summits, offering a powerful tool to detect contrasting latitudinal and altitudinal effects of climate change across the tropical Andes.  相似文献   
While large-scale pre-Columbian human occupation and ecological disturbance have been demonstrated close to major Amazonian waterways, less is known of sites in terra firme settings. Palaeoecological analyses of two lake districts in central and western Amazonia reveal long histories of occupation and land use. At both locations, human activity was centred on one of the lakes, while the others were either lightly used or unused. These analyses indicate that the scale of human impacts in these terra firme settings is localized and probably strongly influenced by the presence of a permanent open-water body. Evidence is found of forest clearance and cultivation of maize and manioc. These data are directly relevant to the resilience of Amazonian conservation, as they do not support the contention that all of Amazonia is a 'built landscape' and therefore a product of past human land use.  相似文献   
Many commonly used, structurally diverse, drugs block the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) K(+) channel to cause acquired long QT syndrome, which can lead to sudden death via lethal cardiac arrhythmias. This undesirable side effect is a major hurdle in the development of safe drugs. To gain insight about the structure of hERG and the nature of drug block we have produced structural models of the channel pore domain, into each of which we have docked a set of 20 hERG blockers. In the absence of an experimentally determined three-dimensional structure of hERG, each of the models was validated against site-directed mutagenesis data. First, hERG models were produced of the open and closed channel states, based on homology with the prokaryotic K(+) channel crystal structures. The modeled complexes were in partial agreement with the mutagenesis data. To improve agreement with mutagenesis data, a KcsA-based model was refined by rotating the four copies of the S6 transmembrane helix half a residue position toward the C-terminus, so as to place all residues known to be involved in drug binding in positions lining the central cavity. This model produces complexes that are consistent with mutagenesis data for smaller, but not larger, ligands. Larger ligands could be accommodated following refinement of this model by enlarging the cavity using the inherent flexibility about the glycine hinge (Gly648) in S6, to produce results consistent with the experimental data for the majority of ligands tested.  相似文献   


Intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is recommended by WHO where malaria incidence in infancy is high and SP resistance is low. The current delivery strategy is via routine Expanded Program on Immunisation contacts during infancy (EPI-IPTi). However, improvements to this approach may be possible where malaria transmission is seasonal, or where the malaria burden lies mainly outside infancy.

Methods and Findings

A mathematical model was developed to estimate the protective efficacy (PE) of IPT against clinical malaria in children aged 2-24 months, using entomological and epidemiological data from an EPI-IPTi trial in Navrongo, Ghana to parameterise the model. The protection achieved by seasonally-targeted IPT in infants (sIPTi), seasonal IPT in children (sIPTc), and by case-management with long-acting artemisinin combination therapies (LA-ACTs) was predicted for Navrongo and for sites with different transmission intensity and seasonality. In Navrongo, the predicted PE of sIPTi was 26% by 24 months of age, compared to 16% with EPI-IPTi. sIPTc given to all children under 2 years would provide PE of 52% by 24 months of age. Seasonally-targeted IPT retained its advantages in a range of transmission patterns. Under certain circumstances, LA-ACTs for case-management may provide similar protection to EPI-IPTi. However, EPI-IPTi or sIPT combined with LA-ACTs would be substantially more protective than either strategy used alone.


Delivery of IPT to infants via the EPI is sub-optimal because individuals are not protected by IPT at the time of highest malaria risk, and because older children are not protected. Alternative delivery strategies to the EPI are needed where transmission varies seasonally or the malaria burden extends beyond infancy. Long-acting ACTs may also make important reductions in malaria incidence. However, delivery systems must be developed to ensure that both forms of chemoprevention reach the individuals who are most exposed to malaria.  相似文献   
Conservation and sustainable management of wetlands requires participation of local stakeholders, including communities. The Bigodi Wetland is unusual because it is situated in a common property landscape but the local community has been running a successful community-based natural resource management programme (CBNRM) for the wetland for over a decade. Whilst external visitors to the wetland provide ecotourism revenues we sought to quantify community benefits through the use of wetland goods such as firewood, plant fibres, and the like, and costs associated with wild animals damaging farming activities. We interviewed 68 households living close to the wetland and valued their cash and non-cash incomes from farming and collection of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and water. The majority of households collected a wide variety of plant and fish resources and water from the wetland for household use and livestock. Overall, 53% of total household cash and non-cash income was from collected products, mostly the wetland, 28% from arable agriculture, 12% from livestock and 7% from employment and cash transfers. Female-headed households had lower incomes than male-headed ones, and with a greater reliance on NTFPs. Annual losses due to wildlife damage were estimated at 4.2% of total gross income. Most respondents felt that the wetland was important for their livelihoods, with more than 80% identifying health, education, craft materials and firewood as key benefits. Ninety-five percent felt that the wetland was in a good condition and that most residents observed the agreed CBNRM rules regarding use of the wetland. This study confirms the success of the locally run CBNRM processes underlying the significant role that the wetland plays in local livelihoods.  相似文献   
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