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Summary The spatial overlap of woody plant root systems and that of annual or perennial grasses promotes competition for soil-derived resources. In this study we examined competition for soil nitrogen between blue oak seedlings and either the annual grassBromus mollis or the perennial grassStipa pulchra under controlled outdoor conditions. Short-term nitrogen competition was quantified by injecting15N at 30 cm depth in a plane horizontal to oak seedling roots and that of their neighbors, and calculating15N uptake rates, pool sizes and15N allocation patterns 24 h after labelling. Simultaneously, integrative nitrogen competition was quantified by examining total nitrogen capture, total nitrogen pools and total nitrogen allocation.Stipa neighbors reduced inorganic soil nitrogen content to a greater extent than didBromus plants. Blue oak seedlings responded to lower soil nitrogen content by allocating lower amounts of nitrogen per unit of biomass producing higher root length densities and reducing the nitrogen content of root tissue. In addition, blue oak seedlings growing with the perennial grass exhibited greater rates of15N uptake, on a root mass basis, compensating for higher soil nitrogen competition inStipa neighborhoods. Our findings suggest that while oak seedlings have lower rates of nitrogen capture than herbaceous neighbors, oak seedlings exhibit significant changes in nitrogen allocation and nitrogen uptake rates which may offset the competitive effect annual or perennial grasses have on soil nitrogen content.  相似文献   
The effects of 60Co gamma-ray and d(20 MeV)Be neutron irradiation on DNA supercoiling have been studied using a nucleoid rewinding technique. Irradiation of viable CHO AA8 cells on ice with from 4 to 25 Gy of either radiation produced a similar resistance to rewinding of nuclear supercoils after treatment with ethidium bromide. The restitution from the effects of 12 Gy of either radiation was also similar, leaving no detectable residual damage. The discrepancy between these data and the reduced ability of neutrons to produce DNA breaks, as defined by the alkaline elution assay, is explained by the discontinuous deposition of dose associated with neutron irradiation. It is suggested from a microdosimetric analysis that the neutron radiation interacts with DNA at sites on average 5-10 times further apart than the interactions with gamma rays. The long DNA sequences which results after neutron irradiation are consequently eluted inefficiently during alkaline elution, giving a reported RBE of approximately 0.3. Restrictions in the rewinding of individual supercoils are not dependent on the interionization distance and thus give rise to an RBE of approximately 1. Furthermore, the complete removal of DNA damage, as measured by this technique, supports the hypothesis that neutron toxicity is associated with incorrect, not incomplete, rejoining of the DNA molecule.  相似文献   
Thermotropic lipid phase separation in the human immunodeficiency virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence of thermodependent lipid domains in the envelope of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was studied. HIV was propagated in Hut-78 cells and purified by differential-gradient centrifugation. Since the virus was highly infectious in cell culture and Western blots of detergent-inactivated HIV showed envelope proteins when exposed to sera containing anti-HIV antibodies, this viral preparation was not deficient in 'spike' or 'knob' particles. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of intact HIV labeled with 5-nitroxide stearate (5-NS) indicated that a temperature-dependent lipid phase separation occurs with a high onset at approx. 42 degrees C and a low onset at approx. 15 degrees C. Cooling below 42 degrees C induces 5-NS clustering. Similar phase separations with high onsets at approx. 37-38 degrees C were previously identified in 5-NS labeled human erythrocytes (cholesterol/phospholipid (C/P) molar ratio = 0.90) and cholesterol-loaded (C/P = 0.85-0.98) rat liver plasma membranes. These were attributed to a temperature-sensitive redistribution of endogenous lipid components such that 5-NS is excluded from cholesterol-rich domains and tends to reside in cholesterol-poor domains at low temperatures. Since HIV has a lipid envelope with a similarly high C/P of 0.88 (Aloia et al. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 900-904), cholesterol-rich and cholesterol-poor domains also probably exist in HIV at physiologic temperatures. The reduced stability and infectivity of HIV noted on heating above 42 degrees C may be due, in part, to the abolition of these thermodependent domains.  相似文献   
Rat intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) is an abundant cytoplasmic protein which is synthesized in the small intestinal lining cell where it is thought to participate in the absorption and intracellular metabolism of fatty acids. Each mole of this 132-residue polypeptide binds 1 mol of long chain fatty acid in a noncovalent fashion. Because of its small size and single ligand-binding site, I-FABP represents an attractive model for defining the molecular details of long chain fatty acid-protein interactions. The structure of Escherichia coli-derived rat I-FABP has now been solved to 2.5 A resolution using three isomorphous heavy atom derivatives. The protein consists of 10 anti-parallel beta-strands present as two orthogonal beta-sheets. Together a "clam shell-like" structure is formed with an opening located between two beta-strands and an interior that is lined with the side chains of nonpolar amino acids. The bound fatty acid ligand is located in the interior of the protein and has a bent conformation, possibly reflecting the presence of several gauche bonds in the hydrocarbon tail. Our present interpretation of the electron density map suggests that the fatty acid is oriented with its carboxylate group facing the guanidinium group of Arg127, whereas the end of its hydrocarbon tail is in close proximity to Val106. The indole side chain of Trp83 forms the molecular framework around which the principal bend of the hydrocarbon chain occurs.  相似文献   
Small, sinusoidal length changes were superimposed on isometric contractions of fast- and slow-twitch mouse muscles, which were stimulated maximally via their nerves. Stiffness increased with increasing frequency of sinusoidal stimulation, but the relative time course of force and stiffness changes during twitch, tetanic, or partially fused contractions was quite invariant over a range of frequencies in both muscles. Typically, stiffness increases more rapidly than force during contraction and decreases less rapidly during relaxation. This pattern was observed at various temperatures and with various numbers of stimuli. It can be described by a nonlinear relation between stiffness and force with some hysteresis. The presence in the muscle of parallel and series elastic elements, whose stiffness varies with force, may account for the nonlinear relation. This nonlinearity can be used to relate the patterns for summation of force and stiffness observed with brief trains of stimuli under a variety of conditions.  相似文献   
Meiotic segregation products were studied in sperm from two men heterozygous for the reciprocal translocations t(8;15)(p22;q21) and t(3;16)(p23;q24). A total of 226 and 201 sperm complements, respectively, were analyzed. In each translocation, 63% of complements were unbalanced, and alternate and adjacent 1 percentages were similar. The 3:1 segregation frequencies produced by the two translocations were 3.5% and 5.0%.  相似文献   
Human endothelial cells release components into the growth medium that stimulate cell-substratum adhesion. Several macromolecular components were isolated by ultracentrifugation of the endothelial cell conditioned medium. The components were heterogeneous, consisting of several sizes when examined by sedimentation velocity and gel filtration. When the extracellular components were evaluated by electron microscopy, structurally discrete particles were observed. The extracellular components and the complexes mediated cell-substratum adhesion to both human umbilical and arterial endothelial cells. The majority of the extracellular components that promote endothelial cell adhesion were pelleted by ultracentrifugation. Although the complexes contained fibronectin, antibodies to fibronectin did not inhibit cell adhesion to the complexes. Significant inhibition of endothelial cell adhesion was observed in the presence of heparin and heparan sulfate. The supernatant fraction following ultracentrifugation of the growth medium contained a component that suppressed endothelial cell adhesion to culture dishes coated with fibronectin, type I collagen, and endothelial cell complexes. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the complexes contained several components, and the majority of the large-molecular-weight components were pelleted by ultracentrifugation. The conditioned medium from human endothelial cells contains specific complexes that promote cell-substratum adhesion and components that suppress cell-substratum adhesion.  相似文献   
A micromanipulation apparatus was used to produce holes in the zonae pellucidae of unfertilized mouse oocytes. A microneedle loaded with acid Tyrode's solution was brought into contact with the zona surface, and positive flow was used in conjunction with mechanical pressure to cause a localized dissolution of the zona. Treated eggs were then fertilized in vitro in comparison with control cells. The zona drilling procedure decreased the sperm count required to achieve fertilization by a factor of approximately 100. The rate of polyspermy in zona-drilled oocytes was not greater than in controls, and oocytes fertilized after drilling, when implanted into pseudopregnant foster females, developed to term at the same rate as controls. The results demonstrate that zona drilling is a safe, effective method of increasing the efficiency of fertilization in vitro and may be useful both in agriculture and medicine for conferring fertility upon males with low sperm counts.  相似文献   
The time course of the extracellular reaction sequence ATP----ADP----AMP----adenosine has been examined during recirculation of substrate solutions over cultured pig aortic endothelial cells attached to polystyrene beads. This permits the study of reactions at volume to cell surface ratios approaching those of small blood vessels. When endothelial cells were presented with an initial bolus of ATP, high concentrations of the intermediates ADP and AMP developed before significant conversion of AMP to adenosine occurred. Further, the higher the initial ATP concentration, the slower the conversion of AMP to adenosine. Kinetic constants for each reaction were estimated by fitting simulated reaction curves to observed time courses. Apparent Km values estimated in this way agreed well with those reported for initial velocity measurements (ATPase = 300 microM; ADPase = 240 microM; and 5'-nucleotidase = 26 microM). The ratio of maximum velocities was ATPase:ADPase:AMPase = 6:1.5:1, with absolute values varying among cell batches. The data could only be fitted if the model incorporated inhibition of 5'-nucleotidase by ATP or ADP, and satisfactory fitting was achieved with a Ki value for ADP of 5 microM. These kinetic properties maximize the time separation of the intermediate pools. In vivo, at sites of platelet degranulation, they would create a time gap proportional to the size of the initial release between release of ADP (a proaggregatory milieu) and the appearance of adenosine (an anti-aggregatory milieu).  相似文献   
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