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Isolated rat hepatocytes were found to become permeable to [14C]sucrose at 0 degree C under three different conditions: Immediately following their liberation from the collagenase-perfused liver. Following a short incubation under hypoxic conditions. After electropermeabilisation. All three conditions were characterised by the formation of small protuberances (blebs) indicative of localised cell surface damage, and it is possible that the stretched plasma membrane of such blebs acted as a high-permeability region. Disappearance of blebs and restoration of normal plasma membrane impermeability could be achieved by a short (15 min) incubation at 37 degrees C. It could be shown that [14C]sucrose introduced into rat hepatocytes by non-electrical means was autophagically sequestered at the same rate as [14C]sucrose introduced electrically. In both cases the sequestration was inhibited by the specific autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine to a similar extent. The subcellular distribution of sequestered isotope in metrizamide/sucrose density gradients was found to be independent of the conditions of its introduction into cells.  相似文献   
A tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid from a strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens that induces tumors on only a limited range of plants was characterized and compared with the Ti plasmids from strains that induce tumors on a wide range of plants. Whereas all wide-host-range Ti plasmids characterized to date contain closely linked oncogenic loci within a single transferred DNA (T-DNA) region, homology to these loci is divided into two widely separated T-DNA regions on the limited-host-range plasmid. These two plasmid regions, TA-DNA and TB-DNA, are separated by approximately 25 kilobases of DNA which is not maintained in the tumor. The TA-DNA region resembles a deleted form of the wide-host-range TL-DNA and contains a region homologous to the cytokinin biosynthetic gene. However, a region homologous to the two auxin biosynthetic loci of the wide-host-range plasmid mapped within the TB-DNA region. These latter genes play an important role in tumor formation because mutations in these loci result in a loss of virulence on Nicotiana plants. Furthermore, the TB-DNA region alone conferred tumorigenicity onto strains with an intact set of vir genes. Our results suggest that factors within both the T-DNA and the vir regions contribute to the expression of host range in Agrobacterium species. There was a tremendous variation among plants in susceptibility to tumor formation by various A. tumefaciens strains. This variation occurred not only among different plant species, but also among different varieties of plants within the same genus.  相似文献   
The envelope gene of HTLV-III, the retrovirus directly linked to AIDS, encodes a protein of 856 amino acids. Our sequence analysis of the cloned HTLV-III (HXB-3) env gene and its comparison with other isolates reveal significant divergence, especially in the external portion of this protein. A large segment of the env gene (1800 bp) was inserted into the expression vector pEV-vrf3, and a corresponding 68 kd protein, which encompasses both the extracellular and the membrane-associated regions of the native protein, was produced in E. coli. Several smaller polypeptides, which appear to be internal initiation products, were also produced. All 50 AIDS patient sera obtained from different locations in the United States specifically recognized the bacterially synthesized envelope proteins, as judged by Western blots. This suggests that these proteins will be useful for the diagnosis of HTLV-III infection and possibly as a vaccine against AIDS.  相似文献   
A family of long, highly-repetitive sequences, referred to previously as `HpaII-repeats', dominates the genome of the eukaryotic slime mould Physarum polycephalum. These sequences are found exclusively in scrambled clusters. They account for about one-half of the total complement of repetitive DNA in Physarum, and represent the major sequence component found in hypermethylated, 20-50 kb segments of Physarum genomic DNA that fail to be cleaved using the restriction endonuclease HpaII. The structure of this abundant repetitive element was investigated by analysing cloned segments derived from the hypermethylated genomic DNA compartment. We show that the `HpaII-repeat' forms part of a larger repetitive DNA structure, ~8.6 kb in length, with several structural features in common with recognised eukaryotic transposable genetic elements. Scrambled clusters of the sequence probably arise as a result of transposition-like events, during which the element preferentially recombines in either orientation with target sites located in other copies of the same repeated sequence. The target sites for transposition/recombination are not related in sequence but in all cases studied they are potentially capable of promoting the formation of small `cruciforms' or `Z-DNA' structures which might be recognised during the recombination process.  相似文献   
The effect of clinically used equipotent doses of nonselective (beta 1/beta 2; propranolol) and selective (beta 1; atenolol) beta-adrenoceptor blockers on thermoregulation was studied during prolonged exercise in the heat. Oral propranolol (160 mg/day), atenolol (100 mg/day) or matching placebo were taken for 6 days each by 11 healthy young adult caucasian males. Subjects participated in 2 h of block-stepping at a work rate of 54 W in an environmental chamber with a temperature of 33.2 +/- 0.3 degree C dry bulb and 31.7 /+- 0.3 degree C wet bulb, 2 h after ingestion of the final dose of each drug. Both active agents produced similar marked (P less than 0.001) increases in subjective perception of effort, the mechanism of which was not immediately evident from changes in serum electrolytes, blood glucose, blood lactate, or ventilatory parameters. Propranolol did, however, cause a greater rise in serum K+ than placebo (P less than 0.02) and atenolol (P = NS) after exercise. Although rectal and mean skin temperatures were insignificantly altered by beta-adrenoceptor blockade, an increased total sweat production was noted with propranolol (P less than 0.01 vs. placebo) and to a lesser degree atenolol (P = NS vs. placebo) therapy. Analysis of the time course of sweat production showed the propranolol-mediated enhancement of sweating to ensue largely during the initial hour of block-stepping and to be transient in nature. The scientific and clinical implications of this observation will be dependent upon the precise underlying mechanism, a factor not identified by the present study.  相似文献   
The trans-zeatin secretion locus (tzs), from the nopaline Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain T37, was cloned and the nucleotide sequence determined. This gene is located in the virulence region of pTiT37. The tzs gene is responsible for the secretion of trans-zeatin into bacterial culture medium and in addition has the cytokinin biosynthetic activity, dimethylallylpyrophosphate:AMP dimethylallyltransferase. Sequence analysis showed an open reading frame of 729 nucleotides, capable of encoding a protein of 27,545 daltons. A single new labelled protein of 27,200 daltons was detected in Escherichia coli maxicells expressing the cloned tzs gene. Significant sequence homology was observed between the tzs and the published tmr sequence from pTiT37.  相似文献   
We have demonstrated that a comparative analysis of the physiological effects of exposure of laboratory mammals to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RFR) may be useful in predicting exposure thresholds for humans if the effect is assumed to be due only to heating of tissue. The threshold specific absorption rate (SAR) necessary to affect a thermoregulatory parameter shows an inverse and linear relationship to body mass. The inverse relationship between threshold SAR and body mass is attributed to a surface area: body mass relationship. In comparison to small mammals, relatively large mammals have a reduced capacity to dissipate an internal heat load passively, and are therefore physiologically more sensitive to RFR exposure. The threshold for a thermoregulatory response depends on the type of response measured, species, ambient temperature, etc. By extrapolation, it can be shown that a SAR of only 0.2-0.4 W/kg is required to promote a thermoregulatory response in a mammal with a body mass of 70 kg (e.g. weight of adult human). The specific absorption rate bioeffects data collected from laboratory mammals can be related by means of a simple power formula: threshold SAR (W/kg) = aMb, where M is body mass in kg, a is a constant and b is equal to approximately -0.5. Through this equation we have illustrated that a threshold SAR measured in a species weighing 100 g would be 10 times greater than that of a species weighing 10 000 g. Accordingly, a relatively low SAR that is physiologically ineffective in small mammals may be stressful to larger species.  相似文献   
Chromosome number determinations were made from 407 wild or transplanted individuals and seedlings representing 65 taxa and hybrids inEuthamia andSolidago. The following are first reports:Euthamia remota, 2n=9II;Solidago leavenworthii, 2n=54;S. mollis, 2n=36;S. mollis var.angustata, 2n=36;S. rigida var.glabrata, 2n=9II;S. sempervirens var.azorica, 2n=9II; andS. sparsiflora, 2n=54. Most species have been sampled only a few times or are consistently of one cytotype. Sufficient counts have been made to indicate some general patterns of cytotype distribution in the following species complexes:S. gigantea, S. canadensis, S. flexicaulis, S. rugosa, andS. uliginosa.  相似文献   
We have examined the biosynthesis of rat apolipoprotein C-III in the small intestine and liver. The primary translation product of its mRNA was recovered from wheat germ and ascites cell-free systems. Comparison of its NH2-terminal sequence with the NH2 terminus of plasma high density lipoprotein-associated apolipoprotein C-III showed that apo-C-III was initially synthesized as a preprotein with a 20 amino acid long NH2-terminal extension: Met-X-X-X-Met-Leu-Leu-X-X-Ala-Leu-X-Ala-Leu-Leu-Ala-X-Ala-X-Ala. Co-translational cleavage of the cell-free translation product by signal peptidase generated a polypeptide with the same NH2 terminus as the mature protein (X-Glu-X-Glu-Gly-Ser-Leu-Leu-Leu-Gly-Ser-Met). Therefore, this apolipoprotein does not undergo post-translational proteolytic processing like two other high density lipoprotein-affiliated proteins, proapo-A-I and proapo-A-II. The mRNA encoding apolipoprotein C-III comprises 0.4% of the translatable RNA species in adult rat liver and 0.14% of the translatable RNA species in small intestinal epithelium. Acute fat feeding with a triglyceride meal resulted in a 2-fold increase in intestinal preapo-C-III mRNA accumulation but no change in the levels of preproapo-A-I mRNA. Thus, the acute response of the apo-A-I and C-III genes to triacylglycerol absorption differs.  相似文献   
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