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Quantitative expressions have been developed for systems such as yeast reductions where competing enzymes act on one substrate to yield two enantiomeric products. These expressions relate the observed stereochemical variables, the extent of conversion (C), the optical purity expressed as enantiomeric excess (ee), and the initial substrate concentration (A0) to the kinetic parameters KR and KS (apparent Michaelis constants) and y (VRVS, the ratio of maximal velocities) of such competing enzymes. The expressions have been experimentally verified using a purified competing enzyme system of l- and d-lactic dehydrogenases. Furthermore, the enantioselective reduction of β-keto esters by intact yeast cells has been examined by means of this kinetic analysis.  相似文献   
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled with online light scattering, viscometry, refractometry, and UV-visible spectroscopy provides a very powerful tool for studying protein size, shape, and aggregation. This technique can be used to determine the molecular weight of the component peaks independent of the retention times in the SEC column and simultaneously measure the hydrodynamic radius and polydispersity of the protein. We applied this technology by coupling an Agilent Chemstation high-performance liquid chromatography system with a diode array UV-visible detector and a Viscotek 300 EZ Pro triple detector (combination of a light scattering detector, refractometer, and differential pressure viscometer) to characterize and compare the molecular properties of a number of monoclonal antibodies. Our studies reveal that different monoclonal immunoglobulin Gs (IgGs) and chimeric IgGs show slightly different retention times and therefore different molecular weights in gel filtration analysis. However, when they are analyzed by light scattering, refractometry, and viscometry, different IgGs have comparable molecular weight, molecular homogeneity (polydispersity), and size. Gel filtration coupled with UV or refractive index detection suggests that antibodies purified and formulated for preclinical and clinical development are more than 95% monomer with little or no detectable soluble aggregates. Light scattering measurements showed the presence of trace amounts of soluble aggregate in all the IgG preparations. The different IgG molecules showed different susceptibility to heat and pH. One of the murine antibodies was considerably less stable than the others at 55 degrees C. The application of this powerful technology for the characterization of monoclonal antibodies of therapeutic potential is discussed.  相似文献   
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) proteins are neuroprotective factors involved in neuronal signaling, survival and plasticity. Both can be regulated by cyclic AMP response element binding (CREB) protein. Decreased levels of BDNF and Bcl-2 are implicated in the pathogenesis of bipolar disorder. The present study investigated whether chronically administered mood stabilizers would increase BDNF and/or Bcl-2 levels in rat brain. Real time RT-PCR, sandwich ELISA and Western blotting were used to measure BDNF and Bcl-2 mRNA and protein levels in the frontal cortex of rats chronically administered carbamazepine (CBZ) or lamotrigine (LTG) to produce plasma concentrations therapeutically relevant to bipolar disorder. Chronic CBZ and LTG significantly increased BDNF and Bcl-2 mRNA and protein levels in the frontal cortex. A common mechanism of action of mood stabilizers in the treatment of bipolar disorder may involve neuroprotection mediated by upregulation of brain BDNF and Bcl-2 expression.  相似文献   
In the first phase of a collaborative study by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (PRCS), four coded chemicals, i.e. azidoglycerol (AG, 3-azido-1,2-propanediol), methyl nitrosurea (MNU), sodium azide (NaN3) and maleic hydrazide (MH), and ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) as a positive control were tested in four plant bioassays, namely the Arabidopsis embryo and chlorophyll mutation assay, the Tradescantia stamen hair assay (Trad-SH assay), the Tradescantia micronucleus assay (Trade-MCN), and the Vicia faba root tip assay. Seventeen laboratories from diverse regions of the world participated with four to six laboratories each using one plant assay. For the Arabidopsis assay, laboratories were in agreement with MNU and AG giving positive responses and NaN3 giving a negative response. With the exception of one laboratory which reported MH as weakly mutagenic, no mutagenic response was reported for MH by the other laboratories. For the Vicia faba assay, all laboratories reported a positive response for MNU, AG, and MH, whereas two of the six laboratories reported a negative response for NaN3. For the Trad-SH assay, MH was reported as giving a positive response and a positive response was also observed for MNU with the exception of one laboratory. NaN3, which exhibited a relatively high degree of toxicity, elicited a positive response in three of the five laboratories. AG was found positive in only one of the two laboratories which tested this chemical. For the Trad-MCN assay, MNU and MH were reported as positive by all laboratories, while four out of five laboratories reported NaN3 to be positive. Only one of three laboratories reported AG to be positive. The major sources of variability were identified and considered to be in the same range as found in similar studies on other test systems. Recommendations were made for minor changes in methodology and for initiating the second phase of this study.  相似文献   
Smallholder farmer and tribal communities are often characterised as marginalised and highly vulnerable to emerging zoonotic diseases due to their relatively poor access to healthcare, worse-off health outcomes, proximity to sources of disease risks, and their social and livelihood organisation. Yet, access to relevant and timely disease information that could strengthen their adaptive capacity remain challenging and poorly characterised in the empirical literature. This paper addresses this gap by exploring the role of disease information in shaping the adaptive capacity of smallholder farmer and tribal groups to Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD), a tick-borne viral haemorrhagic fever. We carried out household surveys (n = 229) and in-depth interviews (n = 25) in two affected districts–Shimoga and Wayanad–in the Western Ghats region.Our findings suggest that, despite the generally limited awareness about KFD, access to disease information improved households’ propensity to implement adaptation strategies relative to households that had no access to it. Of the variety of adaptation strategies implemented, vaccination, avoiding forest visits, wearing of protective clothing and footwear, application of dimethyl phthalate (DMP) oil and income diversification were identified by respondents as important adaptive measures during the outbreak seasons. Even so, we identified significant differences between individuals in exposure to disease information and its contribution to substantive adaptive action. Households reported several barriers to implement adaptation strategies including, lack of disease information, low efficacy of existing vaccine, distrust, religio-cultural sentiments, and livelihood concerns. We also found that informal information sharing presented a promising avenue from a health extension perspective albeit with trade-offs with potential distortion of the messages through misinformation and/or reporting bias. Altogether, our findings stress the importance of contextualising disease information and implementing interventions in a participatory way that sufficiently addresses the social determinants of health in order to bolster households’ adaptive capacity to KFD and other neglected endemic zoonoses.  相似文献   
Protein conformational changes play crucial roles in enabling function. The Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) experiment forms the basis for studying such dynamics when they involve the interconversion between highly populated and sparsely formed states, the latter having lifetimes ranging from ~?0.5 to ~?5 ms. Among the suite of experiments that have been developed are those that exploit methyl group probes by recording methyl 1H single quantum (Tugarinov and Kay in J Am Chem Soc 129:9514–9521, 2007) and triple quantum (Yuwen et al. in Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 55:11490–11494, 2016) relaxation dispersion profiles. Here we build upon these by developing a third experiment in which methyl 1H double quantum coherences evolve during a CPMG relaxation element. By fitting single, double, and triple quantum datasets, akin to recording the single quantum dataset at static magnetic fields of Bo, 2Bo and 3Bo, we show that accurate exchange values can be obtained even in cases where exchange rates exceed 10,000 s?1. The utility of the double quantum experiment is demonstrated with a pair of cavity mutants of T4 lysozyme (T4L) with ground and excited states interchanged and with exchange rates differing by fourfold (~?900 s?1 and ~?3600 s?1), as well as with a fast-folding domain where the unfolded state lifetime is ~?80 µs.  相似文献   
Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) type relaxation dispersion experiments are now routinely used to characterise protein conformational dynamics that occurs on the μs to millisecond (ms) timescale between a visible major state and ‘invisible’ minor states. The exchange rate(s) (\( k_{{{\text{ex}}}} \)), population(s) of the minor state(s) and the absolute value of the chemical shift difference \(|{\Delta \varpi }|\) (ppm) between different exchanging states can be extracted from the CPMG data. However the sign of \({\Delta \varpi }\) that is required to reconstruct the spectrum of the ‘invisible’ minor state(s) cannot be obtained from CPMG data alone. Building upon the recently developed triple quantum (TQ) methyl \( ^{1} {\text{H}} \) CPMG experiment (Yuwen in Angew Chem 55:11490–11494, 2016) we have developed pulse sequences that use carbon detection to generate and evolve single quantum (SQ), double quantum (DQ) and TQ coherences from methyl protons in the indirect dimension to measure the chemical exchange-induced shifts of the SQ, DQ and TQ coherences from which the sign of \({\Delta \varpi }\) is readily obtained for two state exchange. Further a combined analysis of the CPMG data and the difference in exchange induced shifts between the SQ and DQ resonances and between the SQ and TQ resonances improves the estimates of exchange parameters like the population of the minor state. We demonstrate the use of these experiments on two proteins undergoing exchange: (1) the ~ 18 kDa cavity mutant of T4 Lysozyme (\( k_{{{\text{ex}}}} \sim\,3500{\text{ s}}^{{ - 1}} \)) and (2) the \(\sim\,4.7\) kDa Peripheral Sub-unit Binding Domain (PSBD) from the acetyl transferase of Bacillus stearothermophilus (\(k_{ex} \sim\,13,000\hbox { s}^{-1}\)).  相似文献   
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