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c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP) is an SH3-containing adapter protein that binds to the proto-oncogene c-Cbl. Recent work suggests that signaling through these molecules is involved in the regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Skeletal muscle is the major site of insulin-stimulated glucose disposal but there have been no reports of CAP function in this tissue. Using RT-PCR of mouse skeletal muscle RNA, we discovered a novel splice variant of CAP (CAPSM; GenBank Accession No. AF521593) that is different from the adipocyte form by inclusion of a novel 168 bp fragment. This fragment encodes a peptide sequence that shows very high similarity with exon 25 of the human homologue of CAP (SORBS1). To understand the function of CAPSM in glucose uptake regulation, L6 myotubes were transfected with either CAPSM or a truncated CAPSM devoid of all three SH3-binding domains (CAPDeltaSH3), which prevents CAP association with c-Cbl. Transfection with CAPDeltaSH3 decreased insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) uptake and reduced c-Cbl phosphorylation. In contrast, transfection of L6 myotubes with CAPDeltaSH3 had no effect on dinitrophenol (DNP)- or hypoxia-stimulated glucose uptake, stimuli that work through insulin-independent mechanisms for the regulation of glucose uptake. These data demonstrate the existence of a novel CAP isoform expressed in skeletal muscle, and suggest the involvement of the CAP/Cbl pathway in the regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in L6 myotubes.  相似文献   
Recent studies have indicated that the tip links and kinocilial links of sensory hair bundles in the inner ear have similar properties and share a common epitope, and that cadherin 23 may also be a component of each link type. Transmission electron microscopy was therefore used to study and compare the fine structure of the tip links and kinocilial links in avian sensory hair bundles. Tannic acid treatment revealed a thin strand, 150-200 nm long and 8-11 nm thick, present in both link types. Fourier analysis of link images showed that the strand of both link types is formed from two filaments coiled in a helix-like arrangement with an axial period of 20-25 nm, with each filament composed of globular structures that are approximately 4 nm in diameter. Differences in the radius and period of the helix-like structure may underlie the observed variation in the length of tip and kinocilial links. The similar helix-like structure of the tip links and kinocilial links is in accord with the presence of a common cell-surface antigen (TLA antigen) and similarities in the physical and chemical properties of the two link types. The spacing of the globular structures comprising each filament of the two link types is similar to the 4.3 nm center-to-center spacing reported for the globular cadherin repeat, and is consistent with the suggestion that cadherin 23 is the tip link.  相似文献   
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an energy-sensing enzyme that plays a pivotal role in regulating cellular metabolism for sustaining energy homeostasis under stress conditions. Activation of AMPK has been observed in the heart during acute and chronic stresses, but its functional role has not been completely understood because of the lack of effective activators and inhibitors of this kinase in the heart. We generated transgenic mice (TG) with cardiac-specific overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of the AMPK alpha2 catalytic subunit to clarify the functional role of this kinase in myocardial ischemia. In isolated perfused hearts subjected to a 10-min ischemia, AMPK alpha2 activity in wild type (WT) increased substantially (by 4.5-fold), whereas AMPK alpha2 activity in TG was similar to the level of WT at base line. Basal AMPK alpha1 activity was unchanged in TG and increased normally during ischemia. Ischemia stimulated a 2.5-fold increase in 2-deoxyglucose uptake over base line in WT, whereas the inactivation of AMPK alpha2 in TG significantly blunted this response. Using 31P NMR spectroscopy, we found that ATP depletion was accelerated in TG hearts during no-flow ischemia, and these hearts developed left ventricular dysfunction manifested by an early and more rapid increase in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. The exacerbated ATP depletion could not be attributed to impaired glycolytic ATP synthesis because TG hearts consumed slightly more glycogen during this period of no-flow ischemia. Thus, AMPK alpha2 is necessary for maintaining myocardial energy homeostasis during ischemia. It is likely that the functional role of AMPK in myocardial energy metabolism resides both in energy supply and utilization.  相似文献   
The alpha3 fucosyltransferase, FucT-VII, is one of the key glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of the sialyl Lewis X (sLex) antigen on human leukocytes. The sialyl Lewis X antigen (NeuAcalpha(2-3)Galbeta(1-4)[Fucalpha(1-3)]GlcNAc-R) is an essential component of the recruitment of leukocytes to sites of inflammation, mediating the primary interaction between circulating leukocytes and activated endothelium. In order to characterize the enzymatic properties of the leukocyte alpha3 fucosyltransferase FucT-VII, the enzyme has been expressed in Trichoplusia ni insect cells. The enzyme is capable of synthesizing both sLexand sialyl-dimeric-Lexstructures in vitro , from 3'-sialyl-lacNAc and VIM-2 structures, respectively, with only low levels of fucose transfer observed to neutral or 3'-sulfated acceptors. Studies using fucosylated NeuAcalpha(2-3)-(Galbeta(1- 4)GlcNAc)3-Me acceptors demonstrate that FucT-VII is able to synthesize both di-fucosylated and tri-fucosylated structures from mono- fucosylated precursors, but preferentially fucosylates the distal GlcNAc within a polylactosamine chain. Furthermore, the rate of fucosylation of the internal GlcNAc residues is reduced once fucose has been added to the distal GlcNAc. These results indicate that FucT-VII is capable of generating complex selectin ligands, in vitro , however the order of fucose addition to the lactosamine chain affects the rate of selectin ligand synthesis.   相似文献   


The emergence of large-scale patterns of animal body size is the central expectation of a wide range of (macro)ecological and evolutionary hypotheses. The drivers shaping these patterns include climate (e.g. Bergmann's rule), resource availability (e.g. ‘resource rule’), biogeographic settings and niche partitioning (e.g. adaptive radiation). However, these hypotheses often make opposing predictions about the trajectories of body size evolution. Therefore, whether underlying drivers of body size evolution can be identified remains an open question. Here, we employ the most comprehensive global dataset of body size in amphibians, to address multiple hypotheses that predict patterns of body size evolution based on climatic factors, ecology and biogeographic settings to identify underlying drivers and their generality across lineages.



Time Period


Major Taxa Studied



Using a global dataset spanning 7270 (>87% of) species of Anura, Caudata and Gymnophiona, we employed phylogenetic Bayesian modelling to test the roles of climate, resource availability, insularity, elevation, habitat use and diel activity on body size.


Only climate and elevation drive body size patterns, and these processes are order-specific. Seasonality in precipitation and in temperature predict body size clines in anurans, whereas caecilian body size increases with aridity. However, neither of these drivers explained variation in salamander body size. In both anurans and caecilians, size increases with elevational range and with midpoint elevation in caecilians only. No effects of mean temperature, resource abundance, insularity, time of activity or habitat use were found.

Main Conclusions

Precipitation and temperature seasonality are the dominant climatic drivers of body size variation in amphibians overall. Bergmann's rule is consistently rejected, and so are other alternative hypotheses. We suggest that the rationale sustaining existing macroecological rules of body size is unrealistic in amphibians and discuss our findings in the context of the emerging hypothesis that climate change can drive body size shifts.  相似文献   
Harlequin ichthyosis (HI) is the most severe and frequently lethal form of recessive congenital ichthyosis. Although defects in lipid transport, protein phosphatase activity, and differentiation have been described, the genetic basis underlying the clinical and cellular phenotypes of HI has yet to be determined. By use of single-nucleotide-polymorphism chip technology and homozygosity mapping, a common region of homozygosity was observed in five patients with HI in the chromosomal region 2q35. Sequencing of the ABCA12 gene, which maps within the minimal region defined by homozygosity mapping, revealed disease-associated mutations, including large intragenic deletions and frameshift deletions in 11 of the 12 screened individuals with HI. Since HI epidermis displays abnormal lamellar granule formation, ABCA12 may play a critical role in the formation of lamellar granules and the discharge of lipids into the intercellular spaces, which would explain the epidermal barrier defect seen in this disorder. This finding paves the way for early prenatal diagnosis. In addition, functional studies of ABCA12 will lead to a better understanding of epidermal differentiation and barrier formation.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure and molecular composition of the extracellular matrices that are associated with the apical surfaces of the mechanosensory epithelia in the mouse inner ear are compared. A progressive increase in molecular and structural organization is observed, with the cupula being the simplest, the otoconial membrane exhibiting an intermediate degree of complexity, and the tectorial membrane being the most elaborate of the three matrices. These differences may reflect changes that occurred in the acellular membranes of the inner ear as a mammalian hearing organ arose during evolution from a simple equilibrium receptor. A comparison of the molecular composition of the acellular membranes in the chick inner ear suggests the auditory epithelium and the striolar region of the maculae are homologous, indicating the basilar papilla may have evolved from the striolar region of an otolithic organ. A comparison of the tectorial membranes in the chick cochlear duct and the mouse cochlea reveals differences in the structure of the noncollagenous matrix in the two species that may result from differences in the stochiometry of alpha- and beta-tectorin and/or differences in the post-translational modification of alpha-tectorin. This comparison also indicates that the appearance of collagen in the mammalian tectorial membrane may have been a major step in the evolution of an electromechanically tuned vertebrate hearing organ that operates over an extended frequency range.  相似文献   
Physicalexercise and contraction increase c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase(JNK) activity in rat and human skeletal muscle, and eccentriccontractions activate JNK to a greater extent than concentric contractions in human skeletal muscle. Because eccentric contractions include a lengthening or stretch component, we compared the effects ofisometric contraction and static stretch on JNK and p38, the stress-activated protein kinases. Soleus and extensor digitorum longus(EDL) muscles dissected from 50- to 90-g male Sprague-Dawley rats weresubjected to 10 min of electrical stimulation that produced contractions and/or to 10 min of stretch (0.24 N tension, 20-25% increase in length) in vitro. In the soleus muscle, contraction resulted in a small, but significant, increase in JNK activity (1.8-fold above basal) and p38 phosphorylation (4-fold). Static stretchhad a much more profound effect on the stress-activated proteinkinases, increasing JNK activity 19-fold and p38 phosphorylation 21-fold. Increases in JNK activation and p38 phosphorylation in response to static stretch were fiber-type dependent, with greater increases occurring in the soleus than in the EDL. Immunohistochemistry performed with a phosphospecific antibody revealed that activation ofJNK occurred within the muscle fibers. These studies suggest that thestretch component of a muscle contraction may be a major contributor tothe increases in JNK activity and p38 phosphorylation observed afterexercise in vivo.

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipates chemical energy as heat and can counteract obesity. MicroRNAs are emerging as key regulators in development and disease. Combining microRNA and mRNA microarray profiling followed by bioinformatic analyses, we identified miR‐455 as a new regulator of brown adipogenesis. miR‐455 exhibits a BAT‐specific expression pattern and is induced by cold and the browning inducer BMP7. In vitro gain‐ and loss‐of‐function studies show that miR‐455 regulates brown adipocyte differentiation and thermogenesis. Adipose‐specific miR‐455 transgenic mice display marked browning of subcutaneous white fat upon cold exposure. miR‐455 activates AMPKα1 by targeting HIF1an, and AMPK promotes the brown adipogenic program and mitochondrial biogenesis. Concomitantly, miR‐455 also targets the adipogenic suppressors Runx1t1 and Necdin, initiating adipogenic differentiation. Taken together, the data reveal a novel microRNA‐regulated signaling network that controls brown adipogenesis and may be a potential therapeutic target for human metabolic disorders.  相似文献   
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