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Methods for DNA preparation from Xanthomonas fragariae in infected or artificially contaminated strawberry plants were compared in diagnostic assays using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The bacterium was detected using PCR with primers specific to a region of its hrp gene. Sensitivity of detection was 1.25 ×l 103 CFU ml-1 using DNA from bacterial suspensions prepared by an alkali extraction method. This was 10-fold more sensitive than DNA extraction by boiling, and was equal to that in which DNA was prepared by a more involved cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) procedure. Sensitivity of detection from artificially contaminated strawberry tissues was 10-fold less than that from cell suspensions. The results indicated that a rapid and simple method of alkali DNA sample preparation is applicable for the sensitive and reliable detection of X. fragariae and possibly other plant pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
Thrombin is a potent mitogen for human vascular smooth muscle cells (HVSMC) and its enzymatic activity is required for this function. The present study demonstrates that prothrombin is also mitogenic for HVSMC due to the generation of enzymatically active thrombin which occurs upon incubation of prothrombin with the cells. Analysis by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting, and amino acid sequencing revealed that prothrombin incubated with HVSMC undergoes limited proteolysis. Prethrombin 1 was formed through cleavage at R155-S156. Cleavage at R271-T272 generated fragment 1.2 and prethrombin 2 whilst cleavage at R284-T285 yielded truncated prothrombin 2 (prethrombin 2′). However, cleavage at R320-I321 which, during prothrombin activation produces two-chain α-thrombin, was not detectable. Studies on HVSMC-conditioned medium revealed that a similar pattern of prothrombin cleavage occurred by a cell-secreted factor(s). Amidolytic activity analysis indicated that 1–3% catalytically active thrombin-like activity was generated upon incubation of prothrombin with HVSMC-conditioned medium. By treating conditioned medium with various classes of proteinase inhibitors or hirudin, it was determined that prothrombin is cleaved by a cell-derived serine proteinase-like factor(s) at R271-S272 and by α-thrombin at R155-S156 and R284-T285. Antibodies neutralising the activity of either urokinase, tissue plasminogen activator, or factor Xa failed to alter the prothrombin cleaving activity of conditioned medium. This activity which may catalyse an alternative pathway for the generation of thrombin, was eluted from a gel filtration column as a single peak with apparent molecular mass of 30–40 kDa. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary A membrane interactive peptide was toxic to microspores, pollen and protoplasts of canola in the 1–5 µM concentration range. Similarly, at 5.0 µM the peptide completely inhibited germination of conidia ofVerticillium albo-atrum; however, when tested with conidia of a virulent isolate of blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculens), a fungal pathogen of canola, much higher levels (>30 µM) of the peptide were required to reduce or arrest germination and growth of the conidia. When testing the relative toxicities of novel peptides on plant cells and their pathogens, pollen germination is a simple, rapid and reliable alternative to protoplasts.  相似文献   
Summary A series of cell lines unique in insect virus susceptibility pattern have been isolated from the ovaries of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar: Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) on a synthetic medium with mammalian and avian serum supplementation. Growth curves showed the poorest growth occurring on peptone-based media with somewhat better growth on amino-acid-based media. The best growth was obtained with combined media. Serological study distinguished the present cell lines from one another and from cell lines derived from other insect species grown routinely in the same laboratory. Baculovirus susceptibility among the new lines varied from no response to a specific complete replication response upon challenge by the homologous (gypsy moth) nuclear polyhedrosis virus. This research was funded in part through a reimbursable agreement with the U.S. Forest Service.  相似文献   
Der Metabolismus der photosynthetischen Pigmente und Chinone von Chlorella wurde mit Hilfe von 14CO2, [2-14C]-Acetat und [D-4,5-3H]-Leucin als Vorstufen der Isoprenoidsynthese untersucht. Auch wurde untersucht, ob Leucin als Vorstufe in der Biosynthese der Terpenoide fungiert. Die Verwendung der Doppelmarkierung sollte bestehende Unterschiede in der Regulation und Biosynthese der Isoprenoide der Chloroplasten, Mitochondrien und des Zytoplasmas aufdecken. Neben der Verwendung von Radioisotopen wurde die Inkorporation von Deuterium in die Carotinoide verwendet, um den turnover der Prenyl-Lipide direkt nachzuweisen. In tracer-kinetischen Untersuchungen mit 14CO2 konnte gezeigt werden, daß 14-C-α-Carotin zu 14C-Lutein und 14C-ß-Carotin zu 14C-Zeaxanthin umgesetzt wird. Eine Vorstufenfunktion läßt sich auch für Plastohydrochinon-9 nachweisen, das in Plastochinon-9 umgesetzt wird. Die Markierungskinetik der einzelnen Prenyl-Lipide deutet auf einen schnellen turnover hin. Anhand der 14C-Inkorporationskinetik wurden Halbwertszeiten im Bereich von 30 min bis 220 min ermittelt, während sich aus den Dekorporationskinetiken Zeiten von 9 bis 113 h ergeben. Prenyl-Lipide wie die Carotine, Chlorophyll a und Plastochinon-9, die einerseits Vorstufenfunktion besitzen, andererseits aber auch direkt an der Photosynthese beteiligt sind, werden schneller umgesetzt als ihre Folgeprodukte. Somit scheint ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Funktion des Prenyl-Lipides im Chloroplasten und seinem Umsatz zu bestehen. Sowohl Acetat wie auch Leucin werden von Chlorella als Vorstufen in der Terpenoidbiosynthese verwendet. Acetat wird aber wesentlich schneller inkorporiert als Leucin, was vielleicht darauf zurückzuführen ist, daß Leucin im Zytoplasma zu Acetat oder Mevalonsäure metabolisiert wird und dann in den Chloroplasten gelangt. Auch im tracer-kinetischen Experiment mit 14C-Acetat und 3H-Leucin läßt sich eine Vorstufen-Produkt-Beziehung für die Chlorophylle, Carotinoide und Chinone zeigen. Im Vergleich zu den Experimenten mit 14CO2 zeigen die tracer-kinetischen Experimente mit 14C-Acetat und 3H-Leucin, daß die Chloroplasten-Isoprenoide wesentlich langsamer metabolisiert werden und ihre Umsatzraten mehr jenen entsprechen, die aus den 14C-Dekorporationskinetiken des 14CO2-Experimentes resultieren. Es zeigt sich aber auch hier, daß jene Prenyl-Lipide, die direkt an der Photosynthese beteiligt sind, schneller metabolisiert werden. Daß die Chloroplasten-Isoprenoide in autotroph kultivierten Chlorellen einem ständigen turnover unterliegen, läßt sich auch sehr eindrucksvoll mit Hilfe der Deuterium-Inkorporation für die Carotine zeigen. Die aus der Deuterium-Inkorporation erhaltenen Umsätze der Carotine entsprechen in etwa denen, die sich aus ihrer Dekorporationskinetik im tracer-kinetischen Experiment mit [2-14C]-Acetat und [D-4,5-3H]-Leucin ergeben, zeigen allerdings, daß a-Carotin wesentlich schneller umgesetzt wird als ß-Carotin. Die Untersuchungen wurden durch ein Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft im Austausch mit der British Royal Society an K.H.G. unterstützt, wofür wir uns bedanken.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial volume fraction was compared among three regions along the length of six multiply innervated fibers (MIFs) in the orbital surface layer of rabbit superior rectus. These MIFs are of about 5 μm diameter toward the middle of their length, and of about 15 μm diameter toward their proximal and distal ends. The region of highest volume fraction (26%) was located toward the proximal end of their segment of minimal diameter, in apparent association with endplate-like nerve junctions. The region of lowest volume fraction (8%) was located at their distal segment of maximal diameter. The region toward the distal end of their segment of minimal diameter displayed an intermediate volume fraction (15%). These mitochondrial volume fractions were further analyzed in terms of the relative contributions of the I-band, the A-band, and the subsarcolemmal mitochondrial clusters. Comparable changes in mitochondrial content occur in both the I-band and A-band: in the fibers' distal segment of maximal diameter, however, the mitochondrial volume fraction in the A-band (5%) is lower than in the I-band (11%). These modifications of mitochondrial content along the fibers' length occur irrespective of the contributions of the subsarcolemmal mitochondrial clusters.  相似文献   
Clerosterol-[26-14C], a 24β-ethyl-25-methylene sterol [(24S)-24-ethylcholesta-5,25-dien-3β-ol], was incorporated into clionasterol and poriferasterol by cultures of the green algae Trebouxia sp. 213/3 and Trebouxia sp. 219/2. Degradation of the labelled poriferasterol showed that the 14C retained its identity and was not incorporated as a result of metabolism of the clerosterol-[26-14C] and randomisation of label. These results are consistent with the proposed production, and subsequent reduction, of a 24β-ethyl-25-methylene intermediate in 24β-ethyl sterol biosynthesis in algae of the order Chlorococcales.  相似文献   
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