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Theoretical analysis of the footprinting experiment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the footprinting experiment, an end-radiolabeled DNA restriction fragment is subjected to digest by an endonuclease in the presence and absence of a ligand which alters the endonuclease cleavage rate at sites of ligand-DNA contact. The location of these sites, and the strength of the ligand binding, are then deduced from the measured concentrations of the different oligonucleotides produced by the digest. We analyze the experiment in terms of coupled kinetic equations which take into account the cutting rates of endonuclease for sites with ligand present and absent, and the rates of binding and dissociation of the ligand to a site. As long as the ligand concentration remains essentially constant (which occurs, for example, if digest is terminated early enough to assure that all fragments result from single cuts by the endonuclease), the oligonucleotide concentrations reflect only the ligand binding equilibrium constant (ratio of rate constants) and the cutting rates in the presence and absence of ligand. We also show how the measured oligonucleotide concentrations (from, e.g. an autoradiogram) can be used to deduce the ligand equilibrium binding constants for the various sites on the polymer.  相似文献   
Summary We examined the relationship between queen number and worker size in colonies of the fire antSolenopsis invicta. Worker size in monogyne colonies was significantly greater than in polygyne colonies; furthermore, polygyne colonies snowed a strong negative linear relationship between queen number and worker size. Higher queen pheromone level and/or decreased food availability accompanying an increase in queen number likely play important roles in producing the observed patterns.  相似文献   
The results of quantitative footprinting studies involving the antiviral agent netropsin and a DNA-cleaving cationic metalloporphyrin complex are presented. An analysis of the footprinting autoradiographic spot intensities using a model previously applied to footprinting studies involving the enzyme DNase I [Ward, B., Rehfuss, R., Goodisman, J., & Dabrowiak, J. C. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 1198-1205] led to very low values for netropsin binding constants on a restriction fragment from pBR-322 DNA. In this work, we show that, because the porphyrin binds with high specificity to DNA, it does not report site loading information in the same manner as does DNase I. We elucidate a model involving binding equilibria for individual sites and include competitive binding of drug and porphyrin for the same site. The free porphyrin and free drug concentrations are determined by binding equilibria with the carrier (calf thymus DNA) which is present in excess and acts as a buffer for both. Given free porphyrin and free netropsin concentrations for each total drug concentration in a series of footprinting experiments, one can calculate autoradiographic spot intensities in terms of the binding constants of netropsin to the various sites on the 139 base pair restriction fragment. The best values of these binding constants are determined by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between calculated and experimental footprinting autoradiographic spot intensities. Although the determined netropsin binding constants are insensitive to the value assumed for the porphyrin binding constant toward its highest affinity sites, the best mean-square deviation between observed and calculated values, D, depends on the choice of (average) drug binding constant to carrier DNA, Kd.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
All social insects live in highly organized societies. However, different social insect species display striking variation in social structure. This variation can significantly affect the genetic structure within populations and, consequently, the divergence between species. The purpose of this study was to determine if variation in social structure was associated with species diversification in the Camponotus festinatus desert carpenter ant species complex. We used polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers to dissect the breeding system of these ants and to determine if distinct C. festinatus forms hybridized in their natural range. Our analysis of single-queen colonies established in the laboratory revealed that queens typically mated with only a single male. The genotypes of workers sampled from a field population suggested that multiple, related queens occasionally reproduced within colonies and that colonies inhabited multiple nests. Camponotus festinatus workers derived from colonies of the same form originating at different locales were strongly differentiated, suggesting that gene flow was geographically restricted. Overall, our data indicate that C. festinatus populations are highly structured. Distinct C. festinatus forms possess similar social systems but are genetically isolated. Consequently, our data suggest that diversification in the C. festinatus species complex is not necessarily associated with a shift in social structure.  相似文献   
We investigated the genetic structure of perennial colonies of the yellowjacket wasp (Vespula germanica) in its introduced range in Australia and New Zealand. The nuclear genotypes of 712 gynes from 21 colonies, 147 workers from 5 colonies, and 81 males from 4 colonies were assayed at three polymorphic microsatellite loci. The mitochondrial haplotypes of all wasps also were determined for a 450-bp region of the mtDNA using double-stranded conformational polymorphism (DSCP) analysis. We found that multiple reproductives were needed to explain the genotypes of gynes, workers, and males in 7 of 21, 2 of 5, and 2 of 4 colonies, respectively, and that nestmate relatedness of these three castes equaled 0.42, 0.16, and 0.22, respectively. The mitochondrial data revealed that all individuals shared the same mtDNA haplotype in 20 of the 21 colonies. However, in one colony, gynes and workers displayed multiple mtDNA haplotypes, indicating that nonnestmate recruitment had occurred. Overall the genetic structure within the majority of perennial colonies conformed to expectations based on the biology of V. germanica and kin selection theory for polygyne colonies; multiple reproductives successfully produced offspring and were recruited into their natal nests, thereby maintaining relatively high relatedness between interacting individuals.  相似文献   
The packaging region of HIV-1 RNA contains a number of structural features which are important in the life cycle of the virus, making this segment of RNA a potential target for new types of AIDS-directed drugs. We studied the binding of three neomycin analogues (neo-guanidino, neo-acridine, and neo-neo) to a 171-mer RNA molecule from the packaging region of HIV-1 using quantitative footprinting and circular dichroism. Neo-guanidino produced footprinting patterns and effects on the CD similar to those observed for neomycin and paromomycin, indicating that all three compounds bind to the same regions of the 171-mer. Neo-guanidino binds to SL 1 where it joins the large internal loop, near a bulge in the stem of SL 1, and on SL 2. Neo-acridine, which has an acridine attached to neomycin, and neo-neo, which has two neomycins linked by a flexible tether, bind bivalently, and give very different footprinting and CD results from the other compounds. The neomycin portion of neo-acridine binds to the same sites as neomycin, while the attached acridine group appears to bind to a duplex region in the main stem of the folded 171-mer. Since the footprinting data for this analogue show few enhancements, bivalent binding of neo-acridine appears to stabilize the folded structure of RNA by effectively 'stapling' parts of the structure together. Neo-neo induces significant structural changes in RNA where neomycin binds. This may be related to the inability of both neomycins of neo-neo it find optimal binding sites adjacent to one another without changing RNA structure. The intensity of a strong negative CD band in the spectrum of psi-RNA at 208 nm is sensitive to drug-induced changes in RNA structure. Neo-guanidino and neo-neo (also neomycin and paromomycin), which change RNA structure, cause an increase in intensity while neo-acridine, which induces little distortion to RNA, causes a decrease in intensity. Molecular modeling analysis shows that C-5' of ribose of neo-acridine and neo-neo must be directed away from the binding pocket when these analogues are bivalently bound to RNA. This study showed how variations in the structure of aminoglycosides lead to different binding specificity to part of the packaging region of HIV-1. Such knowledge will be important in design of drugs to target this region.  相似文献   
We assess nestmate queen relatedness and the genetic similarity of neighboring nests in the polygyne (multiple-queen) social form of the introduced fire ant Solenopsis invicta using both nuclear and mitochondrial markers. We find that estimates of queen relatedness calculated with both types of markers do not differ statistically from zero. Furthermore, there is no significant relationship between the genetic similarity and geographic proximity of nests in each of six study sites. In contrast to these findings, sites show strong mitochondrial, but no nuclear, genetic differentiation. Our results suggest that nonnestmate queen recruitment occurs at a high frequency in introduced populations of this species. Moreover, queens within nests seem to represent a random sample of the queens within the site in which they reside. Therefore, kin selection models that rely on the recruitment of only nestmate queens to explain the persistence of polygyny in ants do not apply to polygyne S. invicta in its introduced range.  相似文献   
This review outlines the steps for obtaining relative constants for drugs from footprinting data. After correcting the autoradiographic spot intensities for differing amounts of radioactive DNA loaded into the lanes of a sequencing gel, footprinting plots, showing individual spot intensities as a function of drug concentration, are constructed. The initial relative slopes of footprinting plots are proportional to the binding constant of the drug for its DNA sites. Slopes of plots outside the drug binding sites can be used to identify locations of altered DNA structure. It illustrates the power of quantitative footprinting analysis by analyzing the binding of the antiviral agent netrospin to a 139-base pair restriction fragment in the presence of the antitumor agent actinomycin D. While two netrospin binding regions are unaffected by actinomycin D a third region experiences enhanced binding in the presence of the antitumor agent.  相似文献   
In footprinting experiments, an increase in DNA cleavage with addition of ligand to a system may be due to a ligand-induced structural change. Ligand binding also enhances cleavage by displacing the cleavage agent from ligand-binding sites, thus increasing its concentration elsewhere. The theory and characteristics of this mass-action enhancement are given, and it is shown how it may be recognized. Results of DNase I footprinting of small oligomers, with actinomycin D as ligand, are analyzed to reveal which enhancements are due to mass action, and which can reasonably be ascribed to structural changes. Patterns in the footprinting plots from our experiments on actinomycin D binding to a 139-base-pair DNA fragment (with DNase I as a probe) are studied in the same way. The likely origins of these patterns are discussed, as are enhancements occurring with other probes commonly used in footprinting experiments.  相似文献   
The antitumor effects of platinum(IV) complexes, considered prodrugs for cisplatin, are believed to be due to biological reduction of Pt(IV) to Pt(II), with the reduction products binding to DNA and other cellular targets. In this work we used pBR322 DNA to capture the products of reduction of oxoplatin, c,t,c-[PtCl2(OH)2(NH3)2], 3, and a carboxylate-modified analog, c,t,c-[PtCl2(OH)(O2CCH2CH2CO2H)(NH3)2], 4, by ascorbic acid (AsA) or glutathione (GSH). Since carbonate plays a significant role in the speciation of platinum complexes in solution, we also investigated the effects of carbonate on the reduction/DNA-binding process. In pH 7.4 buffer in the absence of carbonate, both 3 and 4 are reduced by AsA to cisplatin (confirmed using 195Pt NMR), which binds to and unwinds closed circular DNA in a manner consistent with the formation of the well-known 1, 2 intrastrand DNA crosslink. However, when GSH is used as the reducing agent for 3 and 4, 195Pt NMR shows that cisplatin is not produced in the reaction medium. Although the Pt(II) products bind to closed circular DNA, their effect on the mobility of Form I DNA is different from that produced by cisplatin. When physiological carbonate is present in the reduction medium, 13C NMR shows that Pt(II) carbonato complexes form which block or impede platinum binding to DNA. The results of the study vis-à-vis the ability of the Pt(IV) complexes to act as prodrugs for cisplatin are discussed.  相似文献   
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