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Glucose is catabolized in yeast via two fundamental routes, glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, which produces NADPH and the essential nucleotide component ribose-5-phosphate. Here, we describe riboneogenesis, a thermodynamically driven pathway that converts glycolytic intermediates into ribose-5-phosphate without production of NADPH. Riboneogenesis begins with synthesis, by the combined action of transketolase and aldolase, of the seven-carbon bisphosphorylated sugar sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate. In the pathway's committed step, sedoheptulose bisphosphate is hydrolyzed to sedoheptulose-7-phosphate by the enzyme sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SHB17), whose activity we identified based on metabolomic analysis of the corresponding knockout strain. The crystal structure of Shb17 in complex with sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate reveals that the substrate binds in the closed furan form in the active site. Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate is ultimately converted by known enzymes of the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway to ribose-5-phosphate. Flux through SHB17 increases when ribose demand is high relative to demand for NADPH, including during ribosome biogenesis in metabolically synchronized yeast cells.  相似文献   
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) yields a large amount of DNA, as well as magnesium pyrophosphate precipitate, causing a decrease in ionic strength that can be measured with a conductivity meter. There is a clear relationship between the conductivity of the LAMP mixture solution and the duration of biochemical reaction. Moreover, there is also a clear relationship between the change in conductivity and the amount of initial template DNA over the range of 0.08 to 3.2 ng. These results demonstrate the feasibility not only for detecting the LAMP product qualitatively but also for real-time monitoring the biochemical reaction progression quantitatively using conductivity measurements.  相似文献   


Digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) is an increasingly popular technology for detecting and quantifying target nucleic acids. Its advertised strength is high precision absolute quantification without needing reference curves. The standard data analytic approach follows a seemingly straightforward theoretical framework but ignores sources of variation in the data generating process. These stem from both technical and biological factors, where we distinguish features that are 1) hard-wired in the equipment, 2) user-dependent and 3) provided by manufacturers but may be adapted by the user. The impact of the corresponding variance components on the accuracy and precision of target concentration estimators presented in the literature is studied through simulation.


We reveal how system-specific technical factors influence accuracy as well as precision of concentration estimates. We find that a well-chosen sample dilution level and modifiable settings such as the fluorescence cut-off for target copy detection have a substantial impact on reliability and can be adapted to the sample analysed in ways that matter. User-dependent technical variation, including pipette inaccuracy and specific sources of sample heterogeneity, leads to a steep increase in uncertainty of estimated concentrations. Users can discover this through replicate experiments and derived variance estimation. Finally, the detection performance can be improved by optimizing the fluorescence intensity cut point as suboptimal thresholds reduce the accuracy of concentration estimates considerably.


Like any other technology, dPCR is subject to variation induced by natural perturbations, systematic settings as well as user-dependent protocols. Corresponding uncertainty may be controlled with an adapted experimental design. Our findings point to modifiable key sources of uncertainty that form an important starting point for the development of guidelines on dPCR design and data analysis with correct precision bounds. Besides clever choices of sample dilution levels, experiment-specific tuning of machine settings can greatly improve results. Well-chosen data-driven fluorescence intensity thresholds in particular result in major improvements in target presence detection. We call on manufacturers to provide sufficiently detailed output data that allows users to maximize the potential of the method in their setting and obtain high precision and accuracy for their experiments.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-283) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Salivary glands of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidiae) contain molecules that are involved in preventing blood clotting during feeding as well as molecules thought to be intimately associated with trypanosome development and maturation. Here we present a protein microchemical analysis of the major soluble proteins of the salivary glands of Glossina morsitans morsitans, an important vector of African trypanosomes. Differential solubilization of salivary proteins was followed by reverse-phase, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and analysis of fractions by 1-D gel electrophoresis to reveal four major proteins. Each protein was subjected to amino acid microanalysis and N-terminal microsequencing. A protein chemical approach using high-resolution 2-D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry was also used to identify the salivary proteins. Matrix-assisted, laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) tandem mass spectrometry methods were used for peptide mass mapping and sequencing, respectively. Sequence information and peptide mass maps queried against the NCBI non-redundant database confirmed the identity of the first protein as tsetse salivary gland growth factor-1 (TSGF-1). Two proteins with no known function were identified as tsetse salivary gland protein 1 (Tsal 1) and tsetse salivary gland protein 2 (Tsal 2). The fourth protein was identified as Tsetse antigen-5 (TAg-5), which is a member of a large family of anti-haemostatic proteins. The results show that these four proteins are the most abundant soluble gene products present in salivary glands of teneral G. m. morsitans. We discuss the possible functions of these major proteins in cyclical transmission of African trypanosomes.  相似文献   
Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) is an RNA-binding protein that regulates splicing by repressing specific splicing events. It also has roles in 3'-end processing, internal initiation of translation, and RNA localization. PTB exists in three alternatively spliced isoforms, PTB1, PTB2, and PTB4, which differ by the insertion of 19 or 26 amino acids, respectively, between the second and third RNA recognition motif domains. Here we show that the PTB isoforms have distinct activities upon alpha-tropomyosin (TM) alternative splicing. PTB1 reduced the repression of TM exon 3 in transfected smooth muscle cells, whereas PTB4 enhanced TM exon 3 skipping in vivo and in vitro. PTB2 had an intermediate effect. The PTB4 > PTB2 > PTB1 repressive hierarchy was observed in all in vivo and in vitro assays with TM, but the isoforms were equally active in inducing skipping of alpha-actinin exons and showed the opposite hierarchy of activity when tested for activation of IRES-driven translation. These findings establish that the ratio of PTB isoforms could form part of a cellular code that in turn controls the splicing of various other pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   
Genomic DNA from tsetse flies (Diptera : Glossinidae: Glossina Wiedemann) was analyzed by hybridization using the whole M13 phage as a probe to reveal DNA fingerprinting (DNAfp) profiles. Intrapopulation variablity, measured by comparison of DNAfp profiles of tsetse flies from large colony of G. brevipalpis, showed a high degree of polymorphism similar to that found in other animal species. Different lines of G. m. morsitans, G. m. centralis, G. m. submorsitans, G. p. palpalis and G. p. gambiensis established from small colonies displayed less genetic variability than the G. brevipalpis population. The analysis of pedigree relationships within an inbred line of G. m. centralis conformed to a Mendelian inheritance pattern. In the pedigree presented no mutations were observed, one fragment was linked to the X chromosome, and three fragment sets were linked, but most fragments showed independent segregation. M13 revealed no characteristics DNAfp profile differences between the subgenus Glossina and the subgenus Nemorhina, but a conserved distribution pattern was found in the laboratory colonies within each subspecies. M13 also revealed line specific DNA fragments that may be useful as genetic markers to expand the present linkage map of G. m. morsitans.  相似文献   
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