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We have reported that the E3 14,700-dalton protein (E3 14.7K protein) protects adenovirus-infected mouse C3HA fibroblasts against lysis by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (L. R. Gooding, L. W. Elmore, A. E. Tollefson, H. A. Brady, and W. S. M. Wold, Cell 53:341-346, 1988). We have also observed that the E1B 19K protein protects adenovirus-infected human but not mouse cells against TNF lysis (L. R. Gooding, L. Aquino, P. J. Duerksen-Hughes, D. Day, T. M. Horton, S. Yei, and W. S. M. Wold, J. Virol. 65:3083-3094, 1991). We now report that, in the absence of E3 14.7K, the E3 10.4K and E3 14.5K proteins are both required to protect C127 as well as several other mouse cell lines against TNF lysis. The 14.7K protein can also protect these cells from TNF in the absence of the 10.4K and 14.5K proteins. This protection by the 10.4K and 14.5K proteins was not observed in the C3HA cell line. These conclusions are based on 51Cr release assays of cells infected with virus E3 mutants that express the 14.7K protein alone, that express both the 10.4K and 14.5K proteins, and that delete the 14.7K in combination with either the 10.4K or 14.5K protein. The 10.4K protein was efficiently coimmunoprecipitated together with the 14.5K protein by using an antiserum to the 14.5K protein, suggesting that the 10.4K and 14.5K proteins exist as a complex in the infected mouse cells and consistent with the notion that they function in concert. Considering that three sets of proteins (E3 14.7K, E1B 19K, and E3 10.4K/14.5K proteins) exist in adenovirus to prevent TNF cytolysis of different cell types, it would appear that TNF is a major antiadenovirus defense of the host.  相似文献   
Increased regulatory constraints on industrial releases of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have resulted in an interest in using biofilters, bioscrubbers and air/liquid membranes for treatment of vapor phase waste streams. In this report, we describe the comparison of the use of two fundamentally different types of membrane module systems that allow the rapid diffusion of vapor phase aromatics and oxygen to an active biofilm for subsequent biodegradation. One system used a commercial membrane module containing microporous polypropylene fibers while the other used a nonporous silicone tubing membrane module for the delivery of substrate (a mixture of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes [BTEX]) and electron acceptor (O2). Tests of the systems under similar conditions with BTEX in the vapor feed stream showed significant performance advantages for the silicone membrane system. The average surface-area-based BTEX removal rate for the microporous membrane system over 500 h of operation was 7.88 μg h−1 cm−2 while the rate for the silicone membrane system was 23.87 μg h−1 cm−2. The percentages of BTEX removal were also consistently better in the silicone membrane system versus the microporous system. Part of the performance problem associated with the microporous membrane system appeared to be internal water condensation and possible plugging of the pores with biomass over time that could not be resolved with vapor phase backflushing. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 245–251 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000235 Received 17 August 2001/ Accepted in revised form 03 December 2001  相似文献   
When microbes evolve in a continuous, nutrient-limited environment, natural selection can be predicted to favor genetic changes that give cells greater access to limiting substrate. We analyzed a population of baker's yeast that underwent 450 generations of glucose-limited growth. Relative to the strain used as the inoculum, the predominant cell type at the end of this experiment sustains growth at significantly lower steady-state glucose concentrations and demonstrates markedly enhanced cell yield per mole glucose, significantly enhanced high-affinity glucose transport, and greater relative fitness in pairwise competition. These changes are correlated with increased levels of mRNA hybridizing to probe generated from the hexose transport locus HXT6. Further analysis of the evolved strain reveals the existence of multiple tandem duplications involving two highly similar, high- affinity hexose transport loci, HXT6 and HXT7. Selection appears to have favored changes that result in the formation of more than three chimeric genes derived from the upstream promoter of the HXT7 gene and the coding sequence of HXT6. We propose a genetic mechanism to account for these changes and speculate as to their adaptive significance in the context of gene duplication as a common response of microorganisms to nutrient limitation.   相似文献   
A detailed study is presented of the room-temperature absorption, natural and magnetic circulation-dichroism (c.d. and m.c.d.) spectra of cytochrome c oxidase and a number of its derivatives in the wavelength range 700-1900 nm. The spectra of the reduced enzyme show a strong negative c.d. band peaking at 1100nm arising from low-spin ferrous haem a and a positive m.c.d. peak at 780nm assigned to high-spin ferrous haem a3. Addition of cyanide ion doubles the intensity of the low-spin ferrous haem c.d. band and abolishes reduced carbonmonoxy derivative the haem a32+-CO group shows no c.d. or m.c.d. bands at wavelengths longer than 700nm. A comparison of the m.c.d. spectra of the oxidized and cyanide-bound oxidized forms enables bands characteristic of the high-spin ferric form of haem a33+ to be identified between 700 and 1300nm. At wavelengths longer than 1300nm a broad positive m.c.d. spectrum, peaking at 1600nm, is observed. By comparison with the m.c.d. spectrum of an extracted haem a-bis-imidazole complex this m.c.d. peak is assigned to one low-spin ferric haem, namely haem a3+. On binding of cyanide to the oxidized form of the enzyme a new, weak, m.c.d. signal appears, which is assigned to the low-spin ferric haem a33+-CN species. A reductive titration, with sodium dithionite, of the cyanide-bound form of the enzyme leads to a partially reduced state in which low-spin haem a2+ is detected by means of an intense negative c.d. peak at 1100 nm and low-spin ferric haem a33+-CN gives a sharp positive m.c.d. peak at 1550nm. The c.d. and m.c.d. characteristics of the 830nm absorption band in oxidized cytochrome c oxidase are not typical of type 1 blue cupric centres.  相似文献   
A mouse genomic clone containing a lactate dehydrogenase-A (LDH-A) processed pseudogene and a B1 repetitive element was isolated, and a nucleotide sequence of approximately 3 kb was determined. The pseudogene and B1 element are flanked by perfect 13-bp repeats, and the B1 sequence starts at 14 nucleotides 3' to the presumptive polyadenylation signal of the pseudogene. The nucleotide sequences of the LDH-A genes and processed pseudogenes from mouse, rat, and human were compared, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. The rate and pattern of nucleotide substitutions in the LDH-A pseudogenes are similar to previously reported results (Li et al. 1984). The average rate of nucleotide substitutions in the LDH-A pseudogenes is 4.3 X 10(- 9)/site/year. The substitutions of C----T and G----A are most frequent, and A----G substitutions are relatively high. The rate of synonymous substitutions in the LDH-A genes is 5.3 X 10(-9), which is not significantly higher than the average rate of 4.7 X 10(-9) for 35 mammalian genes. The rate of nonsynonymous substitutions in the LDH-A genes is 0.20 X 10(-9), which is considerably lower than the average rate of 0.88 X 10(-9) for 35 mammalian genes. Thus, the mammalian LDH-A gene appears to be highly conserved in evolution.   相似文献   
The murid rodent subfamily Sigmodontinae contains 79 genera which are distributed throughout the New World. The time of arrival of the first sigmodontines in South America and the estimated divergence time(s) of the different lineages of South American sigmodontines have been controversial due to the lack of a good fossil record and the immense number of extant species. The "early-arrival hypothesis" states that the sigmodontines must have arrived in South America no later than the early Miocene, at least 20 MYA, in order to account for their vast present-day diversity, whereas the "late-arrival hypothesis" includes the sigmodontines as part of the Plio-Pleistocene Great American Interchange, which occurred approximately 3.5 MYA. The phylogenetic relationships among 33 of these genera were reconstructed using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data from the ND3, ND4L, arginine tRNA, and ND4 genes, which we show to be evolving at the same rate. A molecular clock was calibrated for these genes using published fossil dates, and the genetic distances were estimated from the DNA sequences in this study. The molecular clock was used to estimate the dates of the South American sigmodontine origin and the main sigmodontine radiation in order to evaluate the "early-" and "late-arrival" scenarios. We estimate the time of the sigmodontine invasion of South America as between approximately 5 and 9 MYA, supporting neither of the scenarios but suggesting two possible models in which the invading lineage was either (1) ancestral to the oryzomyines, akodonts, and phyllotines or (2) ancestral to the akodonts and phyllotines and accompanied by the oryzomyines. The sigmodontine invasion of South America provides an example of the advantage afforded to a lineage by the fortuitous invasion of a previously unexploited habitat, in this case an entire continent.   相似文献   
Herceptin failure is a major clinical problem in breast cancer. A subset of breast cancer patients with high HER-2/neu levels eventually experience metastatic disease progression when treated with Herceptin as a single agent. Mechanistic details of development of this aggressive disease are not clear. Therefore, there is a dire need to better understand the mechanisms by which drug resistance develops and to design new combined treatments that benefit patients with aggressive breast cancer and have minimal toxicity. We hypothesized that 3, 3′-diindolylmethane (DIM), a non-toxic agent can be combined with Herceptin to treat breast cancers with high levels of HER-2/neu. Here, we evaluated the effects of Herceptin alone and in combination with DIM on cell viability, apoptosis and clonogenic assays in SKBR3 (HER-2/neu-expressing) and MDA-MB-468 (HER-2/neu negative) breast cancer cells. We found that DIM could enhance the effectiveness of Herceptin by significantly reducing cell viability, which was associated with apoptosis-induction and significant inhibition of colony formation, compared with single agent treatment. These results were consistent with the down-regulation of Akt and NF-kB p65. Mechanistic investigations revealed a significant upregulation of miR-200 and reduction of FoxM1 expression in DIM and Herceptin-treated breast cancer cells. We, therefore, transfected cells with pre-miR-200 or silenced FoxM1 in these cells for understanding the molecular mechanism involved. These results provide experimental evidence, for the first time, that DIM plus Herceptin therapy could be translated to the clinic as a therapeutic modality to improve treatment outcome of patients with breast cancer, particularly for the patients whose tumors express high levels of HER-2/neu.  相似文献   
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