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It is now believed that the allosteric modulation produced by ethanol in glycine receptors (GlyRs) depends on alcohol binding to discrete sites within the protein structure. Thus, the differential ethanol sensitivity of diverse GlyR isoforms and mutants was explained by the presence of specific residues in putative alcohol pockets. Here, we demonstrate that ethanol sensitivity in two ligand-gated ion receptor members, the GlyR adult α1 and embryonic α2 subunits, can be modified through selective mutations that rescued or impaired Gβγ modulation. Even though both isoforms were able to physically interact with Gβγ, only the α1 GlyR was functionally modulated by Gβγ and pharmacological ethanol concentrations. Remarkably, the simultaneous switching of two transmembrane and a single extracellular residue in α2 GlyRs was enough to generate GlyRs modulated by Gβγ and low ethanol concentrations. Interestingly, although we found that these TM residues were different to those in the alcohol binding site, the extracellular residue was recently implicated in conformational changes important to generate a pre-open-activated state that precedes ion channel gating. Thus, these results support the idea that the differential ethanol sensitivity of these two GlyR isoforms rests on conformational changes in transmembrane and extracellular residues within the ion channel structure rather than in differences in alcohol binding pockets. Our results describe the molecular basis for the differential ethanol sensitivity of two ligand-gated ion receptor members based on selective Gβγ modulation and provide a new mechanistic framework for allosteric modulations of abuse drugs.  相似文献   
Aim  To investigate the phylogeny of the genus Cyphophthalmus in the Balkan Peninsula and to test the current recognition of 'phyletic lines' and phylogenetic groups proposed in previous studies in order to elucidate the biogeographical history of the region.
Location  Europe, Balkan Peninsula, Adria microplate.
Methods  Two mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA) and two nuclear (28S rRNA and 18S rRNA) markers were used to infer the phylogenetic history of the group. Molecular dating with relaxed molecular clocks was used to elucidate the relative time of diversification within the genus Cyphophthalmus and its constituent lineages.
Results  Our analyses confirm the monophyly of the genus Cyphophthalmus , and that of the Aegean and gjorgjevici lineages, whereas the 'Dinaric lineage' appears paraphyletic.
Main conclusions  We show that the genus Cyphophthalmus is an old endemic from the Balkan biogeographical region, which gave origin to at least three main lineages. Those lineages have diversified within overlapping ranges. According to our molecular dating, they have also diversified within the same timeframe. The Dinaric Alps, although presenting a large number of species, cannot be inferred as the centre of origin of the group. Instead, the biogeographical evolution of the genus could be related to the palaeogeographic history of the Adria microplate.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous exposure to mosquitoes determines an individual’s contribution to vector-borne pathogen transmission. Particularly for dengue virus (DENV), there is a major difficulty in quantifying human-vector contacts due to the unknown coupled effect of key heterogeneities. To test the hypothesis that the reduction of human out-of-home mobility due to dengue illness will significantly influence population-level dynamics and the structure of DENV transmission chains, we extended an existing modeling framework to include social structure, disease-driven mobility reductions, and heterogeneous transmissibility from different infectious groups. Compared to a baseline model, naïve to human pre-symptomatic infectiousness and disease-driven mobility changes, a model including both parameters predicted an increase of 37% in the probability of a DENV outbreak occurring; a model including mobility change alone predicted a 15.5% increase compared to the baseline model. At the individual level, models including mobility change led to a reduction of the importance of out-of-home onward transmission (R, the fraction of secondary cases predicted to be generated by an individual) by symptomatic individuals (up to -62%) at the expense of an increase in the relevance of their home (up to +40%). An individual’s positive contribution to R could be predicted by a GAM including a non-linear interaction between an individual’s biting suitability and the number of mosquitoes in their home (>10 mosquitoes and 0.6 individual attractiveness significantly increased R). We conclude that the complex fabric of social relationships and differential behavioral response to dengue illness cause the fraction of symptomatic DENV infections to concentrate transmission in specific locations, whereas asymptomatic carriers (including individuals in their pre-symptomatic period) move the virus throughout the landscape. Our findings point to the difficulty of focusing vector control interventions reactively on the home of symptomatic individuals, as this approach will fail to contain virus propagation by visitors to their house and asymptomatic carriers.  相似文献   
An efficient and cheap energization of microbial biocatalysts is essential in current biotechnological processes. A promising alternative to the use of common organic or inorganic electron donors is the semiconductor nanoparticles (SNs) that absorb light and transfer electrons (photoelectrons) behaving as artificial photosynthetic systems (biohybrid systems). Excited photoelectrons generated by illuminated SNs are highly reductive and readily accepted by membrane-bound proteins and electron shuttles to drive specific cell reduction processes and energy generation in microbes. However, the operational mechanisms of these hybrid systems are still poorly understood, especially at the material–microbe interface, and therefore the design and production of efficient biohybrids are challenging. Some major limitations/challenges and future prospects of SNs as microbial energization systems are discussed.  相似文献   
The guanine/cytosine (GC) content of prokaryotic genomes is species-specific, taking values from 16% to 77%. This diversity of selection for GC content remains contentious. We analyse the correlations between GC content and a range of phenotypic and genotypic data in thousands of prokaryotes. GC content integrates well with these traits into r/K selection theory when phenotypic plasticity is considered. High GC-content prokaryotes are r-strategists with cheaper descendants thanks to a lower average amino acid metabolic cost, colonize unstable environments thanks to flagella and a bacillus form and are generalists in terms of resource opportunism and their defence mechanisms. Low GC content prokaryotes are K-strategists specialized for stable environments that maintain homeostasis via a high-cost outer cell membrane and endospore formation as a response to nutrient deprivation, and attain a higher nutrient-to-biomass yield. The lower proteome cost of high GC content prokaryotes is driven by the association between GC-rich codons and cheaper amino acids in the genetic code, while the correlation between GC content and genome size may be partly due to functional diversity driven by r/K selection. In all, molecular diversity in the GC content of prokaryotes may be a consequence of ecological r/K selection.  相似文献   
The effect of chronic alcoholism on the amygdaloid complex was studied in 16 humans and 10 rats. Eighteen patients whose death was due to extraneural causes were selected as controls with 3 rats. The alcoholic cases, in addition to the data collected in their clinical history, showed, microscopically confirmed, liver cirrhosis or steatosis. The alcoholics and controls were divided into 4 groups: 35-44 years old (4 cases), 45-54 (5 cases), 55-64 (5 cases) over 65 (2 alcoholics and 4 controls). The alcoholic ingestion in the rats (Wistar, 10 weeks old) was 3 ml at a concentration of 30% in water solution administered by esophagic intubation, for 48 (5 rats) or 58 weeks (5 rats). To judge the state of the amygdaloid nuclei, a neuronal count and caryometry were carried out. The numerical data obtained in this study were analyzed statistically. The results in humans have paralleled those obtained in rats and the behaviour of the different nuclei of the amygdala was uniform and can be summarized as follows: 1) ethanol provoked a prominent and early loss of neurons, and 2) the remainder of non-affected neurons did not react in order to compensate for this neuronal loss.  相似文献   
We analyzed changes over time in species composition and functional guild structure (temporal beta diversity) for natural assemblages and those modified by humans in a fragmented, tropical mountain landscape. The assemblages belong to cloud forests (the original vegetation type), secondary forests, traditional shaded coffee plantations, commercial shaded coffee plantations, and a cattle pasture. Copronecrophagous beetles, subfamily Scarabaeinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), were used as the indicator group. This group has been used in previous studies and other tropical forests and has been found to be a good indicator of the effects of anthropogenic change. For each assemblage, we compared samples that were collected several years apart. Changes were found in species composition, order of abundance, and in the proportion that a given species is present in the different functional groups. The changes that occurred between samplings affected the less abundant species in the cloud forest and in the pasture. In the other vegetation types, both abundant and less abundant species were affected. Their order of abundance and proportion in the different guilds also changed. This study shows that, although landscape richness remains relatively constant, richness at the local level (alpha diversity) changes notably even over short lapses of time. This could be a characteristic of landscapes with intermediate degrees of disturbance (such as those that have been partially modified for human use), where assemblage composition is very fluid.  相似文献   
We recently performed a molecular epidemiology survey of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in Miracema, a small city in Southeast Brazil, and found multiple monophyletic clusters, consistent with independent introductions and spread of different viral lineages in the city. Here we apply Bayesian coalescent-based methods to the two largest subtype B clusters and estimate that the most recent common ancestors that gave rise to these two transmission chains were in circulation around 1991-1992. The finding that HIV-1 spread in this Brazilian small city was already taking place at a time Aids was considered a problem restricted to large urban centers may have important public health implications.  相似文献   
Kidney anion exchanger 1 (kAE1) mediates chloride/bicarbonate exchange at the basolateral membrane of kidney alpha-intercalated cells, thereby facilitating bicarbonate reabsorption into the blood. Human kAE1 lacks the N-terminal 65 residues of the erythroid form (AE1, band 3), which are essential for binding of cytoskeletal and cytosolic proteins. Yeast two-hybrid screening identified integrin-linked kinase (ILK), a serine/threonine kinase, and an actin-binding protein as an interacting partner with the N-terminal domain of kAE1. Interaction between kAE1 and ILK was confirmed in co-expression experiments in HEK 293 cells and is mediated by a previously unidentified calponin homology domain in the kAE1 N-terminal region. The calponin homology domain of kAE1 binds the C-terminal catalytic domain of ILK to enhance association of kAE1 with the actin cytoskeleton. Overexpression of ILK increased kAE1 levels at the cell surface as shown by flow cytometry, cell surface biotinylation, and anion transport activity assays. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that ILK associates with kAE1 early in biosynthesis, likely in the endoplasmic reticulum. ILK co-localized with kAE1 at the basolateral membrane of polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and in alpha-intercalated cells of human kidneys. Taken together these results suggest that ILK and kAE1 traffic together from the endoplasmic reticulum to the basolateral membrane. ILK may provide a linkage between kAE1 and the underlying actin cytoskeleton to stabilize kAE1 at the basolateral membrane, resulting in higher levels of cell surface expression.  相似文献   
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