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The reaction of trans-[Ru(NH(3))(4)P(OEt)(3)NO](3+) and mitochondria was investigated through differential pulse polarography and fluorimetry. The nitrosyl complex undergoes one-electron reduction centered on the NO ligand site. The reaction between the mitochondrial reductor and trans-[Ru(NH(3))(4)P(OEt)(3)NO](3+) exhibits a second order specific rate constant calculated as k=2 x 10(1) M(-1) s(-1). The reduced species, trans-[Ru(NH(3))(4)P(OEt)(3)NO](2+), quickly releases NO, yielding trans-[Ru(NH(3))(4)P(OEt)(3)H(2)O](2+). The low toxicities of both trans-[Ru(NH(3))(4)P(OEt)(3)(NO)](2+) and trans-[Ru(NH(3))(4)P(OEt)(3)H(2)O](2+) and its ability to release NO after reductive activation in a biological medium make the nitrosyl compound a useful model of a hypotensive drug.  相似文献   
Copper plays an important role in the structure and function of metalloproteins and in the absorption of iron. The present study deals with the effects of excessive copper intake on hematological and hemorheological parameters. Drinking water containing 250 μg/mL copper for a period of 9 wk, Wistar albino rats showed increased erythrocyte count, blood viscosity, and hematocrit values (p<0.05) and lower hemoglobin (p<0.05) than controls fed a normal diet. The two groups also had differences in the erythrocyte deformability index. The results suggest that excessive copper intake results in hematological and hemorheological changes affecting both the protein content of the erythrocyte membrane and heme synthesis.  相似文献   
To investigate the adaptation of plasma cortisol profiles to an abrupt phase advance of the rest-activity cycle, eight normal young subjects were submitted in a sleep laboratory to an 8-h advance shift of their sleep-wake and dark-light cycles. The shift was achieved by advancing bedtimes from 2300-0700 to 1500-2300. Blood samples were obtained at 20-min intervals for 68 consecutive hours. The shift resulted within 6-9 h in a 3- to 4-h advance of timings of the nadir of the cortisol profile and of the end of the quiescent period but had no immediate effect on the timing of cortisol acrophase. The quiescent period of cortisol secretion was shortened and fragmented. Thus a major advance shift achieved without enforcing sleep deprivation results in a rapid partial adaptation of the temporal profiles of cortisol but also in a marked disruption of the cortisol quiescent period. Sleep onset was consistently followed by a decrease in cortisol concentrations. Conversely, both sleep-wake and dark-light transitions were consistently associated with cortisol secretory pulses.  相似文献   
As part of our investigation of the i-motif, an intercalated structure formed by C-rich nucleic acid sequences, we searched for proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which could associate with a sequence of the C-rich telomeric strand, d((CCCACA)(3)CCC). A gel retardation assay of yeast protein extract, in conditions where the DNA fragment folds into an intramolecular i-motif, shows formation of one major retarded band. The retarding factor was further characterized by a differential affinity procedure using streptavidin beads coated (or not coated) with the biotin-labeled DNA fragment. Differentially bound proteins were isolated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and identified by mass spectroscopy and Edman degradation as Imd2p, Imd3p and Imd4p. These highly similar (>95%) proteins are analogs of the two human NAD-dependent inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenases (IMPDH) which occur as tetramers. The mass of the protein, as determined by gel exclusion chromatography, is about 250 kDa and is compatible with an IMPDH tetramer, but other compositions, involving non-IMPDH components, are not excluded. We note that the genes coding for Imd2p and Imd3p are located close to the telomere, and could therefore be subject to silencing by the telomere position effect.  相似文献   
Belzile FJ 《Biochimie》2002,84(11):1111-1118
Since the mid 1990s, genetically modified (GM) crops have been grown commercially in Canada on a scale that has increased steadily over the years. An intense debate ensued, as elsewhere, and many fears were expressed regarding not only the technology itself but some of the main GM crops being grown. It would seem appropriate at this time to examine how these novel crops compare to crops bred by more traditional means and what impacts these GM crops have had based on experience and not merely on conjecture. To begin, we will put things in a historical perspective and recall how domestication and conventional plant breeding have shaped the crops of today. Then, we will describe briefly the distinctive features of GM plants (obtained so far mainly by nuclear transgenesis) and how these novel crops are regulated in Canada. We will then give two examples of widely grown GM crops in Canada (insect-resistant corn and herbicide-tolerant canola) and examine the main questions that were raised as well as the actual impacts these crops have had on the farm. These examples will help us outline some of the limitations of the current generation of GM plants and, finally, we will try to get a glimpse of the future by examining some recent technical developments in the field of recombinant DNA technologies applied to plant breeding.  相似文献   
The problem of systematic and objective identification of canonical and non-canonical base pairs in RNA three-dimensional (3D) structures was studied. A probabilistic approach was applied, and an algorithm and its implementation in a computer program that detects and analyzes all the base pairs contained in RNA 3D structures were developed. The algorithm objectively distinguishes among canonical and non-canonical base pairing types formed by three, two and one hydrogen bonds (H-bonds), as well as those containing bifurcated and C-H...X H-bonds. The nodes of a bipartite graph are used to encode the donor and acceptor atoms of a 3D structure. The capacities of the edges correspond to probabilities computed from the geometry of the donor and acceptor groups to form H-bonds. The maximum flow from donors to acceptors irectly identifies base pairs and their types. A complete repertoire of base pairing types was built from the detected H-bonds of all X-ray crystal structures of a resolution of 3.0 Å or better, including the large and small ribosomal subunits. The base pairing types are labeled using an extension of the nomenclature recently introduced by Leontis and Westhof. The probabilistic method was implemented in MC-Annotate, an RNA structure analysis computer program used to determine the base pairing parameters of the 3D modeling system MC-Sym.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To study natural killer cells' spontaneous cytotoxic capacity against tumor cells and their prognostic significance in classical Hodgkin's disease. STUDY DESIGN: Thirty-eight pediatric mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease patients were included in the study. Immunohistochemical staining was performed for natural killer cells in the background using the monoclonal antibody CD57 in serial sections of B5-formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks. CD57-positive cells were counted with an immersion objective among 5,000 cells on representative areas of the tumors. The degree of natural killer cells was classified as low (<150 cells) or high (> or = 150 cells). Multivariate regression analysis was performed to determine the differences between patients with and without relapse. RESULT: The mean of CD57-positive cell numberfor all the cases was 173.42 +/- 117.34 (range, 20-500). CD57-positive cells were high in 21 cases and low in 17. The mean of CD57-positive cell numbers was 191.85 +/- 115.33 in the disease-free group and 84.44 +/- 57.90 in the relapsing group. Log rank analysis showed statistical significance between event-free survival and number of CD57-positive cells (P = .0207). CONCLUSION: In multivariate analysis, CD57 expression proved to be a prognostic factor independent from otherfactors. As a result, CD57 expression by background natural killer cells may be used as a prognostic parameter in mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   
Here we report on a genome polymorphism survey using 254 microsatellite markers in ten recently wild-derived inbred strains. Allele size analysis showed that the rate of polymorphism of these wild-derived mouse strains when compared with any of the common laboratory strains is on average 79.8%. We found 632 wild-derived alleles that were not present in the common laboratory strains, representing a 61% increase over the genetic variation observed in the laboratory strains. We also found that on average 14.5% of the microsatellite alleles of any given wild-derived inbred strain were unique. Our results indicate that the recently wild-derived mouse strains represent repositories of unique naturally occurring genetic variability and may prove invaluable for the study of complex phenotypes and in the construction of new mouse models of human disease.  相似文献   
Various macromolecules such as bacteriotoxins and phage DNA parasitize some envelope proteins of Escherichia coli to infect the bacteria. A two-step import mechanism involves the primary interaction with an outer membrane receptor or with a pilus followed by the translocation across the outer membrane. However, this second step is poorly understood. It was shown that the TolA, TolQ, and TolR proteins play a critical role in the translocation of group A colicins and filamentous bacteriophage minor coat proteins (g3p). Translocation of these proteins requires the interaction of their N-terminal domain with the C-terminal domain of TolA (TolAIII). In this work, short soluble TolAIII domains were overproduced in the cytoplasm and in the periplasm of E. coli. In TolAIII, the two cysteine residues were found to be reduced in the cytoplasmic form and oxidized in the periplasmic form. The interaction of TolAIII with the N-terminal domain of colicin A (ATh) is observed in the presence and in the absence of the disulfide bridge. The complex formation of TolAIII and ATh was found to be independent of the ionic strength. An NMR study of TolAIII, both free and bound, shows a significant structural change when interacting with ATh, in the presence or absence of the disulfide bridge. In contrast, such a structural modification was not observed when TolAIII interacts with g3p N1. These results suggest that bacteriotoxins and Ff bacteriophages parasitize E. coli using different interactions between TolA and the translocation domain of the colicin and g3p protein, respectively.  相似文献   
Acquisition of sperm fertilizing ability is due, in part, to the reorganization of plasma membrane proteins that occurs during epididymal sperm transit. Using polyclonal antibodies against angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), we showed that this enzyme is immunolocalized mainly on the middle piece of rat and mouse testicular sperm and with less intensity along the initial part of the principal piece of the flagellum. In both species, only some sperm from the caput epididymis were still reactive, whereas no labeling was observed on cauda epididymal sperm. The 105- to 110-kDa germinal ACE was absent from the rat testicular fluid but appeared in the fluid of the anterior epididymis. Thereafter, its molecular weight shifted to 94 kDa in the corpus epididymal fluid and remained at this weight in the caudal region. The 105- to 110-kDa immunoreactive protein was present in testicular rat sperm extract but was completely absent from epididymal sperm extracts. Western blot analysis of testicular and epididymal tissue extracts from the rat and mouse also confirmed that the germinal enzyme was absent from the epididymal sperm cell. Our results demonstrated that the rodent germinal ACE is released from the testicular sperm membrane when sperm enter the epididymis, a process similar to that observed in domestic mammals. This result is discussed in view of the suggested role for this enzyme in sperm fertility.  相似文献   
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