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We tested the protective action of seminal plasma on epididymal spermatozoa from Iberian red deer, especially considering cryopreservation, as a means for germplasm banking improvement. We obtained seminal plasma by centrifuging electroejaculated semen, and part of it was thermically inactivated (denatured plasma; 55 degrees C 30 min). Epididymal samples (always at 5 degrees C) were obtained from genitalia harvested after regulated hunting, and pooled for each assay (five in total). We tested three seminal plasma treatments (mixing seminal plasma with samples 2:1): no plasma, untreated plasma and denatured plasma; and four incubation treatments: 32 degrees C 15 min, 5 degrees C 15 min, 5 degrees C 2h and 5 degrees C 6h. After each incubation, samples were diluted 1:1 with extender: Tes-Tris-Fructose, 10% egg yolk, 4% glycerol; equilibrated for 2h at 5 degrees C, extended down to 10(8) spz./mL and frozen. Sperm quality was evaluated before 1:1 dilution, before freezing and after thawing the samples, assessing motility (CASA) and viability (percentage of viable and acrosome-intact spermatozoa; PI/PNA-FITC and fluorescent microscopy). Plasma treatment, both untreated and denatured, rendered higher viability before freezing and higher results for most parameters after thawing. The improvement was irrespective of incubation treatment, except for viability, which rendered slightly different results for untreated and denatured plasma. This may be due to the presence of thermolabile components. We still have to determine the underlying mechanisms involved in this protection. These results might help to improve the design of cryopreservation extenders for red deer epididymal sperm.  相似文献   
Since 2013, the pelagic zone of Upper Lake Constance (ULC) has been subject to a massive invasion of the non-native three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758). Data from monthly monitoring of pelagic whitefish (Coregonus wartmanni Bloch, 1784) were used to compare weight-at-age and abundance of pelagic whitefish for years before (1997–2012) and after the invasion (2013–2015). Growth and abundance of pelagic whitefish is shown to be heavily influenced by stickleback presence. Mean autumn weight-at-age of whitefish decreased by 33.3% after the invasion took place and a significant decline in autumn CPUE in otherwise unfished cohorts of the population was also recorded. The results imply direct effects of stickleback presence on pelagic whitefish, including interspecific competition for food leading to reduced growth and survival, and predation of eggs and larvae, hampering recruitment. These observations coincide with a sharp decline in whitefish yield. In conclusion, this study shows that the invasion of stickleback has substantially altered the pelagic fish community of ULC, with severe consequences for commercial fisheries.  相似文献   
The BGLR-R package implements various types of single-trait shrinkage/variable selection Bayesian regressions. The package was first released in 2014, since then it has become a software very often used in genomic studies. We recently develop functionality for multitrait models. The implementation allows users to include an arbitrary number of random-effects terms. For each set of predictors, users can choose diffuse, Gaussian, and Gaussian–spike–slab multivariate priors. Unlike other software packages for multitrait genomic regressions, BGLR offers many specifications for (co)variance parameters (unstructured, diagonal, factor analytic, and recursive). Samples from the posterior distribution of the models implemented in the multitrait function are generated using a Gibbs sampler, which is implemented by combining code written in the R and C programming languages. In this article, we provide an overview of the models and methods implemented BGLR’s multitrait function, present examples that illustrate the use of the package, and benchmark the performance of the software.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Research - Camoensia scandens is a papilionoid legume inserted in the core genistoid clade. It has large, crepuscular, scented flowers but the corolla is non-papilionaceous, which...  相似文献   
The fruits of Virola sebifera and V. elongata (Myristicaceae) contain three ω-phenylundecanoyl-substituted compounds, a 2,6-dihydroxybenzene, a 2,6-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzene and a 3-hydroxycyclohexan-2,6-dione. Three additional 2,6-dihydroxybenzenes are substituted by hexadecanoyl, hexadec-4Z-enoyl and 8-hydroxyoctadec-4Z-enoyl groups.  相似文献   
Coupled translocation of tRNA and mRNA in the ribosome during protein synthesis is one of the most challenging and intriguing problems in the field of translation. We highlight several key questions regarding the mechanism of translocation, and discuss possible mechanistic models in light of the recent crystal structures of the ribosome and its subunits.  相似文献   
Goblet cells (GCs) and endocrine cells (ECs) play an important role in intestine physiology, and few studies currently exist for Amazonian fishes. This study aimed to quantify the distribution of GCs and ECs producing cholecystokinin-8 and neuropeptide Y, assessed by mucin histochemistry and peptides immunohistochemistry, in the intestine of two Amazonian species with different feeding habits Tambaqui (Colossosoma macropomum) and hybrid catfish (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum × Leiarius marmoratus), an omnivore and carnivore, respectively. A systematic literature review correlating feeding habit and GC and EC distribution was also included to contribute to the comparative study. The results of this study provided novel information about the gut cells of Tambaqui and hybrid catfish. Both, GCs and ECs can be found sweeping the entire intestine of Tambaqui and hybrid catfish although the cells can be more concentrated in certain segments. The GCs and ECs in Tambaqui were more uniformly distributed in the midgut segments (T1, T2, and T3). Unlike, in hybrid catfish GCs were more concentrated in the hindgut (C4) and ECs mainly in the two midgut segments (C1 and C2) of hybrid catfish. Based on the comparison between Tambaqui, hybrid catfish, and other fishes in the literature review, we suggest that cell distribution can be partially explained by feeding habits, carnivorous vs. omnivorous.  相似文献   
TRAF family proteins link PKR with NF-kappa B activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-dependent protein kinase PKR activates NF-kappa B via the I kappa B kinase (IKK) complex, but little is known about additional molecules that may be involved in this pathway. Analysis of the PKR sequence enabled us to identify two putative TRAF-interacting motifs. The viability of such an interaction was further suggested by computer modeling. Here, we present evidence of the colocalization and physical interaction between PKR and TRAF family proteins in vivo, as shown by immunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy experiments. This interaction is induced upon PKR dimerization. Most importantly, we show that the binding between PKR and TRAFs is functionally relevant, as observed by the absence of NF-kappa B activity upon PKR expression in cells genetically deficient in TRAF2 and TRAF5 or after expression of TRAF dominant negative molecules. On the basis of sequence information and mutational and computer docking analyses, we favored a TRAF-PKR interaction model in which the C-terminal domain of TRAF binds to a predicted TRAF interaction motif present in the PKR kinase domain. Altogether, our data suggest that TRAF family proteins are key components located downstream of PKR that have an important role in mediating activation of NF-kappa B by the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   
The proportions of males produced by queens or workers of Scaptotrigona depilis, and the sex-ratio in the brood, were estimated. Thirteen young combs were collected; from one half of each comb the cells were opened and the number of eggs per cell was recorded. Later, upon maturation, from the other halves of the combs the individual inside each cell was classified according to sex. If from a cell containing initially two eggs a male would emerge (supposedly the son of a worker) the proportion of such cells in the comb would represent the maximum overall workers’ male production. Consequently, the difference with the number of males found in the second half of the comb would indicate the minimum contribution by the queen. In these 13 combs, on average, 7.3% of the cells contained 2 eggs, whilst in 30.9% of the cells a male developed. Males were found in 10 combs, in 2–79% of the cells. In 6 of the 13 combs 2–47% of the cells contained 2 eggs. In these 6 combs more than 40% of the cells had a male inside. In 5 of them, the frequency of males was significantly higher than the frequency of cells containing 2 eggs. Queens, therefore, produced the majority of the males. There was no correlation between worker and queen numerical investments in male production, indicating different response mechanisms of workers, compared to queens, to conditions favouring male production. There was also no correlation between the mean egg size of the queen and the percentage males in the combs.  相似文献   
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