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The modulation of the chromatin organization of eukaryotic cells plays an important role in regulating key cellular processes including host defence mechanisms against pathogens. Thus, to successfully survive in a host cell, a sophisticated bacterial strategy is the subversion of nuclear processes of the eukaryotic cell. Indeed, the number of bacterial proteins that target host chromatin to remodel the host epigenetic machinery is expanding. Some of the identified bacterial effectors that target the chromatin machinery are ‘eukaryotic‐like’ proteins as they mimic eukaryotic histone writers in carrying the same enzymatic activities. The best‐studied examples are the SET domain proteins that methylate histones to change the chromatin landscape. In this review, we will discuss SET domain proteins identified in the Legionella, Chlamydia and Bacillus genomes that encode enzymatic activities targeting host histones. Moreover, we discuss their possible origin as having evolved from prokaryotic ancestors or having been acquired from their eukaryotic hosts during their co‐evolution. The characterization of such bacterial effectors as modifiers of the host chromatin landscape is an exciting field of research as it elucidates new bacterial strategies to not only manipulate host functions through histone modifications but it may also identify new modifications of the mammalian host cells not known before.  相似文献   
In addition to the appearance of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is characterized by aberrant lipid metabolism and early mitochondrial dysfunction. We recently showed that there was increased functionality of mitochondria‐associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes (MAM), a subdomain of the ER involved in lipid and cholesterol homeostasis, in presenilin‐deficient cells and in fibroblasts from familial and sporadic AD patients. Individuals carrying the ε4 allele of apolipoprotein E (ApoE4) are at increased risk for developing AD compared to those carrying ApoE3. While the reason for this increased risk is unknown, we hypothesized that it might be associated with elevated MAM function. Using an astrocyte‐conditioned media (ACM) model, we now show that ER–mitochondrial communication and MAM function—as measured by the synthesis of phospholipids and of cholesteryl esters, respectively—are increased significantly in cells treated with ApoE4‐containing ACM as compared to those treated with ApoE3‐containing ACM. Notably, this effect was seen with lipoprotein‐enriched preparations, but not with lipid‐free ApoE protein. These data are consistent with a role of upregulated MAM function in the pathogenesis of AD and may help explain, in part, the contribution of ApoE4 as a risk factor in the disease.  相似文献   
A morphological characterization of cultured cardiomyocytes was attempted using a modification of a silver impregnation technique originally described for connective tissue. Cardiac cells, obtained from newborn rats and grown as dissociated cultures on plastic surfaces, were fixed in methanol plus 5% glacial acetic acid, treated with potassium permanganate, decolorized in oxalic acid, sensitized with potassium bichromate, impregnated with a silver-ammonium complex, reduced in gelatin-formalin preparation, toned with gold chloride and fixed in sodium thiosulfate. The cultured cardiac cells tended to form a monolayer, although many myocytes remained isolated. Spherical nuclei, sharply stained with silver, were centrally located and surrounded by relatively plentiful cytoplasm packed with well delineated myofibrils. Contaminating fibroblasts were readily distinguished by their spindle-shaped nuclei and the presence of overstained collagen fibers, as well as the absence of myofibrils. In the absence of specific antibody for immunocytochemical identification of cardiomyocytes, morphological characterization of cell type and degree of differentiation by the controlled silver impregnation procedure described here provides a viable alternative, both in short- and long-term studies.  相似文献   
The success of spermatogenesis is dependent upon closely coordinated interactions between Sertoli cells and germ cells. To identify specific molecules that mediate interactions between somatic cells and germ cells in the rat testis, Sertoli cell-germ cell co-cultures and mRNA differential display were used. Two cDNAs, clone 1 (660 nucleotides) and clone 2 (390 nucleotides) were up-regulated when Sertoli cells were co-cultured with pachytene spermatocytes or round spermatids. Northern blot analyses confirmed the differential display expression patterns. Sequence analyses indicated that clone 1 was similar to a von Ebner's gland protein (87% at the nucleotide level and 80% at the amino acid level) and clone 2 was identical to a region of the Huntington disease protein. The von Ebner's-like protein mRNA was induced after 4 h of co-culture, while the Huntington disease protein required 18 h of co-culture for expression. The von Ebner's-like protein was induced in germ cells by a secreted Sertoli cell factor(s) smaller than 10 kDa that is sensitive to freezing and thawing or boiling. The Huntington disease protein was induced in germ cells by a Sertoli cell secreted factor(s) larger than 10 kDa which survives freezing and thawing, but is inactivated by boiling.  相似文献   
Renin-expressing cells are peculiar in that they act as differentiated cells, producing the hormone renin, while they also seem to act as progenitors for other renal cell types. As such, they may have functions independent of their ability to generate renin/angiotensin. To test this hypothesis, we ablated renin-expressing cells during development by placing diphtheria toxin A chain (DTA) under control of the Ren1d mouse renin promoter by homologous recombination in a two-renin gene strain (Ren2 and Ren1d). Renin-expressing cells are essentially absent from kidneys in homozygotes (DTA/DTA) which, unlike wild-type mice, are unable to recruit renin-expressing cells when homeostasis is threatened. In contrast, renin staining in the submandibular gland (SMG), which expresses mainly Ren2, is normal. Homozygous mice survive normally, but the kidneys are small and have morphological abnormalities: 25% of the glomeruli are hyperplastic or atrophic, tubules are dilated and atrophic, and areas of undifferentiated cells exist near the atrophic glomeruli and tubules. However, in contrast to the very abnormal renal vessels found when renin-angiotensin system genes are deleted, the kidney vessels in homozygotes have normal wall thickness and no decrease in lumen size. Homozygotes have severely reduced kidney and plasma renin concentrations and females have reduced blood pressure. Homozygotes have elevated blood urea nitrogen and potassium levels, which are suggestive of altered renal function. We conclude that renin cells per se are necessary for the morphological integrity of the kidney and may have a role in maintenance of normal kidney function.  相似文献   
The genetic control of induction to flowering has been studied extensively in both model and crop species because of its fundamental biological and economic significance. An ultimate aim of many of these studies has been the application of the understanding of control of flowering that can be gained from the study of model species, to the improvement of crop species. The present study identifies a region of genetic synteny between rice and Lolium perenne, which contains the Hd3 heading-date QTL in rice and a major QTL, accounting for up to 70% of the variance associated with heading date in L. perenne. The identification of synteny between rice and L. perenne in this region demonstrates the direct applicability of the rice genome to the understanding of biological processes in other species. Specifically, this syntenic relationship will greatly facilitate the genetic dissection of aspects of heading-date induction by enabling the magnitude of the genetic component of the heading-date QTL in L. perenne to be combined with the sequencing and annotation information from the rice genome.Communicated by Q. Zhang  相似文献   
In HIV infected persons, Cryptosporidium parvum causes chronic diarrhoea, which can be life-threatening in persons with AIDS and with a low CD4+ T cell count. However, a specific and effective therapy for this opportunistic infection does not yet exist. Since the use of a combination therapy with a highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the prevalence of C. parvum infection in persons with AIDS has been strongly reduced. This favorable outcome was usually attributed to the recovery of the host immunity, however improvements from this opportunistic infection have been demonstrated even in the absence of immunological recovery. The aim of the present study was to determine whether HIV protease inhibitors (PIs) exert an anti-C. parvum activity. We selected the indinavir (an aspartyl protease inhibitor included in HAART) for our experiments, since a resolution of cryptosporidial enteritis in a person with AIDS after treatment with this drug has been reported. Human ileocecal adenocarcinoma tumor cells (HCT-8) were used as in vitro model. To determine whether or not indinavir had an effect on the parasite attachment to, or invasion of the HCT-8 cells, indinavir was added to the cultures at the same time as the infective dose (3 oocysts/cell) at one of the following concentrations: 0.1, 0.5, 5, 10, 20, and 50 microM (maximum DMSO content 0.5% vol/vol). To determine whether or not indinavir had an effect on established C. parvum infection, HCT-8 cells were infected with excysted oocysts at a ratio of 3 oocysts/cell at day 0, and then indinavir at a concentration of 50 microM was added to the cultures every 24 h for 4 days. The infection level was evaluated at 2, 3, 4 and 5 days p.i. using a flowcytometric assay. Three-day-old Balb/c mice were used as animal model, animals were infected per os with 50 microl of PBS containing 10(5) oocysts. The infected mice were divided into two groups (Group A and Group B), both of which received per os indinavir diluted in PBS with 0.1% DMSO at a concentration of 10 microM (24 mg/kg). For Group A, which consisted of 15 mice (3 litters), indinavir was administered at the same time that experimental infection was performed and then every day until the mice were sacrificed (i.e., 5 days p.i.), to determine the effect of indinavir on the attachment/invasion of the enterocytes. For Group B, which also consisted of 15 mice (3 litters), indinavir was administered after the infection was established (i.e., 72 h p.i.) and every day until being sacrificed, to determine the effect of indinavir on established infection. The mice of Group B were sacrificed 7, 10, 11 and 13 days p.i., corresponding to 4, 7, 8, and 10 days of treatment with indinavir. In vitro, the treatment of the excystated oocysts with different concentrations of indinavir reduced the percentage of HCT-8 infected cells in a dose-dependent manner. For established infection, the treatment with 50 microM of indinavir decreased the percentage of infected cells in a time-dependent manner. Treatment for 48 h resulted in a 40.1% reduction in infected cells (from 90% to 53%). After 72 h of treatment, the percentage of infected cells did not substantially differ from that observed after 48 h. Treatment for 96 h resulted in a 57.8% reduction (from 90 to 38%). In vivo, mice treated with indinavir at the same time they were infected with the oocysts showed a 93% reduction in the number of oocysts present in the entire intestinal contents and a 91% reduction in the number of intracellular parasites in the ileum. For established infection, indinavir treatment reduced the number of oocysts in the entire intestinal content by about 50% and the number of intracellular parasites in the ileum by about 70%. These data demonstrate that PIs directly exert an inhibitory effect on C. parvum and the extent of this effect depended on the specific dose and the duration of treatment. Although there are no reports of aspartyl proteases in C. parvum, the inhibitory effect of PIs on C. parvum growth in vitro suggests that aspartyl proteases could have some important functions for this parasite. In fact, proteolytic activities have been demonstrated during peak periods of excystation in C. parvum oocysts and cysteine and serine protease classes have been functionally associated with this process. Moreover, we identified several different C. parvum sequences that showed homology with a protein family related to aspartyl proteases. In prospect, PIs could be valuable for the chemotherapy of cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   
Using confocal microscopy, we have examined the increases in [Ca(2+)](i) evoked by sodium channel toxins in cells labelled with the fluorescent dye INDO-1. We describe a new image analysis method that improves the detection of region-specific, toxin-induced patterns of change of intracellular calcium. This method is based on correction of global image motion followed by calculation of the strength of correlation between calcium changes in "seed" or reference pixels chosen to represent different regions of cells and those in other regions of the image. When the selected "seed" pixel was chosen to be in either varicosities or neurites, correlations were detected in the same regions of other cells as well as in the soma, indicating specific but spatially distinct patterns of behaviour. Control images (without changes in [Ca(2+)](i)) did not reveal significant interpixel correlations. The ability to recognize correlated patterns of calcium change in different regions of cells was greatly improved by correction for global motion.  相似文献   
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