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胄蝗属一新种及其染色体组型与带型分析(直翅目:蝗总科)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
郑哲民  马恩波 《昆虫学报》1989,32(3):325-329
胄蝗属(Stolzia Willemse)的种类,已知分布于菲律宾、印度尼西亚、马来西亚及我国等地区。在我国已知仅一种,即海南胄蝗Stolzia hainanensis(Tinkham).作者等于1985年9月,在海南省尖峰岭地区采集时,采得胄蝗属一新种,我们同时对该种蝗虫的染色体组型和带型进行了观察,现记述如下。 模式标本保存于陕西师范大学生物系蝗虫研究室。 尖峰胄蝗Stolzia jianfengensis新种 雄性:体中小型,密具皱纹和刻点。头顶近平,狭三角形,突出于触角基节之前,眼间距极狭,其最狭处狭于触角基节的宽度;颜面侧观倾斜,在触角基部之间的下方略凹曲,颜  相似文献   
本文记述寄螨亚科(Parasitinae)三新种。模式标本保存于吉林省地方病第一防治研究所。文内测量单位为微米,括号内为测量平均值。  相似文献   
We examined the effects of the inhaled parasympatholytic agent atropine and the sympathomimetic agent salbutamol on partitioned frictional pressure (Pfr) losses to the site of flow limitation (choke point, CP) in dogs to see how changes brought about by these agents would affect maximum expiratory flow (Vmax) and response to breathing 80% He-20% O2 (delta Vmax) in terms of wave-speed theory of flow limitation. In open-chest dogs, a Pitot-static tube was advanced down the right lower lobe to locate CP, to determine CP lateral and end-on pressures (PE), and to partition the airway into peripheral (alveoli to sublobar) and central (sublobar to CP) segments. Measurements were obtained at approximately 50% vital capacity. After inhalation, CP locations were unchanged with both bronchodilating agents. After atropine inhalation, Pfr central was decreased by one-half compared with base line. Despite the decrease in Pfr central, however, Vmax failed to increase after atropine because of altered bronchial area pressure (BAP) behavior at the CP site. After salbutamol inhalation, Pfr peripheral was reduced by about one-half compared with base line. However, Vmax failed to increase, because this reduction was too small to significantly increase the CP pressure head (i.e., PE). delta Vmax was also insensitive to these agents. Our results show mechanisms by which small changes in Pfr, as well as the complex interaction of changes in Pfr and BAP, may limit the use of Vmax in detecting bronchodilation at different airway sites.  相似文献   
The informativeness and inheritance of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were investigated in an intraspecific F1 progeny derived from two heterozygous parents. The analysis confirmed the utility of RAPD markers for comparing candidate parents for the development of a molecular genetic map, and provided numerous markers for linkage analysis in a crop with a very limited history of classical or molecular genetic studies. Six potential parental lines (themselves F1 hybrid clones) showed between 1.82 and 0.62 segregating bands per primer in three hybrid families. Forty-three percent (309) of 722 primers produced polymorphic products in the most informative of these three crosses, revealing 328 single-dose (SD) markers segregating 1:1 for presence/absence in a progeny of 90 individuals. A second class of informative markers were those present in both parents but segregating in the progeny. Fifty-seven or 67% of the monomorphic but segregating markers exhibited the 3:1 ratio expected for SD dominant markers in a cross between heterozygotes. Linkage groups were constructed from the segregation of SD RAPD markers originating in the female (TMS 30572) and the male (CM2177-2) parent. Key words : RAPDs, molecular markers, genetic segregation, Manihot, single-dose markers.  相似文献   
Deep-level diagnostic value of the rDNA-ITS region   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The similarity of certain reported angiosperm rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences to those of green algae prompted our analysis of the deep-level phylogenetic signal in the highly conserved but short 5.8S and hypervariable ITS2 sequences. We found that 5.8S sequences yield phylogenetic trees similar to but less well supported than those generated by a ca. 10-fold longer alignment from rDNA-18S sequences, as well as independent evidence. We attribute this result to our finding that, compared to 18S, the 5.8S has a higher proportion of sites subject to vary and greater among-site substitution rate homogeneity. We also determined that our phylogenetic results are not likely affected by intramolecular compensatory mutation to maintain RNA secondary structure nor by evident systematic biases in base composition. Despite historical homology, there appears to be no ITS2 primary sequence similarity shared sufficient similarity to cluster correctly on the basis of alignability. Our results indicate that groups, however, share sufficient similarity to cluster correctly on the basis of alignability. Our results indicate that ITS region sequences can diagnose organismal origins and phylogenetic relationships at many phylogenetic levels and provide a useful paradigm for molecular evolutionary study.   相似文献   
山西雏蝗属二新种:直翅目:网翅蝗科   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述山西省雁北地区雏蝗属Chorthipus Fieber1852二新种,即郑氏雏蝗Chorthippus zhengi,sp.nov.和宽带雏蝗Chorthippus amplilineatus,sp.nov。模式标本保存在山西省农牧厅植保植检总结。  相似文献   
MethodsforHandy,RapidIsolationofHighQualityRNAbyGuanadiumThioeyauateDuJianYuanYanhuaMaShenglinDongZhiwei(BeijingInstituteforCancerResearchBeijing100034)硫氰胍是一种有效的蛋白变性剂。早在1979年,Chirgwin等就利用氯化铯/硫氰胍超离心技术成功地从RNA酶富集的胰脏组织中提取出未降解的RNA分子[2],从而使它成为抑制RNA酶的首选药物并得到广泛使用,但受到超速离心设备的限制。1983年,Cathala报道了氯化锂/硫氰胍RNA提取法[1]。该方法操作简便,获得的RNA质量很高,但所需时间较长。为了能在短时间内更快…  相似文献   
We have analyzed a total of 12 different global and local multiple protein-sequence alignment methods. The purpose of this study is to evaluate each method's ability to correctly identify the ordered series of motifs found among all members of a given protein family. Four phylogenetically distributed sets of sequences from the hemoglobin, kinase, aspartic acid protease, and ribonuclease H protein families were used to test the methods. The performance of all 12 methods was affected by (1) the number of sequences in the test sets, (2) the degree of similarity among the sequences, and (3) the number of indels required to produce a multiple alignment. Global methods generally performed better than local methods in the detection of motif patterns.   相似文献   
Over a period of 7 years the biology and phenotypic variability of Chusquea culeou were studied at 5 locations in cool temperate forests of southern Argentina. Excavated rhizomes had an average of 1.1 successful rhizome buds, and an average of 2.1 years elapsed between successive generations of rhizomes. Rhizome buds usually develop within the first four years after a rhizome forms. Height, volume and weight of a culm can be calculated from its diameter 1 m above the ground. Culm size, length of foliage leaf blades, and pattern of secondary branching differed among study sites. Dead culms were numerous and commonly remained erect for more than 7 years after dying. New culm shoots appear in spring and reach full size within a few months. Shoots can grow more than 9 cm/day. Less than half of the shoots survived a year; most were killed by moth larvae. Multiple primary branch buds emerge through the culm leaf sheaths in the second spring. The mean number of branch buds at mid-culm nodes varied between 34.8 and 81.5, and the mean number of primary branches was between 22.8 and 40.8. Number and length of branches, and number and length of foliage leaf blades at each node is related to the position of the node on a culm. Most branches grow about 3 cm and produce 1 to 3 foliage leaves annually. Foliage leaf blades generally live 2 years or more; few survive 6 years. Relative lengths of foliage leaf blades and their spacing along a branch permit recognition of annual cohorts.Both gregarious and sporadic flowering have been reported, and every year a few isolated plants flower and die. Length of the life cycle is unknown. Seedlings require up to 15 years to produce culms of mature size. Foliage branches may live more than 23 years, and culms may survive 33 years. Extensive loss of new shoots to predation suggests that gregarious flowering may be driven by a need to escape parasitism. C. culeou clumps expand slowly. Average annual rate of increase of the number of live culms in a clump was 4.6%. Methods of seed dispersal are undocumented. A dense stand of Chusquea culeou had an estimated phytomass of 179 tons/hectare (dry weight), 28% of which was underground. Net annual production was about 16 t/ha dry weight.  相似文献   
The bethylidCephalonomia stephanoderis Betrem is an ectoparasitoid that prefers to oviposit on the prepupae and pupae of the coffe berry borerHypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). It has the ability to distinguish unparasitized from parasitized hosts and rarely lays more than one egg per host. The mechanism of this host discrimination byC. stephanoderis was investigated under laboratory conditions. For this, parasitoid eggs that had been deposited on host pupae were removed and pupae were then offered (individually and collectively) to individual female wasps. A total of 92% of individually offered hosts and 93% of collectively offered hosts were not parasitized. It is concluded thatC. stephanoderis recognizes a marking pheromone deposited into or onto the host, preceding, during, or after oviposition which enables female parasitoids to avoid self and conspecific superparasitism.  相似文献   
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