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The four Kunitz-type protease inhibitors purified from bovine spleen, which include the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), form stable complexes with human leukocytic elastase. The values of the affinity constants of these complexes are similar, in agreement with the great structural similarity of the four inhibitors, but are lower than those measured for the complexes with other serine proteases. Two main factors appear to be responsible for the stability of these complexes, i.e., hydrophobic interactions and ionization phenomena that take place during complex formation. These two factors have been analyzed in terms of the general model previously used for describing the interaction between the serine proteases and their natural inhibitors.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are the major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), whose aberrant production by dysfunctional mitochondria leads to oxidative stress, thus contributing to aging as well as neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. Cells efficiently eliminate damaged mitochondria through a selective type of autophagy, named mitophagy. Here, we demonstrate the involvement of the atypical MAP kinase family member MAPK15 in cellular senescence, by preserving mitochondrial quality, thanks to its ability to control mitophagy and, therefore, prevent oxidative stress. We indeed demonstrate that reduced MAPK15 expression strongly decreases mitochondrial respiration and ATP production, while increasing mitochondrial ROS levels. We show that MAPK15 controls the mitophagic process by stimulating ULK1‐dependent PRKN Ser108 phosphorylation and inducing the recruitment of damaged mitochondria to autophagosomal and lysosomal compartments, thus leading to a reduction of their mass, but also by participating in the reorganization of the mitochondrial network that usually anticipates their disposal. Consequently, MAPK15‐dependent mitophagy protects cells from accumulating nuclear DNA damage due to mitochondrial ROS and, consequently, from senescence deriving from this chronic DNA insult. Indeed, we ultimately demonstrate that MAPK15 protects primary human airway epithelial cells from senescence, establishing a new specific role for MAPK15 in controlling mitochondrial fitness by efficient disposal of old and damaged organelles and suggesting this kinase as a new potential therapeutic target in diverse age‐associated human diseases.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of copper and lipid peroxidation were evaluated in 14 smokers as compared to 14 nonsmokers. Plasma copper concentrations were higher in smokers than in nonsmokers (122.5 ± 19.15 vs. 101.5 ± 16.2 μg/dl, P < .01). Plasma lipoperoxidation, evaluated as fluorescent damage products of lipid peroxidation (FDPL), also was higher in smokers than in nonsmokers (20.35 ± 2.6 vs. 17.1 ± 2.95 units of relative fluorescence/ml, P < .01). A significant and positive correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked, expressed as pack years, and the levels of either FDPL (r = .61, P < .025) or copper (r = .55, P < .05) was found. Moreover, a significant and positive relationship between copper and FDPL values was observed in smokers (r = .64; P < .025), but not in nonsmokers. These data indicate that cigarette smoke-related plasma oxidant load may be partly due to enhanced levels of the prooxidant metal copper, potentially suggesting the supplementation of specific antioxidants (e.g., zinc) to counteract cigarette smoke-induced oxidative stress in smokers.  相似文献   
Training through Research Application Italian iNitiative (TRAIN) is a mobility program financed under the EU action called "Cofinancing of regional, national and international programs" (COFUND) of the European Commission Seventh Framework Program (FP7) - People, and has been designed to encourage the promotion and development of international programs of research through mobility at various stages of research careers. The aim of TRAIN is to improve translational skills in the field of cancer by promoting a three-year international mobility program assigning a total of 51 fellowships subdivided into incoming, outgoing and reintegration fellowships.?The TRAIN proposal has been submitted in February 2009 to the European Commission in reply to the 2008 FP7-PEOPLE-COFUND call and has been successfully evaluated. TRAIN is addressed to postdoctoral scientists or scientists who have at least four years' full-time equivalent research experience and who wish to improve their careers spending one year abroad. The mobility program is open also to non-Italian experienced scientists wishing to spend one year in an Italian research center or private company. Part of the scheme is targeted to experienced Italian scientists who have completed at least three years of research in a foreign country and are interested in returning to Italy.?TRAIN is part of an overall Italian strategy outlined by the International Program of the Italian Cancer Network "Alleanza Contro il Cancro" to promote Italian participation in the building of the European Area for translational cancer research and to enhance the interaction between academy and industry.  相似文献   
Phencyclidine (PCP) administration elicits positive and negative symptoms that resemble those of schizophrenia and is widely accepted as a model for the study of this human disorder. Group II metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) agonists have been reported to reduce the behavioral and neurochemical effects of PCP. The peptide neurotransmitter, N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), is a selective group II agonist. We synthesized and characterized a urea-based NAAG analogue, ZJ43. This novel compound is a potent inhibitor of enzymes, glutamate carboxypeptidase II (K(i) = 0.8 nM) and III (K(i) = 23 nM) that deactivate NAAG following synaptic release. ZJ43 (100 microM) does not directly interact with NMDA receptors or metabotropic glutamate receptors. Administration of ZJ43 significantly reduced PCP-induced motor activation, falling while walking, stereotypic circling behavior, and head movements. To test the hypothesis that this effect of ZJ43 was mediated by increasing the activation of mGluR3 via increased levels of extracellular NAAG, the group II mGluR selective antagonist LY341495 was co-administered with ZJ43 prior to PCP treatment. This antagonist completely reversed the effects of ZJ43. Additionally, LY341495 alone increased PCP-induced motor activity and head movements suggesting that normal levels of NAAG act to moderate the effect of PCP on motor activation via a group II mGluR. These data support the view that NAAG peptidase inhibitors may represent a new therapeutic approach to some of the components of schizophrenia that are modeled by PCP.  相似文献   
The organization of neocortex in the short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) was explored with multiunit microelectrode recordings from middle layers of cortex. Microelectrode maps were subsequently related to the chemoarchitecture of flattened cortical preparations, sectioned parallel to the cortical surface and processed for either cytochrome oxidase (CO) or NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry. The recordings revealed the presence of at least two systematic representations of the contralateral body surface located in a continuous strip of cortex running from the rhinal sulcus to the medial wall. The primary somatosensory area (S1) was located medially while secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) formed a laterally located mirror image of S1. Auditory cortex was located in lateral cortex at the caudal border of S2, and some electrode penetrations in this area responded to both auditory and somatosensory stimulation. Auditory cortex was outlined by a dark oval visible in flattened brain sections. A large primary visual cortex (V1) was located at the caudal pole of cortex, and also consistently corresponded to a large chemoarchitecturally visible oval. Cortex just rostral and lateral to V1 responded to visual stimulation, while bimodal auditory/visual responses were obtained in an area between V1 and somatosensory cortex. The results are compared with brain organization in other marsupials and with placentals and the evolution of cortical areas in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   
Persistent dysregulation in Ca2+ homeostasis is a pervasive pathogenic mechanism in most neurodegenerative diseases, and accordingly, calpain activation has been implicated in neuronal cells dysfunction and death. In this study we examined the intracellular functional state of the calpain-calpastatin system in −G93A(+) SOD1 transgenic mice to establish if and how uncontrolled activation of calpain can be prevented in vivo during the course of prolonged [Ca2+]i elevation. The presented data indicate that 1) calpain activation is more extensive in motor cortex, in lumbar, and sacral spinal cord segments compared with the lower or almost undetectable activation of the protease in other brain areas, 2) direct measurements of the variations of Ca2+ levels established that the degree of the protease activation is correlated to the extent of elevation of [Ca2+]i, 3) intracellular activation of calpain is always associated with diffusion of calpastatin from perinuclear aggregated forms into the cytosol and the formation of a calpain-calpastatin complex, and 4) a conservative fragmentation of calpastatin is accompanied by its increased expression and inhibitory capacity in conditions of prolonged increase in [Ca2+]i. Thus, calpastatin diffusion and formation of the calpain-calpastatin complex together with an increased synthesis of the inhibitor protein represent a cellular defense response to conditions of prolonged dysregulation in intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. Altogether these findings provide a new understanding of the in vivo molecular mechanisms governing calpain activation that can be extended to many neurodegenerative diseases, potentially useful for the development of new therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
Two new oribatid mite species of the genus Truncozetes (Oribatida, Epactozetidae), Truncozetes ecuadoriensis sp. n. and Truncozetes monodactylus sp. n., are described from the Ecuadorian soils. The morphology of the gnathosoma and the legs is presented in detail for the first time for the species of Truncozetes. An identification key to all known species of the family Epactozetidae is given.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of Gymnosperms have been screened for cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase by means of native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This analysis shows that a single form of the enzyme is the most common situation. The enzyme reveals a similar electrophoretic mobility in species belonging to the same genus and sometimes to different genera. In some Pinaceae, two bands of activity were observed. The presence in the archaic spermatophyte Ginkgo biloba, as well as in the more advanced monocotyledons, of three isoforms of ascorbate peroxidase, might suggest that three different cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase genes were already present in this archaic species.  相似文献   
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