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Opuntia ficus-indica, a Crassulacean acid metabolism plant cultivated for its fruits and cladodes, was used to examine chemical and physiological events accompanying low-temperature acclimation. Changes in osmotic pressure, water content, low molecular weight solutes, and extracellular mucilage were monitored in the photosynthetic chlorenchyma and the water-storage parenchyma when plants maintained at day/night air temperatures of 30/20°C were shifted to 10/0°C. An increase in osmotic pressure of 0.13 megapascal occurred after 13 days at 10/0°C. Synthesis of glucose, fructose, and glycerol accounted for most of the observed increase in osmotic pressure during the low-temperature acclimation. Extracellular mucilage and the relative apoplastic water content increased by 24 and 10%, respectively, during exposure to low temperatures. These increases apparently favor the extracellular nucleation of ice closer to the equilibrium freezing temperature for plants at 10/0°C, which could make the cellular dehydration more gradual and less damaging. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies helped elucidate the cellular processes during ice formation, such as those revealed by changes in the relaxation times of two water fractions in the chlorenchyma. The latter results suggested a restricted mobility of intracellular water and an increased mobility of extracellular water for plants at 10/0°C compared with those at 30/20°C. Increased mobility of extracellular water could facilitate extracellular ice growth and thus delay the potentially lethal intracellular freezing during low-temperature acclimation.  相似文献   
Summary The opioidergic, sympathetic and neuropeptide Y-positive innervation of the sphincter of Oddi (common bile duct sphincter and pancreatic duct sphincter), as well as other segments of the extrahepatic biliary tree was studied in the monkey by use of immunohistochemistry. Methionine-enkephalin-positive nerves were seen to innervate the smooth muscle of all portions of the sphincter of Oddi and also local ganglion cells. No methionine-enkephalin-positive nerves could be detected in the common bile duct, pancreatic duct or gallbladder. Tyrosine hydroxylase-positive nerves occurred between smooth muscle bundles and also ran to local ganglion cells as well as along the common bile duct. Neuropeptide Y-positive nerves were observed within smooth muscle of the sphincter of Oddi (all portions), common bile duct, pancreatic duct and gallbladder. No evidence of any differential innervation of the pancreatic duct and common bile duct sphincters could be detected with these markers.  相似文献   
Human sperm cells were fractionated and plasma membrane proteins were separated by molecular gel sieving chromatography (Sephacryl S-200 followed by HPLC). A pore-forming protein was extracted from sperm cell membranes. The partially purified protein migrated with Mr 100,000-110,000, as determined by molecular sieving gel chromatography, and with a Mr 90,000 when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The channel activity was also extracted with Triton X-114, suggesting a hydrophobic nature for this protein. This protein was incorporated into planar lipid bilayers, resulting in the formation of voltage-dependent ion channels. Single channel fluctuations of 130 pS/unit in 0.1 M NaCl were resolved; however, channels preferentially aggregated in triplets having an open state life-time that persisted for several seconds. The channels studied here were more selective for monovalent cations than anions, but also showed some permeability to anions and larger electrolytes, suggesting a large functional pore diameter. The role of this sperm channel in normal sperm physiology and/or fertilization is presently unclear.  相似文献   
Bretscher (1983) has shown that on uniformly spread giant HeLa cells, the receptors for low density lipoprotein (LDL) and transferrin are concentrated toward the periphery of the cells. To explain these nonuniform distributions, he proposed that on giant HeLa cells, recycling receptors return to the cell surface at the cell's leading edge. Since the distribution of coated pits on these cells is uniform, Bretscher and Thomson (1983) proposed that there is a bulk membrane flow toward the cell centers. Here we present a mathematical model that allows us to predict the distribution of cell surface proteins on a thin circular cell, when exocytosis occurs at the cell periphery and endocytosis occurs uniformly over the cell surface. We show that on such a cell, a bulk membrane flow will be generated, whose average velocity is zero at the cell center and increases linearly with the distance from the cell center. Our model predicts that proteins that aggregate in coated pits will have concentrations that are maximal at the cell periphery. We fit our theory to the data of Bretscher and Thomson (1983) on the distribution of ferritin receptors for the following cases: the receptors move by diffusion alone; they move by bulk membrane flow alone; they move by a combination of diffusion and bulk membrane flow. From our fits we show that tau m greater than 3.5 tau p, where tau m and tau p are the lifetimes of the membrane and the ferritin receptor on the cell surface, and that tau pD less than 6.9 X 10(-7) cm2, where D is the ferritin receptor diffusion coefficient. Surprisingly, we obtain the best fits to the data when we neglect membrane flow. Our model predicts that for proteins that are excluded from coated pits, the protein concentration will be Gaussian, being maximal at the cell center and decreasing with the distance from the cell center. If on giant HeLa cells a protein with such a distribution could be found, it would strongly support Bretcher's proposal that there is an inward membrane flow.  相似文献   
A rapid, semiautomated cytophotometry system for quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry was constructed. The system consists of a Fairchild charge coupled device (CCD) image camera, a Zeiss Universal microscope, a Datacube analog to digital converter, and a digital Equipment Corporation LSI 11/23 computer operating under RT-11. Computer programs were written in FORTRAN and the MACRO assembly language for the acquisition of data from the CCD device. These data were then used for image segmentation, image display, and calculation of total optical density, perimeter, cell area, and several shape features. The reproducibility of measurement made with the CCD-based cytophotometry system was tested by repeated measurements. The coefficient of variation was estimated to be 1.7% for total optical density and 0.9% for cell area. The CCD-based cytophotometry system was further evaluated by comparing results with measurements made on the same cells with a scanning stage cytophotometer using the HIDACSYS computer programs. Correlation coefficients of 0.96 for total optical density and 0.91 for cell area were obtained between the two systems. We conclude that the high-speed, dimensional stability, small size, and linearity of the CCD-based cytophotometry system will make it useful for quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry.  相似文献   
In these studies it was found that i.p. injection of thymosin fraction 5 (TF5) caused a dose-dependent increase in serum corticosterone in male Swiss Webster mice and in male Wistar rats. The maximum responses were seen at 1 and 2 hr, respectively. There was no effect on serum corticosterone in mice when Thymosin alpha 1 (a 28 amino acid peptide isolated from TF5) was injected i.p. at doses up to 100 micrograms. The steroidogenic effects of TF5 were seen only when the basal levels of serum corticosterone were low (less than 80 ng/ml). In studies in which the baseline levels in the animal colony were elevated (greater than 80 ng/ml), there were no steroidogenic effects, or they were minimal. These results suggest that some component of TF5 may influence pituitary adrenal function.  相似文献   
A human T4+/Leu-8+ T cell clone (YA2) was established by phytohemagglutinin activation and interleukin 2 (IL 2) propagation. Functional characterization of this clone demonstrated that it provided potent help towards Ig production by pokeweed mitogen-stimulated B cells in the presence of small numbers of autologous T cells or by Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC)-activated B cells in the presence of B cell growth factor (BCGF). YA2 provided no help to resting B cells and minimal help to either unactivated B cells cultured with BCGF or SAC-activated B cells. Supernatant generated from clone YA2 by IL 2 stimulation had significant B cell differentiation activity but no BCGF or IL 2 activity. Thus, YA2 is a T4+/Leu-8+ potent direct helper only to B cells that are activated and proliferating due to its selective secretion of a differentiation factor, and not an activation and growth factor. The availability of phenotypically defined cloned populations of T cells with restricted functional helper activity related to the secretion of selected B cell tropic factors should prove useful in the dissection of the role of individual T cell subsets in the regulation of the human B cell cycle.  相似文献   
Sperm production and fertility were studied in male mice treated with adriamycin (ADR) at 6 or 8 mg/kg. Testicular sperm production and epididymal sperm counts were markedly reduced after ADR treatment. Gradual recovery of counts occurred, but sperm counts had not reached control levels even more than 1 year after treatment. Epididymal sperm showed treatment-induced morphological abnormalities throughout the experiment; the frequencies of sperm with detached tails and the frequencies of sperm with morphologically abnormal heads remained elevated about 2-3-fold above control. According to the frequency of vaginal plugs, treated male mice mated at control rates with untreated females during the post-treatment sterile period. However, after some fertility was regained the fertilization rate (calculated as the fraction of eggs, flushed from the oviduct 2 days after mating, that had been fertilized and had cleaved) was markedly reduced and remained depressed for the remainder of the experiment. The fertilization rate reached only 0.29 at 23-32 weeks after 8 mg/kg ADR and 0.76 at 16-23 weeks after 6 mg/kg ADR; both values were significantly below the control value of 0.94. Dominant lethal mutations in the zygotes flushed from the oviduct were measured in culture by the loss of the zygote's ability to develop to a stage characterized by trophectoderm outgrowths and formation of an inner cell mass. The frequencies of dominant lethal mutations detected in vitro were 1.7 or 7.4% after 6 mg/kg, and 32 or 40% after 8 mg/kg ADR; each value was calculated in two different ways, with 3 of these 4 values significantly different from zero. We conclude that even after mice regain fertility following ADR exposure, the level of fertility remains permanently subnormal as evidenced by a lack of fertilization of eggs that is probably due to the decreased quantity and quality of spermatozoa produced. Furthermore, ADR can induce genetic damage in stem spermatogonia, which can be transmitted through fertile spermatozoa. Thus, there may be a genetic risk to the offspring of cancer patients treated with ADR chemotherapy, but at present we are unable to quantitate that risk.  相似文献   
Summary Selected morphological features were measured in five populations of the giant rosette plant Espeletia schultzii occurring along an elevation gradient from 2600 to 4200 m in the Venezuelan Andes. Pith volume per amount of leaf area increases with elevation resulting in significantly larger water storage capacity at higher elevations. Thickness of leaf pubescence and, therefore, leaf boundary layer resistance, also increases with elevation resulting in both potentially higher leaf temperatures relative to air temperature and higher leaf to air vapor pressure gradients. The net effect on transpiration rate would depend on ratios of stomatal to boundary layer resistance and leaf energy balance. At higher elevations the central rosette leaves are more vertically oriented and the leaf bases show a pronounced curvature as the intersection with the main axis is approached. This gives these rosettes a distinctly paraboloid appearance and probably enhances capture and retention of incident long and shortwave radiation by the apical bud and expanding leaves. Features which result in enhanced water storage capacity and higher plant temperatures relative to air temperature without greatly increasing water loss are adaptive in high altitude paramo habitats where water availability and growth are limited by year round low temperatures (mean 2–3° C).  相似文献   
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