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Previous studies have shown that neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R) occurs naturally in human glioblastomas and its stimulation causes cell proliferation. In the present study we show that stimulation of NK1R in human U373 glioblastoma cells by substance P increases Akt phosphorylation by 2.5-fold, with an EC50 of 57 nM. Blockade of NK1R lowers basal phosphorylation of Akt, indicating the presence of a constitutively active form of NK1R; similar results are seen in U251 MG and DBTRG-05 glioblastoma cells. Linkage of NK1R to Akt implicates NK1R in apoptosis of glioblastoma cells. Indeed, treatment of serum-starved U373 cells with substance P reduces apoptosis by 53 ± 1% ( p  <   0.05), and treatment with NK1R antagonist L-733,060 increases apoptosis by 64 ± 16% ( p  <   0.01). Further, the blockade of NK1R in human glioblastoma cells with L-733,060 causes cleavage of Caspase-3 and proteolysis of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. Experiments designed to elucidate the mechanism of NK1R-mediated Akt phosphorylation revealed total involvement of non-receptor tyrosine kinase Src and phosphatidyl-3-kinase, a partial involvement of epidermal growth factor receptor, and no involvement of mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-related kinase. Taken together, the results of the present study indicate a key role for NK1R in glioblastoma apoptosis.  相似文献   
A pharmacophore model was built, based on known CGRP receptor antagonists, and this was used to aid the identification of novel leads. Analogues were designed, modelled and synthesised which incorporated alternative ‘LHS’ fragments linked via either an amide or urea to a privileged ‘RHS’ fragment commonly found in CGRP receptor antagonists. As a result a novel series of oxadiazole CGRP receptor antagonists has been identified and the subsequent optimisation to enhance both potency and bioavailability is presented.  相似文献   
Abstract: Estimating population size in a mark-recapture framework using DNA obtained from remotely collected genetic samples (e.g., feces) has become common in recent years but rarely has been used for ungulates. Using DNA extracted from fecal pellets, we estimated the size of an argali (Ovis ammon) population that was believed to be isolated from others within the Big Pamir Mountains, Afghanistan, an area where access was difficult and expensive. We used closed-capture models to estimate abundance, and Pradel models to examine closure assumptions, both as implemented in Program MARK. We also made visual counts of argali in the Big Pamirs, allowing comparison of count indices of abundance with modeled estimates. Our model-averaged estimate for female argali in the Big Pamir was 172 (95% CI = 117–232), which was about 23% higher than our best assessment using uncorrected visual counts. However, mark-recapture models suggested that males were not a closed population; thus, we were unable to provide a meaningful estimate of overall population size. Males either suffered much higher mortality than females during the sampling period, or, more likely, males moved in and out of the Big Pamir area. Although information from DNA did not provide a clear overall population estimate, it suggested that the Big Pamir was not isolated from other argali populations, which could not have been confirmed with visual observations alone. Estimating argali population size using mark-recapture models and fecal DNA is feasible but may be too expensive for frequent monitoring of large and remote populations. Our study demonstrates the importance of sex identification and separate abundance estimation for each sex, especially if movement ecology differs by sex.  相似文献   
MAPKs engage substrates, MAP2Ks, and phosphatases via a docking groove in the C-terminal domain of the kinase. Prior crystallographic studies on the unphosphorylated MAPKs p38α and ERK2 defined the docking groove and revealed long-range conformational changes affecting the activation loop and active site of the kinase induced by peptide. Solution NMR data presented here for unphosphorylated p38α with a MEK3b-derived peptide (p38α/pepMEK3b) validate these findings. Crystallograhic data from doubly phosphorylated active p38α (p38α/T?GY?/pepMEK3b) reveal a structure similar to unphosphorylated p38α/MEK3b, and distinct from phosphorylated p38γ (p38γ/T?GY?) and ERK2 (ERK2/T?EY?). The structure supports the idea that MAP kinases adopt three distinct conformations: unphosphorylated, phosphorylated, and a docking peptide-induced form.  相似文献   


Diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas (STS) is challenging. Many remain unclassified (not-otherwise-specified, NOS) or grouped in controversial categories such as malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), with unclear therapeutic value. We analyzed several independent microarray datasets, to identify a predictor, use it to classify unclassifiable sarcomas, and assess oncogenic pathway activation and chemotherapy response.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analyzed 5 independent datasets (325 tumor arrays). We developed and validated a predictor, which was used to reclassify MFH and NOS sarcomas. The molecular “match” between MFH and their predicted subtypes was assessed using genome-wide hierarchical clustering and Subclass-Mapping. Findings were validated in 15 paraffin samples profiled on the DASL platform. Bayesian models of oncogenic pathway activation and chemotherapy response were applied to individual STS samples. A 170-gene predictor was developed and independently validated (80-85% accuracy in all datasets). Most MFH and NOS tumors were reclassified as leiomyosarcomas, liposarcomas and fibrosarcomas. “Molecular match” between MFH and their predicted STS subtypes was confirmed both within and across datasets. This classification revealed previously unrecognized tissue differentiation lines (adipocyte, fibroblastic, smooth-muscle) and was reproduced in paraffin specimens. Different sarcoma subtypes demonstrated distinct oncogenic pathway activation patterns, and reclassified MFH tumors shared oncogenic pathway activation patterns with their predicted subtypes. These patterns were associated with predicted resistance to chemotherapeutic agents commonly used in sarcomas.


STS profiling can aid in diagnosis through a predictor tracking distinct tissue differentiation in unclassified tumors, and in therapeutic management via oncogenic pathway activation and chemotherapy response assessment.  相似文献   
MAPK signaling cascades are evolutionally conserved. The bacterial effector, YopJ, uses the unique activity of Ser/Thr acetylation to inhibit the activation of the MAPK kinase (MKK) and prevent activation by phosphorylation. YopJ is also able to block yeast MAPK signaling pathways using this mechanism. Based on these observations, we performed a genetic screen to isolate mutants in the yeast MKK, Pbs2, that suppress YopJ inhibition. One suppressor contains a mutation in a conserved tyrosine residue and bypasses YopJ inhibition by increasing the basal activity of Pbs2. Mutations on the hydrophobic face of the conserved G alpha-helix in the kinase domain prevent both binding and acetylation by YopJ. Corresponding mutants in human MKKs showed that they are conserved not only structurally, but also functionally. These studies reveal a conserved binding site found on the superfamily of MAPK kinases while providing insight into the molecular interactions required for YopJ inhibition.  相似文献   
Twelve palm flowers in one piece of Dominican amber and a single flower in a second piece are described as Trithrinax dominicana sp. nov. (Thrinacinae: Coryphoideae), representing the first fossil record of this genus. There are no members of Trithrinax in the Greater Antilles today. Two staminate flowers in Mexican amber are described as Socratea brownii sp. nov. (Iriarteinae: Arecoideae) and represent the first fossils of this genus. A third palm flower in Mexican amber, possibly belonging to the subtribe Euterpeinae, is characterized. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 57–61.  相似文献   
A sensitive bright field/fluorescent histochemical staining method has been developed that reveals endogenous aluminum in subcellular structures. The method, achievable within 30 min, is based on phloxine B and phosphotungstic acid, with ethanol differentiation. Hematoxylin is used for nuclear and fast green FCF for cytoplasmic counterstaining. To test the method's specificity, we incubated living neuroblastoma cells overnight in culture media containing aluminum, calcium, iron, copper or zinc, or no added metal ions. After fixing the cells and applying the staining method, only cultures exposed to aluminum stained magenta. Applying the method to paraffin embedded tissue sections pretreated with one of two chelating agents that remove aluminum demonstrated less magenta staining in the chelated sections than in adjacent unchelated sections. Immersing sections overnight in solutions containing exogenous aluminum had no observable effect on staining for endogenous aluminum; therefore, it is unlikely that any exogenous aluminum present in histological reagents would alter the method's staining results.  相似文献   
We used eddy covariance and biomass measurements to quantify the carbon (C) dynamics of a naturally regenerated longleaf pine/slash pine flatwoods ecosystem in north Florida for 4 years, July 2000 to June 2002 and 2004 to 2005, to quantify how forest type, silvicultural intensity and environment influence stand‐level C balance. Precipitation over the study periods ranged from extreme drought (July 2000–June 2002) to above‐average precipitation (2004 and 2005). After photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) >1.5 kPa and air temperature <10 °C were important constraints on daytime half‐hourly net CO2 exchange (NEEday) and reduced the magnitude of midday CO2 exchange by >5 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1. Analysis of water use efficiency indicated that stomatal closure at VPD>1.5 kPa moderated transpiration similarly in both drought and wet years. Night‐time exchange (NEEnight) was an exponential function of air temperature, with rates further modulated by soil moisture. Estimated annual net ecosystem production (NEP) was remarkably consistent among the four measurement years (range: 158–192 g C m?2 yr?1). In comparison, annual ecosystem C assimilation estimates from biomass measurements between 2000 and 2002 ranged from 77 to 136 g C m?2 yr?1. Understory fluxes accounted for approximately 25–35% of above‐canopy NEE over 24‐h periods, and 85% and 27% of whole‐ecosystem fluxes during night and midday (11:00–15:00 hours) periods, respectively. Concurrent measurements of a nearby intensively managed slash pine plantation showed that annual NEP was three to four times greater than that of the Austin Cary Memorial Forest, highlighting the importance of silviculture and management in regulating stand‐level C budgets.  相似文献   
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