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The freeze fracture technique has been used to quantify changes in the integral components of the double outer membrane of Schistosoma mansoni during the 6-week period of development within the mouse. The intramembraneous particle (IMP) density on the P1 face begins to rise within 6 h of host penetration, reaches a maximum at day 4 and then falls rapidly after day 9, so that it is at a low level between 3 and 6 weeks. The E1 face IMP density follows the same course as that of the P1 face except that maximum particle density is recorded on day 1 and the counts begin to fall on day 5. The IMP density on the P2 face remains at a consistently low level throughout development. The E2 face IMP density rises gradually to a peak at day 4, when the parasites have migrated to the lungs, and remains thereafter at a similar level, so that by 6 weeks the E2 face has a higher IMP density than the other three fracture faces. The E2 face IMP show a marked increase in size on day 4. Morphological studies indicate that a different type of inclusion body makes a transient appearance in the tegument of the lung worms, and immunocytochemical techniques show the lung worms to be nonimmunogenic. It is suggested, therefore, that the E2 face IMP may represent complexes of parasite antigens and acquired host antigens. The tegumental membranes of cultured specimens have also been examined by freeze fracturing and the IMP densities compared with those obtained from in vivo parasites; the cultured schistosomula have a lower E2 face particle density than the in vivo specimens.  相似文献   
Beta-globin gene families in eutherians (placental mammals) consist of a set of four or more developmentally regulated genes which are closely linked and, in general, arranged in the order 5'-embryonic/fetal genes- adult genes-3'. This cluster of genes is proposed to have arisen by tandem duplication of ancestral beta-globin genes, with the first duplication occurring 200 to 155 MYBP just prior to a period in mammalian evolution when eutherians and marsupials diverged from a common ancestor. In this paper we trace the evolutionary history of the beta-globin gene family back to the origins of these mammals by molecular characterization of the beta-globin gene family of the Australian marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Using Southern and restriction analysis of total genomic DNA and bacteriophage clones of beta-like globin genes, we provide evidence that just two functional beta-like globin genes exist in this marsupial, including one embryonic- expressed gene (S.c-epsilon) and one adult-expressed gene (S.c-beta), linked in the order 5'-epsilon-beta-3'. The entire DNA sequence of the adult beta-globin gene is reported and shown to be orthologous to the adult beta-globin genes of the North American marsupial Didelphis virginiana and eutherian mammals. These results, together with results from a phylogenetic analysis of mammalian beta-like globin genes, confirm the hypothesis that a two-gene cluster, containing an embryonic- and an adult-expressed beta-like globin gene, existed in the most recent common ancester of marsupials and eutherians. Northern analysis of total RNA isolated from embryos and neonatals indicates that a switch from embryonic to adult gene expression occurs at the time of birth, coinciding with the transfer of the marsupial from a uterus to a pouch environment.   相似文献   
A protocol is described for the preparation of lectin affinity chromatography columns using purified lectins and preactivated matrices. A general method is given for the purification of glycoproteins on immobilized Con A. Methods for immobilizing Con A on CDI agarose, Affi-Gel 15, and carbonyl-diimidazole-activated agarose are described.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by degeneration of articular cartilage, limited intraarticular inflammation with synovitis, and changes in peri-articular and subchondral bone. Multiple factors are involved in the pathogenesis of OA, including mechanical influences, the effects of aging on cartilage matrix composition and structure, and genetic factors. Since the initial stages of OA involve increased cell proliferation and synthesis of matrix proteins, proteinases, growth factors, cytokines, and other inflammatory mediators by chondrocytes, research has focused on the chondrocyte as the cellular mediator of OA pathogenesis. The other cells and tissues of the joint, including the synovium and subchondral bone, also contribute to pathogenesis. The adult articular chondrocyte, which normally maintains the cartilage with a low turnover of matrix constituents, has limited capacity to regenerate the original cartilage matrix architecture. It may attempt to recapitulate phenotypes of early stages of cartilage development, but the precise zonal variations of the original cartilage cannot be replicated. Current pharmacological interventions that address chronic pain are insufficient, and no proven structure-modifying therapy is available. Cartilage tissue engineering with or without gene therapy is the subject of intense investigation. There are multiple animal models of OA, but there is no single model that faithfully replicates the human disease. This review will focus on questions currently under study that may lead to better understanding of mechanisms of OA pathogenesis and elucidation of effective strategies for therapy, with emphasis on mechanisms that affect the function of chondrocytes and interactions with surrounding tissues.  相似文献   
The glutathione transferases (GSTs) mediate the detoxification of a broad spectrum of electrophilic chemicals. We report here the identification and characterisation of a novel naturally occurring transition that changes codon 169 from GGC (Gly) to GAC (Asp) in the human Pi class GST, GSTP1. Expression of the variant in human HepG2 cells led to a small increase in 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) conjugation compared to the wild-type protein. Asp(169) GSTP1-1 expressed at high levels in Escherichia coli displayed a small but significant increase in specific activity towards CDNB compared to Gly(169) GSTP1-1. The catalytic efficiency with CDNB was higher for Asp(169) GSTP1-1 compared to the wild-type enzyme, although the kinetic constants of the mutant and the wild-type enzyme towards glutathione were not different. Modelling indicated that the mutation does not appear to change protein conformation. The distribution of the genotypes in a normal healthy population (217 individuals) was 94.3% for the Gly/Gly genotype and 5.7% for the Gly/Asp genotype; no Asp/Asp genotypes were detected in this population. The frequency of the Asp(169) allele in the only oxidative stress-linked pathology that we have studied to date, i.e. alcoholic liver disease, was not significantly different from healthy controls. In conclusion, we have detected and characterised a novel SNP in GSTP1 that may play a role in modulating the activity of GSTP1-1.  相似文献   
The glutathione transferases (GSTs) mediate the detoxification of a broad spectrum of electrophilic chemicals. We report here the identification and characterisation of a novel naturally occurring transition that changes codon 169 from GGC (Gly) to GAC (Asp) in the human Pi class GST, GSTP1. Expression of the variant in human HepG2 cells led to a small increase in 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) conjugation compared to the wild-type protein. Asp169 GSTP1-1 expressed at high levels in Escherichia coli displayed a small but significant increase in specific activity towards CDNB compared to Gly169 GSTP1-1. The catalytic efficiency with CDNB was higher for Asp169 GSTP1-1 compared to the wild-type enzyme, although the kinetic constants of the mutant and the wild-type enzyme towards glutathione were not different. Modelling indicated that the mutation does not appear to change protein conformation. The distribution of the genotypes in a normal healthy population (217 individuals) was 94.3% for the Gly/Gly genotype and 5.7% for the Gly/Asp genotype; no Asp/Asp genotypes were detected in this population. The frequency of the Asp169 allele in the only oxidative stress-linked pathology that we have studied to date, i.e. alcoholic liver disease, was not significantly different from healthy controls. In conclusion, we have detected and characterised a novel SNP in GSTP1 that may play a role in modulating the activity of GSTP1-1.  相似文献   
Present communication reports laboratory and pot experiments conducted to study the influence of water and osmotic stress on nitrogen uptake and metabolism in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars with and without potassium supplementation. Polyethylene glycol 6000-induced osmotic stress/restricted irrigation caused a considerable decline in the activity of nitrate reductase, glutamate synthase, alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, and glutamate dehydrogenase. Potassium considerably improved nitrogen metabolism under normal water supply conditions and also resulted in amelioration of the negative impact of water and osmotic stresses indicating that potassium supplementation can be used as a potential tool for enhancing the nitrogen use efficiency in wheat for exploiting its genetic potential.  相似文献   
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