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The goal of this study was to discriminate between two hypotheses regarding how the circadian rhythm of pineal melatonin (MEL) production transmits photoperiodic information: (1) A circadian rhythm of sensitivity to MEL regulates the hormone's effect; (2) the duration of the MEL signal, rather than its circadian timing, is the critical parameter of the MEL rhythm. The experiment examined the response of pinealectomized (PINX) male Siberian hamsters to 10-hr (short-day-type) versus 6-hr (long-day-type) duration MEL infusions (10 ng/infusion) in cycles with period lengths (T) of 18, 24, 36, and 48 hr. After cannula implantation, animals were moved from LD 16:8 to LD 10:14 (lights-on from 0500 to 1500 hr, EST), where the timed infusions began. Additional T 24 cycles included as controls employed 18-hr MEL, 18-hr saline (SAL), and 10-hr SAL infusions: Body weight and food intake were measured weekly. After 6 weeks, animals were killed; blood samples were taken for radioimmunoassay (RIA) of serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL); and terminal body, epididymal white adipose tissue (EPIWAT), and paired testis weights were recorded. Six-hour MEL infusions failed to induce short-day-type effects, regardless of the period (T) of the infusion cycle. In contrast, compared to SAL and 6-hr MEL infusions, 10-hr MEL resulted in decreases in body, EPIWAT, and testis weights in T 24, but not in T 36 or T 48. In T 18, testis, body, and EPIWAT mass were decreased, but not to the same extent as in T 24. Similarly, daily 18-hr MEL infusions (T24) were less effective as a short-day stimulus than were 10-hr MEL infusions. The effectiveness of 10-hr, but not 6-hr, MEL infusions in T 18 and T 24 is consistent with the duration hypothesis and argues against the circadian hypothesis. Neither hypothesis could have predicted that all infusion cycles of T greater than or equal to 36 hr, regardless of the infusion durations, would fail to elicit short-day-type responses. This outcome suggests a need for relatively frequent (T less than 36 hr) MEL stimulation in addition to the requirement for adequate duration of each MEL infusion.  相似文献   
The nuclear lamina of surf clam oocytes contains dimers of 67-kDa lamin which are stabilized by both noncovalent interactions and disulfide bonds. The latter can be reduced but re-form when the reducing agent is removed. The cysteine residues involved in these disulfide bonds are inaccessible to alkylating agents unless the protein is unfolded in urea. During nuclear envelope breakdown the lamin is released as a mixture of oligomers in which disulfide-stabilized dimers are associated noncovalently with lamin monomers. Concurrent with solubilization, both dimers and monomers are phosphorylated to a similar extent, indicating that the interactions which maintain these complexes are not destabilized by lamin phosphorylation. Our results suggest the existence of two types of interactions between the lamin molecules in the polymer, which react differently to phosphorylation during nuclear envelope breakdown.  相似文献   
Neutrophils and eicosanoid chemoattractants are centrally involved with ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. The CD 18 complex of adhesive glycoproteins, readily up-regulated by chemoattractants in vitro, is required for polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) adherence to endothelium. This study tests whether CD 18 is up-regulated by ischemia in vivo and its role in mediating PMN diapedesis. Anesthetized rabbits underwent 3 h of bilateral hindlimb tourniquet ischemia (n = 16). Ten min after tourniquet release, levels of plasma leukotriene (LT)B4 increased to 390 +/- 62 pg/ml (mean +/- SE), higher than 134 +/- 26 pg/ml in control rabbits (n = 13, p less than 0.01). Aliquots of plasma were added to whole blood from normal rabbits (n = 6) for flow cytometric analysis of neutrophils with the CD 18 mAb R 15.7. Addition of I/R plasma failed to demonstrate an increase in surface expression of CD 18. Similarly, no CD 18 up-regulation was observed in vivo upon reperfusion in ischemic animals pretreated with mAb R 15.7 (n = 3). However, I/R plasma when introduced into plastic chambers taped atop dermabrasion sites in normal rabbits (n = 12) resulted in diapedesis, measured by the accumulation after 3 h of 1130 +/- 125 PMN/mm3 in the chambers relative to 120 +/- 31 PMN/mm3 with control plasma (p less than 0.01). Diapedesis in response to I/R plasma was abolished by pretreatment with mAb R 15.7 (less than 5 PMN/mm3, n = 6), was reduced by U 75,302, an LTB4 receptor antagonist (253 +/- 101 PMN/mm3, n = 6) (both p less than 0.01) and was not protein synthesis dependent. These results demonstrate that PMN diapedesis in response to I/R plasma is exclusively dependent upon the CD 18 glycoprotein complex by an LTB4-dependent mechanism, despite the fact that CD 18 is not up-regulated on circulating PMN in ischemia. These data indirectly indicate the functional importance of conformational changes of CD 18 in determining PMN adhesion.  相似文献   
The cDNA for human interleukin 6 (IL 6) was stably expressed at high levels in the three mammalian cell lines COS-7, PA317, and GH3 to yield IL 6 proteins of 25 to 27, 26, 22 to 24, and 23 kDa molecular mass. Both size and relative amounts of the recombinant IL 6 (rIL 6) species produced correspond to those of natural IL 6 secreted by LPS-stimulated monocytes. Oligosaccharide analysis of recombinant IL 6 utilizing tunicamycin and endoglycosidases revealed O- and N-linked glycosylation that is comparable to that of natural IL 6 derived from human monocytes and fibroblasts. IL 6 expressed in each of the three cell lines was phosphorylated similarly to the IL 6 produced in human monocytes and fibroblasts. IL 6 secreted by the three different cell lines have marked differences in specific biological activities. COS-7 IL 6 appeared to be 12-fold more active in its hybridoma growth factor activity than that made in PA317 or GH3 cells. In contrast, PA317 and GH3 IL 6 were 230 and 6.7 times more effective than COS-7 IL 6 in inducing Ig production in CESS cells. Also, PA317 and GH3 IL 6 were more effective than COS-7 IL 6 in inducing the acute-phase protein fibrinogen in human hepatocytes. The rIL 6 species exhibited no antiviral activity.  相似文献   
Mechanical characterization of skeletal muscle myofibrils.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A new instrument, based on a technique described previously, is presented for studying mechanics of micron-scale preparations of two to three myofibrils or single myofibrils from muscle. Forces in the nanonewton to micronewton range are measurable with 0.5-ms time resolution. Programmed quick (200-microseconds) steps or ramp length changes are applied to contracting myofibrils to test their mechanical properties. Individual striations can be monitored during force production and shortening. The active isometric force, force-velocity relationship, and force transients after rapid length steps were obtained from bundles of two to three myofibrils from rabbit psoas muscle. Contrary to some earlier reports on myofibrillar mechanics, these properties are generally similar to expectations from studies on intact and skinned muscle fibers. Our experiments provide strong evidence that the mechanical properties of a fiber result from a simple summation of the myofibrillar force and shortening of independently contracting sarcomeres.  相似文献   
To assess the status of clinical anaerobic bacteriology in the United States, we surveyed (by means of a questionnaire) 120 hospitals selected at random with bed capacities of 200-1000, and we received responses from 78 (65%), all of which performed some degree of clinical anaerobic microbiology. Separate anaerobic blood culture bottles were used by 73 labs (94%) (median, 450 specimens/mo): 56% used Bactec 7, 27 or 37; 15% used 'BacT-Alert'; 11% used Columbia broth; 5% used thioglycolate and 'lytic'; 3% each used, Dupont Isolator, Supplemented peptone or other media. Selective media was used for primary anaerobe isolation by 89% labs which included: LKV, 76%; PEA, 53%; BBE, 31%; CNA, 28%; 'CDC', 12%. Sixty labs (78%) stored anaerobes after isolation (median 7 days), most using blood agar plates (31%), chopped meat (26%) or thioglycolate broth (27%) either for further identification (30 out of 78) or susceptibility testing (33 out of 78), if clinically indicated. Only 23% performed routine anaerobic susceptibility testing of clinical isolates. Of the 77% that do not perform susceptibility studies, 59% would not even perform them upon physician request; 30% relied on published surveys; 68% did not publish results of anaerobic susceptibility in annual summaries. When susceptibility testing was performed, the test agents selected were related to availability on a commercial system (21), NCCLS recommendation (20), hospital formulary (15) or hospital committee input (20). Nine of 78 labs (12%) had discussed stopping or decreasing the performance of both anaerobic bacteriology and susceptibility testing. Despite educational and published guidelines, clinical anaerobic bacteriology is not uniformly practiced and could be improved. In addition, an educational effort must be made in order to stress the relevance and increase performance of anaerobic bacteriology.  相似文献   
Polymorphic Admixture Typing in Human Ethnic Populations   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A panel of 257 RFLP loci was selected on the basis of high heterozygosity in Caucasian DNA surveys and equivalent spacing throughout the human genome. Probes from each locus were used in a Southern blot survey of allele frequency distribution for four human ethnic groups: Caucasian, African American, Asian (Chinese), and American Indian (Cheyenne). Nearly all RFLP loci were polymorphic in each group, albeit with a broad range of differing allele frequencies (δ). The distribution of frequency differences (δ values) was used for three purposes: (1) to provide estimates for genetic distance (differentiation) among these ethnic groups, (2) to revisit with a large data set the proportion of human genetic variation attributable to differentiation within ethnic groups, and (3) to identify loci with high δ values between recently admixed populations of use in mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD). Although most markers display significant allele frequency differences between ethnic groups, the overall genetic distances between ethnic groups were small (.066–.098), and <10% of the measured overall molecular genetic diversity in these human samples can be attributed to “racial” differentiation. The median δ values for pairwise comparisons between groups fell between .15 and .20, permitting identification of highly informative RFLP loci for MALD disease association studies.  相似文献   
Using real sequence data, we evaluate the adequacy of assumptions made in evolutionary models of nucleotide substitution and the effects that these assumptions have on estimation of evolutionary trees. Two aspects of the assumptions are evaluated. The first concerns the pattern of nucleotide substitution, including equilibrium base frequencies and the transition/transversion-rate ratio. The second concerns the variation of substitution rates over sites. The maximum-likelihood estimate of tree topology appears quite robust to both these aspects of the assumptions of the models, but evaluation of the reliability of the estimated tree by using simpler, less realistic models can be misleading. Branch lengths are underestimated when simpler models of substitution are used, but the underestimation caused by ignoring rate variation over nucleotide sites is much more serious. The goodness of fit of a model is reduced by ignoring spatial rate variation, but unrealistic assumptions about the pattern of nucleotide substitution can lead to an extraordinary reduction in the likelihood. It seems that evolutionary biologists can obtain accurate estimates of certain evolutionary parameters even with an incorrect phylogeny, while systematists cannot get the right tree with confidence even when a realistic, and more complex, model of evolution is assumed.   相似文献   
Genetic transformation of the dimorphic pathogenic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum can result in chromosomal integration of the transforming DNA or the generation of multicopy linear plasmids carrying the transforming DNA. We showed previously that Escherichia coli plasmids do not replicate autonomously in H. capsulatum without significant modifications, one of which is the in vivo addition of Histoplasma telomeres at the termini of linear DNA. To address the requirements for autonomous replication in H. capsulatum, we constructed a circular E. coli plasmid containing adjacent inverted stretches of Histoplasma telomeric repeats separated by a unique restriction site. The linearized plasmid bearing telomeric termini was maintained in H. capsulatum without modification other than the addition of more telomeric sequence. We recovered the original plasmid in E. coli after removal of the telomeric termini by using engineered restriction sites. Thus, no special Histoplasma modification or sequence other than the telomeres was needed for autonomous replication in H. capsulatum. Additionally, this plasmid provides a shuttle vector that replicates autonomously in E. coli (as a circular plasmid) and in H. capsulatum (as a linear plasmid).  相似文献   
A new approach was used to study transient structural states of cross-bridges during activation of muscle fibers. Rabbit skinned muscle fibers were rapidly and synchronously activated from the rigor state by photolysis of caged ATP in the presence of Ca2+. At several different times during the switch from rigor to fully active tension development, the fibers were rapidly frozen on a liquid helium-cooled metal block, freeze-substituted, and examined in an electron microscope. The limits of structural preservation and resolution with this technique were analyzed. We demonstrate that the resolution of our images is sufficient to draw the following conclusions about cross-bridge structure. Rigor cross-bridges point away from the Z-line and most of them are wider near the thin filaments than near the backbone of the thick filaments. In contrast, cross-bridges in actively contracting fibers stretch between the thick and thin filaments at a variable angle, and are uniformly thin. Diffraction patterns computed from contracting muscle show layer lines both at 38 and 43 nm indicating that active cross-bridges contribute mass to both the actin- and myosin-based helical periodicities. The images obtained from fibers frozen 20 ms after release of ATP show a mixture of rigor and active type cross-bridge configurations. There is little evidence of cross-bridges with the rigor shape by 50 ms, and the difference in configurations between 50 and 300 ms after photolysis is surprisingly subtle.  相似文献   
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