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Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is an important human pathogen. In cell culture, CCHFV is sensed by the cytoplasmic RNA sensor retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) molecule and its adaptor molecule mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS) protein. MAVS initiates both type I interferon (IFN-I) and proinflammatory responses. Here, we studied the role MAVS plays in CCHFV infection in mice in both the presence and absence of IFN-I activity. MAVS-deficient mice were not susceptible to CCHFV infection when IFN-I signaling was active and showed no signs of disease. When IFN-I signaling was blocked by antibody, MAVS-deficient mice lost significant weight, but were uniformly protected from lethal disease, whereas all control mice succumbed to infection. Cytokine activity in the infected MAVS-deficient mice was markedly blunted. Subsequent investigation revealed that CCHFV infected mice lacking TNF-α receptor signaling (TNFA-R-deficient), but not IL-6 or IL-1 activity, had more limited liver injury and were largely protected from lethal outcomes. Treatment of mice with an anti-TNF-α neutralizing antibody also conferred partial protection in a post-virus exposure setting. Additionally, we found that a disease causing, but non-lethal strain of CCHFV produced more blunted inflammatory cytokine responses compared to a lethal strain in mice. Our work reveals that MAVS activation and cytokine production both contribute to CCHFV pathogenesis, potentially identifying new therapeutic targets to treat this disease.  相似文献   
Mature DBA/2J (D2) mice are very sensitive to seizures induced by various chemical and physical stimuli, whereas C57BL/6J (B6) mice are relatively seizure resistant. We have conducted a genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing the differential sensitivity of these strains to kainic acid (KA)-induced seizures by studying an F2 intercross population. Parental, F1, and F2 mice (8–10 weeks of age) were injected subcutaneously with 25 mg/kg of KA and observed for 3 h. Latencies to focal and generalized seizures and status epilepticus were recorded and used to calculate an overall seizure score. Results of seizure testing indicated that the difference in susceptibility to KA-induced seizures between D2 and B6 mice is a polygenic phenomenon with at least 65% of the variance due to genetic factors. First-pass genome screening (10-cM marker intervals) in F2 progeny (n = 257) documented a QTL of moderate effect on Chromosome (Chr) 1 with a peak LOD score of 5.5 (17% of genetic variance explained) localized between D1Mit30 and D1Mit16. Provisional QTLs of small effect were detected on Chr 11 (D11Mit224D11Mit14), 15 (D15Mit6D15Mit46) and 18 (D18Mit9D18Mit144). Multiple locus models generally confirmed the Mapmaker/QTL results and also provided evidence for another QTL on Chr 4 (D4Mit9). Multilocus analysis of seizure severity suggested that additional loci on Chrs 5 (D5Mit11), 7 (D7Mit66), and 15 (D15Nds2) might also contribute to KA-induced seizure response. Overall, our results document a complex genetic determinism for KA-induced seizures in these mouse strains with contributions from as many as eight QTLs. Received: 16 April 1996 / Accepted: 21 October 1996  相似文献   
The concept of encapsulating semiochemicals into a starch matrix is being studied for potential use in corn rootworm (CRW) management programs. During 1987, experiments were conducted to determine: 1) If volatile plant-derived Diabrotica spp. attractants could be encapsulated in a starch borate matrix (SBM), and 2) If various SBM-semiochemical formulations would attract Diabrotica species over time in field corn. Chemical analyses of fresh SBM formulations indicated that indole, estragole, veratrole, phenylacetaldehyde, and trans-anethole were not retained during formulation but trans-cinnamaldehyde, Beta-ionone, 1,2,4,-trimethoxybenzene, eugenol and isugenol were successfully encapsulated. Encapsulated semiochemical formulations were made into 20 mesh granules, placed in Pherocon ® 1C traps that were tied to corn plants, and sampled for CRW adults every 4 days from 11 July to 8 September. Field data indicated that encapsulated semiochemicals were retained in the SBM for varying lengths of time and were released at rates attractive to CRW adults. A two-component mixture of trans-cinnamaldehyde and 1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene was the most effective formulation tested; however, no formulation was effective during corn silking and pollination. Although seasonal variation in CRW response could limit the usefulness of some plant-derived semiochemicals, the starch matrix concept may be useful as a delivery system for semiochemicals and may have potential as a tool that could be used in the development of new more biorational CRW management programs.
Résumé Le programme expérimental de 1987 était destiné à déterminer: 1) si les substances dérivées de végétaux et attractives pour Diabrotica pouvaient être encapsulées dans de l'amidon additionné d'acide borique; 2) si différentes formules attireraient les différentes espèces de Diabrotica dans un champ de maïs.L'indol, l'estragol, le vératrol, le phénylacétaldéhyde et le trans-anéthol n'ont pas été retenus, tandis que le trans-cinnamaldéhyde, la \-ionone, le 1,2,4-triméthobenzène, l'eugénol et l'isugénol ont été encapsulés avec succès dans des pièges attachés à des pieds de maïs (les détails techniques sont fournis). Les pièges ont été relevés tous les 4 jours du 11 juillet au 8 septembre. Les résultats montrent que les substances allélochimiques sont conservées dans la capsule pendant des durées variables et libérées à des concentrations attractives pour les Diabrotica adultes. Un mélange de trans-cinnamaldéhyde et de 1,2,4,-triméthoxybenzène a été la formule la plus efficace, à l'exception des périodes de formation des barbes et du pollen, où aucune formule n'a été attractive. Bien que la variation saisonnière des réactions de Diabrotica limite l'utilisation des substances allélochimiques d'origine végétale, la capsule d'amidon peut être employée pour libérer des substances allélochimiques et constitue un outil potentiel pour la mise au point d'une méthode plus rationnelle de lutte contre Diabrotica.
MOTIVATION: The automatic identification of over-represented motifs present in a collection of sequences continues to be a challenging problem in computational biology. In this paper, we propose a self-organizing map of position weight matrices as an alternative method for motif discovery. The advantage of this approach is that it can be used to simultaneously characterize every feature present in the dataset, thus lessening the chance that weaker signals will be missed. Features identified are ranked in terms of over-representation relative to a background model. RESULTS: We present an implementation of this approach, named SOMBRERO (self-organizing map for biological regulatory element recognition and ordering), which is capable of discovering multiple distinct motifs present in a single dataset. Demonstrated here are the advantages of our approach on various datasets and SOMBRERO's improved performance over two popular motif-finding programs, MEME and AlignACE. AVAILABILITY: SOMBRERO is available free of charge from http://bioinf.nuigalway.ie/sombrero SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://bioinf.nuigalway.ie/sombrero/additional.  相似文献   
The majority of cellular superoxide is generated in the mitochondria as a by-product of normal oxidative metabolism. In the mitochondria, superoxide is detoxified by manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2). Mice lacking SOD2 demonstrate a multifaceted neonatal lethal phenotype, including a spongiform encephalopathy that is preventable through antioxidant treatment. The molecular events behind the observed pathology in the cortex of these mice are unknown. We hypothesized that the lack of SOD2 would result in significant changes in cortical gene expression and that therapeutically beneficial antioxidant treatment would normalize the expression of some genes, providing insight into the mechanism by which mitochondrial oxidative stress results in neurodegeneration. We report the identification of gene expression profiles associated with this paradigm, which characterize the degree of response to the pharmacologic intervention. We have identified specific pathways targeted by endogenous oxidative stress, including glutathione metabolism, iron metabolism, and cell-survival pathways centering on the kinase AKT. The normalization of expression of some of these pathways by antioxidant treatment suggests approaches to treating disease in which endogenous oxidative stress plays a role.  相似文献   
Group I introns are catalytic RNAs capable of orchestrating two sequential phosphotransesterification reactions that result in self-splicing. To understand how the group I intron active site facilitates catalysis, we have solved the structure of an active ribozyme derived from the orf142-I2 intron from phage Twort bound to a four-nucleotide product RNA at a resolution of 3.6 A. In addition to the three conserved domains characteristic of all group I introns, the Twort ribozyme has peripheral insertions characteristic of phage introns. These elements form a ring that completely envelops the active site, where a snug pocket for guanosine is formed by a series of stacked base triples. The structure of the active site reveals three potential binding sites for catalytic metals, and invokes a role for the 2' hydroxyl of the guanosine substrate in organization of the active site for catalysis.  相似文献   
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