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When electrophoresed on an agarose gel, the DNA isolated from neocarzinostatin- (NCS-) treated HeLa cells migrates in a ladder of discrete bands indicative of preferential breakage in the linker region of the nucleosomes. The 5'-termini of the drug-induced DNA strand breaks were characterized by reduction of the nucleoside 5'-aldehyde ends to 5'-hydroxyls followed by incorporation of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP by polynucleotide kinase and treatment of the DNA with hot alkali and alkaline phosphatase prior to the kinase assay to give the total 5'-termini. In DNA isolated from NCS-treated cells, nucleoside aldehyde accounts for 30-45% of the drug-generated 5' ends; the remainder have PO4 termini. By contrast, 5'-terminal nucleoside aldehyde in DNA cut with the drug in vitro exceeds 80% of the total 5' ends. Of the 32P representing nucleoside aldehyde in DNA from NCS-exposed cells, 77% is in TMP; the rest is in AMP much greater than CMP greater than GMP, a distribution in excellent agreement with that obtained for in vitro drug-treated DNA. DNA sequencing experiments, using the 340 base pair alphoid DNA fragment isolated from drug-treated cells, show that the pattern of breakage produced by NCS within a defined sequence of DNA in intact cells is similar to that in the in vitro reaction, with a preferential attack at thymidylate residues, but a much higher concentration of the drug was required to cause comparable breakage in intact cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Metastatic variants of human prostatic adenocarcinoma cell lines (DU-145, LNCaP, and ND-1) were studied by using soft agar colony forming efficiency, nude mice tumorigenicity, in vitro invasion assay, and type IV collagenase assay. The DU-145 and ND-1 cell line showed higher metastatic potential than LNCaP. Lipids from DU-145, ND-1, and LNCaP cells were extracted and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography. The major lipids were phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, fatty acids, and cholesterol. The sphingomyelin level was significantly higher in highly metastatic cells (DU-145 and ND-1) compared with the lower metastatic variant (LNCaP). The increase in the synthetic pathway and decrease in degradation pathway of sphingomyelin in microsomal fractions was sufficient to account for the measured increase in sphingomyelin in DU-145 cells compared with LNCaP cells. The major fatty acids of these lipids were palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), oelic (18:1), and arachidonic acid (20:4). The arachidonic acid level was significantly decreased in DU-145 and ND-1 compared with LNCaP cells. Electron microscopic studies showed no significant changes in the morphology of DU-145, ND-1, and LNCaP cells. The results of these investigations demonstrate for the first time that sphingomyelin and arachidonic acid contents are different in high and low metastatic variants of human prostatic adenocarcinoma cell lines.  相似文献   
Histopathological effects of ectoparasites on integument were examined for a wild population of the side-blotched lizard Uta stansburiana. These included the trombiculid Neotrombicula californica, the pterygosomatid mite Geckobiella texana; the macronyssid mite Ophionyssus natricis (Macronyssidae) and the ixodid tick Ixodes pacificus. A diffuse inflammatory response occurred at the site of chigger and tick attachment which consisted of histiocyte, heterophil, fibroblast and lymphocyte infiltration that often extended into the dermis. Granuloma formation also was noted. The most prevalent parasite was N. californica which frequently occurred in large aggregations above the eyelids. Ectoparasites were most abundant from February through April.  相似文献   
Differential scanning microcalorimetry of the nuclei of dividing CHO cells revealed DNA structures that showed structural transitions at 60, 76, 88, and 105 degrees C (transitions I to IV, respectively). In cultures synchronized by isoleucine deprivation the enthalpies of transitions I and II were rather constant throughout the cell cycle. While the sum of the enthalpies of III and IV was nearly constant, the ratio of IV to III varied substantially from one phase of the cycle to another. A high IV:III ratio of 6 characterized G1 while S phase gave a IV:III ratio of about 2. Cells containing metaphase chromosomes also showed a IV:III ratio near 2. The IV:III ratio for CHO cells showed a progressive decrease as the cells were maintained in isoleucine-free medium from 0 to 6 days.  相似文献   
Mineral-binding proteoglycans of fetal porcine calvarial bone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To provide a more definitive characterization of the hydroxylapatite-associated proteoglycans (HAPG) of bone, proteins were extracted from the mineralized matrix of fetal porcine calvaria with 0.5 M EDTA in the absence of guanidine HCl. The small proteoglycans obtained in the extract were fractionated by gel filtration on Sepharose CL-6B, purified by ion-exchange chromatography on Polyanion matrix (fast protein liquid chromatography), and then separated into three major populations of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans by chromatography on hydroxylapatite, all in the presence of 7 M urea. Based on immunological and chemical properties, two classes of bone proteoglycan were resolved. In one class (HAPG1), the proteoglycan and specific CNBr-derived peptides cross-reacted with three monoclonal antibodies that recognize different epitopes of the protein core of bovine skin proteodermatan sulfate. The other class of proteoglycan included two species (HAPG2, HAPG3) which were not recognized by these antibodies. In addition, these proteoglycans did not stain with Coomassie Blue R-250 nor with silver stain nor did they bind to nitrocellulose membranes used in Western blots. However, the cationic dye Stains-all stained both HAPG2 and HAPG3; the protein cores of these proteoglycans were stained a characteristic turquoise blue, whereas the protein core of HAPG1 was stained pink. The average Mr values of the bone proteoglycans, from gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were: HAPG1, 120,000, with a protein core (chondroitinase AC-digested) of 45,000; HAPG2 and HAPG3, 110,000, with protein cores of 37,000-38,000. On 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the protein cores of HAPG2 and HAPG3 migrated with an Mr 30,000, while HAPG1 protein core was unchanged (Mr 45,000). Based on amino acid analysis, the protein chains of HAPG2 and HAPG3 appear to be identical, although minor differences in the relative amount of glucosamine were evident. In contrast, the composition of HAPG1 was quite different, with higher relative amounts of hydrophobic and aromatic residues and lower amounts of Asx and Glx. The presence of 360 residues/1,000 of Asx and Glx in HAPG2 and HAPG3 may in part explain the characteristic staining and immunotransfer properties of these proteoglycans. The unique amino-terminal sequence of HAPG2 (Asn-Pro-Val-Ala-Arg-Tyr-Gln), together with the immunological and chemical properties, would indicate that HAPG2 and HAPG3 are novel proteoglycans and, unlike HAPG1, could be unique to mineralized tissues.  相似文献   
A reversible acid-denaturation process of the beta 2 subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase has been set up. The acid-denatured state has been physically characterized: though not in a random-coiled conformation, it is extensively denatured. The renaturation of this denatured state of beta 2 has been observed in a stopped-flow system, in the presence of a monoclonal antibody directed against native beta 2. It is shown that the association occurs very early in the folding of beta 2. The association rate constants of the antibody with the immunoreactive folding intermediate and with native beta 2 are the same (3 X 10(5) M-1.s-1). But at high antibody concentrations the formation of the antigen/antibody complex is rate limited by a rapid (5.4 X 10(-2) s-1) isomerization of refolding beta chains. This isomerization appears to reflect the formation of at least part of the epitope recognized by the antibody during the folding of beta 2. Further conformational adjustments occurring later in the folding pathway would then allow the ultimate structuring of the epitope.  相似文献   
Preliminary studies were performed to establish whether there was kinetic heterogeneity in the metabolism of subclasses of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the cynomolgus monkey. Previous studies of the effects of inhibition of hepatic triglyceride lipase in this species had shown an increase in the mass of lighter LDL (Sf greater than 9) and a decrease in the mass of denser LDL. LDL (1.019 less than d less than 1.063) were subdivided into two subfractions LDL1 (1.019 less than d less than 1.035) and LDL2 (1.035 less than d less than 1.063) by ultracentrifugation. The lipoproteins in these two fractions could be shown to have different flotation by analytic and isopycnic ultracentrifugation. When tracer amounts of homologous 125I-labeled very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) were injected into chow-fed cynomolgus monkeys, apoB radioactivity appeared in LDL1 prior to its appearance in LDL2. [125I]LDL1 injected into the monkey was removed from the LDL1 density subclass with a half-life of 5.5-10.3 h. Much of the radioactivity injected as LDL1 was converted to denser LDL (LDL2). Labeled LDL2 injected into the monkey was not converted to LDL1. Thus, at least two kinetically distinct subpopulations of LDL circulate in the plasma of this species. The lighter LDL is to a large extent a metabolic precursor of the more dense LDL (LDL2).  相似文献   
Immunity to sperm-specific lactate dehydrogenase C4 (LDH-C4) results in reduction of fertility in females. Stimulation of a local mucosal immune response to LDH-C4 in the reproductive tract would guarantee the presence of antibodies at the site of fertilization, which should enhance suppression of fertility. After intrauterine immunization with LDH-C4, SJL/J female mice secrete immunoglobulin (Ig)A antibodies specific for LDH-C4 into their uterine fluids. Furthermore, these animals demonstrate a lower pregnancy rate than controls receiving an intrauterine immunization without LDH-C4. Thus, induction of a local immune response is an effective alternative to systemic immunization for administering a contraceptive vaccine.  相似文献   
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