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Erich L. Schrott 《Planta》1980,150(2):174-179
The fluence response of the blue light induced carotenoid synthesis inNeurospora is biphasic. Using fluence rates between 0.3 and 40 Wm-2, increasing illumination times beyond 16 min (at 20°C) result in a second rise of the amount of carotenoids synthesized in the subsequent dark period. On altering the temperature, the transition point to the second phase of the response is shifted to shorter/longer illumination periods with increasing/decreasing temperature, respectively. The transition point can also be shifted by administering high fluence rates of near UV light: The start of the second phase is already triggered after an irradiation time of 2 min. The findings suggest that elements of the transduction sequence become depleted and senstivity recovers in a temperature-dependent process. The biphasic response and the effects of UV light are discussed in relation to the transduction mechanism and to the ecological significance.Presented in part at the meeting of the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, September 1978, Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Verwertung von Carnitin und Carnitinderivaten (O-Acylcarnitine, Carnitincarboxyl-derivate) und strukturverwandten Trimethylammoniumverbindungen (Betaine und Stickstoffbasen) durch Acinetobacter calcoaceticus wurde anhand des Wachstums und des quantitativen Nachweises der Metabolite untersucht. Der Stamm wuchs auf l-Carnitin, l-O-Acylcarnitinen und -Butyrobetain als jeweils einziger C-Quelle. Der Verbrauch dieser Verbindungen und das Wachstum korrelierten mit der Spaltung der C-N-Bindung und mit dem gebildeten Trimethylamin. d-Carnitin wurde metabolisiert, wenn als zusätzliche C-Quelle l-Carnitin im Nährmedium vorhanden war, oder wenn die Bakterien mit l-oder dl-Carnitin vorinkubiert worden waren. Mit d-Carnitin als einziger C-Quelle wuchsen die Bakterien jedoch nicht. Die Bakterien oxidierten Cholin zu Glycinbetain in Gegenwart einer zusätzlichen C-Quelle, Glycinbetain selbst wurde nicht assimiliert. In Hinsicht auf den Abbau quaternärer Stickstoffverbindungen besitzt Acinetobacter calcoaceticus im Vergleich zu anderen Carnitin-verwertenden Bakterienarten einen für ihn charakteristischen Stoffwechselweg.
Utilization of trimethylammonium-compounds by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
The utilization of carnitine and carnitine derivatives (O-acylcarnitines, carnitine carboxylderivatives) and structure-related trimethylammonium-compounds (betaines and nitrogen-bases) by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus was studied by means of the control of growth and the quantitative detection of metabolites. The strain grew only on l-carnitine, l-O-acylcarnitines, and -butyrobetaine as the sole carbon sources. The utilization of these compounds and the growth correlated with the cleavage of the C-N bond and thereby with the formation of trimethylamine. d-Carnitine was metabolized, if an additional carbon source, like l-carnitine, was present in the incubation mixture, or if the bacteria were preincubated with l-or dl-carnitine, but no growth was observed on d-carnitine as the sole carbon source. The bacteria oxidized choline to glycinebetaine in the presence of additional carbon sources, glycinebetaine itself was not assimilated. With regard to the catabolism of quaternary nitrogen compounds Acinetobacter calcoaceticus shows a different pathway in comparison with other bacterial species metabolizing carnitine.
Five physiological and biochemical characters, which had proved to be valuable for the taxonomy of the genus Chlorella, were studied in the genus Prototheca. There is no hydrogenase activity and no liquefaction of gelatin. Most strains are very acidtolerant (limit of growth at pH 2.0 or 2.5) and very salt-tolerant (limit of growth at 4 or 5% NaCl). Two strains grow well at 38°C. The 16 strains, which were previously assigned to seven taxa, fall into four different groups. Our results tend to support the assumption that Prototheca might be related to Chlorella protothecoides.  相似文献   
Summary The presence of c-fos, a marker for cell activation, was investigated in cerebral neurons actively expressing ecdysteroid receptors during larval-pupal development in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Colocalization was accomplished by ecdysteroid autoradiography using the tritiated high affinity 20-hydroxyecdysone agonist ponasterone A and immunocytochemistry with an antibody to a peptide sequence which is highly conserved in both human and murine c-fos. Immunoreactivity to a c-fos-like protein(s) was present in nuclei of many neurons of all the developmental stages examined. However, with the exception of the optic lobe, cells expressing nuclear ecdysteroid receptors were more immunoreactive than non-ecdysteroid-binding neurons. These data suggest that ecdysteroid-induced gene activation and translation may involve c-fos expression. Offprint requests to: H.-J. Bidmon  相似文献   
In view of the development of al-carnitine deficiency, the metabolism ofl-carnitine and structure-related trimethylammonium compounds was studied inSalmonella typhimurium LT2 by means of thin-layer chromatography (TLC).l-Carnitine, crotonobetaine and acetyl-l-carnitine stimulated the anaerobic growth in a complex medium significantly. The stimulation depended on the formation of -butyrobetaine. The reduction ofl-carnitine proceeded in two steps: (1) Dehydration of thel-carnitine to crotonobetaine, (2) hydrogenation of crotonobetaine to -butyrobetaine. The reduction of crotonobetaine was responsible for the growth stimulation. Terminal electron acceptors of the anaerobic respiration such as nitrate and trimethylamine N-oxide, but not fumarate, suppressed the catabolism ofl-carnitine completely. Glucose fermentation, too, inhibited the reduction ofl-carnitine but optimal growth with a high carnitine catabolism was achieved byd-ribose. The esters of carnitine with medium- and long-chain fatty acids inhibited the growth considerably because of their detergent properties.Abbreviations TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
The 17 Ankistrodesmus strains studied do not produce extracellular amylolytic enzymes. 20 out of 28 Scenedesmus strains, however, are able to hydrolyse starch.The groups of strains previously characterized physiologically and biochemically were assigned to established species of the genera Ankistrodesmus (including Monoraphidium) and Scenedesmus.Abbreviation GC Guanine + cytosine  相似文献   
Summary The occurrence of heterotrophic nitrification in nitrogen-starved cells of Ankistrodesmus braunii was confirmed. The levels of nitrate and nitrite were measured over a period of four weeks. The validity of quantitative determinations in the presence of highly active nitrate and nitrite reductases is discussed. Whereas free hydroxylamine as an intermediate could not be detected, increased hydroxylamine oxidase activity was found in nitrogen-starved cultures. Nitrite reductase and hydroxylamine oxidase can be assigned to particles by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The possible involvement of microbodies, which were found to be present in Ankistrodesmus, in metabolic processes during nitrogen starvation is discussed.Abbreviations NR nitrate reductase - NiR nitrite reductase - NNEDA N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediaminedihydrochloride - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid - DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine - AT 3-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole - AMP 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   
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