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Light plays an important role in two separate processes within the seeds of Lolium rigidum (annual ryegrass). Dormant seeds of L. rigidum remain dormant when imbibed in the light, but once seeds have lost dormancy through dark-stratification, light stimulates their germination. This study characterizes the light qualities and quantities which are effective in maintenance of dormancy. Dormant seeds were stratified under narrow- and broad-waveband light to identify the potential photoreceptors involved in dormancy maintenance, and to determine whether dark-induced dormancy loss is reversible by light. Blue and green light both mediated dormancy maintenance in a far-red-independent manner. Red light resulted in dormancy maintenance only when far-red wavelengths were excluded, suggesting a redundant function of phytochrome. At low fluence rates, white light was more effective than monochromatic light, suggesting the action of multiple photoreceptors in dormancy maintenance. By contrast, nondormant seeds did not germinate unless provided with red light. These results indicate that seed dormancy maintenance is potentially mediated through the actions of blue and green light photoreceptors. Seed dormancy could thus be added to the growing list of plant responses that may be mediated by green light in a cryptochrome-independent manner.  相似文献   
Garay MM  NM Amiotti  P Zalba 《Phyton》2015,84(2):280-287
Afforestation is a recommended practice to mitigate global warming. However, their implementation may generate undesirable impacts, mostly if exotic species are used. Plantations of Pinus radiata D Don in Ventania (Bs. As., Argentina) soils showed notorious increments of extractable P (Pe), which could affect the dynamic of this element as well as the degree of phosphorus saturation (GSPBray). The objectives of this study were: i) to quantify the GSPBray in Mollisols afforested with P. radiata comparing the results with those coming from adjacent, natural grassland areas (base line); ii) to evaluate the potential environmental risk induced by afforestation through the identification of a change point (PC) in the GSPBray indicative of a phosphate leaching increment. Treatments included mature stands of P. radiata (TB) and adjacent areas with natural grassland vegetation (TP). Samples were taken at 0-15; 15-30 and 30-45 cm soil depth, and texture, pH, total organic carbon (COT), Pe, soluble reactive phosphorus (PSR), phosphorus sorption index (ISP) and GSPBray were determined. The results showed a significant acidification in TB and an increase in the COT stock, indicating an additional atmospheric CO2 sequestration by the trees. The Pe and PSR values were notoriously higher in TB, and they were reflected in a significant increment in the GSPBray with respect to TP. The detection of a significant PC in the GSPBray-PSR regression indicates higher chances of phosphate leaching in the forest stands, which could reach water courses, lakes and artificial reservoirs promoting their eutrophication. Because of the potential environmental pollution risk of biologic origin derived from the afforestation with P. radiata in Mollisols areas, their inclusion in clean development practices must be reconsidered.  相似文献   
Astroviruses (AstVs) are positive sense, single-stranded RNA viruses transmitted to a wide range of hosts via the fecal-oral route. The number of AstV-infected animal hosts has rapidly expanded in recent years with many more likely to be discovered because of the advances in viral surveillance and next generation sequencing. Yet no study to date has identified human AstV genotypes in animals, although diverse AstV genotypes similar to animal-origin viruses have been found in children with diarrhea and in one instance of encephalitis. Here we provide important new evidence that non-human primates (NHP) can harbor a wide variety of mammalian and avian AstV genotypes, including those only associated with human infection. Serological analyses confirmed that >25% of the NHP tested had antibodies to human AstVs. Further, we identified a recombinant AstV with parental relationships to known human AstVs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests AstVs in NHP are on average evolutionarily much closer to AstVs from other animals than are AstVs from bats, a frequently proposed reservoir. Our studies not only demonstrate that human astroviruses can be detected in NHP but also suggest that NHP are unique in their ability to support diverse AstV genotypes, further challenging the paradigm that astrovirus infection is species-specific.  相似文献   
Resumé Les auteurs ont étudié la composition chimique (N, substances humiques, lignine) de copeaux de bois blanc exposés à l'air libre depuis 2 à 10 ans, ainsi que leur type de peuplement fongique. En l'absence de lignivore, le pH, les taux de lignine et d'N s'élèvent et il se forme des quantités modérées d'humus à forte capacité d'échange. Dans le cas contraire, on voit apparaître, en abondance, des substances humiques peu condensées et la matière organique subit une évolution rappelant celle du mor.Avec la collaboration technique de Melle. M. Clet.Kononova, dans sa monographie5, signale de Troussov (1916) une étude que nous n'avons pas eu en mains.  相似文献   
Sagers CL  Goggin FL 《Oecologia》2007,151(3):464-472
The isotopic enrichment between an animal and its diet can vary among and within living systems, but the sources of variation are not yet fully understood. Some studies have found that diet quality or an animal’s nutritional status can influence the degree of trophic enrichment, while others have dismissed nutrition as a contributing factor. We evaluated the effects of nutrient and water availability on carbon and nitrogen isotopic enrichment in a specialized plant–herbivore system. Aphids are largely sedentary and rely exclusively on nitrogen-poor phloem sap of their host for nutrition. We grew potato aphids [Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Aphididae)] on an accepted host, pumpkin [Cucurbita pepo L. (Cucurbitaceae)], in a glasshouse environment. Twelve pumpkin plants growing under high- and low-watering regimes were inoculated at 4 weeks of age with aphids. During the course of the experiment we collected leaves, phloem sap, aphids and honeydew (i.e., aphid exudates). We found no trophic enrichment between aphids and their phloem sap diet, but significant carbon enrichment of honeydew relative to aphids (2.5‰) and phloem sap (2.1‰). Honeydew was also enriched in nitrogen compared to the phloem sap (1.2‰). Watering treatment had a substantial impact on trophic enrichment. Correlations among tissues, an indication of uniform trophic enrichment among samples, were significant only for the carbon isotopic composition, and then only for plants and aphids grown in the low-water treatment. Diet quality also influenced the degree of isotopic enrichment; trophic enrichment for both carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition increased as diet quality (C/N) declined. We conclude that the degree of trophic enrichment is variable due, in part, to diet quality, but that the scale of variation is small.  相似文献   
The simple gaseous compound ethylene (ET) has long been recognized as a common component of plant responses to insect feeding and pathogen attack. However, it is presently uncertain whether it plays a role in host–plant resistance to piercing–sucking insects such as aphids. In these experiments, we investigated the expression of key ET‐associated genes in resistant and susceptible interactions in two model systems: the tomato‐MiMacrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Macrosiphini) system and the melon‐virus aphid transmission gene (Vat)‐Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididiae: Aphidini) system. We examined expression patterns of genes associated with ET synthesis, perception, signal transduction, and downstream response. When compared with control plants, plants infested with aphids showed marked differences in gene expression. In particular, ET signaling pathway genes and downstream response genes were highly upregulated in the resistant interaction between A. gossypii and Vat+, indicating ET may play a role in Vat‐mediated host–plant resistance. A key integrator between the ET and jasmonic acid pathways (Cm‐ERF1) showed the strongest response.  相似文献   
Chromatin structure and function are for a large part determined by the six members of the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein family, which form three heterodimeric complexes: Smc1/3 (cohesin), Smc2/4 (condensin) and Smc5/6. Each complex has distinct and important roles in chromatin dynamics, gene expression and differentiation. In yeast and Drosophila, Smc6 is involved in recombinational repair, restarting collapsed replication forks and prevention of recombination in repetitive sequences such as rDNA and pericentromeric heterochromatin. Although such DNA damage control mechanisms, as well as highly dynamic changes in chromatin composition and function, are essential for gametogenesis, knowledge on Smc6 function in mammalian systems is limited. We therefore have investigated the role of Smc6 during mammalian spermatogonial differentiation, meiosis and subsequent spermiogenesis. We found that, during mouse spermatogenesis, Smc6 functions as part of meiotic pericentromeric heterochromatin domains that are initiated when differentiating spermatogonia become irreversibly committed toward meiosis. To our knowledge, we are the first to provide insight into how commitment toward meiosis alters chromatin structure and dynamics, thereby setting apart differentiating spermatogonia from the undifferentiated spermatogonia, including the spermatogonial stem cells. Interestingly, Smc6 is not essential for spermatogonial mitosis, whereas Smc6-negative meiotic cells appear unable to finish their first meiotic division. Importantly, during meiosis, we find that DNA repair or recombination sites, marked by γH2AX or Rad51 respectively, do not co-localize with the pericentromeric heterochromatin domains where Smc6 is located. Considering the repetitive nature of these domains and that Smc6 has been previously shown to prevent recombination in repetitive sequences, we hypothesize that Smc6 has a role in the prevention of aberrant recombination events between pericentromeric regions during the first meiotic prophase that would otherwise cause chromosomal aberrations leading to apoptosis, meiotic arrest or aneuploidies.  相似文献   
We recorded stingless bee colony abundance and nesting habits in three sites with different anthropogenic activities in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico: (1) agroforestry (7 hacacao crop), (2) grassland (12?ha), and (3) urban area (3?ha). A total of 67 nests were found, representing five stingless bee species, Tetragonisca angustula angustula (Lepeletier), Trigona fulviventris (Guérin), Scaptotrigona mexicana (Guérin), Scaptotrigona pectoralis (Dalla Torre), and Oxytrigona mediorufa (Cockerell). The most abundant stingless bee in each site was T. angustula angustula (>50%). The primary tree species used by the bees were Ficus spp. (Moraceae, 37.8%) and Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae, 13.5%). The nest entrance height of T. angustula angustula (96?±?19?cm) was different than the other species, and this bee was the only one that used all different nesting sites. Volatiles analyzed by gas chromatography from pollen collected by the stingless bees differed between bee species, but were highly similar in respect to the fragrances of the pollen collected by the same species at any site. Our data indicate that T. angustula angustula experienced low heterospecific and high intraspecific foraging overlap especially in the urban site. We observed cluster spatial distribution in grassland and in agroforestry sites. In the urban site, T. angustula angustula presented random distribution tended to disperse. Trigona fulviventris was the only overdispersed and solitary species.  相似文献   
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