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Models for coupling of salt and water transport are developed with two important assumptions appropriate for leaky epithelia. (a) The tight junction is permeable to both sale and water. (b) Active Na transport into the lateral speces is assumed to occur uniformly along the length of the channel. The proposed models deal specifically with the intraepithelial mechanism of proximal tubular resbsorption in the Necturus kidney although they have implications for epithelial transport in the gallbladder and small intestine as well. The first model (continuous version) is similar to the standing gradient model devised by Diamond and Bossert but used different boundary conditions. In contrast to Diamond and Bossert's model, the predicted concentration profiles are relatively flat with no sizable gradients along the interspace. The second model (compartment version) expands Curran's model of epithelial salt and water transport by including additional compartments and considering both electrical and chemical driving forces for individual Na and Cl ions as well as hydraulic and osmotic driving forces for water. In both models, ion and water fluxes are investigated as a function of the transport parameters. The behavior of the models is consistent with previously suggested mechanisms for the control of net transport, particularly during saline diuresis. Under all conditions the predicted ratio of net solute to solvent flux, or emergent concentration, deviates from exact isotonicity (except when the basement membrane has an appreciable salt reflection coefficient). However, the degree of hypertonicity may be small enough to be experimentally indistinguishable from isotonic transport.  相似文献   
Pneumocystis carinii is an opportunistic agent found in the lung of various mammals which often causes severe pneumonia in immunocompromised humans, especially in AIDS patients. In the past several years significant additions have been made to the collection of knowledge we have concerning the genetic diversity of P. carinii. These additions provide new understanding of Pneumocystis transmission and the effect of possible reservoirs of Pneumocystis in the various species. In this study, a 400-bp fragment of the thymidylate synthase (TS) gene of P. carinii has been amplified by PCR from 43 parasite isolates obtained from 4 mammalian host species: rat, mouse, rabbit and human. A probe selected from the TS gene sequence of rat-derived P. carinii was hybridized with the amplified products from rat- and mouse-derived P. carinii, but not with rabbit or human P. carinii DNA. Restriction profiles were performed on amplified fragments from all isolates, and the 4 nucleotide sequences of the TS gene fragment amplifed from rat, mouse, rabbit and human P. carinii were determined. Differences were detected in the gene fragment in P. carinii isolates from the 4 host species; however no difference was revealed in P. carinii isolates within a single host species, whatever the host strain or its geographic origin. Thus, the sequence differences of the P. carinii TS gene appeared as host-species specific. A specific probe which recognized all human P. carinii isolates was defined.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense , which causes human African trypanosomiasis, catabolizes the aromatic amino acid tryptophan via an initial aminotransferase catalyzed reaction to form several indole end products, which have been suggested to contribute to the pathogenesis of trypanosomiasis. To determine if this same pathway exists in T. evansi , the closely related trypanosome pathogen of domestic animals, tryptophan catabolism was examined in vitro and in vivo. As is the case with human African trypanosomes, T. evansi catabolized tryptophan to form indole-3-pyruvic acid and smaller amounts of indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-lactic acid. Large concentrations of indole-3-pyruvic acid are excreted in urine of trypanosome-infected mice. However, indole-3-ethanol could not be detected in incubates of T. evansi or T. b. gambiense , even though the latter species had previously been reported to form this neutral metabolite. A new, previously unreported tryptophan metabolite was isolated and partially characterized from incubates of T. evansi and T. b. gambiense. Although the functional significance of tryptophan catabolism to trypanosomatids remains obscure, the pathway is quantitatively significant in all species examined thus far.  相似文献   
Generating somatic embryos from the inner teguments of Heveaseeds is difficult. Like other ligneous plants, the rubber-treeis generally considered to be recalcitrant with regard to somaticembryogenesis. In this paper we show that when conventionallyused amounts of both 3, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (3, 4-D)and benzylaminopurine (BAP) are reduced by 2–4 times andwhen the length of exposure to these hormones is also reduced,the embryogenic capacity of calli increases without affectingcallogenesis. The germination of several embryos and plantletswas obtained. We conclude that an excess of auxin and cytokininin the medium, even of a weak auxin such as 3, 4-D, and theprolonged exposure to these hormones suppress the embryogeniccapacity of the callus. Hevea brasiliensis, rubber-tree, somatic embryogenesis, hormones  相似文献   
The effects of incorporating a hydrogel polymer into sand onthe development of selected horticultural plants grown undersaline conditions has been demonstrated. In separate experiments,the seeds of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were germinatedin sand/swollen hydrogel polymer mixture (25: 75, v: v) withadded Hoagland nutrient solution. At cotyledon + first trueleaf stage, the plantlets were transplanted into polythene growbagscontaining a range of sand/swollen hydrogel polymer combinations(0: 100, 25: 75, 50: 50, 75: 25 and 100: 0, v: v). Saline solutionscontaining NaCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2 were prepared as molar solutionsand applied at combined concentrations as follows; Control (Hoagland),2000, 4000, 8000, and 32 000 ppm. Application of the appropriatesolution to the growbags was made twice per week, alternatingwith a comparable watering regime. Harvesting was carried outafter 14 and 28 d. Polymer incorporation encouraged growth ofall species under all saline conditions, the order of effectivenessof the polymer contents being as follows; 75%>50% 25% 100%>0%.At high salinity (32 000 ppm) plants of the test species werereduced in growth but appeared to be tolerant at all levelsof polymer incorporation; in pure sand the level of tolerancein tomato and cucumber was <8000 ppm and in lettuce <4000 ppm. Generally, dry weight, leaf area, succulence, chloroplastpigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids), photosyntheticactivity, total amino acids, proline, and protein contents wereincreased with polymer incorporation compared with pure sand.This hydrogel polymer appears to be highly effective for useas a soil conditioner in horticulture, to improve crop toleranceand growth in a sand or light gravel substrate under salineconditions. It is intended to confirm the results of these studiesby field trials. Key words: Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), salinity, hydrogel, polymer, salt tolerance, growth, free amino acid, free proline, and protein  相似文献   
The potato cv. Igor is susceptible to infection with Potato virus Y (PVY) and in Slovenia it has been so severely affected with NTN isolates of PVY causing potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD) that its cultivation has ceased. Plants of cv. Igor were transformed with two transgenes that contained coat protein gene sequence of PVYNTN. Both transgenes used PVY sequence in a sense (+) orientation, one in native translational context (N‐CP), and one with a frame‐shift mutation (FS‐CP). Although most transgenic lines were susceptible to infection with PVYNTN and PVYO, several lines showed resistance that could be classified into two types. Following manual or graft inoculation, plants of partially resistant lines developed some symptoms in foliage and tubers, and virus titre in the foliage, estimated by ELISA, was low or undetectable. In highly resistant (R) lines, symptoms did not develop in foliage and on tubers, and virus could not be detected in foliage by ELISA or infectivity assay. Four lines from 34 tested (two N‐CP and two FS‐CP) were R to PVYNTN and PVYO and one additional line was R to PVYO. When cv. Spey was transformed with the same constructs, they did not confer strong resistance to PVYO.  相似文献   
Drought is one of the critical conditions for the growth and productivity of many crops including mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek). Screening of genotypes for variations is one of the suitable strategies for evaluating crop adaptability and global food security. In this context, the study investigated the physiological and biochemical responses of four drought tolerant (BARI Mung-8, BMX-08010-2, BMX-010015, BMX-08009-7), and four drought sensitive (BARI Mung-1, BARI Mung-3, BU Mung-4, BMX-05001) mung bean genotypes under wellwatered (WW) and water deficit (WD) conditions. The WW treatment maintained sufficient soil moisture (22% ± 0.5%, i.e., 30% deficit of available water) by regularly supplying water. Whereas, the WD treatment was maintained throughout the growing period, and water was applied when the wilting symptom appeared. The drought tolerant (DT) genotypes BARI Mung-8, BMX-08010-2, BMX-010015, BMX-08009-7 showed a high level of proline accumulation (2.52–5.99 mg g−1 FW), photosynthetic pigment (total chlorophyll 2.96–3.27 mg g−1 FW at flowering stage, and 1.62–2.38 mg g−1 FW at pod developing stage), plant water relation attributes including relative water content (RWC) (82%–84%), water retention capacity (WRC) (12–14) as well as lower water saturation deficit (WSD) (19%–23%), and water uptake capacity (WUC) (2.58–2.89) under WD condition, which provided consequently higher relative seed yield. These indicate that the tolerant genotypes gained better physiobiochemical attributes and adaptability in response to drought conditions. Furthermore, the genotype BMX- 08010-2 showed superiority in terms of those physio-biochemical traits, susceptibility index (SSI) and stress tolerance index (STI) to other genotypes. Based on the physiological and biochemical responses, the BMX-08010-2 was found to be a suitable genotype for sustaining yield under drought stress, and subsequently, it could be recommended for crop improvement through hybridization programs. In addition, the identified traits can be used as markers to identify tolerant genotypes for drought-prone areas.  相似文献   
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