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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Traditional medicine (TM) occupies a special place in the management of diseases in Uganda. Not with standing the many people relying on TM, indigenous knowledge (IK) related to TM is getting steadily eroded. To slow down this loss it is necessary to document and conserve as much of the knowledge as possible. This study was conducted to document the IK relevant to traditional medicine in the districts of Mukono, Nakapiripirit, Kanungu and Pallisa, in Uganda. METHODS: An ethnobotanical survey was conducted between October 2008 and February 2009 using techniques of key informant interviews and household interviews. RESULTS: The common diseases and conditions in the four districts include malaria, cough, headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flu, backache and eye diseases. Respondents stated that when they fall sick they self medicate using plant medicines or consult western-trained medicine practitioners. Self medication using herbal medicines was reported mostly by respondents of Nakapiripirit and Mukono. Respondents have knowledge to treat 78 ailments using herbal medicines. 44 species, mentioned by three or more respondents have been prioritized. The most frequently used part in herbal medicines is the leaf, followed by the stem and root. People sometime use animal parts, soil, salt and water from a grass roof, in traditional medicines. Herbal medicines are stored for short periods of time in bottles. The knowledge to treat ailments is acquired from parents and grandparents. Respondents' age and tribe appears to have a significant influence on knowledge of herbal medicine, while gender does not. CONCLUSION: This survey has indicated that IK associated with TM stills exists and that TM is still important in Uganda because many people use it as a first line of health care when they fall sick. Age and tribe influence the level of IK associated with herbal medicine, but gender does not.  相似文献   


Glutathione, the main antioxidant of intestinal epithelial cells, is suggested to play an important role in gut barrier function and prevention of inflammation-related oxidative damage as induced by acute bacterial infection. Most studies on intestinal glutathione focus on oxidative stress reduction without considering functional disease outcome. Our aim was to determine whether depletion or maintenance of intestinal glutathione changes susceptibility of rats to Salmonella infection and associated inflammation.  相似文献   
To determine what shapes the distributions of cryptic species, we aimed to unravel ecological niches and geographical distributions of three cryptic bat species complexes in Iberia, Plecotus auritus/begognae, Myotis mystacinus/alcathoe and Eptesicus serotinus/isabellinus (with 44, 69, 66, 27, 121 and 216 records, respectively), considering ecological interactions and biogeographical patterns. Species distribution models (SDMs) were built using a presence‐only technique (Maxent), incorporating genetically identified species records with environmental variables (climate, habitat, topography). The most relevant variables for each species’ distribution and respective response curves were then determined. SDMs for each species were overlapped to assess the contact zones within each complex. Niche analyses were performed using niche metrics and spatial principal component analyses to study niche overlap and breadth. The Plecotus complex showed a parapatric distribution, although having similar biogeographical affinities (Eurosiberian), possibly explained by competitive exclusion. The Myotis complex also showed Eurosiberian affinities, with high overlap between niches and distribution, suggesting resource partitioning between species. Finally, E. serotinus was associated with Eurosiberian areas, while E. isabellinus occurred in Mediterranean areas, suggesting possible competition in their restricted contact zone. This study highlights the relevance of considering potential ecological interactions between similarly ecological species when assessing species distributions. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 ,150–162.  相似文献   
Sleep is a fundamental biological rhythm involving the interaction of numerous brain structures and diverse neurotransmitter systems. The primary measures used to define sleep are the electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG). However, EEG-based methods are often unsuitable for use in high-throughput screens as they are time-intensive and involve invasive surgery. As such, the dissection of sleep mechanisms and the discovery of novel drugs that modulate sleep would benefit greatly from further development of rapid behavioral assays to assess sleep in animal models. Here is described an automated noninvasive approach to evaluate sleep duration, latency, and fragmentation using video tracking of mice in their home cage. This approach provides a high correlation with EEG/EMG measures under both baseline conditions and following administration of pharmacological agents. Moreover, the dose-dependent effects of sedatives, stimulants, and light can be readily detected. This approach is robust yet relatively inexpensive to implement and can be easily incorporated into ongoing screening programs to provide a powerful first-pass screen for assessing sleep and allied behaviors.  相似文献   
Telomeres protect the natural ends of chromosomes from being repaired as deleterious DNA breaks. In fission yeast, absence of Taz1 (homologue of human TRF1 and TRF2) renders telomeres vulnerable to DNA repair. During the G1 phase, when non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ) is upregulated, taz1Δ cells undergo telomere fusions with consequent loss of viability. Here, we show that disruption of the fission yeast MRN (Rad23MRE11‐Rad50‐Nbs1) complex prevents NHEJ at telomeres and, as a result, rescues taz1Δ lethality in G1. Neither Tel1ATM activation nor 5′‐end resection was required for telomere fusion. Nuclease activity of Rad32MRE11 was also dispensable for NHEJ. Mutants unable to coordinate metal ions required for nuclease activity were proficient in NHEJ repair. In contrast, Rad32MRE11 mutations that affect binding and/or positioning of DNA ends leaving the nuclease function largely unaffected also impaired NHEJ at telomeres and restored the viability of taz1Δ in G1. Consistently, MRN structural integrity but not nuclease function is also required for NHEJ of independent DNA ends in a novel split‐molecule plasmid assay. Thus, MRN acts to tether unlinked DNA ends, allowing for efficient NHEJ.  相似文献   
Previously studied Bacillus subtilis carboxylesterases (CesA and CesB) have potential for the kinetic resolution of racemic esters of 1,2-O-isopropylideneglycerol (IPG). CesA exhibits high activity but low enantioselectivity towards IPG-butyrate and IPG-caprylate, while the more enantioselective CesB does not process IPG-butyrate and exhibits several-fold lower activity than CesA towards IPG-caprylate. A sequence and structure comparison allowed us to identify active site residues that may cause the difference in (enantio)selectivities of CesA and CesB towards these IPG esters. This structure-based approach led to the identification of two active site residues in CesA (F166 and F182), as promising candidates for mutagenesis in order to enhance its enantioselectivity. Mutagenesis of positions 166 and 182 in CesA yielded novel variants with enhanced enantioselectivity and without significant loss of catalytic activity. For IPG-butyrate, a CesA double mutant F166V/F182C (ER=13) was generated showing a ~13-fold increased enantioselectivity as compared to wild-type CesA (E=1). For IPG-caprylate, we designed a CesA double mutant F166V/F182Y (ER=9) displaying a ~5-fold increased enantioselectivity as compared to the wild-type enzyme (ER=2). These findings, combined with the results of molecular docking experiments, demonstrate the importance of residues at positions 166 and 182 for the enantioselectivity of CesA, and may contribute to the development of efficient biocatalysts.  相似文献   
Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans are found together in the oral biofilms on dental surfaces, but little is known about the ecological interactions between these species. Here, we studied the effects of S. mutans UA159 on the growth and pathogencity of C. albicans. Initially, the effects of S. mutans on the biofilm formation and morphogenesis of C. albicans were tested in vitro. Next, we investigate the influence of S. mutans on pathogenicity of C. albicans using in vivo host models, in which the experimental candidiasis was induced in G. mellonella larvae and analyzed by survival curves, C. albicans count in hemolymph, and quantification of hyphae in the host tissues. In all the tests, we evaluated the direct effects of S. mutans cells, as well as the indirect effects of the subproducts secreted by this microorganism using a bacterial culture filtrate. The in vitro analysis showed that S. mutans cells favored biofilm formation by C. albicans. However, a reduction in biofilm viable cells and inhibition of hyphal growth was observed when C. albicans was in contact with the S. mutans culture filtrate. In the in vivo study, injection of S. mutans cells or S. mutans culture filtrate into G. mellonella larvae infected with C. albicans increased the survival of these animals. Furthermore, a reduction in hyphal formation was observed in larval tissues when C. albicans was associated with S. mutans culture filtrate. These findings suggest that S. mutans can secrete subproducts capable to inhibit the biofilm formation, morphogenesis and pathogenicity of C. albicans, attenuating the experimental candidiasis in G. mellonella model.  相似文献   
Anthurium sect. Urospadix includes approximately 70 species differently distributed in Eastern Brazil, Western South America, and Central America. The present work studied the gynoecia of species of section Urospadix to describe their anatomical features. In all the species studied, the apical portion of the gynoecium differentiates into a stigma covered with short trichomes and an adjacent region formed by isodiametric cells. The stylar canal comprises short, unicellular secretory trichomes extending up to the ovarian aperture. Carpels are apically symplicate and basally synascidiate with a septum that does not reach the apical portion of the locule. The apical portion of the septum differentiates into long, secretory trichomes while the subapical one differentiates into the placenta. Locules are filled with mucilage. Since the epidermis of the region adjacent to the stigma, the length of the stylar portion, and the number of cell layers of the ovarian septum vary among the species studied, they may be useful for further taxonomic and systematic purposes. The present work is the first detailed report of trichome location and distribution on the gynoecia of Anthurium.  相似文献   
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