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Germins and germin-like proteins (GLPs) constitute a large and highly diverse family of ubiquitous plant cell wall proteins. These proteins seem to be involved in many developmental stages and stress-related processes, but their exact participation in these processes generally remains obscure. In Pinus caribaea Morelet, the PcGER1 gene is expressed uniquely in embryo tissues, and encodes a GLP ionically bound to the walls of pine embryo cells maintained in 2,4-D-containing medium. We have cloned a genomic fragment including the 1520 bp 5'-upstream promoter region of PcGER1 . This sequence contains, in its 1200 bp distal part, several cis elements (e.g. SEF4, 60 kDa protein, ABA RE and Dof recognition sites) present in genes responding to hormones and/or expressed in embryo or seed tissues, or during germination. The PcGER1 promoter sequence was cloned upstream of the GUS ( β -glucuronidase) reporter gene and transferred to tobacco Bright Yellow 2 (BY-2) cells via Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation. Promoter activity and growth performances of transgenic asynchronous cell suspensions were analysed in the presence or absence of 2,4-D and/or BA. Optimal growth, maximum cell-wall yield and PcGER1 promoter activity were observed in the presence of 2,4-D and BA at day 4, the end of the exponential growth phase where 70–75% cells have a 2C DNA content. Analysis of promoter activity during the cell cycle in an aphidicoline-synchronized culture suggested that the expression is maximum in G1 cells. We also showed that under optimal growth conditions, 5' promoter deletions decreased the activity of the reporter gene. We discuss the function of this gene with regards to cell growth.
Accession number : The PcGER1 promoter sequence was submitted to the genbank database under the accession number AY077704 .  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO), produced in lung vascular endothelium and airway epithelium, has an important role in regulating smooth muscle cell growth and tone. Chronic lung disease, a frequent complication of premature birth, is characterized by excess abundance, tone, and reactivity of smooth muscle in the pulmonary circulation and conducting airways, leading to increased lung vascular and airway resistance. Whether these structural and functional changes are associated with diminished pulmonary expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein is unknown. Both quantitative immunoblot analysis and semiquantitative immunohistochemistry showed that there was less eNOS protein in the endothelium of small intrapulmonary arteries and epithelium of small airways of preterm lambs that were mechanically ventilated for 3 wk compared with control lambs born at term. No significant differences were detected for other proteins (inducible NOS, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and pancytokeratin). Lung vascular and respiratory tract resistances were greater in the chronically ventilated preterm lambs compared with control term lambs. These results support the notion that decreased eNOS in the pulmonary circulation and respiratory tract of preterm lambs may contribute to the pathophysiology of chronic lung disease.  相似文献   
Hair sheep ewes were used to evaluate the influence of various levels of mating stimuli on the duration and timing of estrus and LH concentrations around estrus. Ewes were treated with PGF2alpha (15 mg, im) 10 d apart. At the time of the second PGF2alpha treatment (Day 0) ewes were placed in groups and exposed to different types of mating stimuli. One group of ewes (n = 16) was exposed to an epididymectomized ram (RAM), a second group of ewes (n = 16) was exposed to an epididymectomized ram wearing an apron to prevent intromission (APRON) and a third group of ewes (n = 17) was exposed to an androgenized ovariectomized ewe (T-EWE). Jugular blood samples were collected from ewes at 6-h intervals through Day 5. Plasma was harvested and LH concentration was determined by RIA. The ewes were observed at 6-h intervals to detect estrus. A ewe was considered to be out of estrus when she no longer stood to be mounted by the teaser animal. There was no difference (P > 0.10) in the proportion of ewes expressing estrus (79.6%) or having an LH surge (85.7%) among the treatments. Neither the time to estrus nor the duration of estrus were different (P > 0.10) among APRON, RAM or T-EWE groups (41.6+/-3.8 vs 43.6+/-3.6 vs 46.1+/-3.6 h, respectively, and 26.5+/-2.2 vs 24.8+/-2.3 vs 30.5+/-2.2 h, respectively). The time to LH surge was similar (P > 0.10) among APRON, RAM and T-EWE groups (51.2+/-4.5 vs 51.2+/-4.7 vs 52.7+/-4.5 h, respectively). The magnitude of the LH surge was similar (P > 0.10) in the T-EWE, APRON and RAM ewes (99.7+/-4.9 vs 87.2+/-4.9 vs 85.8+/-5.0 ng/mL, respectively). The time from estrus to the LH surge was not different (P > 0.10) among APRON, RAM or T-EWE ewes (10.1+/-2.2 vs 9.8+/-2.3 vs 11.6+/-2.3 h, respectively). These results show that the expression and duration of estrus are not influenced by different types of mating stimuli in hair sheep ewes. In addition, the timing and the magnitude of LH release does not appear to be influenced by mating stimuli around the time of estrus.  相似文献   
Mice have a monodisperse high density lipoprotein (HDL) profile, whereas humans have two major subfractions designated HDL(2) and HDL(3). Human apoA-I transgenic mice exhibit a human-like HDL profile, indicating that the amino acid sequence of apoA-I is a determinant of the HDL profile. Comparison of the primary sequence of mouse and human apoA-I and the previously designated "hinge" domain of apoA-I led us to hypothesize that alpha-helices 7 and 8 (7/8) are determinants of HDL subclass distribution. The following proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli: human apoA-I, T7-hAI; mouse apoA-I, T7-mAI; chimeric human apoA-I containing murine helices 7/8 in place of human helices 7/8, T7-hAI(m7/8); and the reciprocal chimera, T7-mAI(h7/8). The recombinant proteins were examined for their association with human plasma HDL subclasses. The results demonstrated that T7-hAI bound HDL(2) and HDL(3) equally well, whereas T7-mAI bound to HDL(2) preferentially. T7-hAI(m7/8) behaved like T7-mAI, and T7-mAI(h7/8) behaved like T7-hAI. Thus, alpha-helices 7/8 are strong contributors to the pattern of HDL subclass association. Self-association, alpha-helicity, cholesterol efflux, and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase activity of the recombinant proteins were also assessed. Human apoA-I self-associates more and activates human lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase better than mouse apoA-I. These differential characteristics of human and mouse apoA-I are not dependent on helices 7/8.  相似文献   
The mechanical resistance of a folded domain in a polyprotein of five mutant I27 domains (C47S, C63S I27)(5)is shown to depend on the unfolding history of the protein. This observation can be understood on the basis of competition between two effects, that of the changing number of domains attempting to unfold, and the progressive increase in the compliance of the polyprotein as domains unfold. We present Monte Carlo simulations that show the effect and experimental data that verify these observations. The results are confirmed using an analytical model based on transition state theory. The model and simulations also predict that the mechanical resistance of a domain depends on the stiffness of the surrounding scaffold that holds the domain in vivo, and on the length of the unfolded domain. Together, these additional factors that influence the mechanical resistance of proteins have important consequences for our understanding of natural proteins that have evolved to withstand force.  相似文献   
Active immunization against inhibin has been shown to advance puberty and increase ovulation rate in ewe lambs; but in ram lambs, effects on puberty and sperm production are equivocal. The objective of the present study was to determine whether active immunization against an inhibin alpha-subunit peptide advances the onset of puberty in ram lambs. St. Croix hair sheep ram lambs were assigned to inhibin-immunized (n = 7) and control (n = 8) treatment groups. Lambs in the inhibin-immunized group were immunized against a synthetic peptide-carrier protein conjugate, alpha-(1-25)-human alpha-globulin (halpha-G), and control lambs were immunized against halpha-G. Lambs were immunized at 3, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, and 37 weeks of age. On the day of immunization a blood sample was collected and lambs were weighed. Another blood sample was collected 1 week following each immunization. At 20 weeks of age additional blood samples were collected at 20 min intervals for 8h. Beginning at 20 weeks of age and at weekly intervals thereafter, scrotal circumference (SC) was measured and semen was collected using electroejaculation. A subsequent ejaculate was collected 1 week following onset of puberty, which was defined as the week of age when an ejaculate first contained > or =50 x 10(6) sperm cells. In control lambs, plasma alpha-(1-25)-antibody (Ab) was nondetectable. In inhibin-immunized lambs, alpha-(1-25)-Ab titer increased from 7 to 25 weeks of age and then plateaued at a level that varied (P<0.001) among animals. Body weight and SC of control and inhibin-immunized lambs were similar at the onset of puberty. At pubertal onset inhibin-immunized lambs were older than control lambs (31.9+/-0.5 vs. 29.5+/-0.7 weeks of age, P<0.05). Plasma FSH concentrations were similar in control and inhibin-immunized lambs from 3 to 38 weeks of age. Plasma LH levels were lower (P<0.01) in inhibin-immunized than control lambs. During the 8-h blood sampling period at 20 weeks of age, LH and testosterone concentrations were lower (P<0.05) in inhibin-immunized than control ram lambs, and the LH pulse frequency was similar in the two groups of animals. The decreased LH secretion is consistent with the immunoneutralization of a putative inhibin alpha-subunit-related peptide that stimulates LH secretion in ram lambs. Present findings show that active immunization against an inhibin alpha-peptide delays rather than advances puberty in ram lambs.  相似文献   
Proteins show diverse responses when placed under mechanical stress. The molecular origins of their differing mechanical resistance are still unclear, although the orientation of secondary structural elements relative to the applied force vector is thought to have an important function. Here, by using a method of protein immobilization that allows force to be applied to the same all-beta protein, E2lip3, in two different directions, we show that the energy landscape for mechanical unfolding is markedly anisotropic. These results, in combination with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, reveal that the unfolding pathway depends on the pulling geometry and is associated with unfolding forces that differ by an order of magnitude. Thus, the mechanical resistance of a protein is not dictated solely by amino acid sequence, topology or unfolding rate constant, but depends critically on the direction of the applied extension.  相似文献   
High K+ was used to depolarize glia and neurons in order to study the effects on amino acid release from and concentrations within the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of brain slices. The release of glutamate, -aminobutyrate (GABA) and glycine increased significantly during exposure to 50 mM K+, while glutamine and serine release decreased significantly during and/or after exposure, respectively. After 10 min of exposure to 50 mM K+, glutamine concentrations increased in all three layers of DCN slices, to more than 5 times the values in unexposed slices. In the presence of a glutamate uptake blocker, L-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (PDC), glutamine concentrations in all layers did not increase as much during 50 mM K+. Similar but smaller changes occurred for serine. Mean ATP concentrations were lower in 50 mM K+-exposed slices compared to control. The results suggest that depolarization, such as during increased neural activity, can greatly affect amino acid metabolism in the cochlear nucleus.  相似文献   
Dystroglycan is a member of the transmembrane dystrophin glycoprotein complex in muscle that binds to the synapse-organizing molecule agrin. Dystroglycan binding and AChR aggregation are mediated by two separate domains of agrin. To test whether dystroglycan plays a role in receptor aggregation at the neuromuscular junction, we overexpressed it by injecting rabbit dystroglycan RNA into one- or two-celled Xenopus embryos. We measured AChR aggregation in myotomes by labeling them with rhodamine-alpha-bungarotoxin followed by confocal microscopy and image analysis. Dystroglycan overexpression decreased AChR aggregation at the neuromuscular junction. This result is consistent with dystroglycan competition for agrin without signaling AChR aggregation. It also supports the hypothesis that dystroglycan is not the myotube-associated specificity component, (MASC) a putative coreceptor needed for agrin to activate muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) and signal AChR aggregation. Dystroglycan was distributed along the surface of muscle membranes, but was concentrated at the ends of myotomes, where AChRs normally aggregate at synapses. Overexpressed dystroglycan altered AChR aggregation in a rostral-caudal gradient, consistent with the sequential development of neuromuscular synapses along the embryo. Increasing concentrations of dystroglycan RNA did not further decrease AChR aggregation, but decreased embryo survival. Development often stopped during gastrulation, suggesting an essential, nonsynaptic role of dystroglycan during this early period of development.  相似文献   
BackgroundA randomized trial of voluntary medical male circumcision (MC) of HIV—infected men reported increased HIV transmission to female partners among men who resumed sexual intercourse prior to wound healing. We conducted a prospective observational study to assess penile HIV shedding after MC.ConclusionPenile HIV shedding is significantly reduced after healing of MC wounds. Lower plasma VL is associated with decreased frequency and quantity of HIV shedding from MC wounds. Starting ART prior to MC should be considered to reduce male-to-female HIV transmission risk. Research is needed to assess the time on ART required to decrease shedding, and the acceptability and feasibility of initiating ART at the time of MC.  相似文献   
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