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The aim of the present experiment was to study the effect of fish oil and Vitamin E rich diets on semen production, sperm functions and composition in broiler breeders. The following parameters were measured: semen volume and concentration, sperm motility and viability, sperm susceptibility to induced peroxidation, sperm lipid and alpha-tocopherol contents. Dietary n-3 PUFA were successfully transferred into spermatozoan phospholipid by fish oil feeding according to the following main features: (a) the C22:6n-3 and C22:5n - 3 contents were increased, but C22:4n-6 remained the peculiar and major polyunsaturate; (b) the content and proportion of total PUFA did not change; (c) the proportional increase of n-3 PUFA was compensated by the decrease of n-6 PUFA, an increase in the proportion of n-9 fatty acids was also found. The sperm content of alpha-tocopherol was doubled increasing the dietary availability of the vitamin to 300 mg/kg of feed. The specific n-3 PUFA and Vitamin E enrichment of chicken sperm affected cell functions. Significant interactions between the two treatments were also found for some parameters. The best sperm quality condition in control sperm (rich mainly in n-6 PUFA) was found supplying 200mg Vitamin E/kg of feed to the male breeders, and in contrast in n-3 rich sperm supplying 300 mg Vitamin E/kg.  相似文献   


Benchmarking algorithms in structural bioinformatics often involves the construction of datasets of proteins with given sequence and structural properties. The SCOP database is a manually curated structural classification which groups together proteins on the basis of structural similarity. The ASTRAL compendium provides non redundant subsets of SCOP domains on the basis of sequence similarity such that no two domains in a given subset share more than a defined degree of sequence similarity. Taken together these two resources provide a 'ground truth' for assessing structural bioinformatics algorithms. We present a small and easy to use API written in python to enable construction of datasets from these resources.  相似文献   
Investigating the pathways leading to the formation of amyloid protein aggregates and the mechanism of their cytotoxicity is fundamental for a deeper understanding of a broad range of human diseases. Increasing evidence indicates that early aggregates are responsible for the cytotoxic effects. This paper addresses the catalytic role of lipid surfaces in promoting aggregation of amyloid proteins and the permeability changes that these aggregates induce on lipid membranes. Effects of amyloid aggregates on model systems such as monolayers, vesicles, liposomes and supported lipid bilayers are reviewed. In particular, the relevance of atomic force microscopy in detecting both kinetics of amyloid formation and amyloid-membrane interactions is emphasized.  相似文献   
Different goat cheeses from Chile were studied by Free-Choice Profile (FCP) analysis. Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) applied to FCP data permitted differentiation between samples and informed on the attributes responsible for the observed differences. Appearance was a dominant factor in discriminating samples and to a lesser degree textural variables were also correlated with GPA dimensions. In acceptability the fresh cheeses were significantly preferred over the ripened ones.  相似文献   
文章对相同条件下培养的莱茵衣藻野生型CC-137和八氢番茄红素脱氢酶(phytoene desaturase,PDS)基因突变株Nfr-4的生长进行分析;并用反相高效液相色谱分析总有色类胡萝卜素以及叶绿素含量变化,结果表明两者生长的差异明显;Nfr-4突变株的单细胞叶绿素和总有色类胡萝卜素含量高于野生型CC-137的。  相似文献   
Ostracods from ten Late Miocene coral reef complexes built by Siderastrea, Tarbellastrea and Porites, cropping out in the Messara Plain (southern Iraklion basin, central Crete), have been investigated and five assemblages have been recognised, which point to different marine environments: (1) assemblage from the basal sandy silts, dominated by very shallow inner-infralittoral species, such as Cyamocytheridea meniscus, Cyamocytheridea obstipa, Cyamocytheridea dertonensis, Cytheretta semiornata and Nonurocythereis seminulum; (2) assemblage from the coral reef complexes within which Grinioneis haidingeri, Aurila cicatricosa, Cimbaurila diecii, Tenedocythere cruciata, Pokornyella italica and Callistocythere quadrangula are dominant and point to a stable inner-infralittoral environment characterised by warm, quiet and well-oxygenated waters; (3) assemblage from the silts intercalated among the coral reef complexes, mainly characterised by Neomonoceratina laskarevi, Cytheridea acuminata, Phlyctenophora farkasi and Aurila albicans together with Callistocythere spp., Xestoleberis communis and Xestoleberis dispar, which points to a very shallow marine environment rich in aquatic vegetation; (4) assemblage from the upper silts, which records the absolute dominance of Xestoleberis species, reflecting a very shallow and highly-vegetated environment and (5) assemblage from the uppermost silty clays, dominated by Hemicytherura defiorei, Xestoleberis spp. and Palmoconcha dertobrevis, accompanied by Acanthocythereis hystrix, Cytherella scutulum, Bairdoppilata conformis, Semicytherura spp., Krithe sp., Cytheropteron alatum, Bythocypris sp. and Pseudocythere caudata, which suggest deeper marine environments probably located in the outer infralittoral/inner-circalittoral zones. The studied section has been dated by means of calcareous nannoplankton to be not younger than Zone MNN9 (Early Tortonian), which is the biostratigraphical datum recorded in the fine-grained deposits that overlie the coral reef complexes. An age not older than Tortonian can be inferred by the stratigraphical distribution of the recognized ostracods. Thus, the coral reef complexes have been tentatively referred to the Early Tortonian.  相似文献   
The protein ataxin-3 consists of an N-terminal globular Josephin domain (JD) and an unstructured C-terminal region containing a stretch of consecutive glutamines that triggers the neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, when it is expanded beyond a critical threshold. The disease results from misfolding and aggregation, although the pathway and structure of the aggregation intermediates are not fully understood. In order to provide insight into the mechanism of the process, we monitored the aggregation of a normal (AT3Q24) ataxin-3, an expanded (AT3Q55) ataxin-3, and the JD in isolation. We observed that all of them aggregated, although the latter did so at a much slower rate. Furthermore, the expanded AT3Q55 displayed a substantially different behavior with respect to the two other variants in that at the latest stages of the process it was the only one that did the following: i) lost its reactivity towards an anti-oligomer antibody, ii) generated SDS-insoluble aggregates, iii) gave rise to bundles of elongated fibrils, and iv) displayed two additional bands at 1604 and 1656 cm(-1) in FTIR spectroscopy. Although these were previously observed in other aggregated polyglutamine proteins, no one has assigned them unambiguously, yet. By H/D exchange experiments we show for the first time that they can be ascribed to glutamine side-chain hydrogen bonding, which is therefore the hallmark of irreversibly SDS-insoluble aggregated protein. FTIR spectra also showed that main-chain intermolecular hydrogen bonding preceded that of glutamine side-chains, which suggests that the former favors the latter by reorganizing backbone geometry.  相似文献   
In low-phosphorus (P) marine systems, phytoplankton replace membrane phospholipids with non-phosphorus lipids, but it is not known how rapidly this substitution occurs. Here, when cells of the model diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana were transferred from P-replete medium to P-free medium, the phospholipid content of the cells rapidly declined within 48 h from 45±0.9 to 21±4.5% of the total membrane lipids; the difference was made up by non-phosphorus lipids. Conversely, when P-limited T. pseudonana were resupplied with P, cells reduced the percentage of their total membrane lipids contributed by a non-phosphorus lipid from 43±1.5 to 7.3±0.9% within 24 h, whereas the contribution by phospholipids rose from 2.2±0.1 to 44±3%. This dynamic phospholipid reservoir contained sufficient P to synthesize multiple haploid genomes, suggesting that phospholipid turnover could be an important P source for cells. Field observations of phytoplankton lipid content may thus reflect short-term changes in P supply and cellular physiology, rather than simply long-term adjustment to the environment.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of Agave plants is threatened by clonal commercial reproduction and climatic change. Sexual reproduction is uncommon and research on seed germination is scarce. The present study evaluated the seed germination of Agave lechuguilla, Agave striata, Agave americana var. marginata, Agave asperrima, Agave cupreata, Agave duranguesis, Agave angustifolia ssp. tequilana and Agave salmiana at constant temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C). Initial imbibition (after the first 12 h) was significantly variable among species, positively correlated with seed weight (r = 0.6560, P < 0.001) and increased with temperature (from 35% at 10°C to 66% at 40°C). Temperature affected maximum imbibition (83–150%) for A. asperrima, A. lechuguilla, A. salmiana and A. striata; other species averaged 110%. Most germination kinetics best fitted a logistic model, whereas only a few treatments fit a Weibull model. The time to germination onset diminished (P < 0.05) from 125–173 h at 15°C to 68–84 h at 25°C, and then ascended to 84–196 h at 35°C. The mean germination rate and seed germination percentage after 312 h peaked at 25°C (0.50–0.95% seeds/h and 85–99%, respectively) and fell (P < 0.05) to near zero at 10 and 40°C. Temperatures of 10, 35 and 40°C were partially lethal to A. asperrima, A. duranguensis and A. salmiana seeds. The time to germination onset, seed germination percentage after 312 h and mean germination rate are best described by a Gaussian distribution, with its optimum at approximately 25°C. Thus, optimum temperatures are related to the ecological characteristics of each species area.  相似文献   
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