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Previous studies have shown that monoclonal anti-Leu-8 antibody identifies functionally distinct subpopulations within both the Leu-2 (T8+) and Leu-3 (T4+) lineages of human T lymphocytes. We now report in detail on the tissue distribution of the Leu-8 antigen and on extensive functional studies of T cells subsets distinguished by their expression or lack of expression of this marker. Leu-8 is present on a wide variety of hematologic cells, including granulocytes, T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, and null or NK cells. Within lymph nodes and tonsils, Leu-8 is absent from both B and T cells within germinal centers but is present on nearly all paracortical lymphocytes. Leu-8 is present on most but not all EBV-transformed B cell lines, reflecting its presence on a subset of normal peripheral blood B cells. None of six malignant T cell lines tested were Leu-8+, whereas most circulating T cells are Leu-8+. Although standard immunoprecipitation techniques failed to demonstrate any specific bands on SDS polyacrylamide gels, the antigenic determinant recognized by anti-Leu-8 is protein or protein-associated, because brief treatment of target cells with pronase abrogated binding of anti-Leu-8. Both Leu-3+8+ and Leu-3+8- cells proliferated in response to several soluble antigens and to autologous and allogeneic non-T cells. Nonetheless, nearly all of the helper T cells for PWM- and AMLR-induced PFC were contained within the Leu3+8- subset. Optimal suppression of the PWM-induced PFC response required both Leu-2+8+ and Leu-2+8- cells, and irradiation of either subset with 3000 R abrogated the capacity of the recombined subsets to effect suppression. In contrast to help for B cell differentiation, both Leu-3+8+ and Leu-3+8- cells were capable of amplifying the development of allospecific T killer cells; precursor and effector T killer cells could be found within both Leu-2+8+ and Leu-2+8- subpopulations. The correlation between Leu-8 phenotype and selected immune functions of T cells (and B cells; see companion paper) indicates that anti-Leu-8 distinguishes important immunoregulatory T and B lymphocyte subsets in man.  相似文献   
In April 1983, an influenza virus of low virulence appeared in chickens in Pennsylvania. Subsequently, in October 1983, the virus became virulent and caused high mortality in poultry. The causative agent has been identified as an influenza virus of the H5N2 serotype. The hemagglutinin is antigenically closely related to tern/South Africa/61 (H5N3) and the neuraminidase is similar to that from human H2N2 strains (e.g., A/Japan/305/57) and from some avian influenza virus strains (e.g., A/turkey/Mass/66 [H6N2]). Comparison of the genome RNAs of chicken/Penn with other influenza virus isolates by RNA-RNA hybridization indicated that all of the genes of this virus were closely related to those of various other influenza virus isolates from wild birds. Chickens infected with the virulent strain shed high concentrations of virus in their feces (10(7) 50% egg infective dose per g), and the virus was isolated from the albumin and yolk of eggs layed just before death. Virus was also isolated from house flies in chicken houses. Serological and virological studies showed that humans are not susceptible to infection with the virus, but can serve as short-term mechanical carriers. Analysis of the RNA of the viruses isolated in April and October by gel migration and RNA-RNA hybridization suggested that these strains were very closely related. Oligonucleotide mapping of the individual genes of virulent and avirulent strains showed a limited number of changes in the genome RNAs, but no consistent differences between the virulent and avirulent strains that could be correlated with pathogenicity were found. Polyacrylamide gel analysis of the early (avirulent) isolates demonstrated the presence of low-molecular-weight RNA bands which is indicative of defective-interfering particles. These RNAs were not present in the virulent isolates. Experimental infection of chickens with mixtures of the avirulent and virulent strains demonstrated that the avirulent virus interferes with the pathogenicity of the virulent virus. The results suggest that the original avirulent virus was probably derived from influenza viruses from wild birds and that the virulent strain was derived from the avirulent strain by selective adaptation rather than by recombination or the introduction of a new virus into the population. This adaptation may have involved the loss of defective RNAs, as well as mutations, and thus provides a possible model for a role of defective-interfering particles in nature.  相似文献   
The vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) receptor was characterized on the GH3 rat pituitary tumor cell line using competitive binding studies with peptides having sequence homology with VIP. Further studies investigated receptor coupling to the adenylate cyclase complex by measurement of cAMP levels. Finally, the molecular weight of the receptor was estimated by affinity labeling techniques. Studies using 125I-VIP and unlabeled competing peptides revealed a single class of high affinity binding sites with a dissociation constant (KD) of 17 +/- 2 nM (mean +/- S.E.M.) for VIP, 275 +/- 46 nM for peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI), and 1380 +/- 800 nM for human pancreatic growth hormone releasing factor (GHRF). VIP and PHI each stimulated intracellular cAMP accumulation in a dose-dependent manner; both peptides demonstrated synergism with forskolin. In contrast, GHRF neither stimulated accumulation of cAMP nor demonstrated synergism with forskolin. VIP plus PHI (1 microM each) caused no significant increase in cAMP over either VIP or PHI alone, implying that the two peptides act through the same receptor. Covalent crosslinking of 125I-VIP to its binding site using either disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) or ethylene glycol bis(succinimidyl succinate) (EGS) was followed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. The result is consistent with an Mr 47 000 VIP-binding subunit comprising or being associated with the VIP receptor of GH3 pituitary tumor cells.  相似文献   
Natural killer activity was measured sequentially in normal female volunteers through their menstrual cycle. During the periovulatory period there was a significant fall in natural killer activity compared with in normal male volunteers. This variation was not apparent in women taking oral contraception. Cytotoxic activity was not related to oestradiol concentrations in individual women. The data support an interaction between immunological activity and sex hormones over the normal physiological range and would account for the described reduction in natural killer activity in pooled blood from female blood donors.  相似文献   
Recessive mutant alleles at the autosomal dpy-21 locus of C. elegans cause a dumpy phenotype in XX animals but not in XO animals. This dumpy phenotype is characteristic of X chromosome aneuploids with higher than normal X to autosome ratios and is proposed to result from overexpression of X-linked genes. We have isolated a new dpy-21 allele that also causes partial hermaphroditization of XO males, without causing the dumpy phenotype. All dpy-21 alleles show hermaphroditization effects in XO males that carry a duplication of part of the X chromosome and also partially suppress a transformer (tra-1) mutation that converts XX animals into males. Experiments with a set of X chromosome duplications show that the defects of dpy-21 mutants can result from interaction with several different regions of the X chromosome. We propose that dpy-21 regulates X chromosome expression and may be involved in interpreting X chromosome dose for the developmental decisions of both sex determination and dosage compensation.  相似文献   
Specific cellulase production rates (SCPR) were compared with intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in the thermophilic actinomycete, Thermomonospora curvata, during growth on several carbon sources in a chemically defined medium. SCPR and cAMP levels were 0.03 U (endoglucanase [EG] units) and 2 pmol per mg of dry cells, respectively, during exponential growth on glucose. These values increased to about 6 and 25, respectively, during growth on cellulose. Detectable EG production ceased when cAMP levels dropped below 10. Cellobiose (usually considered to be a cellulase inducer) caused a sharp decrease in cAMP levels and repressed EG production when added to cellulose-grown cultures. 2-deoxy-D-glucose, although nonmetabolizable in T. curvata, depressed cAMP to levels observed with glucose, but unlike glucose, the 2DG effect persisted until cells were washed and transferred to fresh medium. SCPR values and cAMP levels in cells grown in continuous culture under conditions of cellobiose limitation were markedly influenced by dilution rate (D). The maxima for both occurred at D = 0.085 (culture generation time of 11.8 h). When D was held constant and cellobiose concentration was increased over a 14-fold range to support higher steady state population levels, SCPR values decreased about fivefold, indicating that extracellular catabolite accumulation may be a factor in EG repression. The role of cAMP in the mechanism of this repression appears to be neither simple nor direct, since large changes (up to 200-fold) in SCPR accompany relatively small changes (10-fold) in cellular cAMP levels.  相似文献   
Proline excretion from proline overproducing strains of E. coli K12 has been studied as a model chemical production system. We have isolated proline overproducing mutants of E. coli and have shown that uncontrolled synthesis is not sufficient to cause excretion of this amino acid. An episomal mutation causing proline over production has been introduced into a series of otherwise isogenic strains that bear well defined, chromosomal lesions affecting the active uptake and catabolism of L-proline. A syntropism test reveals that L-proline is excreted by overproducing strains only if transport and/or catabolism are impaired. Dansyl derivatization and chromatographic analysis of culture supernatants shows that proline is the only amino acid excreted. Batch cultures of an excreting strain in an amino acid production medium yield culture supernatants containing 1 g proline/L, whereas no proline is detectable in supernatants derived from cultures of an overproducing strain with normal transport and catabolic activities. These data reveal that genetic lesions eliminating active uptake can be used to specifically enhance metabolite excretion.  相似文献   
A highly effective, low-cost silicone-based antifoam emulsion is described which, at a final concentration of 100 ppm, prevents bubble formation during the preparation and dispensing of agar media. The compound is heat-stable, has a long shelf-life and offers considerable savings in cost by reduction in wastage of time and materials. It has no demonstrable deleterious effect on the growth of a wide range of pathogenic and commensal bacteria, or on antibiotic disc susceptibility testing, when examined using a range of different media.  相似文献   
Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in the mouse (H-2 complex) have been shown to be an important factor in determining the immune responsiveness of various strains of mice to isolated antigens (e. g., lysozyme). The role of MHC genes in controlling the responsiveness of mice to multiple alloantigens is less well-defined, and although non-MHC genes have been shown to be important in determining responsiveness in some systems (e. g., haptens), they have not been demonstrated as yet to influence the rejection of vascularized organ allografts. In this study, the responsiveness of mice to vascularized cardiac allografts transplanted across well-defined major (H-2) and minor (non-H-2) histocompatibility barriers was investigated using congenic mice in 32 different donor/recipient combinations. The results show that both H-2 and non-H-2 gene products can act as target alloantigens for rejection. At the responder level, they may interact to effect responsiveness of a recipient strain to multiple alloantigens. In no case in this study has any one gene or group of genes been found to confer universal high or low responder status.  相似文献   
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