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Drug withdrawal syndromes reportedly have been caused by numerous pharmacological agents, but only a few drugs have been adequately studied in this regard. Criteria for evaluating drug withdrawal syndromes have been proposed. Sedative-hypnotic agents, opiates, corticosteroids, clonidine, tricyclic antidepressant medications and beta-adrenergic blocking agents meet the criteria for such syndromes. Gradual tapering of the dose of these drugs is recommended when therapy must be discontinued. Whether or not other drugs cause rebound reactions is questionable, but caution should be used when discontinuing drugs for which numerous reports of withdrawal syndromes exist.  相似文献   
Addition of insulin to nonproliferating serum-free cultures of secondary chicken embryo (CE) cells caused a 30% to 50% increase in cell number. Addition of any one of several glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, cortisol, or corticosterone) to the cultures two days before insulin addition increased the mitogenic effect of insulin by about twofold at each insulin concentration tested. This glucocorticoid stimulation of cell proliferation was “permissive” because in the absence of insulin glucocorticoids caused little increase in cell number (usually less than 15%). Glucocorticoids were maximally active at low concentrations (e.g., 10?10 M dexamethasone). Steroids without glucocorticoid activity were inactive over a wide range of concentrations. Glucocorticoids increased the mitogenic response to insulin largely by increasing the percentage of cells that insulin stimulated to synthesize DNA. The maximum mitogenic effect of insulin upon CE cells rapidly decreased after the cells were serially subcultured. After only nine population doublings (4 passages) in culture, the response to insulin was diminished by about 70%. The mitogenic effect of insulin plus dexamethasone declined similarly during serial subculture, and was always about twofold greater than the effect of insulin alone. The cells maintained their mitogenic responsiveness to serum as these responses decreased. In contrast to the growth promoting influence of glucocorticoids in the presence of insulin, glucocorticoids inhibited the mitogenic response of CE cells to serum. This result may resolve our above findings with reports that glucocorticoids inhibit the proliferation of CE cells.  相似文献   
Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to study macromolecule permeation into the guinea-pig placenta perfused in situ. When tissue culture medium 199 (TC 199) was used as fetal-side perfusate, the tracer reaction product was found only lining the fetal endothelium. When a longer period of perfusion with HRP in TC 199 was used, a small amount of reaction product was found in the subendothelial space and syncytiotrophoblastic vesicles, but not in maternal lacunae. In similar experiments using a Krebs bicarbonate Ringer (KRBG) as perfusate the tracer was found (i) lining the fetal endothelium, (ii) in the lateral intercellular spaces of the endothelium, (iii) in the subendothelial space, and (iv) in the maternal lacunae.It is therefore evident that the vehicle influenced the permeability of the guinea-pig placenta to horseradish peroxidase. As other studies have shown that perfusion of the fetal side with salt solution increases pore size, the results with TC 199 are regarded as more representative of the situation in the intact animal. It is therefore suggested that the fetal endothelium of the guinea-pig placenta may be largely impermeable to molecules of the size of horseradish peroxidase (4 nm) or larger.  相似文献   
Glenn E 《Plant physiology》1977,60(1):122-126
The spatially separated forms of ornithine transcarbamoylase (EC of different molecular weights coexist in sugarcane (Saccharum sp.). The smaller form of the enzyme (mol wt 79,000) appears to be cytoplasmic, while a larger form (mol wt 224,000) sedimented with mitochondria. The Km of the cytoplasmic enzyme for ornithine was 3.11 mm, while the enzyme in the mitochondrial fraction had a Km of 0.50 mm for this substrate; both enzymes had similar affinity for carbamoyl phosphate (0.12 mm). Characteristics of the smaller ornithine transcarbamoylase are in keeping with a predominantly catabolic function, those of the enzyme which sediments with mitochondria, with an anabolic function. Only the mitochondrial enzyme was regulated in vivo by exogenous arginine.  相似文献   
The synthesis and testing of several diazocarbonyl JH analogs (diazo JHA) which act as photoaffinity labels for insect juvenile hormone binding proteins are described. The best competitor, 10,11-epoxyfarnesyl diazoacetate, has been shown to irreversibly reduce [3H]-JH III binding to both ovarian and hemolymph JHBP from Leucophaeamaderae after irradiation at 254 nm for 20 seconds. No loss of activity was observed after incubation of JHBP and diazo JHA without irradiation. Protection from photoinactivation by diazo JHA II was achieved by the presence of an equimolar amount of JH III during the photolysis. Photoaffinity labeled proteins show loss of binding capacity without alteration of the binding affinity. This is the first example of the use of a photoaffinity label in the study of JH action on a molecular level, and may become a valuable tool in the elucidation of JH-receptor-chromatin interactions.  相似文献   
The hyaline layer (HL) surrounding the sea urchin blastula appears to dissolve in 1 M glycine. However, after this treatment, there persists over the surfaces of the blastomeres a layer of material, referred to here as the apical lamina (AL), that sloughs off as an adhesive convoluted bag upon gradual dissociation of the embryo. Isolated hyaline layers, referred to as HL-AL complexes, were analyzed by urea-SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A major protein of the HL-AL complex, hyalin, bands or precipitates in the stacking gel. Two other major proteins, both strongly PAS positive, migrate with apparent molecular weights of 175K and 145K daltons. As with intact embryos, the glycine wash removes the hyalin protein from the isolated HL-AL complex, leaving the undissolved AL which consists primarily of the 175K- and 145K-dalton proteins. The embryo's own perivitelline-localized cortical granule peroxidase heavily radioiodinates the proteins of the HL-AL complex, further verifying their apical, extracellular location. Unlike hyalin, the AL proteins do not precipitate with calcium ions. Compared to the entire HL-AL complex, the AL contains a greater percentage of carbohydrate. No sialic acid is associated with the HL-AL complex, but the AL contains some sulfate. In contrast to a published report based on ultrastructural staining, no biochemical evidence was found in this study for the presence of collagen or significant glycosaminoglycan within the HL-AL complex. No developmental differences were observed in AL proteins from 1-hr-old embryos compared to those from blastulae. However, there is evidence suggesting heterogeneity and developmental differences in hyalin. The possible organization of hyalin and the AL proteins into separate layers surrounding the embryo is discussed. The influence of the AL proteins in morphogenesis and cell adhesion is considered, and hypothetical roles attributed to the HL and hyalin are critically questioned.  相似文献   
In the present study 36 police officers were exposed to a psychological stressor (IQ quiz) and to cold pressor stress while several cardiovascular variables were monitored. Impedance cardiography was used to provide measures of heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, myocardial contractility, and total peripheral resistance. In addition, measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and peripheral skin temperature were obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that significant increases in diastolic and systolic blood pressure during the cold pressor test were mediated by large increases in total peripheral resistance, whereas blood pressure elevation during the IQ quiz were accompanied by significant increases in heart rate and, to a lesser extent, cardiac output. Peripheral skin temperature decreased in response to each stressor. Additional analysis indicated a degree of stimulus specificity for several variables. For example, diastolic blood pressure showed greater increases to cold pressor than quiz, whereas systolic blood pressure increased more with the psychological than the physical stressor. Directional fractionation occurred for both myocardial contractility and cardiac output.  相似文献   
The response of four northern deciduous tree species to annual climate variation is quantified at two intensively measured sites in northern Michigan, USA. Response to changes in temperature and moisture differ with the species and is dependent on other site conditions. Relationships identified in these field studies indicate that projected climate changes may have dramatic effects on the productivity of at least some commercially important tree species in the northern United States.  相似文献   
Two techniques, electroporation and conjugation, have been used to introduce the RK2-based broad-host-range plasmids pRK415 and pLAFR3 into strains of the bacterial genus Acidiphilium. Using electroporation, cells were also transformed with a series of chimeric plasmids constructed by cloning cryptic Acidiphilium plasmids into the Escherichia coli vector pBR328. Various parameters affecting electroporation were investigated. Transformation efficiency varied widely with different recipient strains. Growth at an elevated temperature (37 degrees C) prior to electroporation increased transformation efficiency 10-fold compared with growth at 32 degrees C. For three strains tested, optimum transformation efficiency was obtained with field strengths of 10-15 kV/cm. Transformation efficiency increased linearly with increasing DNA concentration up to 10 micrograms/mL. Transformation efficiencies in these experiments ranged up to 10(4) transformants/micrograms DNA. Mobilization of pRK415 and pLAFR3 from E. coli strain S17.1 into several Acidiphilium strains was achieved following incubation for 3 h on nutrient agar medium (pH 7.0). Conjugation frequencies in the range of 10(-5)-10(-9) per recipient cell were obtained. Conjugation frequency was also dependent on recipient strain.  相似文献   
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