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The Triassic marine reptiles at the base of the extinct Order Sauropterygia, traditionally known as nothosaurs, represent an unnatural assemblage of superficially similar forms. The traditional grouping of these animals has generally relied on the flawed basis of “primitive” characteristics whereas two distinct nothosaurian lineages can now be identified through the use of cladistic methodology. The Pachypleurosauria are the most plesiomorphic, but not the earliest, sauropterygians known. The Nothosauriformes include not only ‘nothosaurs’ but also the monophyletic group Plesiosauria and seemingly also the Placodontia. Rigorous coding of characters for the recently described nothosaurian genusSilvestrosaurus allows expansion of the phylogenetic data base for the Sauropterygia. The revised analysis reaffirms recent studies of relationship for the sauropterygians and demonstrates the affinity ofSilvestrosaurus with the Nothosauriformes. The explicit hierarchical classification scheme presented incorporates the hypothesized phylogenetic relationships of these long-misunderstood taxa. The traditional Suborder Nothosauria, now seen to be paraphyletic, must be abandoned.  相似文献   
Abstract. Previous research has indicated that patch structure at small spatial scales (<100m2) in tallgrass prairies was defined by a diverse array of infrequent species because dominant species occurred in all samples at this scale. Also, patch structure was not significantly different from that derived from random species associations. Based on these results, we hypothesized that remo val of a dominant species would have no effect on patch structure in these prairies. We tested this hypothesis by removing a dominant grass, Schizachyrium scoparium (Poaceae), from half of each of four 10 m × 10 m study blocks, and comparing differences in patch structure between control and removal halves before and after removal. The minimum resolution in our study was 1 m2. Patches of similar species composition were defined by cluster analysis of presence/absence data and cover data. Patch sizes ranged from 1 to 34 m2. Following the removal of S. scoparium there was an overall increase in the number of species in the removal half of each block compared to pre-treatment levels. However, the number of patch types and number of spatially mapped groups, based on presence/absence or cover data, did not change between control and removal plots after the removal of S. scoparium. This supports the hypothesis that removal of a large, dominant species would have no effect on patch structure at this scale of resolution in these prairies. Thus, patch structure, as defined here, is an emergent property in these grasslands that is not predictable from changes in species composition. This property of stochastic patch structure results from interactions of processes operating at scales both larger and smaller than our scale of resolution. Stochastic models may provide a reasonable approach to modelling small-scale patch dynamics in tallgrass prairie communities.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial function declines with age, and many pathological processes in neurodegenerative diseases stem from this dysfunction when mitochondria fail to produce the necessary energy required. Photobiomodulation (PBM), long-wavelength light therapy, has been shown to rescue mitochondrial function in animal models and improve human health, but clinical uptake is limited due to uncertainty around efficacy and the mechanisms responsible. Using 31P magnetisation transfer magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MT-MRS) we quantify, for the first time, the effects of 670 nm PBM treatment on healthy ageing human brains. We find a significant increase in the rate of ATP synthase flux in the brain after PBM in a cohort of older adults. Our study provides initial evidence of PBM therapeutic efficacy for improving mitochondrial function and restoring ATP flux with age, but recognises that wider studies are now required to confirm any resultant cognitive benefits.  相似文献   
Understanding of factors influencing settlement(attachment and metamorphosis) of marine invertebratelarvae is of great importance in aquaculture andcontrol of biofouling. The influence of two factors onsettlement of larvae was assessed from two separateinvestigations: 1, the influence of age (endogenousfactor) on cyprids of the barnacle Balanusamphitrite; and 2, the influence of a microbial film(exogenous factor) on pediveligers of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis.The settlement response of cypris larvae of B.amphitrite was found to be age-dependent. Oldercyprids responded more readily to settlement factorsthan newly molted ones. In M.galloprovincialis, competent pediveligers settled inresponse to a microbial filmed surface but not toan unfilmed surface. Moreover, a factor with MW of lessthan 5000 dalton, derived from culture medium of abacterial strain C1.1 (Pseudomonas-Alteromonasgroup), induced the settlement of M. galloprovincialis larvae.Thus, marine invertebrate larvae may require a periodof competence acquisition, during which they arepoorly responsive to settlement inducers. Uponacquisition of competence, larvae readily respondto external cues (e.g. microbial film, bacterialextracellular products).  相似文献   
Lash, Julia M., and H. Glenn Bohlen. Time- andorder-dependent changes in functional and NO-mediated dilation during exercise training. J. Appl. Physiol.82(2): 460-468, 1997.Arterial vessel responses to sodiumnitroprusside (SNP) and acetylcholine (ACh) were measured in thespinotrapezius muscle of sedentary (Sed) and treadmill-trained (Tr)rats to determine whether these endothelium-dependent (ACh) and-independent (SNP) mechanisms contribute to thetraining-induced increase in functional vasodilation previouslyobserved. Control and maximal vessel diameters were similar between Sedand Tr. After 8 wk of training, functional dilation (2-, 4-, and 8-Hzcontractions) was enhanced in all orders of vessels studied[terminal feed artery (FA), largest arterioles (1A), andintermediate-sized arterioles (2A)], but responses to SNP wereincreased only in FA. Responses to ACh were not significantly increasedin any vessel order. After 16 wk of training, functional dilation hadregressed in Tr such that only the FA response to 4 Hz wassignificantly elevated relative to Sed. However, the FA and 1Aresponses to SNP were significantly greater in Tr than in Sed, as werethe 1A and 2A responses to ACh. These results show a dissociation offunctional dilation and SNP- or ACh-mediated responses, as well asage-dependent interactions, a time-dependent progression, and vesselorder specificity in the adaptations to training.

Four 3-alkylthio-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanones with juvenile hormone-like side chains were prepared from citronellol and homogeraniol. These substrates were designed as possible transition-state analogs for the juvenile hormone (JH)-specific esterases present in insects. These four isoprenoid trifluoromethyl ketones were assayed in vitro with JH esterase and general esterases from larvae of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), and with eel acetylcholinesterase and bovine chymotrypsin. JH esterase inhibition I50 values were in the nanomolar range for all four compounds, while the other esterases had I50'S which were 103 to 105 higher. The high selectivity of these inhibitors is believed to be due to their similarity in size and functionality to natural JH III. Treatment of T. ni larvae in vivo with solutions of the most active analog, 3-[(E)-4,8-dimethyl-3,7-nonadienylthio]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanone (DNTFP) causes a dose-dependent delay in pupation and a concurrent selective inhibition of JH esterase. These data support the hypothesis that the reduction in in vivo JH titer in larval T. ni is due, in part, to hydrolysis of the hormone by selective esterases. DNTFP appears to be competing with JH for the active site of JH esterase.  相似文献   
A continuous line derived from a human skin squamous cell carcinoma has been grown in media of high, normal and low Ca2+ concentrations. The growth rate was unaffected by the Ca2+ levels even though morphological changes were observed. Desmosomes were absent at low Ca2+ and areas of cell piling were observed at high Ca2+. Cell protein staining patterns on polyacrylamide gels were identical for cells grown at the three Ca2+ levels. The variations were minor for the glycoproteins reacted with 125I-conA. Lactoper-oxidase iodination revealed changes in cell surface proteins, most markedly in the emergence of new proteins at high Ca2+.  相似文献   
Abstract Rhizobium trifolii TA1 and Rhizobium leguminosarum MNF 3841 grow on a range of aromatic substrates. R. trifolii TA1 possesses enzymes of both the catechol and protocatechuate pathways, whereas R. leguminosarum MNF 3841 only has enzymes of the latter pathway. The pathways are induced by growth on benzoate or 4-hydroxybenzoate, respectively, but they are not cross-inducible. 4-Hydroxybenzoate permease and hydroxylase are induced by growth on 4-hydroxybenzoate but not on protocatechuate, suggesting that they are regulated separately from protocatechuate dioxygenase. The uptake systems for both benzoate and 4-hydroxybenzoate are inhibited by azide, carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenyl hydrazone and N , N '-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide but are insensitive to arsenate. Salicylate and protocatechuate interfere with benzoate and 4-hydroxybenzoate uptake, respectively.  相似文献   
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