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A temperature-sensitive mutant of Escherichia coli HAK88 which has been shown to have a lesion in elongation factor Ts (EFTs) was studied with repsect to its metabolism of guanosine 5′-diphosphate, 2′(3′)-diphosphate (ppGpp) and the associated failure of ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) accumulation at the nonpermissive temperature. Results reported here show that (i) when EFTs is nonfunctional, a full complement of charged transfer RNA (tRNA) cannot prevent accumulation of ppGpp (magic spot) and the stringent failure of rRNA accumulation; (ii) chloramphenicol prevents magic spot (MS) formation and the stringent response not by increasing the percentage of charged tRNA, but possibly by somehow interfering directly with the synthesis of MS; and (iii) tetracycline can lead to MS disappearance without resumption of RNA synthesis. Thus, the absence of MS and the presence of a functional RNA polymerase and charged tRNA are not sufficient to support rRNA accumulation in vivo. An additional element in the regulatory system is suggested.  相似文献   
The time course of nuclear maturation of oocytes was examined in brushtail possums, Trichosurus vulpecula. Oocytes were recovered from ovarian follicles > 2 mm in diameter after pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin/porcine luteinizing hormone (PMSG/LH) treatment (in vivo matured) or 72 hr after PMSG treatment (in vitro matured). Oocytes recovered from small (< 2 mm) and large (> 2 mm) follicles were also assessed for their ability to mature in vitro. Staining with the DNA-specific dye Hoechst 33342 was used to assess the stage of nuclear development by fluorescence microscopy. The process of nuclear maturation progressed rapidly in vivo, as oocytes collected at 20-27 hr post-LH all had a GV, but by 28-29.5 hr post-LH approximately a third of eggs were MII. By 30-hr post-LH, more than 70% of oocytes had reached MII stage and all ovulated eggs were MII. In vitro, all oocytes were at germinal vesicle stage at the start of culture. After 24 hr of culture, 67% of oocytes had progressed to metaphase I/anaphase I of meiosis. After 36 hr, 25% of oocytes had completed maturation to metaphase II, increasing to 52% after 48 hr. Maturation of oocytes after 48 hr in culture was unaffected by the presence or absence of granulosa cells, PMSG or LH/porcine follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). More oocytes from large follicles (55%) completed maturation by 48 hr than from small follicles (15%). The potential of oocytes to mature after 48 hr in culture was dependent on the follicle harvested having reaching a critical diameter of 1.5 mm.  相似文献   
Summary The allocation of energy to carapace formation, respiration, growth, and reproduction were examined in two parthenogenetic clones ofDaphnia magna (Cladocera) cultured at two levels of food (Chlorella) concentration. Clonal differences in energy allocation were more apparent at high ration (1.5 g C mL-1) than at low ration (0.3 g C mL-1). These differences included respiratory and molting costs, and the timing of energy allocation to growth and reproduction. A comparison of active vs. anesthetized animals revealed that the interclonal difference in respiration rate was the result of a difference in activity level. In both clones mass-specific rates of respiration, growth, and brood production all decreased at low vs. high ration levels, whereas mass-specific molt-loss rate increased. Lowered food concentration decreased the relative allocation of energy to growth and reproduction, but increased allocation to maintenance (respiration and carapace formation). These allocation responses to food limitation indicated that for both clones the highest energy priority was carapace formation. However, the relative priority of respiration, growth and reproduction varied with age and clone. In juveniles (instars 1–4) the priority ranking of growth was essentially equal to that of respiration, whereas respiration always had higher priority in adults (instars 5–9). All three possibilities for the relative ranking of growth and reproduction (i.e., growth>reproduction, growth=reproduction, and reproduction>growth), as specified by different models in the literature, were observed depending on age and clone. The energy allocation rules were also shown to vary between other daphniid species. Furthermore, metabolic responses to chronic food limitation may be different from responses to acute food deprivation. In this study, one clone showed a greater decrease in respiration rate as a result of lifetime food limitation than did the other, but the opposite was true when these clones were exposed to 48 h of starvation. These differences in allocation rules and in acute vs. chronic responses may have to be considered when using physiological data to modelDaphnia populations.  相似文献   


Medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is associated with limbic atrophy involving the hippocampus, peri-hippocampal and extra-temporal structures. While MTLE is related to static structural limbic compromise, it is unknown whether the limbic system undergoes dynamic regional perfusion network alterations during seizures. In this study, we aimed to investigate state specific (i.e. ictal versus interictal) perfusional limbic networks in patients with MTLE.


We studied clinical information and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images obtained with intravenous infusion of the radioactive tracer Technetium- Tc 99 m Hexamethylpropyleneamine Oxime (Tc-99 m HMPAO) during ictal and interictal state confirmed by video-electroencephalography (VEEG) in 20 patients with unilateral MTLE (12 left and 8 right MTLE). Pair-wise voxel-based analyses were used to define global changes in tracer between states. Regional tracer uptake was calculated and state specific adjacency matrices were constructed based on regional correlation of uptake across subjects. Graph theoretical measures were applied to investigate global and regional state specific network reconfigurations.


A significant increase in tracer uptake was observed during the ictal state in the medial temporal region, cerebellum, thalamus, insula and putamen. From network analyses, we observed a relative decreased correlation between the epileptogenic temporal region and remaining cortex during the interictal state, followed by a surge of cross-correlated perfusion in epileptogenic temporal-limbic structures during a seizure, corresponding to local network integration.


These results suggest that MTLE is associated with a state specific perfusion and possibly functional organization consisting of a surge of limbic cross-correlated tracer uptake during a seizure, with a relative disconnection of the epileptogenic temporal lobe in the interictal period. This pattern of state specific shift in metabolic networks in MTLE may improve the understanding of epileptogenesis and neuropsychological impairments associated with MTLE.  相似文献   


Communities contain more individuals of small species and fewer individuals of large species. According to the ‘metabolic theory of ecology’, the relationship of log mean abundance with log mean body size across communities should exhibit a slope of −3/4 that is invariant across environmental conditions. Here, we investigate whether this slope is indeed invariant or changes systematically across gradients in temperature, resource availability and predation pressure.


1048 lakes across the USA.

Time Period


Major Taxa Studied



We found that the size–abundance relationship across all sampled phytoplankton communities was significantly lower than −3/4 and near −1 overall. More importantly, we found strong evidence that the environment affects the slope: it varies between −0.33 and −0.93 across interacting gradients of temperature, resource (phosphorus) supply and zooplankton predation pressure. Therefore, phytoplankton communities have orders of magnitude more small or large cells depending on environmental conditions across geographical locations.


Our results emphasise the importance of the environmental factors' effect on macroecological patterns that arise through physiological and ecological processes. An investigation of the mechanisms underlying the link between individual energetics constrain and macroecological patterns would allow to predict how global warming and changes in nutrients will alter large-scale ecological patterns in the future.  相似文献   


Primary care reform in Ontario, Canada, included the initiation of a blended capitation model in 2001–2002 and an enhanced fee-for-service model in 2003. Both models involve patient rostering, incentives for preventive care and requirements for after-hours care. We evaluated practice characteristics and patterns of care under both models.


Using administrative data, we identified physicians belonging to either the capitation or the enhanced fee-for-service group throughout the period from Sept. 1, 2005, to Aug. 31, 2006, and their enrolled patients. Practices were stratified by location (urban v. rural). We compared the groups in terms of practice characteristics and patterns of care, including comprehensiveness of care, continuity of care, after-hours care, visits to the emergency department and uptake of new patients.


Patients in the capitation and enhanced fee-for-service practices had similar demographic characteristics. Patients in capitation practices had lower morbidity and comorbidity indices. Comprehensiveness and continuity of care were similar between the 2 groups. Compared with patients in enhanced fee-for-service practices, those in capitation practices had less after-hours care (adjusted rate ratio [RR] 0.68, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.61–0.75) and more visits to emergency departments (adjusted RR 1.20, 95% CI 1.15–1.25). Overall, physicians in the capitation group enrolled fewer new patients than did physicians in the enhanced fee-for-service group (37.0 v. 52.0 per physician); the same was true of new graduates (60.3 v. 72.1 per physician).


Physicians enrolled in the capitation model had different practice characteristics than those in the enhanced fee-for-service model. These characteristics appeared to be pre-existing and not due to enrolment in a new model. Although the capitation model provides an alternative to fee-for-service practice, its characteristics should be the focus of future policy development and research.Primary health care is facing a number of serious challenges internationally, with questions being raised about whether it will even survive in some settings.1 Fundamental issues include shortages in human resources and maldistribution of physicians; dissatisfaction on the part of providers and patients; gaps between guideline-recommended care and provided care; and a preference of trainees to choose specialty careers. Close to 4 million Canadians do not have a family physician, and more than 2 million report difficulties in accessing routine or ongoing care at any time of day as well as immediate care for minor health problems at any time of day.2 Canadians in rural areas face geographic barriers to care, fewer available health care professionals than in urban areas and higher rates of disease.3In response to these challenges, policy-makers in Canada and elsewhere are considering or are implementing interdisciplinary teams, new organizational structures, new governance and reimbursement models, requirements for after-hours care, provision of after-hours advice by telephone, electronic health records and other information technology, and pay-for-performance initiatives. Many of these directions are incorporated in the Medical Home concept in the United States4 and in the Quality and Outcomes Framework in the United Kingdom.5 Although there is evidence for the effectiveness of some of these initiatives, most have not been rigorously evaluated. Reimbursement models, perhaps the best-studied aspect of primary care reform, seem to influence some aspects of physician behaviour. However, there is a lack of evidence about their ultimate impact on patient outcomes.6In Ontario, Canada, a blended capitation model called the Family Health Network was introduced in 2001–2002. An enhanced fee-for-service blended model called the Family Health Group was introduced in 2003. These models rapidly attracted physicians. By 2006, they were the most common models of care in Ontario, exceeding the straight fee-for-service plan.Physicians are free to select one of the models or remain in the straight fee-for-service plan. Many make decisions based on a free revenue analysis that uses their previous billings to project their income under the capitation model. Our evaluation, involving more than 500 physicians and close to half a million patients under the capitation model, is therefore an examination of one of the world’s largest short-term voluntary shifts from fee-for-service to capitation. Our objective was to evaluate practice characteristics and patterns of care under the capitation model, including comprehensiveness, continuity, after-hours care, visits to the emergency department and uptake of unattached patients. We used practices in the enhanced fee-for-service model as a contemporaneous comparison group.  相似文献   
This study compared the effects of inspiring either a hyperoxic (60% O(2)) or normoxic gas (21% O(2)) while cycling at 70% peak O(2) uptake on 1) the ATP derived from substrate phosphorylation during the initial minute of exercise, as estimated from phosphocreatine degradation and lactate accumulation, and 2) the reliance on carbohydrate utilization and oxidation during steady-state cycling, as estimated from net muscle glycogen use and the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) in the active form (PDH(a)), respectively. We hypothesized that 60% O(2) would decrease substrate phosphorylation at the onset of exercise and that it would not affect steady-state exercise PDH activity, and therefore muscle carbohydrate oxidation would be unaltered. Ten active male subjects cycled for 15 min on two occasions while inspiring 21% or 60% O(2), balance N(2). Blood was obtained throughout and skeletal muscle biopsies were sampled at rest and 1 and 15 min of exercise in each trial. The ATP derived from substrate-level phosphorylation during the initial minute of exercise was unaffected by hyperoxia (21%: 52.2 +/- 11.1; 60%: 54.0 +/- 9.5 mmol ATP/kg dry wt). Net glycogen breakdown during 15 min of cycling was reduced during the 60% O(2) trial vs. 21% O(2) (192.7 +/- 25.3 vs. 138.6 +/- 16.8 mmol glycosyl units/kg dry wt). Hyperoxia had no effect on PDH(a), because it was similar to the 21% O(2) trial at rest and during exercise (21%: 2.20 +/- 0.26; 60%: 2.25 +/- 0.30 mmol.kg wet wt(-1).min(-1)). Blood lactate was lower (6.4 +/- 1.0 vs. 8.9 +/- 1.0 mM) at 15 min of exercise and net muscle lactate accumulation was reduced from 1 to 15 min of exercise in the 60% O(2) trial compared with 21% (8.6 +/- 5.1 vs. 27.3 +/- 5.8 mmol/kg dry wt). We concluded that O(2) availability did not limit oxidative phosphorylation in the initial minute of the normoxic trial, because substrate phosphorylation was unaffected by hyperoxia. Muscle glycogenolysis was reduced by hyperoxia during steady-state exercise, but carbohydrate oxidation (PDH(a)) was unaffected. This closer match between pyruvate production and oxidation during hyperoxia resulted in decreased muscle and blood lactate accumulation. The mechanism responsible for the decreased muscle glycogenolysis during hyperoxia in the present study is not clear.  相似文献   
The intestinal epithelium is the fastest regenerative tissue in the body, fueled by fast‐cycling stem cells. The number and identity of these dividing and migrating stem cells are maintained by a mosaic pattern at the base of the crypt. How the underlying regulatory scheme manages this dynamic stem cell niche is not entirely clear. We stimulated intestinal organoids with Notch ligands and inhibitors and discovered that intestinal stem cells employ a positive feedback mechanism via direct Notch binding to the second intron of the Notch1 gene. Inactivation of the positive feedback by CRISPR/Cas9 mutation of the binding sequence alters the mosaic stem cell niche pattern and hinders regeneration in organoids. Dynamical system analysis and agent‐based multiscale stochastic modeling suggest that the positive feedback enhances the robustness of Notch‐mediated niche patterning. This study highlights the importance of feedback mechanisms in spatiotemporal control of the stem cell niche.  相似文献   
The interactions of five bis(bipyridyl) Ru(II) complexes of pteridinyl-phenanthroline ligands with calf thymus DNA have been studied. The pteridinyl extensions were selected to provide hydrogen-bonding patterns complementary to the purine and pyrimidine bases of DNA and RNA. The study includes three new complexes [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-pterin)](2+), [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-amino)](2+), and [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-diamino)](2+) (bpy is 2,2'-bipyridine and L-pterin, L-amino, and L-diamino are phenanthroline fused to pterin, 4-aminopteridine, and 2,4-diaminopteridine), two previously reported complexes [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-allox)](2+) and [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-Me(2)allox)](2+) (L-allox and L-Me(2)allox are phenanthroline fused to alloxazine and 1,3-dimethyalloxazine), the well-known DNA intercalator [Ru(bpy)(2)(dppz)](2+) (dppz is dipyridophenazine), and the negative control [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+). Reported are the syntheses of the three new Ru-pteridinyl complexes and the results of calf thymus DNA binding experiments as probed by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, viscometry, and thermal denaturation titrations. All Ru-pteridine complexes bind to DNA via an intercalative mode of comparable strength. Two of these four complexes-[Ru(bpy)(2)(L-pterin)](2+) and [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-allox)](2+)-exhibit biphasic DNA melting curves interpreted as reflecting exceptionally stable surface binding. Three new complexes-[Ru(bpy)(2)(L-diamino)](2+), [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-amino)](2) and [Ru(bpy)(2)(L-pterin)](2+)-behave as DNA molecular "light switches."  相似文献   
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