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The frequency distribution of the number of interactions per species (i.e., degree distribution) within plant-animal mutualistic assemblages often decays as a power-law with an exponential truncation. Such a truncation suggests that there are ecological factors limiting the frequency of supergeneralist species. However, it is not clear whether these patterns can emerge from intrinsic features of the interacting assemblages, such as differences between plant and animal species richness (richness ratio). Here, we show that high richness ratios often characterize plant-animal mutualisms. Then, we demonstrate that exponential truncations are expected in bipartite networks generated by a simple model that incorporates build-up mechanisms that lead to a high richness ratio. Our results provide a simple interpretation for the truncations commonly observed in the degree distributions of mutualistic networks that complements previous ones based on biological effects.  相似文献   
The genus Pseudaeginella is analysed herein by cladistic methods based on a morphological data matrix of 49 characters × 18 terminal taxa. Based on the results, we comment on the phylogenetic position of Paradeutella within Pseudaeginella, and we propose Pseudaeginella multispinosa comb. nov. and Pseudaeginella tanzaniensis comb. nov. Pseudaeginella freirei sp. nov. is described from the Abrolhos Bank, north-eastern Brazil. We provide an updated key to the Pseudaeginella species.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F573E845-822E-41D6-8F58-FE54C5653A53  相似文献   

Nest‐related behaviors may benefit males by increasing offspring survival and their attractiveness to females, but may also limit males’ foraging activity, increase their metabolic expenses, and expose them to increased mortality during nest attendance. Although intensively studied among birds and ectothermic vertebrates, the costs of nest‐related behaviors in arthropods remain poorly explored. Females of the Neotropical harvestman Zygopachylus albomarginis (Arachnida: Opiliones) lay eggs exclusively inside mud nests that are built, repaired, cleaned and defended by males, which may remain stationary and associated with the nest for up to five months. To assess energetic and survival costs of nest‐related behaviors in this arthropod species, we measured body condition of nesting and non‐nesting males and conducted a field capture‐mark‐recapture study to estimate their survival rates. Despite the long period of nest attendance, nesting males sustained good body conditions and presented higher survival rates than non‐nesting males and females. Two ecological conditions may play an important role modulating the costs of nest attendance in the species. First, high food supply in tropical rainforests may provide males with frequent access to food in the vicinity of their nests, reducing or eliminating the costs related to limited foraging opportunities. Second, predation pressure seems to be directly mostly to vagrant individuals, so that the more they move, the more likely they are to be singled out by predators. Taken together, our findings indicate that nest and offspring defense in Z. albomarginis provide numerous benefits, surprisingly imposing no evident cost to the males.  相似文献   
Secondary sexual traits increase male fitness, but may be maladaptive in females, generating intralocus sexual conflict that is ameliorated through sexual dimorphism. Sexual selection on males may also lead some males to avoid expenditure on secondary sexual traits and achieve copulations using alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). Secondary sexual traits can increase or decrease fitness in males, depending on which ART they employ, generating intralocus tactical conflict that can be ameliorated through male dimorphism. Due to the evolutionary forces acting against intralocus sexual and tactical conflicts, male dimorphism could coevolve with sexual dimorphism, a hypothesis that we tested by investigating these dimorphisms across 48 harvestman species. Using three independently derived phylogenies, we consistently found that the evolution of sexual dimorphism was correlated with that of male dimorphism, and suggest that the major force behind this relationship is the similarity between selection against intralocus sexual conflict and selection against intralocus tactical conflict. We also found that transitions in male dimorphism were more likely in the presence of sexual dimorphism, indicating that if a sexually selected trait arises on an autosome and is expressed in both sexes, its suppression in females probably evolves earlier than its suppression in small males that adopt ARTs.  相似文献   
During pregnancy in autoimmune conditions, maternal autoantibodies are transported across the placenta and may affect the developing fetus. Congenital heart block (CHB) is known to associate with the presence of anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB antibodies in the mother and is characterized by a block in signal conduction at the atrioventricular (AV) node. The mortality rate of affected infants is 15% to 30%, and most live-born children require lifelong pacemaker implantation. Despite a well-recognized association with maternal anti-Ro/La antibodies, CHB develops in only 1% to 2% of anti-Ro-positive pregnancies, indicating that other factors are important for establishment of the block. The molecular mechanisms leading to complete AV block are still unclear, and the existing hypotheses fail to explain all aspects of CHB in one comprehensive model. In this review, we discuss the different specificities of maternal autoantibodies that have been implicated in CHB as well as the molecular mechanisms that have been suggested to operate, focusing on the evidence supporting a direct pathogenic role of maternal antibodies. Autoantibodies targeting the 52-kDa component of the Ro antigen remain the antibodies most closely associated with CHB. In vitro experiments and animal models of CHB also point to a major role for anti-Ro52 antibodies in CHB pathogenesis and suggest that these antibodies may directly affect calcium regulation in the fetal heart, leading to disturbances in signal conduction or electrogenesis or both. In addition, maternal antibody deposits are found in the heart of fetuses dying of CHB and are thought to contribute to an inflammatory reaction that eventually induces fibrosis and calcification of the AV node, leading to a complete block. Considering that CHB has a recurrence rate of 12% to 20% despite persisting maternal autoantibodies, it has long been clear that maternal autoantibodies are not sufficient for the establishment of a complete CHB, and efforts have been made to identify additional risk factors for this disorder. Therefore, recent studies looking at the influence of genetic and environmental factors will also be discussed.Autoantibody-associated congenital heart block (CHB) is a passively acquired autoimmune condition in which maternal autoantibodies are thought to initiate conduction disturbances in the developing fetal heart. Hallmarks of autoantibody-associated CHB are the presence of immune complex deposits, inflammation, calcification, and fibrosis in the fetal heart and a block in signal conduction at the atrioventricular (AV) node in an otherwise structurally normal heart. Clinical signs most commonly develop during weeks 18 to 24 of pregnancy. Although autoantibody-associated CHB may initially be detected as a first- or second-degree AV block, most of the affected pregnancies will present with fetal bradycardia in third-degree (complete) AV block, and ventricular rates typically are between 50 and 70 beats per minute. A complete AV block is a potentially lethal condition associated with significant morbidity, and the majority of affected children require permanent pacemaker implantation [1-3].Whereas complete AV block is the major manifestation of autoantibody-associated CHB, other cardiac abnormalities are increasingly being recognized. Transient first-degree AV block has been shown to occur in up to 30% of fetuses of mothers with anti-SSA/Ro 52-kDa antibodies [4]. The presence of sinus bradycardia [5-7] and prolongation of the QTc interval [8,9] have also been reported; however, these findings were not replicated in another recent study [10]. Endocardial fibroelastosis and cardiomyopathy have been reported in both the presence and absence of conduction abnormalities and are associated with a poor prognosis [11-14].Since the initial observation that sera of mothers of children with CHB contain anti-SSA/Ro antibodies, the association between maternal autoantibodies and CHB has been extensively studied. Most of the current knowledge comes from the comparative analysis of sera of women with affected or healthy infants, and additional information has been generated through the use of animal models. Nevertheless, the pathogenic molecular mechanisms of autoantibody-associated CHB remain unclear. Because the risk for CHB in an anti-SSA/Ro-positive pregnancy is only 1% to 2% [5,15], the need for a better marker not only for pregnancies at risk but also for the identification of other risk factors influencing the development of CHB is still important. This review will give a broad perspective of the maternal antibodies that have been associated with CHB and then will focus on the antibody specificities that have been more specifically implicated in the pathogenesis of the disease through in vitro and in vivo studies. The current hypotheses for autoantibody-associated CHB development will be discussed with an emphasis on the potential molecular targets for maternal antibodies in the fetal heart before mentioning other risk factors that have recently come to light.  相似文献   
The formation of vascular networks in vitro develops along two rather distinct stages: during the early migration-dominated stage the main features of the pattern emerge, later the mechanical interaction of the cells with the substratum stretches the network. Mathematical models in the relevant literature have been focusing just on either of the aspects of this complex system. In this paper, a unified view of the morphogenetic process is provided in terms of physical mechanisms and mathematical modeling.  相似文献   
The association between asthma and gastroesophageal reflux has been attributed to microaspiration of gastric contents and/or vagally mediated reflex bronchoconstriction. In previous experimental studies concerning the pulmonary effects of tracheal or esophageal acid infusion, only animals without airway inflammation have been studied. We assessed the effects of esophageal and tracheal administration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) on normal guinea pigs (GP) and GP with airway inflammation induced by repeated ovalbumin exposures. These GP were anesthetized (pentobarbital sodium) and received 1) 20 microl of either 0.2 N HCl or saline into the trachea, or 2) 1 ml of either 1 N HCl or saline into the esophagus. Intratracheal HCl resulted in a significant increase in both respiratory system elastance and resistance (P < 0.001). There were no significant changes in respiratory mechanics when HCl was infused into the esophagus. In conclusion, we observed that infusion of large volumes of HCl into the esophagus did not change pulmonary mechanics significantly, even in guinea pigs with chronic allergen-induced airway inflammation. In contrast, intratracheal administration of small amounts of acid had substantial effects in normal GP and GP with airway inflammation.  相似文献   
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