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Synthesis and intracellular transport of two secretory proteins, serum albumin (SA) and apolipoprotein B (apo B) have been synchronized in primary cultures of normal rat hepatocytes to make possible immunocytochemical study of the transport pathway. Under appropriate conditions of cycloheximide treatment, synthesis of new protein was inhibited and, by double immunofluorescent labeling, the cells were found to be largely depleted of the SA and apo B previously synthesized. Re-initiation of protein synthesis led to sequential appearance of SA and apo B, first in the endoplasmic reticulum, then in the Golgi complex, and finally at the cell surface. These results indicate that it should be feasible to use this cell system for high-resolution investigation of the sequence of structures involved in intracellular transport of SA and apo B by corresponding immunolabeling experiments as observed by electron microscopy.  相似文献   
A superoxide-forming oxidase from activated human neutrophil membranes was solubilized by two slightly different methods, then purified by "dye-affinity" chromatography. Kinetic studies of the purified preparations gave Vmax values of 5-10 mumol of O-2/min/mg of protein, and Km values for NADH and NADPH that were in reasonable agreement with values determined previously using particulate and crude solubilized preparations of the respiratory burst oxidase. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed prominent bands at 67, 48, and 32 kDa, together with some minor contaminants, whereas gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions gave a single major band that when eluted and re-electrophoresed in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate showed bands at 67, 48, 32 kDa. We believe that all three bands represent oxidase components. The flavin content of the purified enzyme was 20.4 +/- 2.0 S.E. pmol of FAD/microgram of protein, whereas heme averaged 0.1 +/- 0.02 pmol/microgram and ubiquinone could not be detected. Assuming that the enzyme is composed of one 67-kDa subunit, one 48-kDa subunit, and one 32-kDa subunit (i.e. that its molecular mass is approximately 150 kDa), it can be calculated to have a turnover number of 700-1500 min-1, in agreement with a value reported previously for oxidase in a particulate O-2-forming system (Cross, A. R., Parkinson, J. F., and Jones, O. T. G. (1985) Biochem. J. 226, 881-884), and to contain the following quantities of redox carriers (mol/mol): FAD, 3.0; heme, 0.015; ubiquinone, less than 0.06. It remains to be determined whether this preparation represents the complete respiratory burst oxidase or is only the pyridine nucleotide dehydrogenating component of a more complex enzyme.  相似文献   
Using the activated cGMP-dependent protein kinase in the presence of the phosphorylatable peptide [[Ala34]histone H2B-(29-35)], we found that lin-benzoadenosine 5'-diphosphate (lin-benzo-ADP) was a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme with respect to ATP with a Ki (22 microM) similar to the Kd (20 microM) determined by fluorescence polarization titrations. The Kd for lin-benzo-ADP determined in the absence of the phosphorylatable peptide, however, was only 12 microM. ADP bound with lower affinity (Ki = 169 microM; Kd = 114 microM). With [Ala34]histone H2B-(29-35) as phosphoryl acceptor, the Km for lin-benzo-ATP was 29 microM, and that for ATP was 32 microM. The Vmax with lin-benzo-ATP, however, was only 0.06% of that with ATP as substrate [0.00623 +/- 0.00035 vs. 11.1 +/- 0.17 mumol (min.mg)-1]. Binding of lin-benzo-ADP to the kinase was dependent upon a divalent cation. Fluorescence polarization revealed that Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+ supported nucleotide binding to the enzyme; Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+, however, did not support any measurable phosphotransferase activity. The rank order of metal ion effectiveness in mediating phosphotransferase activity was Mg2+ greater than Ni2+ greater than Co2+ greater than Mn2+. Although these results were similar to those observed with the cAMP-dependent protein kinase [Hartl, F. T., Roskoski, R., Jr., Rosendahl, M. S., & Leonard, N. J. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 2347], major differences in the Vmax with lin-benzo-ATP as substrate and the effect of peptide substrates on nucleotide (both lin-benzo-ADP and ADP) binding were observed.  相似文献   
Summary The snake-head fish (Channa argus) is an obligate air-breather inhabiting fresh waters in the temperate zone of East Asia.Ventilation of the air-breathing organ and aerial gas exchange were measured in 1 to 2 kg specimens at 15 and 25°C. Additionally, the ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia were studied. Aerial ventilation increased from 1.1 to 2.9 mlbtps·kg–1·min–1 when temperature rose from 15 to 25°C. Concomitantly, O2-uptake through airbreathing increased from 0.1 mlstpd·kg–1·min–1 (15°C) to 0.28 mlstpd·kg–1·min–1 (25°C), whereas aerial gas exchange was less important for CO2-climination as evident from low gas exchange ratios (0.16 at 15°C, 0.29 at 25°C).Ventilation increases only slightly in response to inspiration of hypercapnic gas mixtures or to hypoxic conditions in water. By contrast, inspiration of hypoxic gas mixtures caused marked increases of ventilation in particular at the higher temperature.Aerial ventilation inChanna is low compared to values for ectothermic pulmonary breathers. However, its ventilatory responses to hypoxia strikingly resemble those of reptiles: The most marked ventilatory response to hypoxia occurs at the higher temperature where the demands for O2 are greatest.  相似文献   
The major secreted isoenzyme of human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAcP) (EC, which catalyses p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) hydrolysis at acid pH values, was found to have phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase activity since it dephosphorylated three different phosphotyrosine-containing protein substrates. Several lines of evidence are presented to show that the phosphotyrosyl phosphatase and PAcP are the same enzyme. A highly purified PAcP enzyme preparation which contains a single N-terminal peptide sequence was used to test for the phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activity. Both activities comigrated during gel filtration by high performance liquid chromatography. Phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activity and PNPP acid phosphatase activity exhibited similar sensitivities to different effectors. Both phosphatase activities showed the same thermal stability. Specific anti-PAcP antibody reacted to the same extent with both phosphatase activities. PNPP acid phosphatase activity was competitively inhibited by the phosphotyrosyl phosphatase substrate. To characterize further the phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activity, the Km values using different phosphoprotein substrates were determined. The apparent Km values for phosphorylated angiotensin II, anti-pp60src immunoglobulin G and casein were in the nM range for phosphotyrosine residues, which was about 50-fold lower than the Km for phosphoserine residues in casein.  相似文献   
Cell extracts of Fibrobacter succinogenes subsp. succinogenes S85 phosphorylated glucose with a GTP-dependent glucokinase. The enzyme showed little activity with ATP (12% of that with GTP). Of other phosphate donors tested, only dGTP and ITP gave high glucokinase activities. Dialyzed extracts required Mg+2 and K+ for maximal activity. In potassium phosphate buffer, glucokinase showed maximum activity at pH 7.5 with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase as the coupling enzyme. In this assay, glucokinase was active with glucose (100%), 2-deoxy-d-glucose (40%), and mannose (20%). Partially purified glucokinase had a molecular weight of 82,000 and a pl of 4.82. Double-reciprocal plots of substrate concentration versus velocity were linear and the enzyme had apparent Km values of 55 M for glucose and 72 M for GTP. Dialyzed cell extracts of Fibrobacter intestinalis C1A also contained a GTP-dependent glucokinase that showed little activity with ATP. Potassium also stimulated the activity of this enzyme. These results suggest that this unusual glucokinase may be characteristic of the genus Fibrobacter.Abbreviations CHES cyclohexylaminoethanesulfonic acid - GK glucokinase - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate Published with the approval of the Director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station as journal article no. 2186  相似文献   
Two closely related and morphologically similar gadoid predators, saithe, Pollachius virens and pollack P. pollachius , coexist in close proximity on a submerged reef in Loch Ewe, Scotland. The degree of overlap between the niches of these two gadoids in the wild was investigated by means of acoustic tracking, underwater television and an examination of stomach contents. Simultaneous tracking of individuals of both species revealed that pollack generally swim more slowly than saithe, restricting much of their movements to the submerged reef. Saithe ranged more widely around the reef as part of a school during the day, moving onto the reef at night. Video recordings showed that saithe swam actively and foraged in small groups and took prey items from the kelp, whereas pollack tended to remain solitary, maintained station at particular locations for minutes at a time and apparently used the kelp forest exclusively for cover. Although the dietary overlap of the two predators was considerable, their intake of different prey groups varied. In particular, within the crustaceans, saithe took amphipods, while pollack took mysids. In addition, saithe consume a wider range of prey than pollack. The relationship between the movement patterns and the use of food resources by these two predators is discussed, with particular emphasis on differences in feeding strategies.  相似文献   
The homothallic Neurospora species, N. africana, contains sequences that hybridize to the A but not to a mating-type sequences of the heterothallic species N. crassa. In this study, the N. africana mating-type gene, mt A-1, was cloned, sequenced and its function analyzed in N. crassa. Although N. africana does not mate in a heterothallic manner, its mt A-1 gene functions as a mating activator in N. crassa. In addition, the N. africana mt A-1 gene confers mating type-associated vegetative incompatibility in N. crassa. DNA sequence analysis shows that the N. africana mt A-1 open reading frame (ORF) is 93% identical to that of N. crassa mt A-1. The mt A-1 ORF of N. africana contains no stop codons and was detected as a cDNA which is processed in a similar manner to mt A-1 of N. crassa. By DNA blot and orthogonal field agarose gel electrophoretic analysis, it is shown that the composition and location of the mating-type locus and the organization of the mating-type chromosome of N. africana are similar to that of N. crassa.  相似文献   
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