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Insect and vertebrate eyes differ in their formation, cellular composition, neural connectivity, and visual function. Despite this diversity, Drosophila atona and its vertebrate Ortholog in the eye, Ath5, each regulate determination of the first retinal neuron class-R8 photo-receptors and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs)-in their respective organisms. We have performed a cross-species functional comparison of these genes. In ato mutant Drosophila, ectopic Xenopus Ath5 (Xath5) rescues photoreceptor cell development comparably with atonaI. In contrast, mouse Ath5 (Math5) induces formation of very few ommatidia, and most of these lack R8 cells. In the developing frog eye, ectopic atonal, like Xath5, promotes the differentiation RGCs. Despite strong conservation of atonaI, Xath5, and Math5 structure and shared function, other factors must contribute to the species specificity of retinal neuron determination. These observations suggest that the atonaI family may occupy a position in a gene hierarchy where differences in gene regulation or function can be correlated with evolutionary diversity of eye development.  相似文献   
Bile acids are cytoprotective in hepatocytes by activating phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3-K) and its downstream signal AKT. Our aim was to determine whether feeding taurocholate to CCl(4)-treated rats reduces cholangiocyte apoptosis and whether this cytoprotective effect is dependent on PI3-K. Cholangiocyte proliferation, secretion, and apoptosis were determined in cholangiocytes from bile duct ligation (BDL), CCl(4)-treated BDL rats, and CCl(4)-treated taurocholate-fed rats. In vitro, we tested whether CCl(4) induces apoptosis and whether loss of cholangiocyte proliferation and secretion is dependent on PI3-K. The CCl(4)-induced cholangiocyte apoptosis and loss of cholangiocyte proliferation and secretion were reduced in CCl(4)-treated rats fed taurocholate. CCl(4)-induced cholangiocyte apoptosis, loss of cholangiocytes secretion, and proliferation were prevented by preincubation with taurocholate. Taurocholate cytoprotective effects were ablated by wortmannin. Taurocholate prevented, in vitro, CCl(4)-induced decrease of phosphorylated AKT protein expression in cholangiocytes. The cytoprotective effects of taurocholate on CCl(4) effects on cholangiocyte proliferation and secretion were abolished by wortmannin. Taurocholate protects cholangiocytes from CCl(4)-induced apoptosis by a PI3-K-dependent mechanism. Bile acids are important in the prevention of drug-induced ductopenia in cholangiopathies.  相似文献   
Prostanoids, especially prostaglandin (PG) E(2), are important mediators of uterine relaxation and contractions during gestation and parturition. Inhibitors of PG formation as well as PG analogues are used to modulate uterine tonus. So far, only limited data are available regarding the expression of prostanoid receptors in human pregnant myometrium. In the present study, the expression of the receptors for PGE(2) (EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4), PGF(2alpha) (FP), prostacyclin (IP), and thromboxane A(2) (TP) in human pregnant myometrium was studied by RT-PCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Myometrial tissue was obtained from five women at term and not in labour and from two women who delivered preterm. Tissue specimens were excised from the upper edge of the transverse lower uterine segment incision. In all tissues analysed, EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4, FP, TP and IP receptor mRNA and protein was detected. mRNA expression for PGD(2) (DP) receptor was not detected in the majority of tissue specimens. EP1, EP2, EP4, IP, TP and FP receptor protein was detected on myometrial smooth muscle cells, whereas EP3 receptor protein was only expressed by stromal and endothelial cells. In situ hybridization experiments yielded similar results. The expression of the EP2 receptor mRNA was inversely related to gestational age. We suggest that the contractile effect of PGE(2) at term is probably mediated directly by the EP1 receptor expressed in myometrial smooth muscle cells and indirectly by the EP3 receptor expressed in stromal cells and a decrease in EP2 receptor expression.  相似文献   
The quadrupole moment of formaldazine, H2C=N-N=CH2, has been studied for the trans structure (Ð(C-N-N-C) = = 180) and a series of gauche structures ( > 120). Restricted Hartree-Fock theory, second-order Møller-Plesset theory, and quadratic CI theory have been used in conjunction with the basis sets 6-31G*, 6-31G**, 6-311G** and 6-311++G**. Formaldazine is a quadrupolar molecule with primitive quadrupole moment tensor components of Q xx = -22.4, Q yy = -20.4 and Q zz = -25.6 DÅ at the theoretical level QCISD/6-311++G**. The examination of the theoretical level dependency shows that the reliable computation of a quadrupole moment requires the use of a flexible basis set. A large part of the component Q zz = -25.6 DÅ is due to the -system and compares, on a per electron basis, with the Q zz value of benzene. Conformational changes of the azines in the range 120° < < 180 have but a minute effect on the energy and are associated with only minor electronic relaxation. These conformational changes alter the quadrupole moment tensor components less than Q xx = +0.4, Q yy = +1.6 and Q zz = -1.0 DÅ at QCISD/6-311++G**//QCISD/6-31G*. The direction of these changes is explained by consideration of the rotation of the CN--systems and a small reduction of the CN bond polarity in the gauche structures. The Q zz component of formaldazine is representative of the quadrupole moment tensor component along the direction of the C 2 axis of the azine bridge as such. Hence, the results of this study suggest that azines can engage in strong quadrupole-quadrupole interactions and can be employed as lateral synthons in crystal engineering. Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   
We recently introduced a new line of reduced-dimensionality experiments making constructive use of axial peak magnetization, which has so far been suppressed as an undesirable artifact in multidimensional NMR spectra [Szyperski, T., Braun, D., Banecki, B. and Wüthrich, K. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118, 8146–8147]. The peaks arising from the axial magnetization are located at the center of the doublets resulting from projection. Here we describe the use of such projected four-dimensional (4D) triple resonance experiments for the efficient sequential resonance assignment of 15N/13C-labeled proteins. A 3D / /(CO)NHN experiment is recorded either in conjunction with 3D HNN< > or with the newly presented 3D HNN scheme. The first combination yields sequential assignments based on the measurement of13 C chemical shifts and provides a complete 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of polypeptide backbone and CHn moieties. When employing the second combination, 13C=O chemical shifts are not measured, but the sequential assignment relies on both 13C and1 H chemical shifts. The assignment is performed in a semi-automatic fashion using the program XEASY in conjunction with the newly implemented program SPSCAN. This program package offers routines for the facile mutual interconversion of single-quantum and zero/double-quantum frequencies detected in conventional and reduced-dimensionality spectra, respectively. In particular, SPSCAN comprises a peak picking routine tailored to cope with the distinct peak patterns of projected NMR experiments performed with simultaneous acquisition of central peaks. Data were acquired at 13 °C for the N-terminal 63-residue polypeptide fragment of the 434 repressor. Analysis of these spectra, which are representative for proteins of about 15 kDa when working at commonly used temperatures around 30 °C , demonstrates the efficiency of our approach for the assignment of medium-sized15 N/13C doubly labeled proteins.  相似文献   
Nuclear-encoded mitochondrial precursor proteins are proteolytically processed inside the mitochondrion after import. The general mitochondrial processing activity in plant mitochondria has been shown to be integrated into the cytochrome bc1 complex of the respiratory chain. Here we investigate the occurrence of an additional, matrix-located processing activity by incubation of the precursors of the soybean mitochondrial proteins, alternative oxidase, the FAd subunit of the ATP synthetase and the tobacco F1 subunit of the ATP synthase, with the membrane and soluble components of mitochondria isolated from soybean cotyledons and spinach leaves. A matrix-located peptidase specifically processed the precursors to the predicted mature form in a reaction which was sensitive to orthophenanthroline, a characteristic inhibitor of mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP). The specificity of the matrix peptidase was illustrated by the inhibition of processing of the alternative oxidase precursor in both soybean and spinach matrix extracts upon altering a single amino acid residue in the targeting presequence (-2 Arg to Gly). Additionally, there was no evidence for general proteolysis of precursor proteins incubated with the matrix. The purity of the matrix fractions was ascertained by spectrophotometric and immunological analyses. The results demonstrate that there is a specific processing activity in the matrix of soybean and spinach in addition to the previously well characterized membrane-bound MPP integrated into the cytochrome bc1 complex of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   
Colicins are toxins that mediate interference competition in microbial ecosystems. They serve as a “common good” for the entire producer population but are synthesized by only few members which pay the costs of colicin production. We have previously shown that production of colicin Ib (cib), a group B colicin, confers a competitive advantage to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm) over commensal E. coli strains. Here, we studied regulation of S. Tm cib expression at the single cell level. Comparative analysis of a single- and a multicopy gfp-reporter for the colicin Ib promoter (Pcib) revealed that the latter yielded optimal signal intensity for a diverse range of applications. We further validated this reporter and showed that gfp expression correlated well with colicin Ib (ColIb) protein levels in individual cells. Pcib is negatively controlled by two repressors, LexA and Fur. Only a small fraction of S. Tm expressed cib under non-inducing conditions. We studied Pcib activity in response to mitomycin C mediated DNA damage and iron limitation. Both conditions, if applied individually, lead to an increase in the fraction of GFP+ S. Tm, albeit an overall low fluorescence intensity. When both conditions were applied simultaneously, the majority of S. Tm turned GFP+ and displayed high fluorescence intensity. Thus, both repressors individually confine cib expression to a subset of the population. Taken together, we provide the first thorough characterization of a conventional gfp-reporter to study regulation of a group B colicin at the single cell level. This reporter will be useful to further investigate the costs and benefits of ColIb production in human pathogenic S. Tm and analyze cib expression under environmental conditions encountered in the mammalian gut.  相似文献   
Aerosol deposition (AD) is a thick-film deposition process that can produce layers up to several hundred micrometers thick with densities greater than 95% of the bulk. The primary advantage of AD is that the deposition takes place entirely at ambient temperature; thereby enabling film growth in material systems with disparate melting temperatures. This report describes in detail the processing steps for preparing the powder and for performing AD using the custom-built system. Representative characterization results are presented from scanning electron microscopy, profilometry, and ferromagnetic resonance for films grown in this system. As a representative overview of the capabilities of the system, focus is given to a sample produced following the described protocol and system setup. Results indicate that this system can successfully deposit 11 µm thick yttrium iron garnet films that are  > 90% of the bulk density during a single 5 min deposition run. A discussion of methods to afford better control of the aerosol and particle selection for improved thickness and roughness variations in the film is provided.  相似文献   
The labelling reagent 2-[18F]fluoroethylazide was used in a traceless Staudinger ligation. This reaction was employed to obtain the GABAA receptor binding 6-benzyl-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-quinoline-3-carboxylic acid (2-[18F]fluoroethyl) amide. The radiotracer was prepared with a non-decay corrected radiochemical yield of 7%, a radiochemical purity >95% and a specific radioactivity of 0.9 GBq/μmol. The compound showed low brain penetration in normal rats. A series of fluoroalkyl 4-quinolone analogues with nanomolar to sub-nanomolar affinity for the GABAA receptor has been prepared as well.  相似文献   
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