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Increases in atmospheric temperature and nutrients from land are thought to be promoting the expansion of harmful cyanobacteria in lakes worldwide, yet to date there has been no quantitative synthesis of long‐term trends. To test whether cyanobacteria have increased in abundance over the past ~ 200 years and evaluate the relative influence of potential causal mechanisms, we synthesised 108 highly resolved sedimentary time series and 18 decadal‐scale monitoring records from north temperate‐subarctic lakes. We demonstrate that: (1) cyanobacteria have increased significantly since c. 1800 ce , (2) they have increased disproportionately relative to other phytoplankton, and (3) cyanobacteria increased more rapidly post c. 1945 ce . Variation among lakes in the rates of increase was explained best by nutrient concentration (phosphorus and nitrogen), and temperature was of secondary importance. Although cyanobacterial biomass has declined in some managed lakes with reduced nutrient influx, the larger spatio‐temporal scale of sedimentary records show continued increases in cyanobacteria throughout the north temperate‐subarctic regions.  相似文献   
Several lines of evidence suggest an association between oxidative DNA-damage repair capacity and cancer risk. In particular, a DNA-glycosylase assay for removal of 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) has been successfully applied to identify populations with increased risk for lung cancer and squamous cell carcinomas of head and neck. In order to verify whether EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) are a suitable surrogate for PBMC in specific DNA-repair phenotypic assays, a validation trial was conducted. PBMC from 20 healthy subjects were collected and an aliquot was transformed with EBV to obtain LCL. The ability of cell-free extracts from both cell types to incise a 3'-fluorescently labelled duplex oligonucleotide containing a single 8-oxoG (OGG assay) was evaluated. Since this activity is mediated predominantly by OGG1, the OGG1 gene expression was also measured. 8-oxoG DNA-glycosylase activity and OGG1 expression were significantly higher (p<0.0001) in LCL than in PBMC. However, while this assay was shown to be robust and reproducible when used on PBMC (intra-assay CV=8%), a high intra-culture variability was observed with LCL (intra-culture CV=16.8%). Neither differences on OGG1 gene expression nor the cell-cycle distribution seemed to account for this variability. Inter-individual variability of OGG activity in PBMC and LCL was not associated with OGG1 gene expression. We have therefore established a non-radioactive cleavage assay that can be easily applied to measure OGG activity in human PBMC. The use of LCL for DNA-repair genotype-phenotype correlation studies seems to be inappropriate, at least with cell-free based functional assays.  相似文献   
Only two genera in the Rhodomelaceae share the morphological character of transverse division of periaxial cells into two or more tier cells in which the pit connection is retained between the lower cell and the axial cell: Bostrychia and Rhodolachne. One species, Rhodolachne radicosa Itono, has been reported from mangroves, a common habitat for Bostrychia. Many collections of an entity similar to Rhodolachne radicosa have been made from localities around the Indo‐Pacific. Culture observations show a Polysiphonia‐type sexual life history in Malaysia and New Caledonia isolates that produce self‐compatible bisexual gametophytes. The New Caledonia isolate also has unisexual gametophytes. An isolate from New South Wales (Australia) reproduces asexually through successive generations of tetrasporophytes. The Thailand isolate has successive generations of mixed‐phase tetrasporophytes. The tetrasporangial stichidia also bear male spermatangial sectors, but female structures are lacking. Western Australia and Madagascar isolates do not reproduce in culture. Molecular evidence, based on sequencing of the rbcL and the large subunit ribosomal RNA genes, shows that these isolates belong to the genus Bostrychia. Low molecular weight carbohydrate analysis reveals high levels of digeneaside in all isolates. The sugar hexitol sorbitol, an osmolyte characteristic of Bostrychia, occurs in all isolates, whereas the Madagascar and New Caledonia isolates have very low levels of dulcitol. Molecular, low molecular weight carbohydrate and morphological evidence show that Rhodolachne radicosa belongs within the genus Bostrychia. We transfer Rhodolachne radicosa to Bostrychia radicosa (Itono) West, Zuccarello and Hommersand.  相似文献   
A comparison of the proteome of eight genetically well‐characterized isolates of the Bostrychia radicans (Mont.) Mont./B. moritziana (Sond. ex Kütz.) J. Agardh species complex was undertaken to establish if genetic relationships among them can be determined using proteome data. Genetic distances were calculated on the basis of common and distinct spots in two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis (2‐DE). Proteomes of the male and female plants of each population were compared to analyze the range of genetic difference within an isolate. Haploid male and female plants of the same species had 3.7%–7.1% sex‐specific proteins. The degree of similarity of the proteome was consistent with previous DNA sequence data and sexual compatibility studies between the isolates. Two sexually compatible isolates from Venezuela showed a pair‐wise distance ranging from 0.14 to 0.21. The isolates from Mexico and Venezuela, which were partially compatible, showed a maximum pair‐wise distance of 0.26. A high level of genetic difference was found among isolates that were sexually incompatible. The isolate from Brazil was reproductively isolated from the Mexico and Venezuela isolates and showed a maximum pair‐wise distance of 0.65 and 0.58, respectively. Comparative proteomics may be helpful for studying genetic distances among algal samples, if intraisolate variation (gene expression) can be minimized or tested.  相似文献   
The importance of the study of the structural-mechanic properties of any particular material in order to improve the technic for aceto-carmine smears and to obtain better preparations of that material has not been, perhaps, sufficiently emphasized in the large number of papers on such cytological technic. The usefulness of such a study will be shown here in two cases met by the writer.  相似文献   
In certain cancers, such as breast, prostate and some lung and skin cancers, the gene for the enzyme catalysing the second and last step in proline synthesis, δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) reductase, has been found upregulated. This leads to a higher proline content that exacerbates the effects of the so-called proline-P5C cycle, with tumour cells effectively using this method to increase cell survival. If a method of reducing or inhibiting P5C reductase could be discovered, it would provide new means of treating cancer. To address this point, the effect of some phenyl-substituted derivatives of aminomethylene-bisphosphonic acid, previously found to interfere with the catalytic activity of plant and bacterial P5C reductases, was evaluated in vitro on the human isoform 1 (PYCR1), expressed in E. coli and affinity purified. The 3.5-dibromophenyl- and 3.5-dichlorophenyl-derivatives showed a remarkable effectiveness, with IC50 values lower than 1 µM and a mechanism of competitive type against both P5C and NADPH. The actual occurrence in vivo of enzyme inhibition was assessed on myelogenous erythroleukemic K562 and epithelial breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell lines, whose growth was progressively impaired by concentrations of the dibromo derivative ranging from 10−6 to 10−4 M. Interestingly, growth inhibition was not relieved by the exogenous supply of proline, suggesting that the effect relies on the interference with the proline-P5C cycle, and not on proline starvation.  相似文献   
adioactivity from [3H] 5-hydroxymarmesin was incorporated into 5-methoxypsoralen by administration to leaves of Ficus carica and cut ends of Ruta graveolens. No other furanocoumarins were labelled. Trapping experiments, in which [3H]marmesin together with 5-hydroxymarmesin was administered to fig leaves and to cut ends of rue, provided good evidence that 5-hydroxymarmesin is formed by hydroxylation of marmesin. These results, together with those obtained previously with 8-hydroxymarmesin demonstrate that, in addition to the pathway which involves the hydroxylation of psoralen, the O-alkylfuranocoumarins are also formed by a pathway which involves the hydroxylation of marmesin.  相似文献   
Aphids display life cycles largely determined by the photoperiod.During the warm long-day seasons.most aphid species reproduce by viviparous parthenogenesis.The shortening of the photoperiod in autumn induces a switch to sexual reproduction.Males and sexual females mate to produce overwintering resistant eggs.In addition to this full life cycle(holocycle),there are anholocyelic lineages that do not respond to changes in photoperiod and reproduce continuously by parthenogenesis.The molecular or hormonal events that trigger the scasonal response(i.c,induction of the sexual phenotypes)are still unknown.Although circadian synthesis of melatonin is known to play a key role in vertebrate photoperiodism,the involvement of the circadian clock and/or of the hor-mone melatonin in insect seasonal responses is not so well established.Here we show that melatonin levels in the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum are significantly higher in holocyclice aphids reared under short days than under long days,while no differences were found between anholoeyelic aphids under the same conditions.We also found that melatonin is localized in the aphid suboesophageal ganglion(SOG)and in the thoracic ganglionic mass(TGM).In analogy to vertcbrates,insect-type arylalkxylamine N-acetyltransferases(i-AANATs)are thought to play a key role in melatonin synthesis.We measured the expression of four I-AANAT genes identified in A.pisum and localized two of them in situ in the insect central nervous systems(CNS).Levels of expression of these genes were compatible with the quantities of melatonin observed.Moreover,like melatonin,expression of these genes was found in the SOG and the TGM.  相似文献   
Transformed cells from human lung carcinoma (Line A549), resembling type II pneumocytes, were cultured in monolayer at 37°C and incubated for five hours with 3H-choline and 14C-palmitate in the presence of various concentrations of prostaglandins (PGs) E2 and F. In the control (no PG) the level of % palmitate incorporation was 13.5 × as high as that of choline, after taking isotope dilution into account. Between the concentrations studied, 0.1 and 10 μM, both prostaglandins stimulated markedly the incorporation of both precursors, though choline up to 3 × better than palmitate. This was indicated by a change in the palmitate/choline incorporation ratio from 13.5 to as low as 4.2. At the lowest PG concentration, 0.1 μM, PGE2 was much more effective than PGF in stimulating the incorporation of both precursors.  相似文献   
Résumé Les auteurs décrivent une nouvelle méthode de coloration dans le bloc de tissu avec différents sels métalliques (alun de fer, tétroxyde d'osmium, acétate d'uranyl et chromeosmium) et l'hématoxyline. Cette technique est utilisée sur des tissus qui sont ensuite inclus en Araldit et permet d'obtenir des coupes semi-fines déjà colorées. Les auteurs ont cherché à préciser la spécificité de fixation du fer dans le tissu au moyen de méthodes d'extraction et de blocage. D'après leurs observations, le fer se fixerait aux groupes tissulaires chargés négativement. La nature des liaisons semble être de type électrostatique et complexe. Les liaisons complexes semblent prédominer au niveau des structures contenant des acides nucléiques.
Histochemistry of block staining with metals for semifine sections
Summary The authors describe a new method of block staining for semifine sections with various metal salts (ferriammonium-sulphate, osmium tetroxyde, uranyl acetate, chromeosmium) and hematoxylin. They investigated the specificity of iron-alaun-hematoxylin with several extractions and blocking methods. According to their observations the dissociated iron is bounded to the negatively charged tissular groups. The nature of binding is thought to be electrostatic and coordinativ (complex). The last one is probably predominant in nucleic acids containing structures. This method seems to be encouraging for electron-histochemical investigations.
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