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Lipid metabolism is critical to coordinate organ development and physiology in response to tissue-autonomous signals and environmental cues. Changes to the availability and signaling of lipid mediators can limit competitiveness, adaptation to environmental stressors, and augment pathological processes. Two classes of lipids, the N-acyl amides and the 2-acyl glycerols, have emerged as important signaling molecules in a wide range of species with important signaling properties, though most of what is known about their cellular functions is from mammalian models. Therefore, expanding available knowledge on the repertoire of these lipids in invertebrates will provide additional avenues of research aimed at elucidating biosynthetic, metabolic, and signaling properties of these molecules. Drosophila melanogaster is a commonly used organism to study intercellular communication, including the functions of bioactive lipids. However, limited information is available on the molecular identity of lipids with putative biological activities in Drosophila. Here, we used a targeted lipidomics approach to identify putative signaling lipids in third instar Drosophila larvae, possessing particularly large lipid mass in their fat body. We identified 2-linoleoyl glycerol, 2-oleoyl glycerol, and 45 N-acyl amides in larval tissues, and validated our findings by the comparative analysis of Oregon-RS, Canton-S and w1118 strains. Data here suggest that Drosophila represent another model system to use for the study of 2-acyl glycerol and N-acyl amide signaling.  相似文献   
Current evidence indicates that chemical pollutants may interfere with the homeostatic control of nutrient metabolism, thereby contributing to the increased prevalence of metabolic disorders. Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a lipophilic compound contained in plastic which is considered a candidate for impairing energy and glucose metabolism. We have investigated the impact of low doses of BPA on adipocyte metabolic functions. Human adipocytes derived from subcutaneous adipose tissue and differentiated 3T3-L1 cells were incubated with BPA, in order to evaluate the effect on glucose utilization, insulin sensitivity and cytokine secretion. Treatment with 1nM BPA significantly inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose utilization, without grossly interfering with adipocyte differentiation. Accordingly, mRNA levels of the adipogenic markers PPARγ and GLUT4 were unchanged upon BPA exposure. BPA treatment also impaired insulin-activated receptor phosphorylation and signaling. Moreover, adipocyte incubation with BPA was accompanied by increased release of IL-6 and IFN-γ, as assessed by multiplex ELISA assays, and by activation of JNK, STAT3 and NFkB pathways. Treatment of the cells with the JNK inhibitor SP600125 almost fully reverted BPA effect on insulin signaling and glucose utilization. In conclusion, low doses of BPA interfere with inflammatory/insulin signaling pathways, leading to impairment of adipose cell function.  相似文献   
The mechanisms responsible for post-resuscitation myocardial and cerebral dysfunction are not well understood, especially in the early post-resuscitation phases. In this investigation, we first adopted unbiased mass spectrometry-based metabolomic profiling to identify perturbations in circulating metabolites in a rat model of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Our findings strongly indicated early alterations in a major route of the tryptophan catabolism, namely the kynurenines pathway, after resuscitation. Specific metabolites involved in the tryptophan catabolism were quantified absolutely using liquid chromatography-multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry. Tryptophan plasma concentration fell significantly very early in the post-resuscitation phase, while its metabolites, l-kynurenine, kynurenic acid, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, rose significantly. Changes in their concentration reflected changes in rat post-resuscitation myocardial dysfunction. Elevated plasma level of kynurenic acid, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid were associated with significant decrease in ejection fraction and stroke volume. It is well known that kynurenines pathway is involved in the pathogenesis of numerous central nervous system disorders. By implication, altered levels of tryptophan metabolites in the early post resuscitation phase might contribute to the degree of cognitive recovery. Our results suggest that kynurenine pathway is activated early following resuscitation from cardiac arrest and might account for the severity of post-resuscitation syndrome. Our explorative investigation indicate that metabolomics can help to clarify unexplored biochemical pathways in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.  相似文献   
Recent technological advances in Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry have allowed the production of lightweight devices suitable for use on small mammals. We evaluated the use of GPS bugs on the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in a series of static and field tests. Static tests were conducted in five different rural habitats, affording different degrees of obstruction to satellites. GPS bug performance was good in all habitats (fix success rate (FSR): median ≥?66.8 %; location error (LE): mean ≤?13.5 m), except woodland (FSR?=?37.7 %; LE?=?15.6 m), with performance highest in the open pasture habitat (FSR?=?100 %; LE?=?6.4 m). Field tests revealed mean FSR was high (84.6 %), with the use of nesting habitats, the probable cause of most failed fixes. Despite being more expensive, GPS bugs require less survey effort and substantially lower labour costs with unlimited longevity permitting re-use in multiple seasons. We recommend the use of GPS bugs in the spatial ecological study of any small mammal in a rural environment, providing accurate and unbiased movement data. Further performance testing is recommended before deployment on species inhabiting forested habitats where reduced FSR and high LE support the alternative use of very high frequency tracking.  相似文献   
A convenient and promising alternative to surface modification of carbon mesh anode was fulfilled by electrochemical oxidation in the electrolyte of nitric acid or ammonium nitrate at ambient temperature. It was confirmed that such an anode modification method was low cost and effective not only in improving the efficiency of power generation in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for synthetic wastewater treatment, but also helping to reduce the period for MFCs start-up. The MFCs with anode modification in electrolyte of nitric acid performed the best, achieving a Coulombic efficiency enhancement of 71 %. As characterized, the electrochemical modification resulted in the decrease of the anode potential and internal resistance but the increase of current response and nitrogen-containing and oxygen-containing functional groups on the carbon surface, which might contribute to the enhancement on the performances of MFCs.  相似文献   
An estimated 50 million dengue virus (DENV) infections occur annually and more than forty percent of the human population is currently at risk of developing dengue fever (DF) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Despite the prevalence and potential severity of DF and DHF, there are no approved vaccines or antiviral therapeutics available. An improved understanding of DENV immune evasion is pivotal for the rational development of anti-DENV therapeutics. Antagonism of type I interferon (IFN-I) signaling is a crucial mechanism of DENV immune evasion. DENV NS5 protein inhibits IFN-I signaling by mediating proteasome-dependent STAT2 degradation. Only proteolytically-processed NS5 can efficiently mediate STAT2 degradation, though both unprocessed and processed NS5 bind STAT2. Here we identify UBR4, a 600-kDa member of the N-recognin family, as an interacting partner of DENV NS5 that preferentially binds to processed NS5. Our results also demonstrate that DENV NS5 bridges STAT2 and UBR4. Furthermore, we show that UBR4 promotes DENV-mediated STAT2 degradation, and most importantly, that UBR4 is necessary for efficient viral replication in IFN-I competent cells. Our data underscore the importance of NS5-mediated STAT2 degradation in DENV replication and identify UBR4 as a host protein that is specifically exploited by DENV to inhibit IFN-I signaling via STAT2 degradation.  相似文献   
Cystatin B (CSTB) is an anti-protease frequently mutated in progressive myoclonus epilepsy (EPM1), a devastating degenerative disease. This work shows that rat CSTB is an unstable protein that undergoes structural changes following the interaction with a chaperone, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Both the prokaryotic DnaK and eukaryotic HSP70 promote CSTB polymerization. Denaturated CSTB is polymerized by the chaperone alone. Native CSTB monomers are more stable than denatured monomers and require Cu2 + for chaperone-dependent polymerization. Cu2 + interacts with at least two conserved histidines, at positions 72 and 95 modifying the structure of native monomeric CSTB. Subsequently, CSTB becomes unstable and readily responds to the addition of DnaK or HSP70, generating polymers. This reaction depends strictly on the presence of this divalent metal ion and on the presence of one cysteine in the protein chain. The cysteine deletion mutant does not polymerize. We propose that Cu2 + modifies the redox environment of the protein, allowing the oxidation of the cysteine residue of CSTB that triggers polymerization. These polymers are sensitive to reducing agents while polymers obtained from denatured CSTB monomers are DTT resistant. We propose that the Cu2 +/HSP70 dependent polymers are physiological and functional in eukaryotic cells. Furthermore, while monomeric CSTB has anti-protease function, it seems likely that polymeric CSTB fulfils different function(s).  相似文献   
Discrimination of isomeric methylated metabolites is an important step toward identifying genes responsible for methylation, but presents substantial challenges because authentic standards are often unavailable and mass spectra of isomers have been considered indistinguishable. In this report, an approach is described for identifying methyl group positions in multiply methylated flavonoid metabolites using combinations of tandem mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography retention, and site-selective methylation by recombinant O-methyltransferases from Solanum habrochaites LA1777. The basis for observed fragment ions in tandem mass spectra of multiply methylated myricetin was further established using enzymatic incorporation of deuterium-labeled methyl groups using S-adenosylmethionine-d 3 as precursor.  相似文献   
Producing a comprehensive overview of the chemical content of biologically-derived material is a major challenge. Apart from ensuring adequate metabolome coverage and issues of instrument dynamic range, mass resolution and sensitivity, there are major technical difficulties associated with data pre-processing and signal identification when attempting large scale, high-throughput experimentation. To address these factors direct infusion or flow infusion electrospray mass spectrometry has been finding utility as a high throughput metabolite fingerprinting tool. With little sample pre-treatment, no chromatography and instrument cycle times of less than 5 min it is feasible to analyse more than 1,000 samples per week. Data pre-processing is limited to aligning extracted mass spectra and mass-intensity matrices are generally ready in a working day for a month’s worth of data mining and hypothesis generation. ESI-MS fingerprinting has remained rather qualitative by nature and as such ion suppression does not generally compromise data information content as originally suggested when the methodology was first introduced. This review will describe how the quality of data has improved through use of nano-flow infusion and mass-windowing approaches, particularly when using high resolution instruments. The increasingly wider availability of robust high accurate mass instruments actually promotes ESI-MS from a merely fingerprinting tool to the ranks of metabolite profiling and combined with MS/MS capabilities of hybrid instruments improved structural information is available concurrently. We summarise current applications in a wide range of fields where ESI-MS fingerprinting has proved to be an excellent tool for “first pass” metabolome analysis of complex biological samples. The final part of the review describes a typical workflow with reference to recently published data to emphasise key aspects of overall experimental design.  相似文献   
Despite recent consensus definitions, lack of specific biomarkers remains a hurdle towards a more accurate and efficient diagnosis of cancer cachexia, distinguishing cachexia as a separate entity from other wasting syndromes. In a previous pilot study, we have shown that cancer-cachectic mice have a unique metabolic fingerprint with distinct glucose and lipid alterations compared to healthy controls. Further metabolomics studies were carried out to investigate differences in metabolic profiles of cancer-cachectic mice to tumor-bearing non-cachectic mice, calorie-restricted mice, and surgically treated cancer-cachectic mice. CD2F1 mice were divided into: (1) Cachexia Group received cachexia-inducing C26 undifferentiated colon carcinoma cells; (2) Tumor-Burden Group received, non-cachectic, P388 lymphoma cells; (3) Caloric-Restriction Group, remaining cancer-free, but subjected to caloric-restriction; (4) Surgery Group, similar to Cachexia Group, but tumors resected mid-experiment; and (5) Control Group aged intact. Baseline, mid-experiment and final serum samples were collected for 1H NMR spectroscopic analysis. After data reduction, unsupervised principal component analysis and orthogonal projections to latent structures analyses demonstrate that the unique metabolic fingerprint is independent of tumor-burden and distinct from profiles of caloric-restriction and aging. Hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and reduced branched-chain amino acids distinguish cachexia from other groups. Furthermore, the profile of surgically treated mice differs from that of cachectic mice, reverting to a profile more congruent with healthy controls indicating cachexia is amenable to correction where surgical cure is possible. That metabolomic analysis of murine serum is able to differentiate cachexia from tumor-burden and caloric-restriction warrants similar translational investigations in patients to explore cancer cachexia’s unique biomarkers.  相似文献   
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