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Protein phosphorylation is reversibly regulated by the interplay between kinases and phosphatases. Recent developments within the field of proteomics have revealed the extent of this modification in nature. To date there is still a lack of information about phosphatase specificity for different proteomes and their conditions to achieve maximum enzyme activity. This information is important per se, and in addition often requested in functional and biochemical in vitro studies, where a dephosphorylated sample is needed as a negative control to define baseline conditions. In this study, we have addressed the effectiveness of two phosphatases endogenously present in the heart (protein phosphatases 1 and 2A) and two generic phosphatases (alkaline phosphatase and lambda protein phosphatase) on three cardiac subproteomes known to be regulated by phosphorylation. We optimized the dephoshorylating conditions on a cardiac tissue fraction comprising cytosolic and myofilament proteins using 2DE and MS. The two most efficient conditions were further investigated on a mitochondrial-enriched fraction. Dephosphorylation of specific proteins depends on the phosphatase, its concentration, as well as sample preparation including buffer composition. Finally, we analyzed the efficiency of alkaline phosphatase, the phosphatase with the broadest substrate specificity, using TiO(2) peptide enrichment and 2DLC-MS/MS. Under these conditions, 95% of the detected cardiac cytoplasmic-enriched phospho-proteome was dephosphorylated. In summary, targeting dephosphorylation of the cardiac muscle subproteomes or a specific protein will drive the selection of the specific phosphatase, and each requires different conditions for optimal performance.  相似文献   
Successfully enforced marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely demonstrated to allow, within their boundaries, the recovery of exploited species and beyond their boundaries, the spillover of juvenile and adult fish. Little evidence is available about the so-called ‘recruitment subsidy’, the augmented production of propagules (i.e. eggs and larvae) due to the increased abundance of large-sized spawners hosted within effective MPAs. Once emitted, propagules can be locally retained and/or exported elsewhere. Patterns of propagule retention and/or export from MPAs have been little investigated, especially in the Mediterranean. This study investigated the potential for propagule production and retention/export from a Mediterranean MPA (Torre Guaceto, SW Adriatic Sea) using the white sea bream, Diplodus sargus sargus, as a model species. A multidisciplinary approach was used combining 1) spatial distribution patterns of individuals (post-settlers and adults) assessed through visual census within Torre Guaceto MPA and in northern and southern unprotected areas, 2) Lagrangian simulations of dispersal based on an oceanographic model of the region and data on early life-history traits of the species (spawning date, pelagic larval duration) and 3) a preliminary genetic study using microsatellite loci. Results show that the MPA hosts higher densities of larger-sized spawners than outside areas, potentially guaranteeing higher propagule production. Model simulations and field observation suggest that larval retention within and long-distance dispersal across MPA boundaries allow the replenishment of the MPA and of exploited populations up to 100 km down-current (southward) from the MPA. This pattern partially agrees with the high genetic homogeneity found in the entire study area (no differences in genetic composition and diversity indices), suggesting a high gene flow. By contributing to a better understanding of propagule dispersal patterns, these findings provide crucial information for the design of MPAs and MPA networks effective to replenish fish stocks and enhance fisheries in unprotected areas.  相似文献   
Genetic factors play an important role in determining the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). The strongest genetic association in MS is located within the major histocompatibility complex class II region (MHC), but more than 50 MS loci of modest effect located outside the MHC have now been identified. However, the relative candidate genes that underlie these associations and their functions are largely unknown. We conducted a protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis of gene products coded in loci recently reported to be MS associated at the genome-wide significance level and in loci suggestive of MS association. Our aim was to identify which suggestive regions are more likely to be truly associated, which genes are mostly implicated in the PPI network and their expression profile. From three recent independent association studies, SNPs were considered and divided into significant and suggestive depending on the strength of the statistical association. Using the Disease Association Protein-Protein Link Evaluator tool we found that direct interactions among genetic products were significantly higher than expected by chance when considering both significant regions alone (p<0.0002) and significant plus suggestive (p<0.007). The number of genes involved in the network was 43. Of these, 23 were located within suggestive regions and many of them directly interacted with proteins coded within significant regions. These included genes such as SYK, IL-6, CSF2RB, FCLR3, EIF4EBP2 and CHST12. Using the gene portal BioGPS, we tested the expression of these genes in 24 different tissues and found the highest values among immune-related cells as compared to non-immune tissues (p<0.001). A gene ontology analysis confirmed the immune-related functions of these genes. In conclusion, loci currently suggestive of MS association interact with and have similar expression profiles and function as those significantly associated, highlighting the fact that more common variants remain to be found to be associated to MS.  相似文献   
Since Alzheimer's disease (AD) has no cure or preventive treatment, an urgent need exists to find a means of preventing, delaying the onset, or reversing the course of the disease. Clinical and epidemiological evidence suggests that lifestyle factors, especially nutrition, may be crucial in controlling AD. Unhealthy lifestyle choices lead to an increasing incidence of obesity, dyslipidemia and hypertension – components of the metabolic syndrome. These disorders can also be linked to AD. Recent research supports the hypothesis that calorie intake, among other non-genetic factors, can influence the risk of clinical dementia. In animal studies, high calorie intake in the form of saturated fat promoted AD-type amyloidosis, while calorie restriction via reduced carbohydrate intake prevented it. Pending further study, it is prudent to recommend to those at risk for AD – e.g. with a family history or features of metabolic syndrome, such as obesity, insulin insensitivity, etc. – to avoid foods and beverages with added sugars; to eat whole, unrefined foods with natural fats, especially fish, nuts and seeds, olives and olive oil; and to minimize foods that disrupt insulin and blood sugar balance.  相似文献   
The receptor TLR9, recognizing unmethylated bacterial DNA (CpG), is expressed by B cells and plays a role in the maintenance of serological memory. Little is known about the response of B cells stimulated with CpG alone, without additional cytokines. In this study, we show for the first time the phenotypic modification, changes in gene expression, and functional events downstream to TLR9 stimulation in human B cell subsets. In addition, we demonstrate that upon CpG stimulation, IgM memory B cells differentiate into plasma cells producing IgM Abs directed against the capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae. This novel finding proves that IgM memory is the B cell compartment responsible for the defense against encapsulated bacteria. We also show that cord blood transitional B cells, corresponding to new bone marrow emigrants, respond to CpG. Upon TLR9 engagement, they de novo express AID and Blimp-1, genes necessary for hypersomatic mutation, class-switch recombination, and plasma cell differentiation and produce Abs with anti-pneumococcal specificity. Transitional B cells, isolated from cord blood, have not been exposed to pneumococcus in vivo. In addition, it is known that Ag binding through the BCR causes apoptotic cell death at this stage of development. Therefore, the ability of transitional B cells to sense bacterial DNA through TLR9 represents a tool to rapidly build up the repertoire of natural Abs necessary for our first-line defense at birth.  相似文献   
DDSDEEN chromatin peptide, after dansylation, was studied for its ability to bind N-CAM protein. The binding causes a quenching of the Dns-peptide fluorescence emission. Dose- and time-dependent binding of Dns-peptide with N-CAM has been shown. Fluorescence quenching is completely lost if the Dns-peptide is subjected to carboxypeptidase digestion. Moreover the undansylated peptide pEDDSDEEN competes with the DnsDDSDEEN peptide for the binding with the N-CAM protein. The Dns-peptide-N-CAM bond has been related to the peptide biological activity probably involved in the promotion of neuronal differentiation. An attempt to recognize a possible N-CAM binding site for Dns-peptide was performed by alignment of N-CAM from various sources with some sequences that have been previously reported as binding sites for the pEDDSDEEN and DDSDEEN peptides. Interestingly, the alignment of N-CAM from various sources with the peptides WHPREGWAL and WFPRWAGQA recognizes on rat and human N-CAM a unique sequence that could be the specific binding site for chromatin peptide: WHSKWYDAK. This sequence is present in fibronectin type-III domain of N-CAM. In addition molecular modeling studies indicate the N-CAM sequence WHSKWYDAK as, probably, the main active site for DnsDDSDEEN (or pEDDSDEEN) peptide ligand. Accordingly the binding experiments show a high affinity between WHSKWYDAK and DnsDDSDEEN peptides.  相似文献   
Vasculogenesis, the formation of blood vessels in embryonic or fetal tissue mediated by immature vascular cells (i.e., angioblasts), is poorly understood. Here we report a summary of our recent studies on the identification of a population of vascular progenitor cells (VPCs) in human fetal aorta. These undifferentiated mesenchymal cells co-express endothelial and myogenic markers (CD133+, CD34+, KDR+, desmin+) and are localized in outer layer of the aortic stroma of 11–12 weeks old human fetuses. Under stimulation with VEGF-A or PDGF-BB, VPCs give origin to a mixed population of mature endothelial and mural cells, respectively. When embedded in a three-dimensional collagen gel, VPCs organize into cohesive cellular cords that resembled mature vascular structures. The therapeutic efficacy of a small number of VPCs transplanted into ischemic limb muscle was demonstrated in immunodeficient mice. Investigation of the effect of VPCs on experimental heart ischemia and on diabetic ischemic ulcers in mice is in progress and seems to confirm their efficacy. On the whole, fetal aorta represents an important source for the investigation of phenotypic and functional features of human vascular progenitor cells.  相似文献   
Following a study on the changes occurring in a bdelloid species (Macrotrachela quadricornifera, Rotifera, Bdelloidea) when entering anhydrobiosis, we investigated the changes in morphology, including weight and volume during the transition from the active hydrated to the dormant anhydrobiotic state by scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy and light microscopy. We compared sizes and morphologies of hydrated extended, hydrated contracted and anhydrobiotic specimens. Bdelloid musculature is defined: longitudinal muscles are contracted in the hydrated contracted animal (head and foot are retracted inside the trunk), but appear loose in the anhydrobiotic animal. When anhydrobiotic, M. quadricornifera appears much smaller in size, with a volume reduction of about 60% of the hydrated volume, and its internal organization undergoes remarkable modifications. Internal body cavities, clearly distinguishable in the hydrated extended and contracted specimens, are no longer visible in the anhydrobiotic specimen. Concomitantly, M. quadricornifera loses more than 95% of its weight when anhydrobiotic; this is more than expected from the volume reduction data and could indicate the presence of space-filling molecular species in the dehydrated animal. We estimate that the majority of body mass loss and volume reduction can be ascribed to the water loss from the body cavity during desiccation.  相似文献   
Bovine lactoferrin catalyzes the hydrolysis of synthetic substrates (i.e., Z-aminoacyl-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin). Values of Km and kcat for the bovine lactoferrin catalyzed hydrolysis of Z-Phe-Arg-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin are 50 microM and 0.03 s(-1), respectively, the optimum pH value is 7.5 at 25 degrees C. The bovine lactoferrin substrate specificity is similar to that of trypsin, while the hydrolysis rate is several orders of magnitude lower than that of trypsin. The bovine lactoferrin catalytic activity is irreversibly inhibited by the serine-protease inhibitors PMSF and Pefabloc. Moreover, both iron-saturation of the protein and LPS addition strongly inhibit the bovine lactoferrin activity. Interestingly, bovine lactoferrin undergoes partial auto-proteolytic cleavage at positions Arg415-Lys416 and Lys440-Lys441. pKa shift calculations indicate that several Ser residues of bovine lactoferrin display the high nucleophilicity required to potentially catalyze substrate cleavage. However, a definitive identification of the active site awaits further studies.  相似文献   
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