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We investigated the relations between female quality and ornamentation and between male breeding investment and female ornamentation in the rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, a passerine in which both sexes have a yellow breast patch. Breast patch size in females was positively correlated with body mass and breeding status; double-brooding and primary females of polygynous males had a larger patch, and patch size could therefore be an indicator of female phenotypic quality. We conducted a field experiment to test whether males allocate their parental effort in relation to female quality, as predicted by the differential allocation hypothesis. We increased and reduced the ornament sizes of paired females and compared the behaviour of their males before and after manipulation. Frequency of brood feeding by the male was not affected by female ornament manipulation; there was a nonsignificant trend for females with enlarged ornaments, contrary to predictions, to increase their feeding rate. Reducing female ornaments resulted in a decrease in male nest attendance, a measure of passive brood defence, whereas enlarging the ornament had no effect. Males concurrently reduced their territorial (song output) and sexual activity (courtship and copulation). The reduction in sexual activity suggests that males may have changed their nest attendance in response to their mate's renesting probability. Whatever the interpretation, these results provide some of the first evidence that not only female, but also male, birds change breeding strategy according to their mate's phenotype in the wild. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   
A newly isolated mesophilic anaerobe, Bacteroides cellulosolvens, has the ability to produce cellulase and to degrade cellulose to cellobiose and glucose. It does not utilize glucose, and it lacks β-glucosidase activity. This anaerobe appears to degrade cellulose to cellobiose by cellulase action, and the presence of cells appears necessary for the formation of glucose.  相似文献   
Summary Stereological studies showed that treatment of normal adult human adrenocortical cells in primary culture with ACTH or cyclic-AMP for 2 days results in similar increases in the volume of cells, of the mitochondrial and membrane space compartments and of the surface area of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial cristae, and decrease in the lipid content of the cells. These changes were more marked after 8 days of treatment. Treatment for 2 days with cyclic-GMP had no striking effects on cell ultrastructure, whereas an 8-day treatment led to ultrastructural changes similar to those obtained after 2 days of ACTH-or cyclic-AMP-treatment. A discrete population of untreated cortical cells maintained a slow proliferation that was not effected by exposure to cyclic-GMP, but was significantly increased in cultures treated with ACTH or cyclic-AMP. Radioimmunological studies showed that untreated cortical cells kept secreting progesterone and cortisol and that ACTH, but neither cyclic nucleotide, increased the secretion rate per cell of both hormones. These results assign a major role to cyclic-AMP and a minor one to cyclic-GMP in the mediation of the differentiation-promoting and trophic effects, but not in the steroidogenic effects of ACTH on the human adrenal cortex.The authors wish to thank Miss A. Coi and Mr. G. Gottardo for their technical assistance. These investigations were partly supported by a contract with CNR-Italy (CT 74.00226/115.3439)  相似文献   


In the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, a highly invasive agricultural pest species, polyandry, associated with sperm precedence, is a recurrent behaviour in the wild. The absence of tools for the unambiguous discrimination between competing sperm from different males in the complex female reproductive tract has strongly limited the understanding of mechanisms controlling sperm dynamics and use.


Here we use transgenic medfly lines expressing green or red fluorescent proteins in the spermatozoa, which can be easily observed and unambiguously differentiated within the female fertilization chamber. In twice-mated females, one day after the second mating, sperm from the first male appeared to be homogenously distributed all over the distal portion of each alveolus within the fertilization chamber, whereas sperm from the second male were clearly concentrated in the central portion of each alveolus. This distinct stratified sperm distribution was not maintained over time, as green and red sperm appeared homogeneously mixed seven days after the second mating. This dynamic sperm storage pattern is mirrored by the paternal contribution in the progeny of twice-mated females.


Polyandrous medfly females, unlike Drosophila, conserve sperm from two different mates to fertilize their eggs. From an evolutionary point of view, the storage of sperm in a stratified pattern by medfly females may initially favour the fresher ejaculate from the second male. However, as the second male's sperm gradually becomes depleted, the sperm from the first male becomes increasingly available for fertilization. The accumulation of sperm from different males will increase the overall genetic variability of the offspring and will ultimately affect the effective population size. From an applicative point of view, the dynamics of sperm storage and their temporal use by a polyandrous female may have an impact on the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Indeed, even if the female's last mate is sterile, an increasing proportion of sperm from a previous mating with a fertile male may contribute to sire viable progeny.
Although NLRC4/IPAF activation by flagellin has been extensively investigated, the downstream signaling pathways and the mechanisms responsible for infection clearance remain unclear. In this study, we used mice deficient for the inflammasome components in addition to wild-type (WT) Legionella pneumophila or bacteria deficient for flagellin (flaA) or motility (fliI) to assess the pathways responsible for NLRC4-dependent growth restriction in vivo and ex vivo. By comparing infections with WT L. pneumophila, fliI, and flaA, we found that flagellin and motility are important for the colonization of the protozoan host Acanthamoeba castellanii. However, in macrophages and mammalian lungs, flagellin expression abrogated bacterial replication. The flagellin-mediated growth restriction was dependent on NLRC4, and although it was recently demonstrated that NLRC4 is able to recognize bacteria independent of flagellin, we found that the NLRC4-dependent restriction of L. pneumophila multiplication was fully dependent on flagellin. By examining infected caspase-1(-/-) mice and macrophages with flaA, fliI, and WT L. pneumophila, we could detect greater replication of flaA, which suggests that caspase-1 only partially accounted for flagellin-dependent growth restriction. Conversely, WT L. pneumophila multiplied better in macrophages and mice deficient for NLRC4 compared with that in macrophages and mice deficient for caspase-1, supporting the existence of a novel caspase-1-independent response downstream of NLRC4. This response operated early after macrophage infection and accounted for the restriction of bacterial replication within bacteria-containing vacuoles. Collectively, our data indicate that flagellin is required for NLRC4-dependent responses to L. pneumophila and that NLRC4 triggers caspase-1-dependent and -independent responses for bacterial growth restriction in macrophages and in vivo.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is an incurable malignancy. GBM patients have a short life expectancy despite aggressive therapeutic approaches based on surgical resection followed by adjuvant radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy. Glioblastoma growth is characterized by a high motility of tumour cells, their resistance to both chemo/radio‐therapy, apoptosis inhibition leading to failure of conventional therapy. Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs), identified in GBM as well as in many other cancer types, express the membrane antigen prominin‐1 (namely CD133). These cells and normal Neural Stem Cells (NSC) share surface markers and properties, i.e. are able to self‐renew and differentiate into multiple cell types. Stem cell self‐renewal depends on microenvironmental cues, including Extracellular Matrix (ECM) composition and cell types. Therefore, the role of microenvironment needs to be evaluated to clarify its importance in tumour initiation and progression through CSCs. The specific microenvironment of CSCs was found to mimic in part the vascular niche of normal stem cells. The targeting of GMB CSCs may represent a powerful treatment approach. Lastly, in GBM patients cancer‐initiating cells contribute to the profound immune suppression that in turn correlated with CSCs STAT3 (CD133 + ). Further studies of microenvironment are needed to better understand the origin of GMB/GBM CSCs and its immunosuppressive properties. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The capability of Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase to catalyze the oxidation of tyrosine residues of silk sericin was studied under homogeneous reaction conditions, by using sericin peptides purified from industrial wastewater as the substrate. Tyrosinase was able to oxidize about 57% of sericin-bound tyrosine residues. The reaction rate was higher than with silk fibroin, but lower than with other silk-derived model peptides, i.e. tryptic and chymotryptic soluble peptide fractions of silk fibroin, suggesting that the size and the molecular conformation of the substrate influenced the kinetics of the reaction. The concentration of tyrosine in oxidized sericin samples decreased gradually with increasing the enzyme-to-substrate ratio. The average molecular weight of sericin peptides significantly increased by oxidation, indicating that cross-linking occurred via self-condensation of o-quinones and/or coupling with the free amine groups of lysine and, probably, with sulfhydryl groups of cysteine. The high temperature shift of the main thermal transitions observed in the differential scanning calorimetry curves confirmed the formation of peptide species with higher molecular weight and higher thermal stability. Fourier transform-infrared spectra of oxidized sericin samples showed slight changes related to the loss of tyrosine and formation of oxidation products. Oxidized sericin peptides were able to undergo non-enzymatic coupling with chitosan. Infrared spectra provided clear evidence of the formation of sericin-chitosan bioconjugates under homogeneous reaction conditions. Spectral changes in the NH stretching region seem to support the formation of bioconjugates via the Michael addition mechanism.  相似文献   
Studies showed that nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) peptide receptor (NOP) agonists produce anxiolytic-like actions, while little is known about the effects of blockade of NOP receptor signaling in anxiety. To this aim, we investigated the behavioral phenotype of NOP receptor gene knockout mice (NOP(-/-)) in different assays. In the elevated plus-maze and light-dark box, NOP(-/-) mice displayed increased anxiety-related behavior. In the novelty-suppressed feeding behavior and elevated T-maze, NOP(-/-) mice showed anxiolytic-like phenotype, while no differences were found in the open-field, hole-board, marble-burying, and stress-induced hyperthermia. Altogether, these findings suggest that the N/OFQ-NOP receptor system modulates anxiety-related behavior in a complex manner.  相似文献   
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