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Plasma blasts formed during memory immune responses emigrate from the spleen to migrate into the bone marrow and into chronically inflamed tissues where they differentiate into long-lived plasma cells. In this study, we analyze the chemokine responsiveness of plasma blasts formed after secondary immunization with OVA. Starting from day 4 and within approximately 48 h, OVA-specific plasma blasts emigrate from spleen and appear in the bone marrow. Although these migratory cells have lost their responsiveness to many B cell attracting chemokines, e.g., CXC chemokine ligand (CXCL)13 (B lymphocyte chemoattractant), they migrate toward CXCL12 (stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha), and toward the inflammatory chemokines CXCL9 (monokine induced by IFN-gamma), CXCL10 (IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10), and CXCL11 (IFN-inducible T cell alpha chemoattractant). However, the responsiveness of plasma blasts to these chemokines is restricted to a few days after their emigration from the spleen, indicating a role for these molecules and their cognate receptors, i.e., CXCR3 and CXCR4, in the regulation of plasma blast migration into the bone marrow and/or inflamed tissues.  相似文献   
The t(4;8)(p16;p23) translocation, in either the balanced form or the unbalanced form, has been reported several times. Taking into consideration the fact that this translocation may be undetected in routine cytogenetics, we find that it may be the most frequent translocation after t(11q;22q), which is the most common reciprocal translocation in humans. Case subjects with der(4) have the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, whereas case subjects with der(8) show a milder spectrum of dysmorphic features. Two pairs of the many olfactory receptor (OR)-gene clusters are located close to each other, on both 4p16 and 8p23. Previously, we demonstrated that an inversion polymorphism of the OR region at 8p23 plays a crucial role in the generation of chromosomal imbalances through unusual meiotic exchanges. These findings prompted us to investigate whether OR-related inversion polymorphisms at 4p16 and 8p23 might also be involved in the origin of the t(4;8)(p16;p23) translocation. In seven case subjects (five of whom both represented de novo cases and were of maternal origin), including individuals with unbalanced and balanced translocations, we demonstrated that the breakpoints fell within the 4p and 8p OR-gene clusters. FISH experiments with appropriate bacterial-artificial-chromosome probes detected heterozygous submicroscopic inversions of both 4p and 8p regions in all the five mothers of the de novo case subjects. Heterozygous inversions on 4p16 and 8p23 were detected in 12.5% and 26% of control subjects, respectively, whereas 2.5% of them were scored as doubly heterozygous. These novel data emphasize the importance of segmental duplications and large-scale genomic polymorphisms in the evolution and pathology of the human genome.  相似文献   
We describe the Arabidopsis gene DAG2 encoding a Dof zinc finger protein and show that it is involved in the control of seed germination. An Arabidopsis mutant line with a T-DNA insertion in DAG2 isolated by reverse genetics produces seeds that are substantially more dependent than the wild type on the physical stimuli-light and cold treatment-that promote germination. Mutant dag2 seeds also are less sensitive to the germination-promotive effect of gibberellins, because a 10-fold higher amount of gibberellins is needed to restore germination when endogenous gibberellin biosynthesis is blocked. The seed germination characteristics of the dag2 mutant are opposite to those of dag1, a knockout mutant of another Dof gene (DAG1) that we showed previously to be involved in the control of seed germination, and are similar to those of plants that overexpress DAG1. The promoter of the DAG2 gene is active specifically in the vascular system of the mother plant but not in the embryo, and segregation analysis indicates that the effect of the dag2 mutation is maternal. Both characteristics are in common with DAG1; additionally, the DAG1 and DAG2 proteins share high sequence homology and an identical zinc finger domain. These data suggest, and the germination phenotype of the double mutant is compatible with, a model whereby the zinc finger proteins DAG1 and DAG2 act on a maternal switch that controls seed germination, possibly by regulating the same gene(s).  相似文献   
Ret is a tyrosine kinase receptor involved in several human diseases germ-line mutations are responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 syndromes while somatic mutations of Ret are found in sporadic medullary thyroid carcinomas. In the present work, we describe the generation and characterization of a panel of novel monoclonal antibodies to Ret obtained by immunizing mice with a Ret-FC fusion protein. Fifty-five independent monoclonal antibodies recognize Ret-FC by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay but not a non-related FC fusion protein. Twenty antibodies further characterized recognize Ret expressing cells by flow cytometry. Finally, immunoprecipitation analysis showed that these antibodies recognize Ret mature glycosylated and immature forms. Thus, these monoclonal antibodies could be used as diagnostic tools to detect Ret expression, as well as therapeutic tools to downmodulate Ret or to deliver cytotoxic drugs to malignancies that overexpress Ret as neuroblastomas, medullary and papillary thyroid carcinomas, seminomas, and leukemia.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii possesses an apicoplast-localized, plant-type ferredoxin-NADP(+) reductase. We have cloned a [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from the same parasite to investigate the interplay of the two redox proteins. A detailed characterization of the two purified recombinant proteins, particularly as to their interaction, has been performed. The two-protein complex was able to catalyze electron transfer from NADPH to cytochrome c with high catalytic efficiency. The redox potential of the flavin cofactor (FAD/FADH(-)) of the reductase was shown to be more positive than that of the NADP(+)/NADPH couple, thus favoring electron transfer from NADPH to yield reduced ferredoxin. The complex formation between the reductase and ferredoxins from various sources was studied both in vitro by several approaches (enzymatic activity, cross-linking, protein fluorescence quenching, affinity chromatography) and in vivo by the yeast two-hybrid system. Our data show that the two proteins yield an active complex with high affinity, strongly suggesting that the two proteins of T. gondii form a physiological redox couple that transfers electrons from NADPH to ferredoxin, which in turn is used by some reductive biosynthetic pathway(s) of the apicoplast. These data provide the basis for the exploration of this redox couple as a drug target in apicomplexan parasites.  相似文献   
Erythrocytes (RBCs) opsonized by IgG and complement are prevalently recognized and phagocytosed by complement receptor CR1. This mechanism, effective in senescent and damaged RBCs seems to be operative in ring-parasitized RBCs, since infection by Plasmodium falciparum induces stage-dependent binding of auto-antibodies and activated C3 to the RBC membrane. Later, parasite forms are also recognized by non-opsonic receptors, such as scavenger receptor CD36. Malaria parasites induce the oxidative formation of hemichromes which are the trigger for the auto-antigen development. Band 3 protein is the most plausible candidate of the RBC auto-antigen, induced by hemichromes. Auto-antigens isolated from trophozoites were found only in a high-molecular-weight protein aggregates not present in the normal RBC. The immunocomplex was purified by protein-A affinity chromatography, purified proteins digested by trypsin and analyzed by MALDI-TOF. Peptide mapping showed that the main antigen consisted of band 3 protein aggregates that also contained hemichromes, IgGs, complement factor 3 (C3), and traces of spectrin and glycophorin but no parasite proteins. Two cysteines located in the band 3 cytoplasmic domain were found to be particularly reactive to oxidants and mediated band 3 covalent dimerization via disulfide bonds. Thus, parasites promote oxidative alterations in the membrane of the host which lead to exposure of antigenic sites recognized by anti-band 3 auto-antibodies. Formation of band 3 clusters appears to be mediated by cytoplasmic binding of hemichromes and also by direct band 3 oxidation, whereby clustered, oxidized and antigenic band 3 was underglycosylated.  相似文献   
The detection of heterogeneity of the 16S-23S ribosomal intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) region has become rather common over the past years for identification and typing purposes of bacteria. The ITS not only varies in sequence and length, but also in number of alleles per genome and in their position on the chromosome together with the ribosomal clusters. The ITS characterisation has allowed discrimination of several species within a genus and variation in ITS sequences between the multiple rrn operons present within a genome may be as high or greater than between strains of the same species or subspecies. It is important to understand the variability of ITS sequences in a given genome to gain insights into bacterial physiology and taxonomy. The present study describes the possibility to type Streptococcus pneumoniae by PCR-ribotyping of the spacer region, the determination of the molecular structure of the ITS, and the determination of the number and localisation of rrn operons in this microorganism. Our results show that the genome of S. pneumoniae contains four ribosomal operons, showing the same genomic organisation among strains, each containing a single ITS allele of 270 bp. The ITS sequence presents a mosaic organisation of blocks highly conserved intra- and inter-species within the genus Streptococcus, giving no possibility for variations to arise.  相似文献   
The Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC) are responsible for rhythmic electrical activity. A paralytic ileus is present in gastroschisis (GS), a malformation due to a defective closure of the abdominal wall through which part of the intestine herniates during pregnancy. In experimental GS, ICC morphological immaturity was shown in the rat foetus at-term but it could not be demonstrated whether differentiation is accomplished post-natally. For this purpose we morphologically investigated ICC, as well as enteric neurons and smooth muscle cells, in a case of human GS at birth and 1 month later when peristaltic activity had initiated. A 36 weeks gestation female was born by c/section with prenatal diagnosis of GS and possible volvulus of the herniated intestine. At birth, the necrotic intestine was resected and both ileostomy and colostomy were performed. The intestine continuity was restored after 4 weeks. Intestinal specimens, taken during both operations at the level of the proximal stoma, were immunostained with c-kit, neuron-specific-enolase and alpha-smooth-muscle-actin antibodies and some processed for electron microscopy. ICC were present at the myenteric plexus only. At birth, these cells were rare and ultrastructurally immature; 1 month later, when partial enteral feeding was tolerated, they formed rows or groups and many of them were ultrastructurally differentiated. Neurons and smooth muscle cells, immature at birth, had developed after 1 month. Therefore, ICC differentiation, as well as that of neurons and smooth muscle cells, is delayed at birth and this might explain the paralytic ileus in GS. One month later, differentiation quickly proceeded at all cellular levels paralleling the increasing tolerance of enteral nutrition.  相似文献   
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