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Cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligases play important roles in the regulation of diverse developmental processes and environmental responses in eukaryotic organisms. Recently, it was shown in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Caenorhabditis elegans, and mammals that Cullin3 (CUL3) directly associates with RBX1 and BTB domain proteins in vivo to form a new family of E3 ligases, with the BTB protein subunit functioning in substrate recognition. Here, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana has two redundant CUL3 (AtCUL3) genes that are essential for embryo development. Besides supporting anticipated specific AtCUL3 interactions with the RING protein AtRBX1 and representative Arabidopsis proteins containing a BTB domain in vitro, we show that AtCUL3 cofractionates and specifically associates with AtRBX1 and a representative BTB protein in vivo. Similar to the AtCUL1 subunit of the SKP1-CUL1-F-box protein-type E3 ligases, the AtCUL3 subunit of the BTB-containing E3 ligase complexes is subjected to modification and possible regulation by the ubiquitin-like protein Related to Ubiquitin in vivo. Together with the presence of large numbers of BTB proteins with diverse structural features and expression patterns, our data suggest that Arabidopsis has conserved AtCUL3-RBX1-BTB protein E3 ubiquitin ligases to target diverse protein substrates for degradation by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway.  相似文献   
Rai is a recently identified member of the family of Shc-like proteins, which are cytoplasmic signal transducers characterized by the unique PTB-CH1-SH2 modular organization. Rai expression is restricted to neuronal cells and regulates in vivo the number of postmitotic sympathetic neurons. We report here that Rai is not a common substrate of receptor tyrosine kinases under physiological conditions and that among the analyzed receptors (Ret, epidermal growth factor receptor, and TrkA) it is activated specifically by Ret. Overexpression of Rai in neuronal cell lines promoted survival by reducing apoptosis both under conditions of limited availability of the Ret ligand glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and in the absence of Ret activation. Overexpressed Rai resulted in the potentiation of the Ret-dependent activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt. Notably, increased Akt phosphorylation and PI3K activity were also found under basal conditions, e.g., in serum-starved neuronal cells. Phosphorylated and hypophosphorylated Rai proteins form a constitutive complex with the p85 subunit of PI3K: upon Ret triggering, the Rai-PI3K complex is recruited to the tyrosine-phosphorylated Ret receptor through the binding of the Rai PTB domain to tyrosine 1062 of Ret. In neurons treated with low concentrations of GDNF, the prosurvival effect of Rai depends on Rai phosphorylation and Ret activation. In the absence of Ret activation, the prosurvival effect of Rai is, instead, phosphorylation independent. Finally, we showed that overexpression of Rai, at variance with Shc, had no effects on the early peak of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation, whereas it increased its activation at later time points. Phosphorylated Rai, however, was not found in complexes with Grb2. We propose that Rai potentiates the MAPK and PI3K signaling pathways and regulates Ret-dependent and -independent survival signals.  相似文献   
The gene fprA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, encoding a putative protein with 40% identity to mammalian adrenodoxin reductase, was expressed in Escherichia coli and the protein purified to homogeneity. The 50-kDa protein monomer contained one tightly bound FAD, whose fluorescence was fully quenched. FprA showed a low ferric reductase activity, whereas it was very active as a NAD(P)H diaphorase with dyes. Kinetic parameters were determined and the specificity constant (kcat/Km) for NADPH was two orders of magnitude larger than that of NADH. Enzyme full reduction, under anaerobiosis, could be achieved with a stoichiometric amount of either dithionite or NADH, but not with even large excess of NADPH. In enzyme titration with substoichiometric amounts of NADPH, only charge transfer species (FAD-NADPH and FADH2-NADP+) were formed. At NADPH/FAD ratios higher than one, the neutral FAD semiquinone accumulated, implying that the semiquinone was stabilized by NADPH binding. Stabilization of the one-electron reduced form of the enzyme may be instrumental for the physiological role of this mycobacterial flavoprotein. By several approaches, FprA was shown to be able to interact productively with [2Fe-2S] iron-sulfur proteins, either adrenodoxin or plant ferredoxin. More interestingly, kinetic parameters of the cytochrome c reductase reaction catalyzed by FprA in the presence of a 7Fe ferredoxin purified from M. smegmatis were determined. A Km value of 30 nm and a specificity constant of 110 microM(-1) x s(-1) (10 times greater than that for the 2Fe ferredoxin) were determined for this ferredoxin. The systematic name for FprA is therefore NADPH-ferredoxin oxidoreductase.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), member of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) family, plays a critical role in regulating multiple cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, cell migration and cell survival. Deregulation of the EGFR signaling has been found to be associated with the development of a variety of human malignancies including lung, breast, and ovarian cancers, making inhibition of EGFR the most promising molecular targeted therapy developed in the past decade against cancer. Human non small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) with activating mutations in the EGFR gene frequently experience significant tumor regression when treated with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), although acquired resistance invariably develops. Resistance to TKI treatments has been associated to secondary mutations in the EGFR gene or to activation of additional bypass signaling pathways including the ones mediated by receptor tyrosine kinases, Fas receptor and NF-kB. In more than 30–40% of cases, however, the mechanisms underpinning drug-resistance are still unknown. The establishment of cellular and mouse models can facilitate the unveiling of mechanisms leading to drug-resistance and the development or validation of novel therapeutic strategies aimed at overcoming resistance and enhancing outcomes in NSCLC patients. Here we describe the establishment and characterization of EGFR TKI-resistant NSCLC cell lines and a pilot study on the effects of a combined MET and EGFR inhibitors treatment. The characterization of the erlotinib-resistant cell lines confirmed the association of EGFR TKI resistance with loss of EGFR gene amplification and/or AXL overexpression and/or MET gene amplification and MET receptor activation. These cellular models can be instrumental to further investigate the signaling pathways associated to EGFR TKI-resistance. Finally the drugs combination pilot study shows that MET gene amplification and MET receptor activation are not sufficient to predict a positive response of NSCLC cells to a cocktail of MET and EGFR inhibitors and highlights the importance of identifying more reliable biomarkers to predict the efficacy of treatments in NSCLC patients resistant to EGFR TKI.  相似文献   
In Northern Chiapas (Mexico), two newly discovered species of Procambarus crayfish inhabit a subterranean stream. These species can be morphologically distinguished only by comparing extreme phenotypes (dark, thick-eyed, surface dwelling-like individuals vs light, elongated, microphtalmic, cave dwelling-like individuals). Individuals with intermediate phenotypes co-occur with those exhibiting extreme phenotypes. Crayfish were assayed electrophoretically and individual patterns at 23 gene loci were obtained. Unusually high levels of heterozygosity in both species and a clear discrimination between the two gene pools were revealed. The relationships between individuals were investigated by means of multivariate analysis on individual multilocus genotype profiles. Results showed the occurrence of individuals genetically intermediate between the two major clusters, which shared allozymic variants with both species. Due to the occurrence of alternative alleles in the two gene pools, we could quantify patterns of introgression, which revealed asymmetric gene flow between the two species. Moreover, differential levels of introgression in subsamples within the surface-like species were found: most introgressed individuals came from the inner section of the cave, where the two species were greatly mixed. These results are also discussed in reference to the morphometric results from a companion paper. A possible evolutionary pathway, leading to the situation in this cave, and possibly in neighbouring cave systems, is outlined. The hypothesis of a past history of allopatric divergence from a common ancestor and a subsequent secondary contact between these two Procambarus species is supported by geological studies. Crayfish sympatry and competitive exclusion are also discussed.  相似文献   
Résumé Les Auteurs ont démontré que, en conditions histochimiques sur du matériel fixé au formol, les acides phosphotungstique et phosphomolybdique ont une double action: 1. une action oxydative à la charge des radicaux PAS-positifs (vic-glycols et éthyleniques) en milieu aqueux, et à la charge des radicaux aminiques en milieu anhydre; cette action entraine la transformation de ces radicaux en aldéhydes; 2. la formation d'une liaison chimique entre les aldéhydes et les molécules des acides phosphomolybdique et phosphotungstique. — La coloration du collagène, au contraire, n'est pas due ni aux radicaux aminiques ni vic-glycols et implique un mécanisme encore inconnu.
Observations about the specificity of staining of phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acid
Summary The authors demonstrated that phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acid applied to formol-fixed tissues explete two following actions: 1. An oxidative action on the PAS-positive radicals (double bonds, vic-glycols groups) if in water solution and on aminogroups if in anhydrous solution. This oxidation results in a production of aldehydic radicals 2. The formation of chemical bonds between the aldehydic new-formed groups and the molecules of phosphotungstic or phosphomolybdicacid.— However, the above mentioned mechanism of action is not applicable to the collagen staining for which a different explanation has to be supposed.
Telocytes (TC), a cell population located in the connective tissue of many organs of humans and laboratory mammals, are characterized by a small cell body and extremely long and thin processes. Different TC subpopulations share unique ultrastructural features, but express different markers. In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, cells with features of TC were seen to be CD34‐positive/c‐kit‐negative and several roles have been proposed for them. Other interstitial cell types with regulatory roles described in the gut are the c‐kit‐positive/CD34‐negative/platelet‐derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα)‐negative interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and the PDGFRα‐positive/c‐kit‐negative fibroblast‐like cells (FLC). As TC display the same features and locations of the PDGFRα‐positive cells, we investigated whether TC and PDGFRα‐positive cells could be the same cell type. PDGFRα/CD34, PDGFRα/c‐kit and CD34/c‐kit double immunolabelling was performed in full‐thickness specimens from human oesophagus, stomach and small and large intestines. All TC in the mucosa, submucosa and muscle coat were PDGFRα/CD34‐positive. TC formed a three‐dimensional network in the submucosa and in the interstitium between muscle layers, and an almost continuous layer at the submucosal borders of muscularis mucosae and circular muscle layer. Moreover, TC encircled muscle bundles, nerve structures, blood vessels, funds of gastric glands and intestinal crypts. Some TC were located within the muscle bundles, displaying the same location of ICC and running intermingled with them. ICC were c‐kit‐positive and CD34/PDGFRα‐negative. In conclusion, in the human GI tract the TC are PDGFRα‐positive and, therefore, might correspond to the FLC. We also hypothesize that in human gut, there are different TC subpopulations probably playing region‐specific roles.  相似文献   
Recently matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and its endogenous inhibitor (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1, TIMP-1) have been implicated in complicated malaria. In vivo, mice with cerebral malaria (CM) display high levels of both MMP-9 and TIMP-1, and in human patients TIMP-1 serum levels directly correlate with disease severity. In vitro, natural haemozoin (nHZ, malarial pigment) enhances monocyte MMP-9 expression and release. The present study analyses the effects of nHZ on TIMP-1 regulation in human adherent monocytes. nHZ induced TIMP-1 mRNA expression and protein release, and promoted TNF-α, IL-1β, and MIP-1α/CCL3 production. Blocking antibodies or recombinant cytokines abrogated or mimicked nHZ effects on TIMP-1, respectively. p38 MAPK and NF-κB inhibitors blocked all nHZ effects on TIMP-1 and pro-inflammatory molecules. Still, total gelatinolytic activity was enhanced by nHZ despite TIMP-1 induction. Collectively, these data indicate that nHZ induces inflammation-mediated expression and release of human monocyte TIMP-1 through p38 MAPK- and NF-κB-dependent mechanisms. However, TIMP-1 induction is not sufficient to counterbalance nHZ-dependent MMP-9 enhancement. Future investigation on proteinase-independent functions of TIMP-1 (i.e. cell survival promotion and growth/differentiation inhibition) is needed to clarify the role of TIMP-1 in malaria pathogenesis.  相似文献   
The effect of a chronic treatment with low oral doses of verapamil, a calcium channel blocker commonly employed in cardiovascular therapy, on doxorubicin toxicity, was evaluated in CD1 mice. Verapamil, administered at a dosage corresponding to a typical cardiovascular posology in humans, significantly increased doxorubicin toxicity. In particular the mortality was significantly higher and earlier and histological analysis revealed an increase in the severity of lesions in the liver, kidney and small bowel of verapamil pretreated animals. The pharmacokinetic profiles revealed that verapamil treated group had higher doxorubicin peak plasma and tissue levels and AUCs.This study shows that verapamil, administered at low doses, dramatically increases doxorubicin toxicity, probably through an interaction between the two drugs, both P-glycoprotein substrates, on the protein expressed in normal tissues, and suggests caution in the use of the calcium channel blocker for cardiovascular pathologies in patients who have to be treated with antineoplastic agents, substrates of P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   
Pennati A  Zanetti G  Aliverti A  Gadda G 《Biochemistry》2008,47(11):3418-3425
Despite a number of studies, the formation of the Michaelis complexes between ferredoxin-NADP (+) reductases and NADP(H) eluded detailed investigations by rapid kinetic techniques because of their high formation rates. Moreover, the reversible nature of the reaction of hydride ion transfer between these enzymes and NADPH prevented the obtainment of reliable estimates of the rate constant of the hydride transfer step. Here we show that by working at a high salt concentration, the mechanism of the reaction with NADPH of FprA, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis homologue of adrenodoxin reductase, is greatly simplified, making it amenable to investigation by rapid reaction techniques. The approach presented herein allowed for the first time the observation of the formation of the Michaelis complex between an adrenodoxin reductase-like enzyme and NADPH, and the determination of the related rate constants for association and dissociation. Furthermore, the rate constant for the reaction of hydride ion transfer between NADPH and FAD could be unambiguously assessed. It is proposed that the approach described should be applicable to other ferredoxin reductase enzymes, providing a valuable experimental tool for the study of their kinetic properties.  相似文献   
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