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Material punishment has been suggested to play a key role in sustaining human cooperation. Experimental findings, however, show that inflicting mere material costs does not always increase cooperation and may even have detrimental effects. Indeed, ethnographic evidence suggests that the most typical punishing strategies in human ecologies (e.g., gossip, derision, blame and criticism) naturally combine normative information with material punishment. Using laboratory experiments with humans, we show that the interaction of norm communication and material punishment leads to higher and more stable cooperation at a lower cost for the group than when used separately. In this work, we argue and provide experimental evidence that successful human cooperation is the outcome of the interaction between instrumental decision-making and the norm psychology humans are provided with. Norm psychology is a cognitive machinery to detect and reason upon norms that is characterized by a salience mechanism devoted to track how much a norm is prominent within a group. We test our hypothesis both in the laboratory and with an agent-based model. The agent-based model incorporates fundamental aspects of norm psychology absent from previous work. The combination of these methods allows us to provide an explanation for the proximate mechanisms behind the observed cooperative behaviour. The consistency between the two sources of data supports our hypothesis that cooperation is a product of norm psychology solicited by norm-signalling and coercive devices.  相似文献   


Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is one of the most severe muco-cutaneous diseases and its occurrence is often attributed to drug use. The aim of the present study is to quantify the risk of SJS in association with drug and vaccine use in children.


A multicenter surveillance of children hospitalized through the emergency departments for acute conditions of interest is currently ongoing in Italy. Cases with a diagnosis of SJS were retrieved from all admissions. Parents were interviewed on child’s use of drugs and vaccines preceding the onset of symptoms that led to the hospitalization. We compared the use of drugs and vaccines in cases with the corresponding use in a control group of children hospitalized for acute neurological conditions.


Twenty-nine children with a diagnosis of SJS and 1,362 with neurological disorders were hospitalized between 1st November 1999 and 31st October 2012. Cases were more frequently exposed to drugs (79% vs 58% in the control group; adjusted OR 2.4; 95% CI 1.0–6.1). Anticonvulsants presented the highest adjusted OR: 26.8 (95% CI 8.4–86.0). Significantly elevated risks were also estimated for antibiotics use (adjusted OR 3.3; 95% CI 1.5–7.2), corticosteroids (adjusted OR 4.2; 95% CI 1.8–9.9) and paracetamol (adjusted OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.5–6.9). No increased risk was estimated for vaccines (adjusted OR: 0.9; 95% CI 0.3–2.8).


Our study provides additional evidence on the etiologic role of drugs and vaccines in the occurrence of SJS in children.  相似文献   


The intracellular second messenger cGMP protects the heart under pathological conditions. We examined expression of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5), an enzyme that hydrolyzes cGMP, in human and mouse hearts subjected to sustained left ventricular (LV) pressure overload. We also determined the role of cardiac myocyte-specific PDE5 expression in adverse LV remodeling in mice after transverse aortic constriction (TAC).

Methodology/Principal Findings

In patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) undergoing valve replacement, we detected greater myocardial PDE5 expression than in control hearts. We observed robust expression in scattered cardiac myocytes of those AS patients with higher LV filling pressures and BNP serum levels. Following TAC, we detected similar, focal PDE5 expression in cardiac myocytes of C57BL/6NTac mice exhibiting the most pronounced LV remodeling. To examine the effect of cell-specific PDE5 expression, we subjected transgenic mice with cardiac myocyte-specific PDE5 overexpression (PDE5-TG) to TAC. LV hypertrophy and fibrosis were similar as in WT, but PDE5-TG had increased cardiac dimensions, and decreased dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin with prolonged tau (P<0.05 for all). Greater cardiac dysfunction in PDE5-TG was associated with reduced myocardial cGMP and SERCA2 levels, and higher passive force in cardiac myocytes in vitro.


Myocardial PDE5 expression is increased in the hearts of humans and mice with chronic pressure overload. Increased cardiac myocyte-specific PDE5 expression is a molecular hallmark in hypertrophic hearts with contractile failure, and represents an important therapeutic target.  相似文献   
As shown by the recent crisis, tax evasion poses a significant problem for countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy. While these societies certainly possess weaker fiscal institutions as compared to other EU members, might broader cultural differences between northern and southern Europe also help to explain citizens’ (un)willingness to pay their taxes? To address this question, we conduct laboratory experiments in the UK and Italy, two countries which straddle this North-South divide. Our design allows us to examine citizens’ willingness to contribute to public goods via taxes while holding institutions constant. We report a surprising result: when faced with identical tax institutions, redistribution rules and audit probabilities, Italian participants are significantly more likely to comply than Britons. Overall, our findings cast doubt upon “culturalist” arguments that would attribute cross-country differences in tax compliance to the lack of morality amongst southern European taxpayers.  相似文献   
The problem of link prediction has recently received increasing attention from scholars in network science. In social network analysis, one of its aims is to recover missing links, namely connections among actors which are likely to exist but have not been reported because data are incomplete or subject to various types of uncertainty. In the field of criminal investigations, problems of incomplete information are encountered almost by definition, given the obvious anti-detection strategies set up by criminals and the limited investigative resources. In this paper, we work on a specific dataset obtained from a real investigation, and we propose a strategy to identify missing links in a criminal network on the basis of the topological analysis of the links classified as marginal, i.e. removed during the investigation procedure. The main assumption is that missing links should have opposite features with respect to marginal ones. Measures of node similarity turn out to provide the best characterization in this sense. The inspection of the judicial source documents confirms that the predicted links, in most instances, do relate actors with large likelihood of co-participation in illicit activities.  相似文献   
Disposable orbitally shaken TubeSpin bioreactor 600 tubes (TS600s) were recently developed for the bench-scale cultivation of animal cells in suspension. Here we compared batch cultures of Sf9 insect cells in TS600s, spinner flasks, and shake flasks. Superior cell growth was observed in TS600s and shake flasks as compared with spinner flasks, and more favorable oxygen-enriched cell culture conditions were observed in TS600s as compared with either spinner or shake flasks. The results demonstrated the suitability of TS600s as a disposable vessel for the cultivation of Sf9 cells in suspension.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria are intricately organized, incorporating an array of internal thylakoid membranes, the site of photosynthesis, into cells no larger than other bacteria. They also synthesize C15-C19 alkanes and alkenes, which results in substantial production of hydrocarbons in the environment. All sequenced cyanobacteria encode hydrocarbon biosynthesis pathways, suggesting an important, undefined physiological role for these compounds. Here, we demonstrate that hydrocarbon-deficient mutants of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 exhibit significant phenotypic differences from wild type, including enlarged cell size, reduced growth, and increased division defects. Photosynthetic rates were similar between strains, although a minor reduction in energy transfer between the soluble light harvesting phycobilisome complex and membrane-bound photosystems was observed. Hydrocarbons were shown to accumulate in thylakoid and cytoplasmic membranes. Modeling of membranes suggests these compounds aggregate in the center of the lipid bilayer, potentially promoting membrane flexibility and facilitating curvature. In vivo measurements confirmed that Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 mutants lacking hydrocarbons exhibit reduced thylakoid membrane curvature compared to wild type. We propose that hydrocarbons may have a role in inducing the flexibility in membranes required for optimal cell division, size, and growth, and efficient association of soluble and membrane bound proteins. The recent identification of C15-C17 alkanes and alkenes in microalgal species suggests hydrocarbons may serve a similar function in a broad range of photosynthetic organisms.Cyanobacteria (oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria) are found in nearly every environment on Earth and are major contributors to global carbon and nitrogen fixation (Galloway et al., 2004; Zwirglmaier et al., 2008). They are distinguished among prokaryotes in containing multiple internal thylakoid membranes, the site of photosynthesis, and a large protein compartment, the carboxysome, involved in carbon fixation. Despite these extra features, cyanobacteria can be as small as 0.6 µm in diameter (Raven, 1998).All cyanobacteria with sequenced genomes encode the pathway for the biosynthesis of hydrocarbons, implying an important, although as-yet-undefined, role for these compounds (Lea-Smith et al., 2015). The major forms are C15-C19 alkanes and alkenes, which can be synthesized from fatty acyl-acyl-carrier proteins (ACPs) by one or other of two separate pathways (Fig. 1; Schirmer et al., 2010; Mendez-Perez et al., 2011). The majority of species produce alkanes and alkenes via acyl-ACP reductase (FAR) and aldehyde deformylating oxygenase (FAD; Schirmer et al., 2010; Li et al., 2012; Coates et al., 2014; Lea-Smith et al., 2015). Cyanobacterial species lacking the FAR/FAD pathway synthesize alkenes via olefin synthase (Ols; Mendez-Perez et al., 2011; Coates et al., 2014; Lea-Smith et al., 2015). This suggests that hydrocarbons produced by either pathway serve a similar role in the cell. Homologs of FAR/FAD or Ols are not present in other bacteria or plant and algal species. However, C15-C17 alkanes and alkenes, synthesized by an alternate, uncharacterized pathway, were recently detected in a range of green microalgae, including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella variabilis NC64A, and several Nannochloropsis species (Sorigué et al., 2016). In C. reinhardtii, hydrocarbons were primarily localized to the chloroplast, which originated in evolution from a cyanobacterium that was engulfed by a host organism (Howe et al., 2008). Hydrocarbons may therefore have a similar role in cyanobacteria, some green microalgae species, and possibly a broader range of photosynthetic organisms.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Hydrocarbon biosynthesis is encoded in all sequenced cyanobacteria. Detailed are the two hydrocarbon biosynthetic pathways, indicated in blue and red, respectively, in cyanobacteria. The number of species encoding the enzymes in each pathway is indicated.Hydrocarbons act as antidesiccants, waterproofing agents, and signaling molecules in insects (Howard and Blomquist, 2005) and prevent water loss, ensure pollen viability, and influence pathogen interactions in plants (Kosma et al., 2009; Bourdenx et al., 2011). However, the function of hydrocarbons in cyanobacteria has not been determined. Characterization of cyanobacterial hydrocarbon biosynthesis pathways has provided the basis for investigating synthetic microbial biofuel systems, which may be a renewable substitute for fossil fuels (Schirmer et al., 2010; Choi and Lee, 2013; Howard et al., 2013). However, secretion of long-chain hydrocarbons from the cell into the medium, which is likely essential for commercially viable production, has not been observed in the absence of a membrane solubilization agent (Schirmer et al., 2010; Tan et al., 2011). Cyanobacterial hydrocarbons also have a significant environmental role. Due to the abundance of cyanobacteria in the environment, hydrocarbon production is considerable, with hundreds of millions of tons released into the ocean per annum following cell death (Lea-Smith et al., 2015). This production may be sufficient to sustain populations of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, which can then play an important role in consuming anthropogenic oil spills (Lea-Smith et al., 2015).Here, we investigated the cellular location and role of hydrocarbons in both spherical Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (Synechocystis) and rod-shaped Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 (Synechococcus) cells. We developed a model of the cyanobacterial membrane, which indicated that hydrocarbons aggregate in the middle of the lipid bilayer and, when present at levels observed in cells, lead to membrane swelling associated with pools of hydrocarbon. This suggested that alkanes may facilitate membrane curvature. In vivo measurements of Synechococcus thylakoid membrane conformation are consistent with this model.  相似文献   
The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus Montagu, 1821) is a regularly observed species in the Mediterranean Sea, but its network organization has never been investigated on a large scale. We described the network macrostructure of the bottlenose dolphin (meta)population inhabiting the Pelagos Sanctuary (a wide protected area located in the north-western portion of the Mediterranean basin) and we analysed its connectivity in relation to the landscape traits. We pooled effort and sighting data collected by 13 different research institutions operating within the Pelagos Sanctuary from 1994 to 2011 to examine the distribution of bottlenose dolphins in the Pelagos study area and then we applied a social network analysis, investigating the association patterns of the photo-identified dolphins (806 individuals in 605 sightings). The bottlenose dolphin (meta)population inhabiting the Pelagos Sanctuary is clustered in discrete units whose borders coincide with habitat breakages. This complex structure seems to be shaped by the geo-morphological and ecological features of the landscape, through a mechanism of local specialization of the resident dolphins. Five distinct clusters were identified in the (meta)population and two of them were solid enough to be further investigated and compared. Significant differences were found in the network parameters, suggesting a different social organization of the clusters, possibly as a consequence of the different local specialization.  相似文献   
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