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SH2 domains, interaction modules and cellular wiring   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SH2 domains serve as the prototype for a growing family of protein-interaction modules, characteristic of polypeptides involved in transmitting signals from external and internal cues. The specific interactions of proteins with one another, and with other cellular components such as phospholipids and nucleic acids, provide a very general device to organize cellular behavior. We discuss the idea that rewiring of the cell's interaction network by pathogenic microorganisms and mutant cellular proteins contributes to dysregulation of cell signaling and thus to disease.  相似文献   
The plant hormone ethylene negatively regulates bacterial infection and nodule formation in legumes in response to symbiotic rhizobia, but the molecular mechanism(s) of ethylene action in symbiosis remain obscure. We have identified and characterized multiple mutant alleles of the MtSkl1 gene, which controls both ethylene sensitivity and nodule numbers. We show that this locus encodes the Medicago truncatula ortholog of the Arabidopsis ethylene signaling protein EIN2. In addition to the well-characterized role of MtSkl1 in rhizobial symbiosis, we show that MtSkl1 is involved in regulating early phases of the symbiotic interaction with mycorrhizal fungi, and in mediating root responses to cytokinin. MtSkl1 also functions in the defense against Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora medicaginis , with the latter interaction likely to involve positive feedback amplification of ethylene biosynthesis. Overexpression of the C-terminal domain of MtEIN2 is sufficient to block nodulation responses, consistent with previous reports in Arabidopsis on the activation of ethylene signaling. This same C-terminal region is uniquely conserved throughout the EIN2 homologs of angiosperms, which is consistent with its role as a higher plant-specific innovation essential to EIN2 function.  相似文献   
The latent membrane protein (LMP) 2A of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is implicated in the maintenance of viral latency and appears to function in part by inhibiting B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling. The N-terminal cytoplasmic region of LMP2A has multiple tyrosine residues that upon phosphorylation bind the SH2 domains of the Syk tyrosine kinase and the Src family kinase Lyn. The LMP2A N-terminal region also has two conserved PPPPY motifs. Here we show that the PPPPY motifs of LMP2A bind multiple WW domains of E3 protein-ubiquitin ligases of the Nedd4 family, including AIP4 and KIAA0439, and demonstrate that AIP4 and KIAA0439 form physiological complexes with LMP2A in EBV-positive B cells. In addition to a C2 domain and four WW domains, these proteins have a C-terminal Hect catalytic domain implicated in the ubiquitination of target proteins. LMP2A enhances Lyn and Syk ubiquitination in vivo in a fashion that depends on the activity of Nedd4 family members and correlates with destabilization of the Lyn tyrosine kinase. These results suggest that LMP2A serves as a molecular scaffold to recruit both B-cell tyrosine kinases and C2/WW/Hect domain E3 protein-ubiquitin ligases. This may promote Lyn and Syk ubiquitination in a fashion that contributes to a block in B-cell signaling. LMP2A may potentiate a normal mechanism by which Nedd4 family E3 enzymes regulate B-cell signaling.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: We have developed a program, MPBLAST, that increases the throughput of batch BLASTN searches by multiplexing (concatenating) query sequences and thereby reducing the number of actual database searches performed. Throughput was observed to increase in reciprocal proportion to the component sequence length. For sequencing read-sized queries of 500 bp, an order of magnitude speed-up was seen. AVAILABILITY: Free (see http://blast.wustl.edu) CONTACT: [ikorf, gish]@watson.wustl.edu  相似文献   
Eph-related receptor tyrosine kinases have been implicated in the control of axonal navigation and fasciculation. To investigate the biochemical mechanisms underlying such functions, we have expressed the EphB2 receptor (formerly Nuk/Cek5/Sek3) in neuronal NG108-15 cells, and have observed the tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple cellular proteins upon activation of EphB2 by its ligand, ephrin-B1 (formerly Elk-L/Lerk2). The activated EphB2 receptor induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 62-64 kDa protein (p62[dok]), which in turn formed a complex with the Ras GTPase-activating protein (RasGAP) and SH2/SH3 domain adaptor protein Nck. RasGAP also bound through its SH2 domains to tyrosine-phosphorylated EphB2 in vitro, and complexed with activated EphB2 in vivo. We have localized an in vitro RasGAP-binding site to conserved tyrosine residues Y604 and Y610 in the juxtamembrane region of EphB2, and demonstrated that substitution of these amino acids abolishes ephrin-B1-induced signalling events in EphB2-expressing NG108-15 cells. These tyrosine residues are followed by proline at the + 3 position, consistent with the binding specificity of RasGAP SH2 domains determined using a degenerate phosphopeptide library. These results identify an EphB2-activated signalling cascade involving proteins that potentially play a role in axonal guidance and control of cytoskeletal architecture.  相似文献   
The interaction between SH2 domains and phosphotyrosine-containing sequences was examined by real-time measurements of kinetic parameters. The SH2 domains of the p85 subunit of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase as well as of other signaling molecules were expressed in bacteria as glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. Phosphotyrosine-containing peptides, corresponding to two autophosphorylation sites on the human platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor that are responsible for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase binding, were synthesized and used as capturing molecules, immobilized on a biosensor surface. The association and dissociation rate constants for binding to both sites were determined for intact p85 and the recombinant SH2 domains. High association rates were found to be coupled to very fast dissociation rates for all interactions studied. A binding specificity was observed for the two SH2 domains of p85, with the N-terminal SH2 binding with high affinity to the Tyr-751 site but not to the Tyr-740 site, and the C-terminal SH2 interacting strongly with both sites. This approach should be generally applicable to the study of the specificity inherent in the assembly of signaling complexes by activated protein-tyrosine kinase receptors.  相似文献   
We utilized a technique, previously used to study myocardial cells (G. A. Langer, J. S. Frank, and L. M. Nudd, 1979, Amer. J. Physiol. 237, H239-H246), to study 45Ca2+ isotope exchange kinetics in hepatocyte monolayers, cultured on scintillation disks, and perfused in a flow-through chamber. Isolated rat hepatocytes were plated directly on Primaria-coated disks impregnated with scintillation fluors which made up the walls of the perfusion chamber. Following the labeling of the cells with radioactive calcium (45Ca2+), to apparent asymptote, the washout of 45Ca2+ from the cells was measured. A large very fast turnover compartment, as well as small fast and slow turnover compartments, were identified in each experiment. Surface calcium (Ca2+) was determined by its displacement with 1 mM La3+ after asymptote had been reached during 45Ca2+ labeling (1.59 mmol Ca2+/kg dry wt). The rate constant for this compartment was faster than the washout of the chamber (greater than 3.4 min-1 with a t1/2 less than 12 s). The rate constants for the fast and slow exchangeable compartments were 0.11 min-1 (t1/2 = 6.5 min) and 0.013 min-1 (t1/2 = 56 min), respectively. The fast compartment contained 0.40 mmol Ca2+/kg dry wt and the slow compartment contained 0.27 mmol Ca2+/kg dry wt. Neither the fast nor the slow compartment was lanthanum displaceable. Release of 45Ca2+ in response to 100 microM phenylephrine, 10 nM angiotensin II, and 100-microM 2,5-ditert-butyl hydroquinone was measured during the washout phase. Ca2+ released by these compounds was determined to be 0.50 mmol 0.44, and 0.43 mmol Ca2+/kg dry cell wt, respectively. These agents had an effect only during the washout of the fast compartment. In conclusion, this novel technique of on-line measurement of 45Ca2+ exchange in hepatocyte monolayers identified three exchangeable compartments: (1) a very rapidly exchangeable surface compartment, (2) a fast "microsomal" hormone-releasable compartment, and (3) a slow, non-hormone-releasable compartment.  相似文献   
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