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Based on their tumor-associated expression pattern, cancer/testis antigens (CTAs) are considered potential targets for cancer immunotherapy. We aim to evaluate the expression of CTAs in non-Hodgkin??s lymphoma (NHL) samples and the ability of these patients to elicit spontaneous humoral immune response against CTAs.


Expression of MAGE-A family, CT7/MAGE-C1, CT10/MAGE-C2, GAGE and NY-ESO-1 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in a tissue microarray generated from 106 NHL archival cases. The humoral response against 19 CTAs was tested in 97 untreated NHL serum samples using ELISA technique.


11.3?% of NHL tumor samples expressed at least 1 CTA. MAGE-A family (6.6?%), GAGE (5.7?%) and NY-ESO-1(4.7?%) were the most frequently expressed antigens. We found no statistically significant correlation between CTA positivity and clinical parameters such as NHL histological subtype, Ann Arbor stage, international prognostic index score, response to treatment and overall survival. Humoral response against at least 1 CTA was observed in 16.5?% of NHL serum samples. However, overall seroreactivity was low, and strong titers (>1:1000) were observed in only two diffuse large B-cell lymphomas patients against CT45.


Our findings are in agreement with most of published studies in this field to date and suggest an overall low expression of CTAs in NHL patients. However, as many new CTAs have been described recently and some of them are found to be highly expressed in NHL cell lines and tumor samples, further studies exploring the expression of different panels of CTAs are needed to evaluate their role as candidates for immunotherapy in NHL patients.  相似文献   
In epithelial tissues, adherens junctions (AJ) mediate cell–cell adhesion by using proteins called E-cadherins, which span the plasma membrane, contact E-cadherin on other cells and connect with the actin cytoskeleton inside the cell. Although AJ protein complexes are inserted in detergent-resistant membrane microdomains, the influence of membrane lipid composition in the preservation of AJ structures has not been extensively addressed. In the present work, we studied the contribution of membrane lipids to the preservation of renal epithelial cell–cell adhesion structures. We biochemically characterized the lipid composition of membranes containing AJ complexes. By using lipid membrane-affecting agents, we found that such agents induced the formation of new AJ protein-containing domains of different lipid composition. By using both biochemical approaches and fluorescence microscopy we demonstrated that the membrane phospholipid composition plays an essential role in the in vivo maintenance of AJ structures involved in cell–cell adhesion structures in renal papillary collecting duct cells.  相似文献   
The resistance of the opossum Didelphis aurita to Bothrops snake venoms is attributed to the opossum's antihemorrhagic (DM43) and antimyotoxic (DM64) acidic serum glycoproteins. The aim of this study was to characterize the N-glycosylation sites of these antiophidic proteins and to determine whether their glycans influence the biological activity measured by in vitro assays. Our experimental pipeline included the sequential enzymatic digestion of the inhibitors with two different proteinases (trypsin and endoproteinase Asp-N) and eventually with trypsin, peptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) and endoproteinase Asp-N, used in that order. All of the peptide and protein samples were analyzed by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. The results experimentally confirmed the putative N-glycosylation sites of DM43 (Asn23, Asn156, Asn160, and Asn175) and DM64 (Asn46, Asn179, Asn183, and Asn379). Following treatments with specific glycosidases, complex-type oligosaccharides containing galactose and sialic acid could be assigned to both proteins. The removal of these monosaccharide units by exoglycosidase digestion did not measurably affect the inhibitory activity. In contrast, partially deglycosylated DM43 treated with PNGase F under nondenaturing conditions was half as effective as native DM43. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the contribution of the carbohydrate portion of these potentially therapeutic molecules, for their mechanism of action, should not be overlooked.  相似文献   
Horizontal transfer of gene clusters occurs in Escherichia coli (E. coli), which could lead to evolution of new pathovars and improve survival fitness. However, this genetic event results in genomic plasticity which is a hindrance for proteomic characterization of strains with unknown genetic backgrounds. To characterize such isolate with many specific genetic variations we used the recently in-house designed MSMSpdbb software which merges protein databases from several sources of E. coli including type strains and other commensal and pathogenic isolates. We selected a multidrug resistant clinical isolate in order to check the capacity of our approach to identify selected protein markers. From the 1596 identified proteins, we found important virulence factors such as IutA, OmpA, TraT and selected enzymes conferring antibiotic resistance, such as CTX-M-15 (Extended-Spectrum Beta Lactamase - ESBL) and AAC(6′)-Ib-cr (to aminoglycoside + fluoroquinolone). In addition, we compared the protein identifications with E. coli gene annotation and found that 27% of the proteins identified in the present study corresponded to the pan-genome of E. coli species and are only present in a subset of strains. This demonstrates the ability of our approach to characterize the proteome of bacterial strains with complex genomic plasticity even without its genomic information.  相似文献   
Chagas disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is considered endemic in more than 20 countries but lacks both an approved vaccine and limited treatment for its chronic stage. Chronic infection is most harmful to human health because of long-term parasitic infection of the heart. Here we show that immunization with a virus-like particle vaccine displaying a high density of the immunogenic α-Gal trisaccharide (Qβ-αGal) induced several beneficial effects concerning acute and chronic T. cruzi infection in α1,3-galactosyltransferase knockout mice. Approximately 60% of these animals were protected from initial infection with high parasite loads. Vaccinated animals also produced high anti-αGal IgG antibody titers, improved IFN-γ and IL-12 cytokine production, and controlled parasitemia in the acute phase at 8 days post-infection (dpi) for the Y strain and 22 dpi for the Colombian strain. In the chronic stage of infection (36 and 190 dpi, respectively), all of the vaccinated group survived, showing significantly decreased heart inflammation and clearance of amastigote nests from the heart tissue.  相似文献   
A range of biologically active secondary metabolites with pharmacological application has been reported to occur in marine sponges. The present study was undertaken to provide a set of data on the safety of a hydro-alcoholic extract (ALE) and an aqueous fraction (AQE) from Aplysina fulva Pallas, 1766 (Aplysinidae, Verongida, Porifera). Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA102, Escherichia coli strains PQ65, OG40, OG100, PQ35 and PQ37 and Balb/c 3T3 mouse fibroblasts were used to detect induction of DNA lesions by ALE and AQE. Assays used for these analyses were a bacterial (reverse) mutation assay (Ames test), the SOS-chromotest and the comet assay. Both extracts presented identical infrared 2-oxazolidone spectra. ALE treatment induced a higher frequency of type-4 comets, indicative of increasing DNA migration, in the alkaline comet assay. ALE also induced a weak genotoxic effect, as expressed by the induction factor (IF) values in the test with E. coli strain PQ35 (IF=1.5) and by cytotoxic effects in strains PQ35, PQ65 and PQ37. Positive SOS induction (IF=1.7) was detected in strain PQ37 treated with diluted AQE. No genotoxic effects were observed in strains PQ35, PQ65, OG40 and OG 100 after treatment with AQE dilutions. Using the bacterial (reverse) mutation test and survival assays with or without S9 mix, after 60min of pre-incubation, we observed for strain TA97 treated with ALE a weak mutagenic response (MI=2.2), while cytotoxic effects were seen for strains TA98, TA100 and TA102. AQE did not show mutagenic activity in any of the strains tested, but a weak cytotoxic effect was noted in strain TA102. Our data suggest that both ALE and AQE from A. fulva induce DNA breaks leading to cytotoxicity and mutagenicity under the conditions used.  相似文献   
Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) based on recombinant major surface protein 5 (rMSP5) and initial body (IB) antigens from a Brazilian isolate of Anaplasma marginale were developed to detect antibodies against this rickettsia in cattle. Both tests showed the same sensitivity (98.2%) and specificities (100% for rMSP5 and 93.8% for IB ELISA) which did not differ statistically. No cross-reactions were detected with Babesia bigemina antibodies, but 5 (rMSP5 ELISA) to 15% (IB ELISA) of cross-reactions were detected with B. bovis antibodies. However, such difference was not statistically significant. Prevalences of seropositive crossbred beef cattle raised extensively in Miranda county, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, were 78.1% by rMSP5 ELISA and 79.7% by IB ELISA. In the analysis of sera from dairy calves naturally-infected with A. marginale, the dynamics of antibody production was very similar between both tests, with maternal antibodies reaching the lowest levels at 15-30 days, followed by an increase in the mean optical densities in both ELISAs, suggesting the development of active immunity against A. marginale. Results showed that all calves were seropositive by one-year old, characterizing a situation of enzootic stability. The similar performances of the ELISAs suggest that both tests can be used in epidemiological surveys for detection of antibodies to A. marginale in cattle.  相似文献   


Leishmaniasis is a parasitic neglected disease affecting millions of people worldwide. Clinical practice resorts to long and costly treatments with a therapeutic arsenal limited to highly toxic drugs, often associated to adverse side effects. Additionally, resistant strains are reported to be increasing.


In this work, the mechanistic action of a drug candidate (methydehydrodieugenol B), isolated from twigs of Nectandra leucantha, towards Leishmania infantum was studied by a global metabolomics approach using GC-MS and RPLC-MS platforms.


L. infantum promastigotes were grown in culture medium for 72 h and treated with methydehydrodieugenol B at 58.18 μg.mL-1 concentration; after 48 h treatment, enzyme activity was quenched, cells washed and frozen until analysis. For GC-MS analysis (Fiehn’s method), 1:1 methanol:water extracts were prepared and derivatized with O-methoxyamine in pyridine at room temperature for 90 min, followed by silylation with BSTFA/1% TMCS at 40 °C for 30 min. Pure methanolic extracts were also prepared and analyzed directly by RPLC-MS with a acetonitrile/water mobile phase acidulated with formic acid and gradient elution.


Several amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, and glycerolipids were found as discriminant metabolites, mostly decreased in treated samples. Due to the complexity of the parasite metabolism and the great diversity of altered metabolites, a multi-target mechanism was assigned to the drug candidate, where changes in the cell energy sources and in the lipid composition of the parasite plasma membrane were prominent.


These results contributed to elucidate the broad action of methyldehydrodieugenol B against Leishmania, paving the way in the search of novel alternative therapies.
Three isosporan species are described from the double-collared seedeater, Sporophila caerulescens from Eastern Brazil. Isospora sporophilae n. sp. oocysts spherical to subspherical; oocyst wall bi-layered, smooth, inner layer colorless to pale yellowish, 21.6 x 20.9 (19.20-23.20 x 18.40-22.60) microm, shape-index 1.03 +/- 0.02 (1-1.10), with no micropyle or oocyst residuum. Polar bodies splinter-like or comma-like. Sporocysts ovoidal, 15.2 x 10.6 (17.40-12.80 x 12.60-8.40) microm, shape-index 1.43 +/- 0.14 (1.17-1.81), with knob-like Stieda body and residuum. Large crystalloid body in the center of the sporocyst. Isospora flausinoi n. sp. oocysts spherical to subspherical, oocyst wall bi-layered, smooth, colorless, 17.30 x 16.53 (14-20 x 13.60-20) microm, shape-index 1.05 +/- 0.04 (1-1.21). Micropyle and oocyst residuum absent; presence of a large polar body. Sporocystpiriform, 14.88 x 10.70 (11.80-18 x 8-12.40) microm, shape-index 1.40 +/- 0.18 (1.07-1.77), with smooth, thin, single-layered wall. Sporocyst with rounded Stieda body with no substieda body, and residuum composed of granular material. Isospora teixeirafilhoi n. sp. oocysts spherical to subspherical, oocyst wall bi-layered, smooth, colorless, 17.41 x 16.81 (15.60 - 19.40 x 14.20-18.80) microm. Shape-index 1.04 +/- 0.08 (1-1.12). Micropyle and oocyst residuum absent; presence of a small double-lobuled polar body. Sporocyst ovoid, 11.74 x 8.12 (9-14.20 x 6.20-9.40) microm. Shape-index 1.46 +/- 0.23 (1.06-1.88). Sporocyst with knob-like Stieda body, no sub-Stieda body and residuum composed of granular material.  相似文献   


Previous studies have shown that estrogen deficiency, arising in postmenopause, promotes endothelial dysfunction. This study evaluated the effects of aerobic exercise training on endothelial dependent vasodilation of aorta in ovariectomized rats, specifically investigating the role of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS).


Female Wistar rats ovariectomized (OVX – n=20) or with intact ovary (SHAM – n=20) remained sedentary (OVX and SHAM) or performed aerobic exercise training on a treadmill 5 times a week for a period of 8 weeks (OVX-TRA and SHAM-TRA). In the thoracic aorta the endothelium-dependent and –independent vasodilation was assessed by acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), respectively. Certain aortic rings were incubated with L-NAME to assess the NO modulation on the ACh-induced vasodilation. The fluorescence to dihydroethidium in aortic slices and plasma nitrite/nitrate concentrations were measured to evaluate ROS and NO bioavailability, respectively.


ACh-induced vasodilation was reduced in OVX rats as compared SHAM (Rmax: SHAM: 86±3.3 vs. OVX: 57±3.0%, p<0.01). Training prevented this response in OVX-TRA (Rmax: OVX-TRA: 88±2.0%, p<0.01), while did not change it in SHAM-TRA (Rmax: SHAM-TRA: 80±2.2%, p<0.01). The L-NAME incubation abolished the differences in ACh-induced relaxation among groups. SNP-induced vasodilation was not different among groups. OVX reduced nitrite/nitrate plasma concentrations and increased ROS in aortic slices, training as effective to restore these parameters to the SHAM levels.


Exercise training, even in estrogen deficiency conditions, is able to improve endothelial dependent vasodilation in rat aorta via enhanced NO bioavailability and reduced ROS levels.  相似文献   
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